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Metals have giant metallic structures.

The metal lattice consists of positive ions closely packed and regularly arranged in layers
surrounded by a ‘sea of delocalised electrons’

There are strong electrostatic attraction between the positive metal ions and the delocalised
electrons (strong metallic bonds)


1.Metals usually have high densities

The atoms are very closely packed in a regular manner

2.Metals usually have high melting and boiling points

The metallic bonding in the giant structure is very strong.

Large amounts of energy are needed to overcome the strong and extensive force of attraction
between the positive metal ions and the sea of delocalised electrons moving within the lattice
3.Metals are good conductors of electricity

They have mobile(delocalised) electrons within the metal structure.

4.Metals are good conductors of heat

5.Metals are malleable and ductile.

They can be bent or hammered into different shapes. They can be pulled out into thin wires.

The positive ions are arranged in layers. When a force is applied, the layers can slide over each
other without disrupting the structure. Hence the metallic bonding is maintained.

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