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1.1 Introduction of the Report.................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Originating of the Report .................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Significant of the Report ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Objective of the Report....................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Broad Objective............................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Methodology of the Report ................................................................................................................ 5
1.5.1 Research design: .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2. Sources of Data Collection: ......................................................................................................... 5
1.5.3 Data collection Procedure:........................................................................................................... 6
1.5.4 Data Analysis and reporting: ........................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Limitation of the Study: ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 An overview of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd. ............................................................................................. 7
2.1.1. Corporate Information: ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Vision of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd: ...................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Mission of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd:.................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Core Values of Kazi Rice Industries Limited: ...................................................................................... 9
2.5. Organizational Hierarchy of Kazi Rice Industries Limited: ............................................................... 11
3.1 Market: ............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Marketing:......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Core Concepts of Marketing: ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Need/Want/Demand: ................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.2 Marketing Offers: ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Value and Satisfaction:............................................................................................................... 15
3.1.4 Exchanges Transaction and Relationships: ................................................................................ 16
3.1.5 Market:....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.6 Marketers/ Prospects: ............................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Marketing Strategy: .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Types of Marketing Strategies: ......................................................................................................... 18
3.5.1 Business to business (B2B) marketing ....................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 Business to consumer (B2C) marketing: .................................................................................... 18
3.6 Various Marketing Strategies of Limited Firms: ............................................................................... 19
3.6.1 Paid advertising .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.2 Cause marketing ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.6.3 Relationship marketing .............................................................................................................. 19
3.6.4 Undercover marketing ............................................................................................................... 19
3.6.5 Word of mouth .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.6 Guerrilla marketing .................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.7 Internet marketing: .................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.8 Transactional marketing: ........................................................................................................... 20
3.6.9 Diversity marketing: ................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.10 Direct Marketing: ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.1Products: ............................................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.1 Rice Products: ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.1.2 Lentil:.......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.3 Production Capacity Everyday: .................................................................................................. 23
4.1.4 Production process: ................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Price: ................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.1 Penetration Pricing. ................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Economy Pricing ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.3 Price Skimming ........................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.4 Product Line Pricing. .................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.5 Price of Kazi Rice Products: ........................................................................................................ 25
4.3 Place: ................................................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.1 Placing of Kazi Rice Showrooms: ................................................................................................ 28
4.2.2 Showroom wise address: ........................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Promotions: ...................................................................................................................................... 31
4.4.1 Promotional Strategies of Kazi Rice: .......................................................................................... 31
4.5 Market segmentation: ...................................................................................................................... 34
4.5.1 Marker Segmentation of Kazi Rice: ............................................................................................ 34
4.5.2 Target Market of Kazi Rice: ........................................................................................................ 36
4.5.3 Brand position of Kazi Rice:........................................................................................................ 37
5.1 SWOT Analysis: ................................................................................................................................. 38
6.1 Findings: ............................................................................................................................................ 40
6.2 Recommendations: ........................................................................................................................... 41
6.3 Conclusion:........................................................................................................................................ 42
1.1 Introduction of the Report

For any business school student only curriculum activity is not enough for handling the real
Business situation, there for it is an opportunity for the students to know about the field of business
through the internship program. This report is prepared on the purpose to better understand about
marketing strategies of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd. Now a day’s developing a effective marketing
strategy in business has become very common activities in business and day by day it got an
integrated part for doing business. In this globalization era a business organization faces worldwide
competition so they have to compete for their existence and profitability that require them to
engage in local market as well as in the international market. That’s why private limited companies
are focusing on their marketing strategies for local and foreign market of their products and

1.2 Originating of the Report

Practical work is the best way to better understand about what is learned in theory, so after finishing
my theoretical study I got a job as the junior officer in Kazi Rice Industries Ltd and obtain practical
knowledge and try to compare what I read and what I did in my job responsibilities. For evaluating
what I learned from my job I prepare this report. I have always tried my best to reflect my
experience of practical work in this report.

1.3 Significant of the Report

This internship report is an important partial requirement of four year BBA graduation program.
This is because knowledge and learning become perfect when it is associated with theory and
practice. That is, student can train and prepare themselves for the job market. A poor country like
Bangladesh has a huge number of unemployed educated graduates. As they have no practical
experience been able to gain normal professional knowledge to establish networking, this is
important in getting a job. While preparing this report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth
knowledge of all the marketing strategies of Kazi Rice. Therefore, it is obvious that the
significance of internship is clearly justified as the crucial requirement of four year BBA
1.4 Objective of the Report

Objective is an important thing for different purpose. Objective helps to go in a good way that
relates with the Report. Primary objective is to learn the real world experience because I have
gathered theoretical knowledge from BBA program and try to match real world experience with
the theoretical knowledge.

1.4.1 Broad Objective

The broad objective of this report is to analyze the Performance of marketing strategies of Kazi
Rice Industries Ltd.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

Furthermore, the specific objectives of this report are:-

➢ To know the marketing concept procedure through Kazi Rice.

➢ To analyze the digital marketing through Kazi Rice.
➢ To examine supply chain management of Kazi Rice.
➢ To analyze the Marketing Mix of Kazi Rice.
➢ To know the market Segment, Target and Positioning of Kazi Rice.
➢ Assessment of the Kazi Rice’s business operation procedures of Kazi Rice.

