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CUMULATIVE EXAMINATION (2023-24 CLASS- XI TIME: 3 HRS. INSTRUCTIONS: All the questions are compulsory. Attempt all the questions mentioning proper question number. SUBJI ENGLISH COR! MM: 80. Read the questions carefully before attempting _ 1 SECTION A — READING (26 MARKS) 1, ] Read the following passage and answer the following questions: ion 1, When Rann ‘ofthe game of ereket, we come to the conclusion that i is primarily a game that depends on outstanding physical activities, good hand-eye core ed, skill and strength It provides entertainment and generates strong feelings of exdittinent. JA good match of cricket or of any other game neither adds to the existing stock of human knowledge nor reveals any secret of existence. It does not carry any deep meaning but most people, particularly the lover of sports attach deep emotions and numerous meanings to it. Games are thought of as a metaphor for life. They are supposed to teach many lessons. In fact, more is saig and written about a cricket match than about scientific findings or great philosophy. {al This is because games, like a morality play, in which settings and rules are made by us, can easily make people test their fair and foul conduct, principles of reward and punishment, and | emotions of joy and disappointment,\They can make us experience the thrill of war without exposing us to its dangers. A man watching a cricket match on T.V. and munghing popcom is like a surrogate Warrior, In fact, games provide us with a safe outlet for our agkressiveness. If games become aggressive, they lose the very of providing entertainment and purging us of our aggressiveness JThey can ei ck Sie aca creating any conflict. 3. Commentators, journalists, politicians and analysts can do a great favour to the competing teams by keeping the excitement within limits. The teams should play without being dominated by feelings of national honour and shame. Excellent performance of the players of both teams should be enjoyed and appreciated. Winning or losing in a game should not be taken seriously. A game is fun if it is played with true spirit of sportsmanship. | Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below > @ Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option : Most people conclude that cricket is primarily a game because (@) itis played as a match (©) it requires two teams \(eFit includes physical activ \Gyit depends only on skill and strength i) Comment on the writer's reference to the line that cricket does not reveal any secret of existence, (ii) List two responses which watching a game of cricket gives rise to. (iv) Select the option that conveys the opposite of “destroy” from words used in the passage. (reveals b)experience LeyGenerate purging (¥) The writer would not agree with the given statements based on paragraph 2, EXCEPT () Rules of any game are made by people. (b) Watching a cricket match makes the viewer believe that he is fighting a battle ? | £21 is necessary for a game to be aggressive in order to build excitement. GSKA game can test people's sense of fair judgement. (vi) With reference to the passage, a spectator i “af the option tha best describes tht pine cone” Compared to a ‘surrogate warrior’. Choose (8) a spectator who is paid to watch. (b) a spectator who is in pain while watching the match. 4e5.a spectator who enjoys the match as an armchair soldier. Ox 10=10) Page 10f7 y lowing questions i) Does the following statement agree with the information given in paragraph 1? The writer believes that very few teens indulge in reading as a pleasurable activity. Select from the following: Ie itis artenent agrees with the information. False. : if the statement contradicts the information Not given :if there is no information on this i) Select the option that displays the most likely reason for this research, In order to find out (a) reading choices of teenagers (b) digital competency of teenagers. (©) speed of reading text. (d)the decline of time spent on traditional media. iii) Complete the sentence based on the following statement: Traditional media has been replaced by digital media, we can say this because... (iv) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate opt ‘The concluding sentence of the text makes a clear case for competency for analysis and application. (a) following social media