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In today's compe//ve job market, it's more important than ever to ensure that your CV stands out to
poten/al employers. One key aspect of this is ensuring that your CV is ATS (Applicant Tracking
System) friendly. Many employers use ATS soFware to filter through the large number of CVs they
receive, so it's crucial that your CV is op/mized to pass through these systems and make it to the
hands of a human recruiter.

So, how can you ensure that your CV is ATS-friendly? Here are a few guidelines to follow:

• USE A STANDARD FORMAT: When it comes to ATS-friendly CVs, simplicity is key. S/ck to a
standard format that includes clear headings and a clean, easy-to-read layout. Avoid using fancy
fonts, graphics, or tables, as these can confuse the ATS soFware and cause it to reject your CV.

• USE RELEVANT KEYWORDS: ATS soFware scans CVs for specific keywords that match the job
descrip/on. To ensure that your CV passes through the ATS, carefully review the job pos/ng and
incorporate relevant keywords into your CV. This could include specific skills, qualifica/ons, or
industry-related terms.

• AVOID USING HEADERS AND FOOTERS: While headers and footers may look professional, they
can cause issues with ATS soFware. Instead, include your contact informa/on and any important
details directly in the body of your CV such as your complete name, contact details, relevant
porPolio links, etc.

• USE STANDARD SECTION HEADINGS: To help the ATS soFware easily navigate through your CV,
use standard sec/on headings such as "Work Experience," "Educa/on," and "Skills." This will make
it easier for the soFware to iden/fy and categorize the informa/on in your CV.

• USE A CONSISTENT FILE FORMAT: When submiTng your CV online, it's important to use a file
format that is compa/ble with ATS soFware. The most common file formats that are ATS- friendly
include .docx and .pdf.

• PROOFREAD YOUR CV: Before submiTng your CV, carefully proofread it to ensure that there are
no spelling or gramma/cal errors. ATS soFware can be sensi/ve to these issues, and a CV with
errors may be rejected.

By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your CV passing through ATS soFware
and reaching the hands of a recruiter.
Remember, an ATS-friendly CV is just the first step in the job applica/on process, so be sure to also
focus on craFing a compelling cover leWer and preparing for interviews.

Good Luck!

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