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arfi"r *{ irft-{ liM' e"ry

{rr1rySr qrig-;r qr{Arr
Cornrnission far Air Cluality ManagelTlertt in
l\latir:nal CaPital Region and
Adioining ,lreas T lol' I
{riqtrq rrq-A

No. B- 1 1oo2 | I rs lsc-o I l2o2o lc^aM- 6oq qo ,*. \Sarch, 2024


In terms of the provisions contained in sub-Section 11(2) read with Section

11(1) (a) of the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM)
in National Capital
Region and Adjoining Areas Act 2021 and in supersession of the Order of even
number dated 7rh March, 2023, the Sub-Committee on "Monitoring
Identification" is reconstituted as under:
sl. Nominated Officer Name of the Member Nominated as
Member Technical, CAQ M Dr. S. D. Attri Chairman
Shri Aditya Sharma Member
2 Scientist'[i', DH-AQMN I)ivision,
Scnior Scientist (Air Lab , I)PCC Dr. Nandita Moitra Member
Assisl.ant Scicntific Officer, PPCB I)r. Shankarjit Singh Membcr
Scientist 'll', (Ai rcell), HSPCU Shri Anil Kumar Member
llegion al Officer, RSPCII, tlhiwadi Shri Amit Sharma Membcr
Ilegional Officer, UPPCR, Noida Shri Utsav Sharma Member
Scientist & Head I)r. Padma S. Rao Membcr
B Chief
Environmental Audit and PolicY
Implementation I)ivision, CSIR-
NIIERI, Nagpur

of Punjab,
2. The Central Pollution control Board, State Pollution control Boards
Haryana, Rajasthan, Ut tar pradesh & Delhi Pollution control committee
the above
shall keep the Commissron uP dated about the changes in incumbency
posts designated as Member of Sub-Committee on "Monitoring arrd Identification"
from time to time.

Tel No.: 0 r-23446806
Copy to
1. The chairperson - commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & AA
2. The Secretary, Ministry of Flnvironment, Forest and climate change,
Govcrnment of India
3. All the full-time Members of the commission for Air Quality Management
NClt & Adjoining Areas
4. The Chief Secretar5r, Government of NCT ct'Delhi

rz fr riBo, qdrf,{ qrqR qql Grfl ds RRID, ff,€Ts qrd, T{ Rd-rroool

({ rm{ : o 1.t-237 o 121 3, t -A-d : -c,4 Q.lIr :n-QI @-g-o-y, !.n
17th Floor, Jawahar Vvapar Bhawan (STC Buildins), T tov Marg, N ew Delhi-1- 10001
Tel:0 -23707213, E-mail caqm;1cg@gov,in
5. The Chief SecretarSz, Government of punjab
6. The Chief Secretary, Government of llaryana
7. The Chief Secretary, Government of llajasthan
B. I'he Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar pradesh
9. The Chairman, Central pollution Control Board (CPCB)
10.The chairman, Delhi l)ollution contror committee
i 1' The chairman, punjab pollution control Board (ppcB)
72'The chairman, Har5rana state pollution controi
Board (HSpcB)
i3.The chairman, Rajasthan state pollution controi Board
14.The chairman, Uttar l)radesh pollution control
Board (uppcB)
I 5. Director Genera-I, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur
16'Members of the Sub-committee on Monitoring
and Identification

tz fr rifuo, q-drf,{.6qrqR qtFr t\'s AS frRr'D, cier€iq qT.f, T{ Rc(fr-rrooot

{trll{: 01,L-23701,213, { -+f,
17th Floor, Ja wahar Vva par Bha wan (STC B uildine),
T olstov Ma rg, New Delhi-11000 1
Tel 1.1"-23 21,3, E-mail: ,c-aqm_-Oq11pg-9_vJ0

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