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Sound is a longitudinal wave.

Slinky represents sound wave.
Each coil in a slinky is an air particle.
The coil moves in aslinky but air does not move with sound.
Like a coil air particles oscillate.
Each wave represents compressions and rarefactions in a sound wave.
Sound waves cannot move through vacuum.
Energy is transferred by a wave.
Sun make energy by nuclear fusion.
Learn rarefaction, compression, amplitude and wavelength.
Higher the frequency of a wave the waves move closer together and the
wavelength will reduce.
Transverse waves – Wave oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of energy
Longitudinal wave – Wave oscillation is parallel to the direction of energy
Two waves interact – superposition
Constructive and destructive interference

Sankey diagrams
Law of conservation of energy
Chemical energy, Kinetic energy, thermal energy, gravitational potential
energy, elastic potential energy
Heat dissipation

Group A Group B
Volume of water Time to reach Volume of water Time to reach
(ml) 60OC (s) (ml) 60OC (s)
50 25 50 35
100 40 100 110
150 165 150 125

What is the relationship between the volume of water in the beaker and the
length of time needed to heat the water to 60OC?
Why does a larger amount of water take longer to heat up than a smaller
What shape of graph would we expect if ‘time needed to heat the water to 60OC’
was plotted against ‘volume of water in the beaker’?

If learners obtained their own data, discuss with learners if any of their data was
anomalous. Discuss with learners why they may have anomalous results.

Why a larger volume of water takes longer to reach 60OC.

More heat energy is needed to heat the larger volume

Why a larger volume of water takes longer to reach 60OC.

This is because more heat energy is needed to heat the larger volume of water to

The variables that are difficult to control (e.g. draughts, heat losses from the
beakers, height of the flame, position of the flame under the beaker, the position
of the thermometer in the beaker).

Strategies could include:

 Using a wider range of water volumes in a larger beaker (e.g. 50 ml to 500
ml in a 600 ml beaker, increasing by 50 ml each time).
 Using more water volumes between 0 ml and 150 ml (e.g. 25 ml to 150 ml,
increasing by 25 ml each time).
 Repeating each reading at least three times, discarding and repeating
anomalous results. Take an average of the results within range.
 Improving the equipment by using an insulated beaker that reduces heat
 Improving the procedure by keeping a constant flow of gas to the Bunsen
burner and stirring the water.

 Heat is a measure of how much energy is transferred to a substance (which
results in an increase in kinetic energy of the particles) and is measured in
Joules (J).
 Temperature is a measure of how hot something is (the average kinetic
energy of the particles) and is measured in degrees Celsius (C).
Temperature of water (OC)
Beaker Beaker
Time (minutes) Beaker 1 2 3 Beaker 4
0 60 50 40 30
2 55 46 37 29
4 50 42 35 27
6 No data given for 6 minutes
8 42 37 31 26
10 39 34 30 25
12 37 32 28 24
14 34 31 27 24
16 32 29 26 23
18 31 28 25 23
20 29 27 25 22

Plot a graph of temperature drop (y-axis) against time (x-axis) for each beaker
on the same axes, drawing curves of best fit.
Where has the energy from the water gone?
The energy has transferred, and dispersed, into the surrounding environment.
Explain that this is called heat dissipation and always occurs from hotter regions
to colder ones.

From the graphs which beakers temperature reduced the fastest.

Conduction can be represented using a particle diagram of a solid being heated

at one end. The particles at the end being heated vibrate more as energy is
transferred to them. These particles collide with their neighbouring particles,
transferring the energy to them and so transferring the energy throughout the
material. Energy will transfer from one end to another until the thermal energy
stores at each end are the same (both ends are at the same temperature).

Convection can be represented by a diagram showing a convection current of a

fluid (liquid or gas) being heated from the bottom. Particles close to the thermal
energy store get hot and start to vibrate more and move faster. They move
further apart and become less dense. The hot fluid rises, and colder denser fluid
takes up its place and is heated in turn. As the heated fluid rises it cools,
becomes denser and sinks. This process continues until the fluid is the same
temperature throughout.

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