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{TT TrEq:r.T{ .r{r'ittr
cornrtti$sion for Alr Quality lvlarlageaitetlt in
National capital Ftegiiln and
i{dioining Ar€as i.iOlr I

F. No. A-11OOLalOrl2021-CAQM' . i Dated: t7.O5.2O24


Su ect: Reconstitution ofthe Enforcement Task Force (ETFI

With a view to effectively implement the functions and duties enshrined

upon the Commission and with a vier,r' to ensure compliance of all directions
issued by its, the Commission, in exercise of powers conferred under
Sub-Section 5 of Section 1 1 of the Commission for Air Quality Management
in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 202 1 (hereinafter referred
to as the 'CAQM Act, 2021", through statutory Order bearing No. A-
llOOlSlOl/202 I-CAQM dated 02.12.2021\, constituted a Special Force
called "trnforcement Task Force" to monitor and supervise the implementation
of the statutory directions issued by the Commission.

2. Pursuant to demitting of office by the outgoing Chairperson

Dr. M. M. Kutty and assumption of additional charge of full-time Chairperson
of the Commission by Dr. N. P. Shukla, full-time Technical Member and also
on completion of tenure of Shri Ashish Dhawan, NGO Member, the
Commission, in exercise of powers conferred to it under Sub-Section 5 of
Section I 1 of the CAQM Act, 2O2l , in partial modification of its
above-mentioned Order dated 02.12.202 1 , reconstitutes the "Enforcement
Task Force" consisting of the following:
Sl. No. Designation
1. Dr. N. P. Shukla, Member Technical, CAQM with Chairperson
additional charge of Chairperson, CAQM
2 Chairman, CPCB (Member Secretary, CPCB in the Mcmber

absence of Chairman, CPCB)

3 Member- Secretary, CAQM Member
4 Dr. S. D. Attri, Member (Technical), CAQM Member
5 Dr. Vibha Dhawan, DG, TERI, Member CAQM Mcmber
6 Prof. (Dr.) Chitrarekha Kabre, SPA, Member, CAQM Mcmber

17 fi rifud, GrqrE{ arTqr rr{r frRErD, znilRiq qrrf, T$ ftid-rrooor
f{qFI: 011-23701213, { -+O:
17th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan (sTC Euilding), Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-11O0Ol
Tel:011-23701213, E-mail:

3. The said "Enforcement Task Force" sha11 continuously supervise and

monitor, the compliance of the extant directions/ rules/ guidelines issued by
the Commission or other authorities related to prevention of air pollution,
from time to time, through "inspection teams / flying squads" constituted as
per order dated 02.12.2021.

4. Any non-compliance of the extant directions/ rules/ guidelines issued

by the Commission or other authorities related to prevention of air pollution
directions issued by the Commission as reported to Enforcement Task Force
by the Flying Squads shall be considered by the ETF and, ETF would pass
such preventive, corrective, punitive, closure or seizure order(s), as it may
deem ht, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 12 and 14 of the
CAQM Act. 202 l.

Arvin u tiyal)
Mem r- Secretary
1. The Chairperson and Members of the ETF
2. The Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi
3. The Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana
4. The Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan
5. The Chief Secrctary, Government of Uttar Pradesh
6. The Commissioner of Police, Delhi

Copy to:
The Chairperson and all Members of the Commission for Air Quality
Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas

17Arifuf,, \,rtrr6{dnqn qa;r (gfl. A.S. RRtsrD,?ffiqqFf,+{ffi-rrooor

E{llIrI : 011-23701213, € -*eT :
17th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan (STC Building), Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel:011-23701213, E-mail:

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