1.5 Methodology of the Report

1.5.1 Research design:

This report is descriptive in nature which briefly reveals analyze the marketing strategies of Kazi
Rice Industries Ltd. It has been administered by collecting secondary and primary data.

1.5.2. Sources of Dta Collection:

Mainly this report based on secondary sources of data but I also used some primary data to make
the report more rich and informative
Primary Source:

Take experts opinion from higher officials of the company, Observing there operations during my
service period.

Secondary Sources:

The secondary data sources are following

➢ Administrative and marketing operations of the company (2014-2016).

➢ Website of Kazi Rice.
➢ Official documents and operation procedures.
➢ Audit reports, that I’ve conducted through my service period.

1.5.3 Data collection Procedure:

I have collected Primary data through informal and formal discussion from my line manager,
colleagues and DMD sir. Secondary data has been collected through different manuals,
memorandum, and website.

1.5.4 Data Analysis and reporting:

For analysis and interpretation of data some statistical tools like MS-Word, MS- Excel and MS-
Power point software were used.

1.6 Limitation of the Study:

Some limitations are faced to prepare this report. The main barrier of the study was:

• Insufficiency of information
• Company employees can’t provide the information due to security and other corporate
• Due to time limitation many of the aspects could not be discussed in the present report.
• Learning all the functions within just 80 days is really tough
• In many cases, up to date information was not published.
• Lack of experiences has acted as constraints in the way of meticulous exploration on the

2.1 An overview of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd.

Kazi Rice Industries is one of the largest independent advisors on the domestic rice market. From
the very beginning it was called Kazi Auto Rice Mill. Which is working for over 22 years, they
have focused on helping industrial food processors to strategically source all types of rice products
and co-products. It is expected that the concern will start commercial operations in the year 2019
with milling capacity of 250 MT paddies per day. It produces rice from verities category of paddy
such as Miniket, Atash, Chinigura, Paijam, Jirashail, Najirshail, Gutisharna and different kinds of
Lentils also. Total area of the paddy factory building would be 31,660sft including a warehouse of
5000 square feet. The Machinery of the project will procured from both foreign and local source.
They help rice buyers navigate volatile markets, adding value with market analysis, objective
advice, and purchasing services. Kazi Rice Industries Ltd is the restructured form of one of the
largest company in the country, which started business with a paid-up capital of Tk. 200 crore and
survived .Now Kazi Rice Industries Ltd has completed a long journey which is a total success
story all the way. During its long operation, the company could make its presence felt in the
national level by their export and import service. Now the industry has seven branches. The
registered head office of the industry is at Bogra, Dhaka. But its main branch office is situated at
Mohakhali, New DOHS, Dhaka. Since its inception Kazi Rice Ltd has acquired commendable
reputation by providing sincere personalized service to its customers.
2.1.1. Corporate Information:
Name: Kazi Rice Industries Ltd.

Registered Address: Office : Shariakandi Road, Shabgram, Bogra

Factory: Sharia Kandi Road, Shabgram, Bogra

Dhaka Office: Mohakhali DOHS, R-4, H-146, L-2

Legal Status: Private Limited Company

Date of Incorporation as PLC: May 21, 2019

Startup Capital: 250 Crore

No. of Showrooms: 07 (From January 5,2014)

TIN Number: 082-011-7891/SA-125

2.2. Vision of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd:

To become the effective largest producer and supplier of milled rice in Bangladesh to
support raising food demands of the country and to be a market leader in rice industry.

2.3. Mission of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd:

➢ Kazi Rice will open their showrooms in all most every district and division in
➢ Providing excellent customer service through an experienced management
marketing team and ensuring good corporate governance in every step of their
➢ Supply their products to local dealers as well as to the foreign exporters.

2.4. Core Values of Kazi Rice Industries Limited:


Growth Best quality


Core Values of
Kazi Rice

R&D based Availability of

Production Products

Figure 1: Core Values of Kazi Rice

Customer Satisfaction:

Kazi Rice focuses a lot in customer satisfaction. Cause they belive that one loyal customer can
bring lots potential customers. That’s why they put lots of attention in customer service. All of
their sales persons are trained properly on following principles:

• Treat your customers like they are your boss

• Build customer loyalty to increase customer satisfaction
• Don't ignore customer’s feedbacks.
• Focus on your customer’s needs.
• Notify the customers about new products and offers.
• Give customer a proper knowledge about your products.
• Provide cash memos to the customers.
Best quality products:

Kazi Rice provides best quality products to their customer. As their products are being
manufactured in automated machine, their products quality is better than other local rice
manufacturers. In their rice the broken rice percentage is only 2% where the international slandered
is 5%. Any kind dust, rocks, husk, insects presence is 0%.. The length and width of particular rice
is equal. That means they don’t mix different kind of rice like other manufacturers to reduce the

Availability of products:

All the products they produce are always available in their showrooms. According to the demands
in the market, they always stock products in their showrooms. Every month products are delivered
to the showrooms according to the requisition.

