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Ming Chuan University

International College
International Business and Trade Program

IHRM Final Project Assignment

Professor: Dr. Chen Ho

Stephanie: 09913952
1. You are aware that Global Talent Management is context-specific. Use ChatGPT
to generate a table describing the particularities in China, Russia, the Arabic Gulf
States, and your own country. Post the ChatGPT-generated table. Check its
accuracy and add your comments on those generated contents within 400
words. (40%).

Chat GPT answer: Here's a comparative table highlighting key aspects of global human
resources management in China, Russia, the Arab Gulf States, and Vietnam:

Aspect China Russia Arabic Gulf Vietnam


Cultural Confucian Hierarchical, Islamic Confucian and

Influences values, collectivist with principles, high Buddhist
collectivism, individualist power distance, values,
high power elements, high collectivist collectivism,
distance power distance high power

Leadership Authoritative, Authoritative, Paternalistic, Authoritative,

Style top-down, centralized hierarchical, top-down,
respect for decision-makin respect for hierarchical
hierarchy g authority

Employee Loyalty, job Stability, career Job security, Job stability,

Motivation security, progression, respect, status loyalty, social
collective financial symbols harmony
success incentives

Recruitment Guanxi Networking, Expatriate Networking,

Practices (relationships), academic reliance, local education,
education and credentials, talent family
skill level experience development, background

Training & Continuous Skill Training for On-the-job

Development improvement, development, specific roles, training,
company-specif continuous focus on vocational
ic training professional expatriate education,
education training company

Performance Group Formal reviews, Annual reviews, Regular

Evaluation performance, key performance-ba appraisals,
long-term performance sed incentives individual and
achievements indicators team
(KPIs) performance

Compensation Competitive Salaries with Competitive Salaries with

& Benefits base salary, bonuses, social salaries, bonuses, social
bonuses, benefits benefits security
benefits packages, benefits,

(housing, housing, travel allowances
healthcare) allowances

Labor Laws & Strict labor Rigid labor Labor laws Developing
Regulations laws, employee laws, employee based on labor laws,
protection, protection, Sharia, employee
mandatory mandatory protective of protection,
benefits benefits employees, increasing
emphasis on focus on
benefits benefits

Work-Life Increasingly Valued, with an Important, with Valued, with

Balance important, but emphasis on clear distinction emphasis on
long hours still holidays and between work family and
common family time and personal community

Industrial State influence, Strong unions, Limited union Emerging

Relations limited union collective activity, state unions, state
power, focus on bargaining, and employer influence,
harmonious state influence control, focus harmonious
relations on harmony relations

Expatriate Growing use of Limited use, High reliance Increasing use

Management expatriates, focus on local on expatriates, of expatriates,
cultural training, talent cultural focus on local
localization development adaptation integration and
policies support, training
strategic roles

My point of view:

Based on the culture and beliefs of each country, deeply affecting working styles and
international human resource management. Like the three countries of China, Vietnam
and the Arab countries belong to collectivist society, while Russia belongs to hierarchical,
not collectivist.
For the average working hours per week, the United Arab Emirates is in the top 10
countries with the longest working hours per week (52 hours). Evidence suggests that long
work hours may impair personal health safety and increase stress. In The Russian
Federation only 0.1% of employees work very long hours in paid work. In Russia, full-time
workers devote a similar amount of their day on average to personal care and leisure
(socializing with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use, etc.)
Performance evaluations vary, with China and Vietnam focusing on group performance
and long-term achievements, while Russia and the Arab Gulf States use formal reviews
and performance-based incentives. Compensation structures are competitive, with
significant benefits packages. The Arabic Gulf States offer extensive benefits, reflecting
their wealth and the need to attract expatriate talent.There is a growing use of expatriates,
especially in the Arabic Gulf States, which rely heavily on foreign talent. China and

Vietnam are also increasing their use of expatriates while focusing on localization and
cultural integration.

2. Watch the documentary “American Factory” and answer the following two
questions: (1) Identify three most prominent IHRM issues in this case and describe
how those issues would affect the success of Fuyao Glass America (<300 words).
(2) Would forming a labor union benefit Fuyao Glass America? Support your
viewpoints with at least three reasons with supporting sources
(<300 words). (60%)

The documentary "American Factory" explores deeply into the operational and cultural
challenges that Fuyao Glass America, a Chinese-owned automobile glass factory in
Dayton, Ohio, must overcome. The movie brings to light a number of international human
resources management (IHRM) concerns that have a big impact on the business's
The cultural conflict between American and Chinese personnel is one of the biggest issues
the video highlights. These variations show themselves in a variety of areas, including
management techniques, communication methods, and work ethics.

Important labor relations topics including workers' rights, unionization initiatives, and safety
concerns are also covered in the documentary.
Chinese managers have a propensity for taking on a more authoritarian leadership style,
which is defined by restricted employee involvement and top-down decision-making.
Strong leadership is essential for inspiring workers, encouraging creativity.

The establishment of a labor union at Fuyao Glass America may have a number of
advantages, but there are drawbacks that must be taken into consideration. These are the
main three advantages of creating a labor union. America's Fuyao Glass
When it comes to promoting higher workplace safety and health standards, unions
frequently play a significant role. The documentary "American Factory" brought to light a
number of safety issues and high accident rates at Fuyao Glass America, which were
significant sources of conflict for the workforce. In comparison to non-unionized
workplaces, unionized firms often have superior safety procedures and lower injury rates,
according to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) research.

Employee rights can be better protected and job security can be increased by labour
unions. Many of the issues voiced by employees at Fuyao Glass America can be
addressed by union contracts, which often contain provisions for fair salaries, benefits,
complaint procedures, and protection against unjust dismissal.

A union can act as a formalized avenue of communication between employees and

management, resulting in more successful dispute and grievance settlement. This can
promote a more cooperative work atmosphere and lessen conflict at work.


Global Life-Work Balance Index | Best Work-Life Balance Countries. (n.d.). Remote.

World Happiness Index 2024. (n.d.).

Current Property Prices Index by City. (n.d.).

O’Loughlin, H. (2023, November 1). Average Work Hours Per Week For Every Country.


Country comparison tool. (n.d.).


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