b) reading long texts ; (©) building focus and concentration «developing constructive habits 'y) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option: ‘The digital activities that the twelfth-graders indulge in are. (@) texting, gaming, television Ybyexting, gaming, social media (©) newspaper, books, magazine (d) television, books, gaming (vi) Complete the sentence appropriately with one/two words: Teens today hardly read print media for. vii) What does the author mean by ‘degrading the (@ySpending less time b) waste of time (©)consuming more time d) saving time i) As per Fig. 1, the percentage of people above 50 yrs. using social media. (a) greater than_b)tessthan_c jequalto _d) negligible to y listing it as a core in para 6? .- the percentage of teenagers Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Chandrayaan-3, India’s ambitious lunar mission, represents the nation’s unyielding | $43= 8 commitment to space exploration. Following the successes of Chandrayaan-l and Chandrayaan-2, this mission elevated India’s reputation in the global space community with ‘a successful landing on August 24, 2023, Chandrayaan-3 aims to build upon the achievements of its predecessors. The primary goal of the mission is to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface, specifically targeting the south Pole region where the presence of water ice has been confirmed. This water resource could Potentially revolutionize space travel by providing a critical ingredient for supporting future Junar bases and deep-space exploration. Chandrayzan-3 will improve India's-standing in the intemational space community if the mission is a success. The younger generation will be motivated by this objective to seck jobs | in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. India wants to show off its scientific brillimee, technical capability, and dedication to space exploration. with Chandrayaan-3. Chandrayaan-3 is not only a scientific endeavour but also a testament to India’s technological prowess. The missi i Success of Chandrayaan-2's orbiter, despite the lander's unfortunate crash; demonstrates Chad 5 capability to overcome setbacks and stil derive valuable scientific nding Chandrayaan-3 symbolizes India's determination to continue pushing the boundecies of space SanMration. Through technological innovation, scientific curisty, and imeecatens collaboration, the mission seeks to unravel the Moon’ lunar endeavours. As Chandrayaan-3 sets its sights on a successful lunes landing, it also sets the stage for India to emerge a$ a prominent player in humanity's journey to he care Page 3 of 7 You are Secretary, Social Service League of your school. Design a poster to be displayed in | your colony and in a local hospital premises inspiring people to make a pledge to donate eyes | 3 ‘and other organs of their bodies, OR Child Labour is a setious offence affecting millions of children in the country. On behalf of the Child Welfare Ministry, design an attractive and suitable poster in aot more than 30 words, urging people to help prevent injustice towards minors, You are Neeti Neeraj, Head girl / Head boy of your school. You are deeply disturbed by the 8. | rising cases of aggressive behaviour of students in your school. You decide to speak during the moming assembly about it. Write a speech on the topic “The need to curb indiscipline among students,’ (120-150 words) OR ‘Nowadays the students are seen whiling away their time here and there, forgetting that time is precious. They bunk their classes and are found glued to their cell phones. Write a speech in 120-150 words, suggesting the importance of time and asking them to work hard for their future. . Write a debate either FOR or AGAINST the motion: ‘Admission to top-notch institutes guarantees a successful career’ in 120 ~ 150 words. You are Vineeta/ Vijay of Vivekananda | > Vidyalaya, Ropar. OR ‘You are Deepa/ Deepanshu of DAY school, Gurugram. In an interschool debate competition, you have to speak in favour of the motion, “Modern Gadgets have made us slaves of machines”, Write in favour of this motion in 120- 150 words. Section C- jiterature Text Book and Supplementary Read: ‘Text (31 Marks) ‘Read the given stanzas fo attempt the questions given below with reference to context, 10. | Attempt ANY ONE out of two stanzas given. (x3 When did my childhood go? 3) Was it the time I realised that adults were not all they seemed to be, They talked of love and preached of love, But did not act so lovingly, Was that the day! 1. What does the poet think about the adult people? i) They are deceptive ii) There is a difference in their words and deeds. iif) They mean what they say. iv) They act lovingly Choose the most appropriate option: AA &, ii B. only Ci & iv D. All of the above. 