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1. Trạng từ ngắn (Short adverbs)

 Là trạng từ có một âm tiết, không tận cùng bằng -ly, các hình thứ so sánh giống hệt như tính từ: thêm -er để
so sánh hơn và thêm -est để so sánh nhất.

2. Công thức: S + (not) V + adv + er + than + noun/ pronoun/ clause

Ví dụ: This morning, Susan went to school later than I did. (Sáng nay, Susan đến trường muộn hơn tôi.)

Why does Tim study harder than he did? (Tại sao Tim lại học hành chăm chỉ hơn lúc trước vậy?)

3. Quy tắc thêm đuôi “er”

- Nếu trạng từ ngắn có 1 âm tiết, ta thêm “-er” vào cuối trạng từ. Nếu trạng từ có tận cùng là “-e” ta chỉ cần
thêm “-r” vào cuối trạng từ.

Ví dụ: Hard (chăm chỉ) -> harder (chăm chỉ hơn), late (muộn) -> later (muộn hơn), high (cao) -> higher (cao hơn),…

- Trạng từ kết thúc bằng một phụ âm (p, t, f, n, h, …), trước nó là một nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) thì ta cần gấp
đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm đuôi “er”.

Ví dụ: Fast (nhanh) ⇒ Faster (nhanh hơn), High (cao) ⇒ Higher (cao hơn)

- Còn đối với trạng từ 2 âm tiết, kết thúc băng đuôi “-y” thì ta chuyển “y” thành “i” và thêm đuôi “er”

Ví dụ: Early (sớm) ⇒ Earlier (sớm hơn)

- Các trường hợp ngoại lệ trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh:

o Well (tốt/ giỏi) ⇒ Better (tốt hơn/ giỏi hơn)

o Badly (tồi tệ/ xấu) ⇒ Worse (tồi tệ hơn/ xấu hơn)

o Much (nhiều) ⇒ More (nhiều hơn)

o Little (ít) ⇒ Less (ít hơn)

o Far (xa) ⇒ Farther/Further (xa hơn)


1. Trạng từ dài (long adverbs)

Trạng từ dài là trạng từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên (thường là tính từ thêm đuôi “-ly” vào). Ví dụ: slowly (chậm), carefully
(cẩn thận), fluently (trôi chảy), beautifully (đẹp),…

2. Công thức: S + (not) V + more/less + adv + than + noun/ pronoun/ clause

Bài 1. Hoàn thành câu (sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc)

1. Tom speaks English (fluent) ___________ now than last month.

2. He smiled (happy) ___________ than before.
3. Could you write (clear) ___________ ?
4. I worked (hard) ___________ than ever before.
5. She can run (fast) ___________ than Jen.
6. Tom drove (slowly) ___________________ than the rest of the people.
7. Jin and her sister talked (loudly)___________________ than the other guests.
8. The Math athlete ran (fast) ___________________ than the other runners.
9. I answered all the questions (well)_______ than the other students.
10. My new teacher explains the exercises (badly)_______ than my old teacher.
Bài 2. Chọn đáp án đúng
1. The teacher asked him to speak___________. 6. You have to work_________if you want to succeed.
 A. loudly  A. more hardly
 B. louder  B. hardlier
 C. more loudly  C. harder
2. Today he looks________than usual. 7. Today Rose comes to class_________than usual.
 A. more confident  A. more early
 B. more confidently  B. earlier
 C. confidently  C. early
3. Their house is_______decorated than me. 8. I need to work___________, or I will make a lot of
 A. more beautiful mistakes.
 B. more beautifully  A. more careful
 C. beautifully  B. more carefully
4. No one in my class runs__________than Tom.  C. carefully
 A. more fastly 9. He walks__________than other people.
 B. more better  A. slower
 C. faster  B. more slowly
5. This time he did much________!  C. more slowlier
 A. better 10. The red skirt suits you_______than the pink one.
 B. more better  A. better
 C. more well  B. more better
 C. more well
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I visit my parents ___________ (more often/the most often) than my brothers do.
2. He thinks he always knows ___________ . (better/best)
3. Out of all my siblings, I visit my parents ___________ (more often/the most often).
4. David did ___________ (worse/the worst) than he thought he would do on his test.
5. I did ___________ (worse/the worst) out of all the students on my test.
6. Out of all the students, Frank studied ___________ (less/the least), but got the best grade.
7. We argued ___________ (longer/the longest) than I thought we would.
8. My sisters laughed ___________ (louder/the loudest) out of the whole audience.
9. The two guys who enjoyed the game ___________ (more/most) were Tom and Robert.
10. George drives ___________ (more recklessly/the most recklessly) than his brother.

Bài 4: Rewrite these sentences, keeping the original meaning:

1. My house is bigger than your house.

=> Your house is. .....................
2. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
=> The red car_____________
3. This film is more interesting than that one.
=> That film is_____________
4. My kitchen is smaller than yours.
=> Your kitchen________________
7. I can’t cook as well as my mother.
=> My mother can cook____________
8. He does not play tennis as well as Jack.
=> Jack can___________________
9. I did not spend as much money as you.
=> You spent___________________
10. I don’t think this book is expensive as it is.
=> This book is____________
14. This exercise is easier than that one.
=> That exercise is not_________
15. He drives more carefully than Jack does.
=> Jack_____________

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