Effective Management:

As they have developed their own ERP software their management system is so effective. When
any kind mismanagement occurs they get notified from the software updates and take necessary
steps to solve that.

R&D based production:

Their R&D department is always doing research to improve the products quality and inform the
local paddy suppliers about new technologies in cultivation.


Kazi Rice focuses on constant growth of their business. They are now trying to open new outlets
in the country.
2.5. Organizational Hierarchy of Kazi Rice Industries Limited:


Managing Director

Deputy Managing Deputy Managing Deputy Managing

Director 1 Director 2 Director 3

Accounts Marketing Communication HR

Department Department Department Department

Junior Officer.

Junior Officer

Figure 2: Organizational Hierarchy of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd.

3.1 Market:

An actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and
sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts or
instruments, for money or barter.

• Markets include mechanisms or means for,

• Determining price of the traded item,
• Communicating the price information,
• Facilitating deals and transactions, and
• Effecting distribution. The market for a particular item is made up of existing and potential
customers who need it and have the ability and willingness to pay for it.

3.2 Marketing:

Marketing is the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or
services. The key word in this marketing definition is "process"; marketing involves researching,
promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services.

The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer.
It includes the co-ordination of four elements called the 4 P’s of Marketing:

• Identification, selection and development of a product,

• Determination of its price,
• Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer’s place, and
• Development and implementation of a promotional strategy.

Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction.
Marketing differs from selling because

“Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for
your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as
marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated
effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs.”

In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does
developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer’s needs.

3.3 Core Concepts of Marketing:

Marketing creates value for the customer. So, marketer has to clear concept regarding customer
needs, wants and market conditions. For getting clear idea regarding customer, marketer has to
consider five fundamental concepts of marketing. These concepts are given below:


Market Offers

Concepts of
Marketers/ Value and
Prospects Satisfaction


Figure: Core Concepts of Marketing

3.1.1 Need/Want/Demand:

Existence of unmet needs is precondition to undertake marketing activities. Marketing tries to

satisfy needs of consumers. Human needs are the state of felt deprivation of some basic
satisfaction. A need is the state of mind that reflects the lack-ness and restlessness situation. Needs
are physiological in nature. People require food, shelter, clothing, esteem, belonging, and likewise.
Note that needs are not created. They are pre-existed in human being. Needs are created
physiological tension that can be released by consuming/using products.


Wants are the options to satisfy a specific need. They are desire for specific satisfiers to meet
specific need. For example, food is a need that can be satisfied by variety of ways, such as sweet,
bread, rice, sapati, puff, etc. These options are known as wants. In fact, every need can be satisfied
by using different options. Maximum satisfaction of consumer need depends upon availability of
better options. Needs are limited, but wants are many; for every need, there are many wants.
Marketer can influence wants, not needs. He concentrates on creating and satisfying wants.


Demand is the want for specific products that are backed by the ability and willingness (may be
readiness) to buy them. It is always expressed in relation to time. All wants are not transmitted in
demand. Such wants which are supported by ability and willingness to buy can turn as demand.
Marketer tries to influence demand by making the product attractive, affordable, and easily
available. Marketing management concerns with managing quantum and timing of demand.
Marketing management is called as demand management

3.1.2 Marketing Offers:

Marketing offers are some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a
market to satisfy a need or want.
• Products:

Product can also be referred as a bundle of satisfaction, physical and psychological both.
Product includes core product (basic contents or utility), product-related features (color,
branding, packaging, labeling, varieties, etc.), and product-related services (after-sales
services, guarantee and warrantee, free home delivery, free repairing, and so on). So, tangible
product is a package of services or benefits. Marketer should consider product benefits and
services, instead of product itself. Marketer can satisfy needs and wants of the target consumers
by product. It can be broadly defined as anything that can be offered to someone to satisfy a
need or want. Product includes both good and service. Normally, product is taken as tangible
object, for example, pen, television set, bread, book, etc.

However, importance lies in service rendered by the product. People are not interested just
owning or possessing products, but the services rendered by them. For examples, we do not
buy a pen, but writing service.

Similarly, we do not buy a car, but transportation service. Just owning product is not enough,
the product must serve our needs and wants. Thus, physical product is just a vehicle or medium
that offers services to us.

• Services:

Service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible
and does not result in the ownership of anything. Such as; health service, banking and insurance
service, transportation service etc.

• Experiences: Experiences are knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing, seeing or felling
things. Such as; due to experience, Nike not only produce shoe, but also they are producing high
quality sports elements.

3.1.3 Value and Satisfaction:

• Utility:

Utility means overall capacity of product to satisfy need and want. It is a guiding concept to choose
the product. Every product has varying degree of utility. As per level of utility, products can be
ranked from the most need-satisfying to the least need-satisfying. Utility is the consumer’s
estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his/her needs. Buyer purchases such a
product, which has more utility. Utility is, thus, the strength of product to satisfy a particular need.

• Cost:

Cost means the price of product. It is an economic value of product. The charges a customer has
to pay to avail certain services can be said as cost. The utility of product is compared with cost
that he has to pay. He will select such a product that can offer more utility (value) for certain price.
He tries to maximize value, that is, the utility of product per taka.

