Multi Threading (Total)

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Matti a thiha Multitmebing i Abe papcen of ereeuting amore hari one Jak simultane outly ° ' ' J.Procece bated Malitatting. p.Thwead bated Multitacking 1.Procets. bated Multitaking seb } . 2 Pnocets:- Poiocets -i¢. smolteg bub a eo which i¢ unde execution, fet #Procest bayed moitiaking 4s sreing but, spooeets 4 execution .of «multiple pregrene existed in di ferent locations of: alam, memory timmy Heangoutly . #U eaturvately Proce bated “roultibatking tolheay weight “meant that they are taking mone nesources ands : ‘Mone procest dime. 2 Mread based mmultitacking Ale a Iharad:-Thread ic nothing bul enaileet oe of the precest x Ihvead brated senuliitacking ie cmthing bi bul paroceee of execution of moultiple fenctionalitie belonge 4o A program tienullancestthy ig called at Venend bare { aroultitackiny : *heead bated raultitacking i ‘is ighlioey ‘pt “means that lbey are taking | lece yesouricas £3 dee Process Lirne. © scanned with OKEN Scanner | Fe cbeologin like Python Taray net -Andinoid oolpaps, “Uneead bared eroultitatking: | #1 we develop a eee uring croulLithieadin, | Ben Be complete control | will be taken bi woday Operating ays bern -fox echadulirgg Scheduling: ~Sebeduling § ic A powcere in which “pecip, tiene peaiod je: allocated! Sox eve: ayi-Junctionality Where te contol Stemaint in the particular Simctin i ~alty arlbin® “ase specifi Pestiod” of Lins Ore hy irae! ie lapeed “thes tive contiol ‘chiPts -to Sead | Jenelionaltiy ioitty “di fforint ime ‘slice -bub 108 a “nok genre in etecution, ondes-tbe sequence may chan, oe 2 Advantages Mewag of lttniding ni} sseacret ii - effiden cfeney of code incweater, | Shoe ease avoid’ ideal alate oer “al "4 We tad Achieve, mmultitbreading ating - ng module in R on i May do deine pthe. “bead Ei Defining the bwad by wing an ‘deed defined fark on Pefining : Be Had by cralin en $ ub clate “te f i erteg bye a. ron) sul of | [3 Definitg the piece by Sedding ‘tub clans of tenéad © scanned with OKEN Scanner ail XN ppeficigg trelbwad by uting already defined Functions wo convent mrivaimal’ function’ at “bread hen we hare pare Fb bs ilsb ps qed} “ined (target, narne arg) — thread | object tage Rep -> Name of Abe! -farsction u rie at athread mame Rep Name ~for “thread ‘ aige Rep args shih wie for the Function. Note After defining the a tfeceail den we have “lo call clatC) o of “thread claus der “thpead execution. Fein tory paint (« “uty vy 1 ales, FY EINALD! yy j Jeni, in, maps paint (amy Fun. i) Healing Megs 14 =dimeading “Ibwad (taugel my Fut) 12 =-Uyreading: Thread (euget -argFun?) Ls ctadod doar) Nole:--thece program shouldn't be aunt AAbwough Tylon Shell OV ADLE iE should be done -binough O¢ Shell © scanned with OKEN Scanner Er bel | I> Defining -the_therad by Lcorating neo su Patt Of tna ¥ 3 We ure UB approach, when, we want to COnFes| rh Method which aw mate defined ina ag | inte Area, vee“ stoocbaset dos bee + Exs, sienponiitiweading tN os gat iy clans Tet: ao etter PL sgettede hap ef niente. | a lin io wargetid: (Marit “i vO" def Freeroll. for‘ Dy ‘p sarge (oo, t D: sia. potl Gilda 4 Htcallin tenis da “eng “Thréad (tig ~LammedRod) to. “evade Brenden Lod?) Adsstadd, 07) faire +2.clarl( J sey P Moods te gett © scanned with OKEN Scanner y 2 Defining the Thread by caeating tub clair of Ahread — We ute this appreach when we want sto define -leeade Forethy. clate Terk: ANowmal Clacc _ Pate : aah Sh aes : : Clave Tout (Abd) sfobdlvachalece, wits ae EMITS Pace © » hetarfllat shssst- (as 4 7 clate Tl (Exception): oP Beception out ages gig vd hese po scmere 94 t clade Te! Cbreading tend} Papen, «: Pace ee reg af Yor Pant to execute'any. loge aitiread er, that logic muel be, defined inside DUP of ARrewad clate, A ee ee 7 UNL) shouldn't coll