2. Read the statements given below. Choose the option that aceurately describes the |sitements wit reference othe proces of growing up Statement I As a person grows up, he becomes careless, and believes in imaginary 2s. Statement II - As a person grows up, he becomes a preacher and his actions do not match with his words, A. Both the statements are correct | B. Both the statements are incorrect. C. Statement | is correct and Statement II is incorrect. -Statement I is incorrect and Statement Il is correct '3, How did the poet feel about the adults when he was a child? Hale ht eas Sol, OR Page 5 of 7 as em 7 All three stood stil to smite through theit hair | ‘At the uncle with the camera. A sweet face, j My mother’s, that was before I was born. ‘And the sea, which appears to have changed less, Washed their terribly transient feet. 1. Which poetic device has been used in “Wash 2, What does the word “Transient” mean? Bay 4 td, 3. When was that picture clicked? hia. toes ifs ec tyr teribly transient feet”? ue us = Read the following and answer ANY ONE etRACT given er froth the following wuestions by choosing the correct one and writing the entire option: epee, my head popped out of the water. ; Wavewalker = pa capsizing, her masts almost horizontal. Then a wave hurled het upright, my lifeline je taut, [grabbed the puard rails and sailed through the air into Wavewalker’s main boom. My left ribs cracked; my mouth filled with blood and broken teeth. QL. Who is “I” in the above lines? Q2. Who is “her” referred to in the above lines? sh . 2 3. Which word from the extract tells us that the boat had turned over in the water? #4 Hee OR She hobbled about the house in spotless white with one hand resting on her waist to balance het stoop and the other telling the beads of her rosary. Her silver locks were scattered untiily over her pale, puckered face, and her lips constantly moved in inaudible prayer. ‘Yes, she was beautiful. She was like the winter landscape in the mountains, an expanse of pure white serenity breathing peace and contentment. 1, What does the narrator mean by silver locks? a) Lock and Key Grey Hair c) Attire of silver colour d) None of these 2. Which figure of speech has been used in “pale puckered face"? @) Personification 3. What does the word ‘hobble’ mean? 8) Walk quickly yLimp ©) Rush 3) Hasten ‘Read the following extracts given below, answer ANY ONE EXTRACT out of the 12. | following questions by choosing the correct one and writing the entire option: | axiq_4 ‘Well, this time I don't. And don't talk rubbish to me about working hard. I've a good idea how much you do, Doris Pearson. I put in twice the hours you do, and get no wages nor thanks for it. Why are you going to wear your yellow silk? Where are you going”. Read the lines and answer the questions ‘' 1. There refers to_ 4 2. What does the exiract reflect about the mood of the speaker? A, Speaker is satisfied. B. Speaker is angry C. Speaker is tired D. Speaker is joyous. 3. Replace the underlined phrase with its synonym (phrase) | I put in twice the hours you do, and get no wages nor thanks for it: | 4. Complete the following sentence appropriately with reference to the extract: | Doris Pearson was going to wear the yellow silk dress to, OR Page 6 of 7 = —adand punishment. — (€).a spectator who makes judgement about reward ae Mes (vi) Wy does the writer compare games ta moa IY? eset to the loving (vill) Complete the given sentence with an appropriat ¢ without creating any con! The writer says that games can calm our impatienc . becamig agarcitice ome aggressi (x) The wrteradvioe the players that games should not bec | (X) Select the most suitable title for the above passage. TE CTR sericket Ihe a)Excellent Performance by Cricketers b)The Benefits of Play ‘ing Cricket _| King of Games d)The True Spirit of Playing the Game of cricket 2. | Read the following passage carefully a — | (1) News-If you can't remember the last time, you saw a teenager reading & oe eee | ent years, less than 20 percent of teens repot ive because ax 8=8) ‘or magazine, you're not alone. In re g ‘paper daily for pleasure. More than 80 percent say they use social book, magazine or news; ee media every day, acontie research published by the World Psychological Association. 