• Satisfaction:

Satisfaction means fulfillment of needs. Satisfaction is possible when buyer perceives that product
has more value compared to the cost paid for. Satisfaction closely concerns with fulfillment of all
the expectations of buyer. Satisfaction releases the tension that has aroused due to unmet
need(s). In short, more utility/value with less cost results into more satisfaction.

3.1.4 Exchanges Transaction and Relationships:

• Exchanges: Exchange is in the center of marketing. Marketing management tries to arrive at the
desired exchange. People can satisfy their needs and wants in one of the four ways – self-
production, coercion/snatching, begging, or exchanging. Marketing emerges only when people
want to satisfy their needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is an act of obtaining a desired
product from someone by offering something in return. Obtaining sweet by paying money is the
example an exchange. Exchange is possible when following five conditions are satisfied:

i. There should be at least two parties

ii. Each party has something that might be of value to the other party

iii. Each party is capable of communication and delivery

iv. Each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer

v. Each party believes it is desirable to deal with the other party

• Transaction:

Trade values between two parties. Here must have financial relations. Transaction involves
following conditions:

i. At least two things of value.

ii. Agreed upon conditions.

iii. A time of agreement.

iv. A place of agreement.

v. A law (legal system) of contract to avoid distrust.

• Relationships:

Relationship marketing is the practice of building long-term profitable or satisfying relations with
key parties like customers, suppliers, distributors, and others in order to retain their long-term
preference in business. A smart marketer tries to build up long-term, trusting, and ‘win-win’
relations with valued customers, distributors, and suppliers. Relationship marketing needs trust,
commitment, cooperation, and high degree of understanding. Relationship marketing results into
economical, technical, social, and cultural tie among the parties. Marketing manager is
responsible for establishing and maintaining long-term relations with the parties involved in

3.1.5 Market:
A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a products or services. Markets have some conditions;

• Actual and potential customer.

• Desire of product and service.

• Ability for paying behind the product.

3.1.6 Marketers/ Prospects:
Working with market to actualize potential exchanges for the purpose of satisfying needs and
wants. One party seeks the exchange more actively, called as “Marketer”, and the other party is
called “Prospect”. Prospect is someone whom marketer identifies as potentially willing and able
to engage in exchange. Marketer may be seller or buyer. Most of time, marketer is seller. A
marketer is a company serving a market in the face of competition. Marketing Management takes
place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired
responses from other parties.

3.4 Marketing Strategy:

A marketing strategy is a business' overall game plan for reaching people and turning them into
customers of the product or service that the business provides. The marketing strategy of a
company contains the company’s value proposition, key marketing messages, information on the
target customer, and other high level elements. The marketing strategy informs the marketing plan,
which is a document that lays out the types and timing of marketing activities. A company’s
marketing strategy should have a longer lifespan than any individual marketing plan as the strategy
is where the value proposition and the key elements of a company’s brand reside. These things
ideally do not shift very much over time.

3.5 Types of Marketing Strategies:

There are different types of marketing strategies available. Picking up a marketing strategy
includes analyzing the needs of your business, your target audience and specifications of your

The two main types of marketing strategy are:

3.5.1 Business to business (B2B) marketing

B2B (business-to-business) marketing is marketing of products to businesses or other
organizations for use in production of goods, for use in general business operations (such as office
supplies), or for resale to other consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer.

3.5.2 Business to consumer (B2C) marketing:

Business to consumer, or B2C, marketing is a common term company’s use when referring to the
type of business they operate. B2C companies focus on selling to individuals and market their
products for personal use. They also offer packaging options that are appropriate for individual

The most common form of marketing is business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

3.6 Various Marketing Strategies of Limited Firms:

Followings are the various marketing strategies undertake by various limited firms:

3.6.1 Paid advertising

This includes multiple approaches for marketing. It includes traditional approaches like TVCs and
print media advertising. Also, one of the most well-known marketing approach is internet
marketing. It includes various methods like PPC (Pay per click) and paid advertising.

3.6.2 Cause marketing

Cause marketing links the services and products of a company to a social cause or issue. It is also well
known as cause related marketing.

3.6.3 Relationship marketing

This type of marketing is basically focused on customer building. Enhancing existing relationships with
customers and improving customer loyalty.

3.6.4 Undercover marketing

This type of marketing strategy focuses on marketing the product while customers remain unaware of the
marketing strategy. It is also known as stealth marketing.

3.6.5 Word of mouth

It totally relies on what impression you leave on people. It is traditionally the most important type of
marketing strategy. Being heard is important in business world. When you give quality services to
customers, it is likely that they’d promote you.
3.6.6 Guerrilla marketing
Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their
products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend. This involves high energy and
imagination focusing on grasping the attention of the public in more personal and memorable level. Some
large companies use unconventional advertisement techniques, proclaiming to be guerrilla marketing but
those companies will have larger budget and the brand is already visible. The main point of guerrilla
marketing is that the activities are done exclusively on the streets or other public places, such as shopping
centers, parks or beaches with maximum people access so as to attract a bigger audience.

3.6.7 Internet marketing:

It is also known as cloud marketing. It usually happens over the internet. All the marketing items are
shared on the internet and promoted on various platforms via multiple approaches.

