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Statutory Instrument 200—12.

The Uganda Wildlife (Form of Licences or Permits) (Prescription)


Arrangement of Regulations.

1. Citation.
2. Forms of licences or permits.


Schedule Forms.

Statutory Instrument 200—12.

The Uganda Wildlife (Form of Licences or Permits) (Prescription)

(Under sections 65 and 91 of the Act.)

1. Citation.

These Regulations may be cited as the Uganda Wildlife (Form of Licences

or Permits) (Prescription) Regulations.

2. Forms of licences or permits.

The forms of licences or permits set out in the Schedule to these Regulations
are prescribed as the forms of licences or permits to be issued for the
purposes specified in those forms or licences.2


This Instrument was made under the Game (Preservation and Control) Act, 1964 Revision,
Cap. 226, section 52. That Act, except for its Schedules, was repealed by the Uganda
Wildlife Statute; Statute 14/1996, section 94. Section 94(4) of that Statute saved statutory
instruments made under the repealed Act.
This regulation originally read: “The forms of licences or permits set out in the Schedule
to this Order are hereby prescribed as the forms of licences or permits to be issued under
sections 10 and 68 of the Act.” The Uganda Wildlife Act does not contain equivalent
reg. 2.

Form A.
Special Permit to Hunt or Capture Any Scheduled Animal or Any Animal
in a Wildlife Reserve or Sanctuary.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable

Permit No. __________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________
Station _____________________________________________________

Subject to the schedules to the Game (Preservation and Control) Act and the
Uganda Wildlife Act, and to the terms and conditions stated in this permit,
_______________________________ of ____________________________
is authorised by or under this special permit to hunt in the areas specified in
the Schedule to this special permit any animal of the species and up to the
numbers specified in the Schedule to the Game (Preservation and Control)


1. An accurate record of the animals killed (or wounded) shall be

maintained in the space provided in the Schedule to this special permit and
shall be submitted to the executive director before the permit holder leaves

2. The fees to be paid for each animal (which are similar to those
prescribed for animals in the areas where they are to be hunted) shall be those
set out in the Schedule to this special permit.

3. On his or her arrival in the range the permit holder must inform
the officer of the area where animals are to be hunted before commencing
hunting (except for Upe-Pian Wildlife Reserve where notice of arrival may
be given after hunting commences, if this is more convenient).

4. A register of animals killed must be submitted to the officer of

each range before leaving the range in the form set out in the Schedule to this
special permit, and that register of animals must be countersigned by the
professional hunter in charge of the permit holder.

5. The permit holder shall pay a penalty fee of twice the prescribed
fee for any animal shot which is not authorised on the special permit, and the
trophies of such animals will be forfeited.

6. If an elephant whose tusks exceed 140 pounds is hunted in Kilak

or East Madi controlled hunting areas or Kigezi Wildlife Reserve the tusks
will be forfeited.

7. Elephant ivory exceeding a certain weight as laid down by the

Minister is liable to tax.

8. No lion may be hunted in Toro or Kigezi Wildlife Reserves.

Minister Responsible for Wildlife and
Executive Director, Uganda Wildlife
Authority (in the Minister’s absence)
Schedule to the special permit.

Animals Which May be Hunted.

Register of Animals Killed.

(to be kept to date by the permit holder)

Species Number Areas Fee Date Place Animal and

Dik-dik One of each As prescribed for
species if animals in the
Duiker available on area where
quota in the animals are
Eland areas hunted
Elephant mentioned in
the third
Giant forest hog column

Grant’s gazelle
Species Number Areas Fee Date Place Animal and
Kudu, greater
Kudu, lesser
Lion One of each As prescribed for
Oribi species if animals in the
available on area where
Oryx quota in the animals are
areas hunted
Reedbuck (Bohor) mentioned in
the third
Reedbuck column
Uganda kob
Species Number Areas Fee Date Place Animal and
Any of the birds Maximum of
mentioned in the five birds per
Third Schedule to day
the Game
(Preservation and
Control) Act
except the greater

I certify that the above list of animals is a complete record of animals killed by me under this permit.

Permit holder signed _______________________________ Date __________________________________

Professional hunter signed ___________________________ Date __________________________________

Form B.
Licence to Purchase and Sell Game Trophies
(Converted into Manufactured Articles.)
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable

Licence No. ____________________________________________________

Station _______________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss ____________________ of __________________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to purchase and sell any game trophies
converted into manufactured articles which have been obtained without
contravention of the provisions of the schedules to the Game (Preservation
and Control) Act or the above Act.

Fee: nil

Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Form C.
Licence to Export Game Trophies.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable

Licence No. __________________________________________________

Station ______________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss _________________________ of ___________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to export the undermentioned trophies
obtained on game licences issued under the above Act.

Fee: nil

Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Form D.
Licence to Export Live, Nonscheduled Animals.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable

Licence No. ___________________________________________________

Station ________________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss _______________________ of _____________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to export ________________________
obtained without contravening the provisions of the schedules to the Game
(Preservation and Control) or the above Act.

Fee: shs. 50 (per animal)

Total fee paid: shs. ________

Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Form E.
Licence to Purchase Wildlife Trophy.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable
Licence No. ____________________________________________________
Station ________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss _______________________ of ______________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to purchase _______________________1
without contravening the provisions of the above Act.

Fee: shs. 10
Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority

Indicate here the nature of the trophy obtained.
Form F.
Licence to Purchase and Export Game Trophies.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable

Licence No. ___________________________________________________

Station _____________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss _______________________ of _____________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to purchase and export
__________________________1 without contravening the provisions of the
schedules to the Game (Preservation and Control) Act or the above Act.

Fee: shs. 20
Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority

Indicate here the nature of the trophy obtained.
Form G.
Licence to Export Live, Scheduled Animals.
The Uganda Wildlife Act.

Not transferable
Licence No. ____________________________________________________
Station ________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs./Miss _______________________ of _____________________,

holder of this licence, is permitted to export ________________________
____________________________ obtained without contravening the
provisions of the schedules to the Game (Preservation and Control) Act or
the above Act.

Fee _____________________
Total fees paid shs. ________
Executive Director,
Uganda Wildlife Authority


History: S.I. 18/1968; S.I. 25/1968; S.I. 14/1981.

Cross Reference

Game (Preservation and Control) Act, Cap. 198.


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