2) "Compared with previous generations, teens in the 2010s spent mos ops online and less time with traditional media, such as books, magazines and television, Lsaid(ezdl author of the book yGen and professor of psychol xy at ABC University"\, | pve on digital media has displaced time once spent enjoying a book or watching TV." | going study of a nationally 000 eighth, tenth and twelfth grade students | ig more than I million | in the 1980s, eighth- and tenth- G)Swaner and her colleagues analysed data concluded fromm an on Representative sample of approximately 50, annually. They looked at survey results from 1986 to 2 , represent teenagers. While the study started with only twelfih-graders graders were added in 2001, | (Use of digital media increased substantially from 2006 to 2022 Among twelfth- graders, | also ete during leisure time doubled from one to two hours per day during that period, It also increased ™ tenth-graders and 68 percent for eighth-graders, (5)"ln the mi ; ss On ger reported spending approximately two hours 2 day on the intemet-which included gaming. and just under * said Swaner. That’ bout six hours per day on Page 2 of 7 way: streets and houses full ‘of memories from a precious time. 1, Who is ‘T in the extract? (@) Mrs Dorling’s daughter (b) Mrs S’ daughter (¢) Mrs Dorling’s neighbour (4) The prisoner of war 2, Where is the narrator coming from? 3. The narrator couldn’t look around. This shows a) her poor observation _b)the predicament of war ¢) her detachment 4) her ignorance. 4, Select the correct option. 1. The narrator was in high spirit 2, She was feeling disheartened and sad. a)Both the statements are ‘true. 'p)Statement | is correct ‘put statement 2 is false. )Only Statement 2 is correct. d)Both the statements are wron} ‘Answer ANY TWO of the following, ONE FROM PROSE and in 40 to 50 words. i) Why is the image of the engine ced by the poet in “The Laburnum Top’? i) “I give back life to my ‘own origin”. How does the rain do it in “The Voice of the Rain’? iii) Explain the statement, “King Tutis one ‘of the first mummies to be scanned — in death, ONE FROM POETRY as in life .. iy) How did the grandmother celebrate the homecoming of Khushwant Singh? feanwhile Thed arrived at the station without having paid much attention to things on the | J was walking in familiar places again for the first time since the War, but I did not want to go further than was necessary. I didn’t want to upset myself with the sight of Avewer ANY ONE of the following questions in 40 ‘0 50 words. 14 \ Svat change do you notice in Mrs Pearson's husband and her children at the end of the play? Does Mrs Pearson succeed in her mission? OR How did the narrator feel when she was “in the midst of things’ in Mrs Dorling’s house? 3x1=3 vcnswer ANY ONE of the following questions in 120 fo 150 words. 15 | Arn difference did you notice between the reaction of the ‘adults and the children when faced With danger inthe lesson, “We are not afaid......can De together” OR Who/ What is “The Voice of the Rain’? How is it considered to be the heavenly force which sustains life on the globe? ‘Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in 120 fo 150 words. 16 | Who stole the horse and why? How did they use the horse and what made them return itto its true owner? (The Summer of .. White Horse) OR The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment. 6x1=6 (ix) What wos the intention behind establishing the Nobel prizes? (x) What isthe requisite condition for Nobel assembly members? 2) Read the following passage carefully and answer the following question (Bx1=8 Marks) Passages? 