3.6.8 Transactional marketing:

Sales are particularly the most challenging work. Even for the largest retailers, selling is always tough
especially when there are high volume targets. However with the new marketing strategies, selling isn’t
as difficult as it was. In transactional marketing the retailers encourage customers to buy with shopping
coupons, discounts and huge events. It enhances the chances of sales and motivates the target audience
to buy the promoted products.

3.6.9 Diversity marketing:

It caters diverse audience by customizing and integrating different marketing strategies. It covers

different aspects like cultural, beliefs, attitudes, views and other specific needs.

3.6.10 Direct Marketing:

Direct marketing is a form of advertising where organizations communicate directly to customers through
a variety of media including cell phone text messaging, email, websites, online adverts, database
marketing, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters and targeted television, newspaper and
magazine advertisements as well as outdoor advertising.

Kazi Rice has very broad line products. From Short Grain to Long Grain they produces different
types of products from there auto rice mill Kazi Rice produces ten different types of rice and three
types of lentil which are available in their seven outlets as well as in the wholesale market. Their
rice and lentil categories are discussed below:

4.1.1 Rice Products:

Kazi Rice produces various types of rice products according to the demand of the market and social
classes. They have products of various ranges. Their rice products are available in:

1kg PP bags

5kg Jute bags

25kg PP & Jute bags

50kg PP & Jute bags

Their rice products are mainly categorized in 3 type. These are:

• Long Grain Rice

• Medium Grain Rice
• Short Grain Rice

These rice categories are discussed with their sub categories below: Long Grain Rice:

Rice with a length is four to five times than its width. The rice is fluffy and dry when cooked and
because of its low starch content, the rice separates easily without excessive stickiness. Long grain
rice is available in one type: Medium Grain Rice:

Rice that has a length is two or three times than its width. When cooked, the rice tends to remain
moist and tender, with a moderate stickiness, clinging together more than long grain. Medium
grain rice is available in different varieties, such as aromatic, white and brown. This type of rice
can be steamed or baked and is used most often for desserts, casseroles, breads, and stir-fry recipes.
Medium grain Kazi Rice products verities are:

• Special Miniket Rice

• Super Miniket Rice
• Super Atash Rice
• Special Atash Short Grain Rice:

A classification of rice in which, the grains must be less than two times smaller than their width.
Some short grain rice varieties are about as long as they are wide (making them almost round).
Short grain rice is usually very starchy and the grains have a tendency to stick together after being
cooked. It cooks up tender and soft and is most often used for sushi, risottos, stir-fry recipes, and
desserts. Short grain rice is very popular in Asian countries. Short grain Kazi Rice products verities

• ZInashail Rice
• Chinigura Rice
• Nazirshail Rice
• Paijam Rice
• Guti Swarna Rice

3.1.2 Lentil:
Kazi Rice produces three different types of lentil according to the needs of customer and available
in their seven outlets in Dhaka city. Lentils which are available in Kazi Rice are:

• Kazi Mung Lentil

• Kazi Bangladeshi Lentil
• Kazi Lentil

4.1.3 Production Capacity Everyday:

Kazi Rice auto rice mills production capacity is 200 TPD. 135,000 MT paddy, 87,750 MT Rice,
28,350 MT Rice Husk, 10,800 MT Rice Bran, 5,400 MT Broken Rice, 1,350 MT Rejected Rice
and 1,350 MT Impure rice every year.
4.1.4 Production process:

Fig: Production process flowchart

4.2 Price:

In terms of the marketing mix some would say that pricing is the least attractive element.
Marketing companies should really focus on generating as high a margin as possible. The argument
is that the marketer should change product, place or promotion in some way before resorting to
pricing reductions. Pricing strategies are as follows:

4.2.1 Penetration Pricing.

The price charged for products and services is set artificially low in order to gain market share.
Once this is achieved, the price is increased. This approach was used by France Telecom and Sky

4.2.2 Economy Pricing

This is a no frills low price. The costs of marketing and promoting a product are kept to a minimum.
Supermarkets often have economy brands for soups, spaghetti, etc.

4.2.3 Price Skimming

Price skimming sees a company charge a higher price because it has a substantial competitive
advantage. However, the advantage tends not to be sustainable. The high price attracts new
competitors into the market, and the price inevitably falls due to increased supply. Manufacturers
of digital watches used a skimming approach in the 1970s.

4.2.4 Product Line Pricing.

Where there is a range of products or services the pricing reflects the benefits of parts of the range.
For example bike washes; a basic wash could be 200 tk, a wash and wax 250 tk and the whole
package for 300 tk. Product line pricing seldom reflects the cost of making the product since it
delivers a range of prices that a consumer perceives as being fair incrementally – over the range.

4.2.5 Price of Kazi Rice Products:

Kazi Rice follows “Price Skimming” strategy for their products. They charge a higher price
because it has a substantial competitive advantage rather than other rice suppliers, because they
supply their products to their showrooms direct from their mills. As a result no middle man or
wholesalers interferes. They supply the best quality product to the customers from their outlets.
The prices of Kazi Rice products are given below.