expithy lavtC) of tPread tla. begaue calle, aunt) omedthod ;) ered salote or Eamindposit thidading cit ice saute rathes,-d haveto call re elarlcy intemal ly ‘ Fle ol resting THD) yas ef oun (eet): TN serie p ete tet BE POR dine Stange Cini ¥ 1 paint (ical, §) elate Rab (thrvading. Thxead): def. wun (cel): 1 io range. (v0,3D! —_— © scanned with OKEN Scanner Healing ; c=CatC) We Rall c.cladtt) wetarlOd ys eet > Wheneven you define any nead bj faut Ey | Pens is cheated orth a inarne, det mame -fer | Uivead 3 ut —Bread-41 1Bread-2 __ OF Bated on Iie “application” dcquiverrent » pe can teb sy | get Be name of “Bread fy wna manoe, altribute in -tRyea df’ chad? 895% | ere tena tre code deaeGe wor Lt | apd jem i soup Tin Taoge ty D: : eae ( hie: oo tttealing® is aaa | reread tn bn) ftNole: We “are thing’ and: seelting Name of Arrwead after Creating al Pain (Reed nama itty tndene) Ad. narne tong Mn cov priok ("thread snanbe 8! ViLname) nm eri i aot a © scanned with OKEN Scanner 2 A @wheal wv default IByead in, Nytion ? Ap) Default “Tbyead in: Pylon i ie anain Abeer and mcin —lpaead ic aulornalically evaaylede IFrvazd. poet Exsimnpoaly “Womiading def my Func): beans? Mauger § a iin range (uD! ith wink gi “stern bcaptes tant) delet _ oz = threading: Thread lage referne child, ot: fort), Ae l + Exsinnpotd “tering CY what . def ens Het 13 ‘becil Surilee far i iv “mange (i | ; tes Com Fun, 4) | | ated Ail = Healing” Aathvead ing Thwead (arg et. srsteork¢y? , aie * tin varie oojai)s ' pail ("Main S30 J) Aenea yi Bread Stlndn grt “he object of cungent Patking “orvad? ADE ating current tbaead( ~Jaom “Wreading module. curvent_thread()—> Thread object © scanned with OKEN Scanner OB td Erz impost reading : tetreading- eurvent_ oo sAnarne-tinarne | paint ("Current wag el nome ina) f Ereienpont ending SC oew Tgeay def moyFint: nt cte4Rreading: verent—tBreadt) print ("cot name it: Beeman) ' “SReallisg” fled? have 44 —1hsead; ing: Tihvead Cage efere ree 1 rie A4.clart> ‘ ct se trending incad et 42.charle DH Us FP Whe sew read } % "ET cece tin Be stelat of Bread becomet p uoring s state. : “Whenever pread completed ths execution: ‘pen the stele of “Bread becomes dead slale.. see 7 ‘is—alivel ) ac cary know, Hata af ted byotuting: is eleven Thue if read u under execution and Ealte Sita ferrictee vite errcalion, soaps Raa? i a © scanned with OKEN Scanner Exsieopoort “Wirading ; def myfant Ss j el ‘Perading cuvverst: “Bread 5! paint (tame sstaved ‘ite Execution aD) at Henestleeplid) ts anes Paint ("name Yn its Execution 2) i : Healing. * tae dread © Uthat) “ie ke print (Mtiread4 i is lives, yt icobeStae Print Threads a ‘ali: Pedic alive) paleo | DHov bo Know active: cHyread: Abani ? Die, £8R koi active tBread ' YWosrotacig + rai There Cages mpm wd uring active_countl) icoust! by Ex:-impoat Herne 6 : a lerpood: ~Areadhig 7 def my Fant); snchecusics GEE WPrtading. 2 culaweolideadt) « foiek{el nar stated HeFedcution. 4) time tleoplidd “Cede! paint (ol names Ende baste 3 : mewn wedi del Healing SSS ASCENT 4:8 ~Ustinreading Threadllarge Li matin, name "Cild. 8) to Flbweading Wread(: targets MY Fun name: "Child -o") fee tadion j ~ Navi @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Mal = Perading actives couoll) | paint (" Nod active Thread 1 nal) ds Eine tleepligy ost! Taltineading.a clive L count J Paint ("No, of achive “bread, i) fea Dos +6 gee bet of ache Reach * By wing enumeretet > function fro “readin * Pnodiile "08 "cas get Viel of clive cthreade. ) yer Exr impart tine Hi) epost “bseading *' def origins" 8 al sor ete athreading. current. thicead () van Pig (el.niarme started il Execution’) ‘Himesleep(s) a ote Point "endh ites trea) fest i lieing eign ae ‘chit res! i ean A4.starlC) athe : a batarked |; fo): tol “breing eames, vfs oD fat , «petit (turtione tie id 4 