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China chronology

Table 1: Chronology of Chinese dynasties

c. 2697
Yellow The most important ‘sage’ emperor, who myth credits with ruling for 100 years
Emperor — credited with introducing important aspects of civilisation to China.
2220 BCE
Xia Legend says that ‘Yu the Great’ controlled the floods of the Yellow River.
Shang Earliest Chinese written script appeared on ‘oracle bones’. These were bones
Dynasty of animals or tortoise shells on which questions were inscribed. The bones
were then heated and the cracks were ‘read’ as messages from the gods.
Exceptional bronze work also appeared during this period.
Zhou Conflict characterised this period. The concepts of the Mandate of Heaven and
Dynasty Yin and Yang developed. The great philosophers, Confucius (father of
Confucianism) and Laozi (father of Taoism) lived during this time.

Qin China is united for the first time under an imperial system when Qin Shi Huang
200 Dynasty (known as the first emperor) defeated the other states of China.

Han Period of growth and expansion for China. Confucianism was established as
Birth of Christ Dynasty the state philosophy.

220 CE Age of Warring between the different states of China.

Sui Grand Canal built.
Tang Paper was invented and art and literature flourished. Empress Wu, the only
Dynasty woman to govern China directly, ruled during this period.

Song Gunpowder was invented and foot binding was probably introduced.
Yuan China came under the control of foreign rulers for the first time when Mongol
Dynasty ruler Kublai Khan became emperor. Beijing became the capital and Marco Polo
stayed in the Court of Kublai Khan.

Ming Period of great expansion. China was an advanced maritime kingdom and
Dynasty Chinese ships may have visited Australia. The Forbidden City, where
Emperors lived in seclusion away from their subjects, was built.

Qing For a second time in its history China came under foreign rule. The Manchus
Dynasty (from Manchuria) forced all Chinese men to shave their heads and wear a
pigtail as a sign of obedience to the emperor. Europeans forced China to open
up to trade. Revolution brought the imperial system to an end in 1912 when the
1912 last emperor abdicated.

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Table 2: Stages in the dynastic cycle

Dynasty rules for long period. The government becomes extravagant and corrupt,
increasing taxes. Administrators ignore the people.

1. New dynasty restores peace and prosperity and claims the Mandate of Heaven.

Natural disasters, such as floods, famine and earthquakes, as well as foreign

invasions increase the dissatisfaction of the people.

The people join rebel bands, the emperor is defeated and the successful rebel
leader declares himself the new emperor.

The lives of the ordinary people are improved under the new dynasty.

Diagram 1: Sequencing the
dynastic cycle

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