SL No. Product Name Packing Size Price

1 Kazi Basmati Rice 1Kg 490

5Kg 2450

25Kg 12250

50Kg 24500

2 Special Miniket 1Kg 90

5Kg 450

25Kg 2250

50Kg 4500

3 Super Miniket 1Kg 80

5Kg 400

25Kg 2000

50Kg 4000

4 Super Atash 1Kg 53

5Kg 265

25Kg 1325

50Kg 2650
5 Special Atash 1Kg 56

5Kg 280

25Kg 1400

50Kg 2800

6 Zirashail 1Kg 80

5Kg 400

25Kg 2000

50Kg 4000

7 Chinigura 1Kg 180

5Kg 900

25Kg 4500

50Kg 9000

8 Nazirshail 1Kg 80

5Kg 400

25Kg 2000

50Kg 4000

9 Paijam Rice 1Kg 75

5Kg 375

25Kg 1875

50Kg 3750
10 Guti Swarna 1Kg 54

5Kg 270

25Kg 1350

50Kg 2700

11 Kazi Mung Lentil 1Kg 120

12 Kazi Lentil 1Kg 150

13 Kazi Bangladeshi Lentil 1Kg 100

Fig: Products price list of Kazi Rice

4.3 Place:
Place includes company activities that make the product available to target consumers.
Place is also known as channel, distribution, or intermediary. It is the mechanism through which
goods and/or services are moved from the manufacturer/ service provider to the user or consumer.
----Kotler and Armstrong

4.2.1 Placing of Kazi Rice Showrooms:

As Kazi Rice is a new company in retail market, they have few showrooms in the Dhaka city only.
Most of their showrooms are located in the bazar areas of Dhaka. Bazar areas are the places where
consumer gathers for buying rice. So they targeted the bazar areas for distributing there products
through their retail showrooms. Their showrooms are located in following areas:

• Nakhalpara
• Bashabo
• Mugda
• Prambagan
• Khilkhet
• Mirpur-6
• Adabor

4.2.2 Showroom wise address:

In Kazi Rice showrooms all the products are displayed on unique display tables for attracting the
customer. This is the competitive advantage of Kazi Rice rather than other rice brands. These
showrooms have digital weight machines. Customers are provided with printed cash memos and
text messages to their phone number after purchasing products. Kazi Rice also provide home
delivery service to the nearest destination for their customers. After sells services are also provided
from the showrooms, over phone or physically. Showroom wise location and details are given


This showroom is located in the Tejgaon area. The entire customers from DOHS, Nakhalpara,
Shaheenbag, Banani, Mohakhali can easily get Kazi Rice products from this showroom. The
showroom has one in-charge, one executive and one labour. They are well trained as a sales

Bashabo Showroom:

Bashabo showroom is the biggest showroom of Kazi Rice. There are 9 display tables on this
showroom. It’s near the bashabo tempu stand and a busy bazar. Consumers from Bashabo,
Kodomtoli, Mugda can easily get access to this showrooms.
Mugda Showroom:

This showroom is located opposite the Mugda Thana. All the customer from Komolapur, Mugda,
Titipara can easily get Kazi Rice products from this showroom. The showroom has one in-charge
and one labour. There are 5 display tables on this showroom.

Prembagan Showroom:

Prembagan showroom is the 2nd biggest showroom of Kazi Rice. There are 7 display tables on this
showroom. It’s near the Bot Tola bazar. Consumers from Prembagan, Uttara, Dokkhin Khan can
easily get Kazi Rice products from this showroom.

Khilkhet Showroom:

This showroom is located in the Khilkhet Bazar. The entire customers from Khilkhet, Kawla, Pink
City can easily get Kazi Rice products from this showroom. The showroom has one in-charge, one
executive and one labor. There are 6 display tables on this showroom.

Mirpur-6 Showroom:

This showroom is located in Mirpur-6 housing area. There are 5 display table in this showroom.
All the customers from mirpur residential areas can easily access to this showroom and purchase
Kazi Rice products.

Adabor Showroom:

Adabor showroom is located in the Adabor Bazar. Its also near the Mohammodpur Krishi Market.
There is also a big rice whole sale market on that area. So the whole sellers and semi whole sellers
can also get Kazi Rice products in large volume from there. It has 5 display table and a large
4.4 Promotions:

Promotion includes all of the activities marketers undertake to inform consumers about their
products and to encourage potential customers to buy these products. ___ Solomon et al (2009).

Promotion includes all of the tools available to the marketer for marketing communication. As
with Neil H. Borden’s marketing mix, marketing communications has its own promotions mix.
Whilst there is no absolute agreement on the specific content of a marketing communications mix
there are many promotions elements that are often included such as:

• Sales
• Advertising,
• Sales Promotion
• Public Relations
• Direct Marketing
• Online Communication
• Personal Selling

4.4.1 Promotional Strategies of Kazi Rice:

As Kazi Rice products are in introduction stage in rice industry, they are focusing on promoting
their in different effective ways. As a result they are now the market leader in Miniket Rice related
products. Wholesalers and semi wholeseler’s are getting Kazi Rice products from directly the mills
and showroom. Promotional strategies of Kazi Rice are discussed below: Advertising through billboards and leaflets:

