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NAME : Mochammad Abdullah Azzam



A. Instructions:
1. Each of you will get a specific title
2. Your number of title is similar with your number of presence list
3. Find out your narrative text from any sources you have
4. Read and learn the text carefully
5. Read it using the technique of story telling
6. Record your performance using video recorder
7. Upload it on Youtube
8. Submit your text and LINK OF VIDEO to your teacher in the form
of PDF within one week.
9. Do your best to get the best score!

B. The list of topic

1 The Legend Of Mount Wayang
2 The Legend Of Banyuwangi
3 The Legend Of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
4 The Legend Of Mount Bromo
5 The Legend Of Crying Stone
6 The Legend Of Toba Lake
7 The Legend Of Situ Bagendit
8 The Legend Of Surabaya
9 The Legend Of Prambanan Temples
10 The Legend Of Bali Straits
11 The legend of Telaga Warna
12 The Legend Of Gold Cucumber
13 The Legend of Lau Kawar Lake
14 The Legend Of The First Banana
15 The Legend of Rawa Pening
16 The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul
17 The Hare and The Snail
18 The Duck and Turtle
19 The Smartest Parrot
20 The Buffalo and Tiger
21 The Fox and The Grapes
22 The Tiger and The Hare
23 The Lion and The Mouse
24 Why Frogs And Mosquitoes Are Enemies Story
25 The Lamb and The Wolf
26 The Monkeys and The Cap Seller
27 The Mouse And The Frog
28 The Magic Candle
29 A Stupid Man and His Cows
30 The Camel And The Mousedeer Story
31 How The Mousedeer Cheated The Tiger Story
32 A Crocodile and Mouse-deer

Write down your text here!

The Buffalo And Tiger
In ancient times, in a forest there was a tiger who was fierce and
liked to disturb the peace of the other animals in the forest. All the
animals were afraid of him except for the Kancil. One day, while
hunting for food, the tiger was crushed by a large log. The tiger
screamed for help but no animal was willing to help him. After almost
dying of pain, the Buffalo who happened to be passing by in the area
came help him. With his big body and strong sasa and long horns, it
was easy for the Buffalo to lift the wood that hit the Tiger's body. The
tiger, which had been released from the swaying wood, continued to
grab the Buffalo's legs too. He did not appreciate the Buffalo's help
directly because he was more concerned with his appetite. The
Buffalo was shocked and screamed for help and tried to thrash to
free himself but the Tiger's bite was too strong to grip his feet. The
buffalo felt very sorry for helping the tiger a while ago. But when the
tiger was about to bite his neck, the mouse deer appeared while
bowing respectfully. "My Lord, the Tiger King. Servant of the Kancil
was looking for food around here then heard the screams of the
Buffalo and then the Servant came here." Said the Kancil
respectfully while looking at the Buffalo who was already sitting down
exhausted and in pain. The tiger looked at the Kancil then carved a
smile then laughed. "Beta wants to eat.", he replied, pointing at the
seated buffalo. The tiger also proudly addressed himself as "Beta"
after hearing the Kancil call him "My Lord" a while ago. The hare
smiled. "If my lord, the Most High, doesn't mind, can you replay what
happened one more time so that the servant understands?" After a
long time, thinking he finally agreed. The Kancil directed the Buffalo
to put the wood back on top of the Tiger's body as it was at first.
After that, the Kancil looked at the Buffalo with a smile. "Shouldn't an
animal like a tiger be worthy of your help, Buffalo. I hope next time
you will be more careful," said the Mouse Deer while advising the
Buffalo then walked away leaving them. The Buffalo looked at the
Tiger who was in pain under the big tree with pity. Even so, he
decided to let the Tiger go without helping him once again. Over
time, the tiger's roar of pain disappeared. When the next day came,
the tiger had already died under the crash of the tree.

Put your link of video here!

Sample of video

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