1 Over the last five yeats, more companies have been actively looking for inter profiles, according to a 2018-19 survey by an online intemship and raining enor This survey reveals that India had 80% more in m existing projects for better productivity, What ‘concept, getting an intemship before plunginss momentum at Indian workplaces fon applications received in 2018 compared to 1.27 million trend was partly due to more industries looking to have fresh mi ns — with 2.2 ‘the year before. The is and ideas on "was originally seen as a western into the job market, is fast anining nternship applicati Tl, According to the survey data, Indi’s National Capitel Region has been te, (0 provider of iniemships, with a total of 35% intershin epportcs followed by Vrombal end Bengaluru at 20% and15%, respectively. This imclules oppor startups, MNCs and even government entities ‘The survey also revealed popular fields Teta ntemships in (Fig 1), There has been growing awareness among. ‘he students 1 an stem profiles sought by hiring companies that often look for people With real-time experience in manager nt than B- sehool masters IIL The stipend has been an important factor influencing the choice of internships. The survey data reveals that the average stipend offered to intenas was recorded as % 7000 ‘while the maximum stipend went up to 3 8 number of people considered virtua 5,000. According 10 statistics, a greater temnships than in-office inteships. Virtual anesthe times more applications than in-office, since a IBS chunk of dance ere the ones already enrolled in various courses, or prefer working from home. r Already report healthy trafic per month. Reports suggest thal on an STE, n ntemsip portals have sprung upin de lat thre o four years and many of EN) n sremsnip’ poral company has around 200, students and Some 8,000 hmmpanies registered on it. It gc's around two lakh vsis oning eve month. The Managing Director of a leading executive search firm says that though these web platforms are working as an effective bridge Established companies are still reluctant (0 ta reasons. ‘between the industry and students, most ke too many interns on board for obvious si separate institutions ¥ ISSeI mm A 3 x? actual prize recipients, SO Pride others (literature) appoint mem! ie: life. The aes ream sctiven th fils MA per the Nomen Parken Nohg ya aes strut nomination forms to an undisclosed a ; peice op Ca eta tin, TeapeSted ISTHE? OF oe eee ae The winne re is decided by a simple majority vote. r 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, ans jestions by choosing the correet option. ihe following, (i) Alfted Nobel invented dynamite with an aim of. : (a) enabling wars(b) without any intention {ending wars(d) cannot be seid (Gi) What does the phrase “merchant of death” imply? (a) A person who is a reason for deaths (b) A person who kills others {oy A person who sells death (4) A person who sells arms (iii) The synonym of ‘annihilate’ in the first paragraph, is ..........2 {addeStroy (b) aid(c) nullify (d) protect Gv) The word......... in the first paragraph, is a synonym of word “disperse”? (@) disband (b) retreat (©) announce (a) shock (v) All Nobel prizes are awarded in -~ (vi) Was Alfred right in inventing dynamite? Why or why not? (vii) What is the compulsory condition for Nobel Prize winners? (viii) How is the faimess of these awards ensured? or ee i Rd i aa oe gt vii) The phrase ‘healthy traffic’ refers to the < Avapdates from portals about health and road safety. 2S ‘B°atistcs about adherence to traffic rules by the portals: oA C. sizeable number of visitors to the portal per month. “ jonthly data about the health of internship applicants. = Read the two statements given below and select the option that suitably explains them, (1) Established companies are reluctant to take too many interns on board. (2) Probability of interns leaving the company for a variety of reasons. is high. f (1) is the problem and (2) is the solution for (1) “B. (1) is false but (2) conrectly explains (1). €. (1) summarises (2). D. (1) is true and (2) is the reason for (1) Passage- 3 (for Note Making) Q3.Read the passage and on the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the questions given below: (8 Marks) Just a few years ago, we witnessed how a national project, the India-based ‘Neutrino Observatory (INO), which is to study fundamental particles called neutrinos, was subject to a barrage of questions from environmentalists, politicians and others ever since it was cleared. The project, which involyes the construction of an underground laboratory, was initially to be located in the Nilgiris but later, on grounds that it was too close toa tiger habitat, was moved to a cavem under a rocky mountain in the Bod: West Hills region of Theni district, about 110 Kilometres West of Madutai in Tamil Nadu The already much-delayed and important