For promoting their products in local bazar areas Kazi Rice came up with unique showrooms. They
are the only rice manufacturer who is selling their products through the showrooms. They have
seven showrooms in Dhaka city. All the showrooms are well decorated with their brand name in
bill board, leaflets and display tables. Personal Selling:
They are focusing on personal selling through their showrooms. They appointed two sales
representatives in each of their showrooms. They are well trained, thus they can help the potential
buyers to purchase products. They also do personal selling in nearby rice market, wholesalers. Corporate sales:

For capturing the corporate market Kazi Rice has a well-trained corporate selling team in every
busy corporate areas in Dhaka city. Their target customers are:

• Hotels
• Convention Centers
• Catering Services
• Garments
• NGO’s
• Industries
• Boarding Schools & Collages
• Hospitals
• Corporate Offices Dealerships in districts:

For covering the whole country Kazi Rice has recently opened their dealerships for the
businessman. Dealers from all over the country can get Kazi Rice products from their mill by Kazi
Rice personal transport system as well as by theirs. And they have successfully covered most of
the districts. Online communication:
For communicating with the customers from local market as well as from the overseas Kazi Rice
has their own website. From their customer can look over their various types of products price and
packing details. They can also order from this, with their personal mailing service, phone and fax.

Website of Kazi Rice & Industries Sponsoring in food festivals:

Kazi Rice sponsor different types of food festivals. They sponsor this festival with their products
and as well were with money. As results a large number of peoples know about Kazi Rice and
their products. Promoting through facebook page:
Kazi Rice has their own facebook page. All types of information related to their products are
available in their facebook page. New offers, products are also posted. And they are boosting
their pages on weekly basis. As a result their brand is getting introduced to the facebook users. Conducting charitable events:

Kazi Rice conducts charitable events such as donating rice to the flood affected peoples and to
the poor slum areas.

4.5 Market segmentation:

The preparatory point for discussing market segmentation is mass-marketing.

The market for any product is normally made up of several segments. A ‘market’ after all is the
aggregate of consumers of a given product. And, consumer (the end user), who makes a market,
are of varying characteristics and buying behavior. There are different factors contributing for
varying mind set of consumers. It is thus natural that many differing segments occur within a

In order to capture this heterogeneous market for any product, marketers usually divide or
disintegrate the market into a number of sub-markets/segments and the process is known as market

4.5.1 Marker Segmentation of Kazi Rice:

Attributes of market segmentation are: Identifiable, measurable, substantial, accessible,
differentiable, profitable, durable, compatible, actionable.

Now I will describe Kazi Rice’s market segmentation under the umbrella of age, gender,
occupation, income, location, social class, personality variables:
Kazi Rice offers best quality rice in the market with different packages to customers at a very
competitive price. Depending on the market researcher’s information and considering the growing
depend of different rice Kazi Rice is in the top position.


Kazi Rice’s primary target was only the elders where the age may vary from 27-60. But it is not
limited within this age. Kazi Rice is also focusing on consumer and dealers above 25. Rice is a
FMCG product in our country and main element in our three times meal.


Both male and woman dominator in our culture are the target market for Kazi Rice. It is not
specially for any particular gender.


Occupation is not clearly defined for the target market of Kazi Rice; however where the age varies
within the young generation as well as elders so it can easily be understood that most of them will
be whether student or doing any job or business.


Kazi Rice provides there rice in three packaging, 5Kg, 25Kg and 50Kg. They keep their price
relatively low than other rice producer. The whole production process is in strict conformity with
international standards, and constant research and development of all products. Kazi Rice provided
superior value to their customer who they promised throwing there customer service and over
phone rice related quarries.

Almost all the places of urban and rural area are under the Kazi Rice’s distribution. Especially in
each and every part of the Dhaka Kazi Rice is available. The company has emphasized on Dhaka
and other dealers from different districts from where more than half of total sales (52%) comes.

Social Class

Kazi Rice has targeted for the upper part of the lower class, middle class, upper middle class, and
lower part of the upper class of the society.

4.5.2 Target Market of Kazi Rice:


Age is the major determinants in targeting the consumers. Kazi Rice products reflects there tag
line “Pure and Fresh Everyday” with its good international quality rice. From their survey, they
have found that Kazi Rice is most preferred in the age group between 30-60 years (85% of 100).
Moreover, the least Kazi Rice preference comes from two age groups: 20-25 years and 30-35 years,
about 25 %.


Rice is used for hunger-quenching purpose or as mail source of carbohydrate and this product is
gender neutral, meaning there is no such kind of obligation to consume the product for male or
female. However, from Kazi Rice’s survey outcome, they’ve found that 71% of the consumers are
male and 29% are female from 100, as Bangladeshi families are male dominated.
Occupation & Income

Consumers’ purchasing pattern, lifestyle and status largely depend on their occupation and average
monthly income of the family. The social class of the target respondents was determined by their
income or taking from family. Kazi Rice products are high involvement products and it is good
enough to consume by upper and middle class. From their survey respondents, male dominators
of a family are the most who purchase Kazi Rice and their income level is from 15000-50000
monthly. Business people, private service personnel and other earning people purchases large
volume of Kazi Rice although their income is comparatively high.