acti G-Fe knew idenkify Al ew ei jegeet “Caper ty Fun rane"! © scanned with OKEN Scanner DHow to delay the ereculion of a cthyead -till “Ihe particular peatiod ft time wing sett sali time module? And import Ahreading impoart time def soy Fun): ete Areading ceusvent.. afpen dl) Himes: sleep (1d) © Fai in vange (wid) paint (el née) sttealling ete threading: “Thread (target t4.ttarl() ie time sleep (a) -for 1 in tan 2 (20, 3D: af Patink (IMgig es Yi)" 4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner a DHow Yo delay! erecution ofa lbeead until com, ‘ of erecution of another thread * And We can done -Lhit by wibg goindd | Ex iempoort lime pains Fl | tenpoort -LBreadin | de-f- my Fant shen | GA iB rome uD) id | chatirending currente-thread( ctime.tleep Dr) 5 i of rae Halling hie oetenading Writad (eget anu Fie vie. hit tbeol) Obeb tt 7 tA foinl BVeteal sitseril Sai in vonage lea sds spowP ‘oi. i ool \| PIE Maes 5 ses 3) hie i Asleept >»sleep & the funetion foorn time module Uted 45 dele Ait anti. d erent ofa particular tras Pastttculay Period of time. # forO:- join Ba method dlelas the erecution 5 } Bread ted if you Want to fo ~read till another execution i¢ completed . © scanned with OKEN Scanner aWbel do you mean by Deedlock? {eg Whenever 00 +Ubreaderare waiting each other fateven -Uben Atal situation tel (Gtadled- Cr teopoot Cnet nF impor lime “2 mt- vane ctivaenlitrend Main def myrund + ete ie pele bead ft Print (cLname,' tarted, its, execution..*) mt foil ») point (et, snamer! Bade: tts execution. 2») Healing Sy go!) haley Print (ant. NaMe;" Started it Fiction .) +4 ~threading Spas (in AL stad La qoin( > print (ml name, ig mean oaene = "Chi id’) Ar + Yende its execulton. 2» d _— © scanned with OKEN Scanner i ® How to know tpeed of —Wyreading ? 4, AnD Esa wilbout Preadiniy: a i importiclime.i ' def sac: ih fan iina: Hime sleep td) gel bs Sati paint (tsa > aye 245)" tt bbteD! . f Fa ing i in ye . ime sleep (D china pec tet FO) 70 paint eos: Ye pal ; Healing. otk SS f boder LEG 7913, thy By Gy 7 8 9,10, % " r 3 SELLime time ald CU(tet) Ye \yyredt etetirne.Ltrnel > tee ebiet paint ('rretal -lime Mm Iw Heo © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ya: ft Ding -Uhveading Firnport Ligne . irppoart “breading Ney " def sata: Ayo Lor Sy i FA iio swued jake Pepeslacnts) ah Wel anit " paint(isq Per! LD. def cu(p: fen Lin: 2 a time. Heeptd etki ¥] ads “patok (eo: Heallng let. t,2, 3, 4/5, 6), aang) ‘ ste time. time (> “4 4 ibrar Thad teorgee- ” nares oS byemg i sigs creed) eb ae cris eke ACY bo roiled - At =et- sf patink (Untal tins be 8 LEY ha © scanned with OKEN Scanner |] Qrobat do dou Mean by Abreaid safe ty? : k An) Whenewai -Lw0o 61 monte ABweadt are petri | Peration on 1arme functionality sim tdne ously / | i iead fafely ther ic i oP of gettin 1] fet incenastency iteuas Meaning lox of deta Frftfor nol -thead safely impont Lime . : ‘ ‘ impoort “exec ding . mh a, clate ATM: def LobCelf name), lime.tleep (5) paint (“ap by MrlMxcname) i stealing | ap ames) OS a tA -thwading Towead (tt J] cn. aera enlarge ftemt | Ad thal ri } 4rstartty he aotit a Twead Safety it Abe porocere of -verbrillg emene { -than one -Pwead to perform Pe ope ten on Sanclion at same tine +0 avid, data incopsisteng} ONE eel © scanned with OKEN Scanner i 4 We an perfornn {bree sajely by uting lock clace objects plock: is. -the polite cla aim Abreadlits ing module Eas claue ATM: def he rit elf) self. fe tntiaste / def sod lee ify mame) . sl. Jracquiine (>, . ° i” i iin Pama ti eve. sleep (.2). : paint (* sna F v~ - self. TreleateO yy ts vo Healliog |. neeony [ocd a-ATO : +44 -Ahweadi Threadltageaoh age (Emi to. fen ee ae ('surech!S) ps italy r toetlaricy “ ‘ = ? — © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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