physies project needs to be explained. India has been among the pioneers in neutrino research, the first of such laboratories having been established, in the 1960s. We led neutrino research when odt pia ‘ sicists used a gold ae in Kamataka to set-up what was then the Seis ae underground laboratory. This was called the Kolar Gold Field Lab, In 1965, it ensue researchers to detect atmospheric neutrinos. In 1992, when the mine became uneconomical, the Ishoratory was shut down, With that, we lost our advantage in by “on, QUL. Read the following and ANSWER ANY ONE EXTRACT given below from the following ing questions by choosing the correct “writing the entire option: (44 Marks) oe aie Seer oy caus iced mis armen ory oe, ohm Byro said for a lovely horse, 1 could swear it is the ‘What was the name ofthe horse? a) Sohn Byro—_b) My Heart e)Armenia 46) None of these {i What was special in the mouth ofthe horse?” a) His b) His Bot! cone tooth was missing. ‘one tooth was different from others haand > None of these iii)How ‘could Byro-not doubt the boys? 4) their tribe was known for honesty b) they were wary they were known to hit @)All of these sweat 4) hones >) ju) Write the synonym of "war" om the exiract. a) fame }p) suspicious oR rine address was correct, But 00 ian ’t want it anymore Doecause the ms tn bach a fife of former Se Gastar lot thi vlne hen the them, you oe them nESD sn strange surrouiiNes> Tyouldn't t Finked in your memory wil objects that are Tinked in ive by Who was Uncle Khosrove? What did he use to say in most of the situations? QIS. Answer ANY ONE out of (1x66 Marks) 8) Gradually the author and the grandmother saw I friendship was broken. Was the distancing delibe of the situation? 1 two questions given helow In 120-150 words: jess of each other and theit 1e of due to the demands oR jon more maturely than their yer n the text. ) The children face the situa ars. Flucidate the above statement supporting it with evidences fro Answer ANY ONE out of the two questions given below in 120-150 words: on Marks) « our honesty for something like eleven ily in these words. Do you think it a) We had been famous centuries,” the narrator describes his fa {s possible to remain honest in modem times? Comment. OR b) The story “The Address” is divided into pre-war and post-war times. Explain pment Be oricnal devel cert ITERATURE (31 marks) following ques, soe the towingstact ue mend ecrvest pion a cee aariyand ser and brn ve nices anda machine ar She enters and trilling Ofchitterings and a tremor of wings, “The whole tree trembles and thrills j. Identify the poetic device used inthe first line? 2) simile b) alliteration e)both none ii, What does ‘machine’ refer to in the extract? a)engine bjdeath clliveliness é)death ii, Find a word from the extract which is the synonym of ‘warble’ sjtremor —byiling e)trembles d)thrills oR ree stood still to smile through their hair (&) “All At the uncle with the camera. A sweet face, ‘My mother’s, that was before I was born. And the sea, which appears to have changed Less, Washed thetr terribly transient feet.” i, Name the poct of this poem? )Shelley toulson _b)Millie Toulson phirley Toulson d)MarieToulson ii, Which poetic device has been used in “transient feet"? a)Personification _b)Transferred epithet Oxymoron ‘@AIl of these ili, Find a word from the extract which means “lasting only for a short time”? a)terribly transient b)changed less e)both aand ——_gfransient Which address was correct? 46, Marconi Strect 1b)46, Macroni Street 46, Meditation Lane «)46, Milestone Lane ives at this address? ii, Who )1 b) Mrs, Dorling ©) Narrator's mother d) Both(a)and(e) E } What kind of emotions are filled in the narrator's heart at this time’ 1) She is ecstatic upon finding her mother’s belongings ») She's grateful to Mrs. Dorling for caring for her mother's belongings. ie narrator he is sad and feeling betrayed. By Mrs. Dorling thing her belongings °) ) She is relaxed and relieved after iv. Which word from the above passage means the same as“Small pieces”? a) Severed b) Cutlery instantly d) Shteds Q12. Read the following and ANSWER ANY ONE EXTRACT given below from the following questions by choosing the correct one and writing the entire option: Gxl=3 Marks) a) “The first in at about 6 p.m, With an ominous sitence. The wind dropped, and the sky immediately grew dark. Then came @ growing roar, and an enormous cloud owered aft of the ship. With horror, I realised that it was not a cloud, but a wave like no other I had ever seen. It appeared perfectly vertical find Almost twice the height of the other waves, with a frightful breaking crest” i. Which word in the extract mean forthcoming? 