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Name : Nurhalizha Della Anggita

NIM : K2221057

EYL Lesson Plan

Teaching colours help young learner to master basic cognitive,motor and social skill and
provide foundation for advanced learning

A. General Information

Lesson Colours
Level Kindergarten
Skill Vocabulary
Time Allocation 1x45 minutes
Learning Objective • To recognize and name the seven
colours of the rainbow: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
• To associate colours with familiar
objects, such as fruits, flowers,
animals, etc.

Target Vocabulary Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo,

violet, rainbow.
Structure "What colour is it?”
Teaching Media Flashcard
Music Video

B. Lesson Overview

Warm-Up 1. Greeting & Checking attendance

2. Asking key question
3. Topic Introduction
4. Sing along
Main Activity 1. Teaching target vocabulary
2. Vocabulary drilling
3. Completing worksheet
Wrap-Up 1. Review learning
2. Giving feedback
3. Sayonara

C. Teaching Procedure

Warm-Up Greeting and Teacher greet the students “ good morning everyone, how
checking attendance are you doing?, are you doing good this morning?”,
teacher then checking the attendance before start the
Asking key-question Teacher ask student about basic knowledge about the
material by asking student what is their favorite colour
and what colour they found in object around them when
they going to school and in the classroom.
Topic introduction Teacher explain the material they are going to learn,
colour and object associate with colour around them.
Sing along Teacher provide the students with music video explaining
and introducing colours with “The Rainbow Song”, then
students asked to sing along with the music.
Main Teaching target Teacher explain about 7 colour in the rainbow, red,
Activity vocabulary orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Teacher
then asked student what object around them coloured
Drilling activity Teacher asked student to repeat the 7 colours showed in
the flashcard. Teacher then showed 1 flashcard colour and
students asked to name the colour and object with the
Completing Student provided with colouring worksheet doing
worksheet colouring activity, student colouring object with colour
Wrap-Up Learning review Teacher reviewing what have been learned today by
checking and asking the student understanding.
Giving feedback Teacher giving feedback to the students works of
colouring and the drilling activity.
Sayonara Students and teacher sing sayonara.

D. Appendix
1. Flashcard
2. Worksheet

3. Music Video

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