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evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, †deªæqvwi 11, 2021 3189

The intent of the site investigation is to classify the Site into one of types SA, SB,
SC, SD, SE, S1 and S2 as defined in Sec Such classification is based on site
profile and evaluated soil properties (shear wave velocity, Standard Penetration
Resistance, undrained shear strength, soil type). The site class is used to
determine the effect of local soil conditions on the earthquake ground motion.
For sites representing special soil type S1 or S2, site specific special studies for
the ground motion should be done. Soil type S1, having very low shear wave
velocity and low material damping, can produce anomalous seismic site
amplification and soil-structure interaction effects. For S2 soils, possibility of soil
failure should be studied.
For a structure belonging to Seismic Design Category C or D (Sec, site
investigation should also include determination of soil parameters for the
assessment of the following:
(a) Slope instability.
(b) Potential for Liquefaction and loss of soil strength.
(c) Differential settlement.
(d) Surface displacement due to faulting or lateral spreading.
(e) Lateral pressures on basement walls and retaining walls due to
earthquake ground motion.
Liquefaction potential and possible consequences should be evaluated for
design earthquake ground motions consistent with peak ground accelerations.
Any Settlement due to densification of loose granular soils under design
earthquake motion should be studied. The occurrence and consequences of
geologic hazards such as slope instability or surface faulting should also be
considered. The dynamic lateral earth pressure on basement walls and retaining
walls during earthquake ground shaking is to be considered as an earthquake
load for use in design load combinations Site classification
Site will be classified as type SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, S1 and S2 based on the provisions
of this Section. Classification will be done in accordance with Table 6.2.13 based
on the soil properties of upper 30 meters of the site profile. Average soil
properties will be determined as given in the following equations:
F 5 ∑) 1 »∑) 1T
_ 5 ∑)
: 1 »∑) 1

CD̅ 5 ∑l 1 + »∑l 1
3190 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, †deªæqvwi 11, 2021

* 5 Number of soil layers in upper 30 m

5 Thickness of layer

5 Shear wave velocity of layer

: 5 Field (uncorrected) Standard Penetration Value for layer

m 5 Number of cohesive soil layers in upper 30 m

+ 5 Thickness of cohesive layer

ZD 5 Undrained shear strength of cohesive layer

The site profile up to a depth of 30 m is divided into n number of distinct soil or

rock layers. Where some of the layers are cohesive, m is the number of cohesive
layers. Hence ∑) 1 5 30 m, while ∑l 1 + < 30 m if m < * in other words if
there are both cohesionless and cohesive layers. The standard penetration value
N as directly measured in the field without correction will be used.
The site classification should be done using average shear wave velocity F if this
can be estimated, otherwise the value of :_ may be used.

Table 6.2.13: Site Classification Based on Soil Properties

Site Description of soil Average Soil Properties in top 30 meters

Class profile up to 30
Shear wave SPT Value, _ Undrained shear
meters depth velocity, _ (m/s) (blows/30cm) strength, _ (kPa)

SA Rock or other rock-like > 800 -- --

geological formation,
including at most 5 m of
weaker material at the
SB Deposits of very dense 360 – 800 > 50 > 250
sand, gravel, or very stiff
clay, at least several tens
of metres in thickness,
characterised by a
gradual increase of
mechanical properties
with depth.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, †deªæqvwi 11, 2021 3191

Site Description of soil Average Soil Properties in top 30 meters

Class profile up to 30 Shear wave SPT Value, _ Undrained shear
meters depth
velocity, _ (m/s) (blows/30cm) strength, _ (kPa)

SC Deep deposits of dense 180 – 360 15 - 50 70 - 250

or medium dense sand,
gravel or stiff clay with
thickness from several
tens to many hundreds
of metres.

SD Deposits of loose-to- < 180 < 15 < 70

medium cohesionless
soil (with or without
some soft cohesive
layers), or of
predominantly soft-to-
firm cohesive soil.

SE A soil profile consisting -- -- --

of a surface alluvium
layer with Vs values of
type SC or SD and
thickness varying
between about 5 m and
20 m, underlain by
stiffer material with Vs >
800 m/s.
S1 Deposits consisting, or < 100 -- 10 - 20
containing a layer at (indicative)
least 10 m thick, of soft
clays/silts with a high
plasticity index (PI >
40) and high water
S2 Deposits of liquefiable -- -- --
soils, of sensitive clays,
or any other soil profile
not included in types SA
to SE or S1

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