4. ominous b. growing c. roaring d. impending ii, Why is the wind dropped? 4. wind slipped out the hands of author wind started coming fiom below the ship ©, wind fell down Q8(a) Corruption is rampant in our country. Everyone fees that it needs to seriously dealt with. Writ Se |. Write a speech in 150 -200 words on" from our county? YousreGnce!Gayib(SMar) on Q8(b)A recent survey showed tha thete ure sil many communities n India whieh do tot welcome the birth fa gi hd, Can a sountry which doe not give equal rights 10 ws all its citizens’ even dream of becoming great? Write a speech in 150-200 words , giving your views on the above issue 9(«) Over the post few years there hasbeen constant rise in Coaching fstites an private tuition centres all over India. Write a debate in favouring te °F Prevatng Centcs should be banned” based on the inputs given, You are XYZ8 stuclent of class XII of DPS. (SMarks) For: + Inequality + Quality of edueation Stress and pressure + Lack of creativity Against: + Choice = Support Competition + Quality of education 994) Write a debate athe agi mn; Participati ats is @ mere for or against the moten; Participant sis: ore” ies ice 1 spats given. (WORD LIMIT 120-150 words) & wastage of time” Bas a Marks) For " Time-consuming Expensive Frpentive and stressful Risk of injuries Against physical and mental health benefits ‘Vatuable Hite sills sense of community Freee peamtmceny ma iene ene a rece B. Design & Architecture intemships are significantly more popular than Others. . Intemships for Media and Others have nearly equal popularity percentage. D. Management internships’ popularity is more than twice that for Media iv)Based on your read to the given argument. 1g of paragraphs TH-AMI, select the appropriate counter- argument Argument: I don’t think you'll be considered for an intemship just because you've been the student editor and Head of Student Council |A. [think I have a fair chance because I'm applying for a virtual position than an in, office one. B. I have real-time experience in managing a team and many companies consider it more meritorious than a degree in Management, C1 know that my stipend might be on the lower side but I think that it’s @ good “ear ‘while you learn’ opportunity. D. Lot of metro-cities have a good percentage of positions open and {think 1 should definitely take a chance. ') Select the option that displays the correct eause-effect relationship a ne ae aaa hecencsare| meen || of arent |eamonms comer [Sears | | Y|azarac [Sica eee on Seen cess eer |S. || |e =a Tae Aer tn | |° BB, |S SSE \d, indicating that-— vi) The survey statistics mention the average stipen ‘A. 50% interns were offered & 85,000. 7,000 was the lowest and € 85,000 was the highes. . most interns were offered around % 7,000. than % 7,000, D. No intern was offered more understanding the most advant: mysterious 8 ntage and our global leadership. nS MP UNE: INO may rela thie Most of the adh vanced countries are already working vigorous) y igorously in neutrino science with dedicated 1 labs, Thes oa e include the U; : span and South Korea, India is set to not daly ein ae player in global efforts in ‘oe Al in neutrino science. The Nagios Caden Won imeter (ICAL) being set setup at INO ‘aon: will be among the largest ever in the world, weighing over $0000 Neutrinos, first proposed by Swiss Scientist Wolfgang Pauli in 1930, are the second aes e ere peas particle in the universe, only second to photons, the particle “up tight fact, neutrinos are so abundant among us that every second, there are more than 100 trillion of is — we never ar lion of the i h eacl 1em passing right through each of us ‘ ‘This is the reason why INO needs to be built deep into the Earth — 1300 metres into the Earth, At this depth, it would be able to keep itself away from all the trillions of neutrinos produced in the atmosphere and which would otherwise choke an over-the- ground neutrino detector. Neutrinos have been in the unives® literally since forever, being almost 14 billion years old —as much as the universe itself, From experiments so far, we know that neutrinos have a