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The Negative Impact of Smartphone for Health

Smartphone is a tool used to communicate between humans, smartphone are now the
most widely used communication tools. The number of smartphone users globally continues to
increase from year to year. In 2019, there are 3.2 billion users, up 5.6% from the previous years.
Meanwhile, the number of active devices used reached 3.8 billion units. Smartphone have
become part of people’s daily lives because they have many uses. However smartphone can also
have a negative impact on human health if they use them too often, such as Damaging eyesight,
Sleep disturbances, Trigger the risk of brain cancer.
Smartphone designed for close-up use. This forces for user’s eye to constantly focus on
reading the text on the smartphone screen. This habit can cause eye fatigue, especially if spend 4-
6 hours playing on smartphone. The symptoms of damaging eyesight are includes red irritated
eyes, dry eyes, and blurred vision eyes. Damaging eyesight is one of the negative effects of
The negative impact of smartphone which is also commonly felt is sleep disturbances,
especially for people who are addicted to this smartphone, as a long as there are smartphone
around us. We often want to check or respond to chats and read or post something, until bedtime
is forgotten. In addition, the blue light emitted by the smartphone screen can block the
production of melatonin, a hormone that control a person’s sleep cycle, so sleep become
difficult. Other than that, the effect from sleep disturbances can cause several diseases for body
such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. The bad effect from sleep disturbances is very
dangerous for body.
Another negative impact from smartphone is trigger the risk of brain cancer.
Radiofrequency waves emitted by smartphone are thought to have the potential to trigger cancer.
This is because these waves can be absorbed by tissues in the body that are located close to the
smartphone when used. Several years ago, the International Cancer Research Institute included
radiofrequency waves as one of the things that is potentially carcinogenic. That is, these waves
have the potential to increase the risk of cancer. The smartphone we use will emitted
radiofrequency waves that is dangerous for brain.

Smartphone is an important object for everyone, because it can help humans and is easy
to use. But besides having benefits, smartphone also have negative effects that are dangerous for
body. Some of negative effects caused by smartphone are damaging eyesight, sleep disturbances,
and trigger the risk of brain cancer.

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