4.5.3 Brand position of Kazi Rice:

Kazi Rice is currently one of the biggest challengers in rice industry thousands of auto rice mills.
These products are spreading among the millions of peoples in our country as well as in India with
their basmati rice.

All the Kazi Rice products are produced as per international standards maintaining highest level
of quality at every stages of its production process.

Kazi Rice is currently producing more than 12 verities of product under 2 different categories i.e.
rice and lentil. The company has adopted ISO 9001 as a guiding principle of its management
system. The company is complaint to HACCP which ensures only the best quality products are
reaches to the consumers table across the country.
5.1 SWOT Analysis:

SWOT analysis is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a
structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or
business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a company, product, place, industry, or
person. It involves specifying the objectives of the business venture or project and identifying the
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.

Figure: SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis of Kazi Rice Industries Limited is given below:


• First mover’s advantage: Kazi Rice entered the retail market with their outlets for retail
selling facility for rice, which was new to the consumers and there was little or no presence
of any other local companies with such facilities. Therefore Kazi Rice had the first mover’s
advantage which they are still enjoying till now.
• Internal strength: Kazi Rice has their own ERP software system for their operations of
different dept. such as production, supply chain, marketing, sales, management and
purchase dept which has digitalized their management system and made it more effective.


• External threats: Too much competition from local millers and MNC’s, for example
Rashid Rice Industries, Pran Rice, Teer Rice, Dolphin Rice.
• Internal weaknesses: Small size of the business and workforce makes it difficult to
manage perfectly. And lack of expert employees is also an important issue. As a result it
often causes internal conflict.


• Existing competitor of the current market is not that much strong to compete them in retail
• “Kazi Rice” can be export to other countries.
• Existing distribution channels are being used and new dealers are interested .
• High growth rate in this industry.

• Competitor can produce the same product.
• Fluctuating pricing in the rice market.
• Bad weather, geographical facts, transportation problems and economy etc.
• New innovation from other competitors could be a threat.
6.1 Findings:

The major objective of the report is to analyze the marketing strategy of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd.
The analysis of marketing strategy of Kazi Rice reveals the following major findings.

➢ From the analysis it has seen that they have 12 types of rice products and 3 lentil types
of lentil, as a result they aren’t focusing on production and proper supply of goods. All
the products aren’t available in their showrooms.
➢ The rice paddy they need for production is not sufficient according to their demand.
The 70% of it comes from importing and 30% comes from local sources.
➢ They are focusing on supplying their products within the Dhaka city only throughout
their outlets but they should also focus on others districts also.
➢ The main problem they are facing for promoting their brand in the market is their brand
name Kazi Rice is conflicting with Kazi Firm, which is big issue while positioning.
➢ They aren’t advertising their products in effective mediums such as TV, Radio, and
➢ As I’m a employee of Kazi Rice I noticed the lack of skilled employees to conduct their
marketing operations and administration.
➢ The working environment is not friendly and there are no motivational facts for the
➢ The dealers have to pay the transportation cost for their ordered products, which create
a negative impact about the company.
➢ Kazi Rice not focusing on the branding properly. They should promote their products
in Youtube, Digital billboards.
6.2 Recommendations:

After analysis of marketing strategies of Kazi Rice, I would like to make some
recommendation that may improve their marketing and administration strategies in future:

➢ They have long production line and they should focus on each and every product
equally to maintain their quality and supply.
➢ They should find more sources of paddy suppliers as a result it will minimize their
production cost. Because importing paddy from foreign countries are expensive.
➢ They should open more branches in almost every district to catch the whole market and
maintain the growth of the organization.
➢ They should advertise their products in TV and Radio.
➢ They should recruit more skilled employees to reduce the workload and smooth their
➢ The HR practice has to be more flexible for the employees to maintain the working
environment for the employees. Some motivational facts and compensations should be
➢ The system of charging the dealers for the transportation cost of the product can be
changed for getting more dealers.
➢ They should focus on the branding. Their branding strategies need to be changed along
with the brand name for effective positioning of the brand.

I believe these steps will be helpful to improve the performance of Kazi Rice Industries Limited
and the rice industry of Bangladesh.
6.3 Conclusion:

There are a number of auto rice mill in Bangladesh operating their activities in the rice industry.
Among them Kazi Rice is a growing rice mill. Their growth rate with in few years is remarkable.
As they came up with new ideas and thoughts in the market they can lead the market in near future.

Kazi Rice Industries Ltd has introduced a new dimension in the field of FMCG with their
digitalized marketing system with ERP. They are the only firm who sell their products through
their outlets. Which gave them a extra benefit to capture the retail market and add value to the

The organization ensures quality product and services to the customers. For better growth and
healthy economic position, it should introduce new product in efficient price to add values to the

I hope Kazi Rice Industries Ltd will do more work for socio-economic development besides their
business operations. To keep pace with ever-changing uncertain domestic business environment
and face the challenges of revised countries economic scenario, the firm should be more pro-
active and responsive to introduce new marketing strategy to hold the strong position in home and

For the future planning and the successful operation in its prime goal in this current competitive
environment I hope this report can provide a good guideline. I wish continuous success and healthy
business portfolio of Kazi Rice Industries Ltd.

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