tiny mass, but the ordering of the neutrino mass states is not Known and is one of the key questions that remain fimanswered till today. This is a major challenge INO will set to resolve, thus completing our picture of the neutring Neutrinos are very important for our scientific progress and technological growth for three reasons. Fifst, they are abundant Second, they have very feeble mass and no charge and hence can travel throveh plans, sta, rocks and human bodies without any interaction. In fact, @ beam of trillions of neutrinos ca travel thousands of Kilometres through a rock before 29 interaction with a single tom of the rock and the neutrino occurs. ‘Third, they hide within them avast pool of | knowledge and could open ‘up new vistas in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics, ‘comimurication and even in tredical imaging, through the detect spin-off. Whil is Jcepticism, partly arising due Beer aipe taro of pov. nero 100 SO F to ie a ke as vreutrino, though so abundant 152 ident stranger to 031 PEOPIE 3.1, On the basis of your reading of 1 assage make-notes ‘on it using ine above P ognized abbreviation wherever necessary ; (6 Marks) TRENDS 2018 vee INTERNSHIP SHIPS IN (FIG2) iP POPULAR FIELDS TO FIND INTERNS Pu ow 9 ro Ns 2.1 Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions Dy choosing the correct option. i) Select the correct inference with reference to the following, more companies have been actively looking for intern Over the last five year profiles ‘A. The past five years have seen active applications by intems to several companies. B. The activity for intem profiling by the companies has reached a gradual downslide over thepast five years. C. There were lesser companies searching for intern profiles earlier, as compared to those inthe recent five years. D. Several companies have initiated intern profiling five times a year in the recent past. ii) Select the central idea of the paragraph likely to precede paragraph 1. Ph Process of registering for inteshins B. Knowing more about internships JE Dos and Don'ts for an internship interview ‘DAtartups and internships that displays the true statement with reference to Fig 1. iii) Select the option AN JAMMU RE HALE-YEARLY EXAMINITON 202221 ENGLISH (CORE HOURS: CLASS : ! TIME: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: The paper is divided into three sections: A, B and All the sections w compulsory necessary Read these instretions very careully and follow ter aly Gi) ‘Do not exceed the preseribed word iat white austin the prectons (t%) Do mot spit sections. Marks wll be deducted th cae of slag of ston. (0) Do the paper in a neat and legible handwriting. Avot cutings SECTION.A Reading Skills (2 1) Read the passage given below carefully: (0x1=10 marks) Passage-1 A pacifist at heart and an inventor by nature, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, He was sure his creation would help bring about the end of war. “When two armies of equal strength can annihilate each other in an instant", he once wrote, “then all civilised nations will retreat and disband their troops”, Things didn't quite go according to plan. ‘The invention that he thought would end all wars was seen hy many others as an extremely deadly product. In 1888, when Alfred’s brother Ludwig died, a French newspaper mistakenly ran an obituary for Alfred which called him the “merchant of death’. Not wanting to go dawn in history with such a horrible epitaph, Nobel created “awill that soon shocked his relatives and established the now famous Nobel prizes. ‘According to his will, Alfred Nobel’s enormous fortune was to be used to establish prizes to award those who had done their best to bencfit mankind in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, five years after Nobel's death. Nobe! initially donated 35 million ‘Swedish Kronor (about $225 million today); the prizes come from the fortune’s annual interest. ‘The Nobel Laureates are announced at the beginning of October each year. A couple ‘ofmonths later, on 10th December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, they receive their prize a ‘Swedish crowns per prize. All Nobel prizes are awarded except for the Nobel Peace Prize which is awarded in Oslo, Norway. from the Swedish King —a Nobel Diploma, a medal and 1() million {in Stockholm, Sweden,

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