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2.Mechanism of corrosion of metal
3.Electrochemical mechanism(rusting)
4.Methods of prevention of corrosion
5.Environmental impacts
6.Aim of this project

Metal corrosion is the most common form of corrosion.

Corrosion occurs at the surface of the metal in forms of chemical
or electrochemical reactions. This process significantly reduces
the strength, plasticity, toughness and other mechanical
properties of the metallic material. However, because of the
metal and its alloys are still the most important pipe and structure
materials, the cost of corrosion grows significantly with the
growth of industries. Thus, many scientists focus on the research
of corrosion control to reduce the cost of replacing the rusting
metal material. Nowadays, there are mainly two corrosion
control methods that are very popular in the world. One is
impressed current, and another is sacrificial anode cathode
protection system.

Moreover, insights gained from such studies are invaluable for

industries ranging from construction and transportation to marine
engineering and electronics, where the durability and reliability
of metal components are paramount. By unraveling the intricate
interplay between different metals in corrosive environments,
researchers contribute to advancing materials science and
engineering practices towards more sustainable and long-lasting
Mechanism of corrosion of metal

General principle of corrosion: Reaction is the fundamental

reaction during the corrosion process, in which the electron can
flow from certain areas on the metal surface to other areas
through a solution which can conduct electric currents. Basically,
both anodic and cathode reactions must balance each other out,
resulting in a neutral reaction. Both anodic and cathodic
reactions occur simultaneously at the same rates. What's more,
the site of these electrodes may consist of either two different
kinds of metals, or they may be on different areas of the same
piece of metal, resulting a potential difference between the two
electrodes, so that the oxidation reaction of the metal at the
anode and formation of negative ions the cathode can take place
at the same time.

1.Formation of Electrochemical cell: Corrosion typically

occurs when a metal is in contact with an electrolyte, which can
be moisture, water, or any other solution containing ions. This
sets up an electrochemical cell consisting of an anode, cathode,
and electrolyte.

• Anodic Reaction: At the anode, metal atoms lose electrons

and go into solution as positively charged ions. This process
is called oxidation. For example, in the case of iron
corrosion, iron atoms lose electrons and form iron ions:
Fe →Fe2+ + 2e−
• Cathodic reaction: At cathode Reduction reactions occur at
cathodic sites, where electrons are gained. In the case of iron
corrosion in the presence of oxygen and water, the reduction
of oxygen can occur:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH-
3.Electron Transfer: Electrons released from the anodic sites flow
through the metal to the cathodic sites, where they are consumed
in reduction reactions. This electron flow generates an electric
current within the metal, facilitating the corrosion process.

4.metal Ion Migration: Metal ions formed at the anodic sites

move through the metal to areas with lower electrical potential,
such as the cathodic sites or into the surrounding environment.

5.corrosion Product Formation: Metal ions combine with other

substances in the environment to form corrosion products, such
as oxides, hydroxides, or salts. These products often appear as
rust, tarnish, or other forms of corrosion.

6.continued Corrosion: The corrosion process continues if the

metal is exposed to the corrosive environment, with metal atoms
continuously reacting with the environment, forming corrosion
products, and releasing metal ions.

The specific mechanisms and factors influencing corrosion can

vary widely depending on factors such as the type of metal, the
nature of the environment, temperature, pH, and the presence of
impurities. Different types of corrosion, such as uniform
corrosion, galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice
corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking, have distinct
mechanisms and characteristics. Understanding these
mechanisms is crucial for developing strategies to prevent or
mitigate corrosion in various applications.

Electrochemical mechanism(rusting)
The electrochemical mechanism of rusting involves the oxidation
of iron (Fe) in the presence of oxygen (O2) and water (H2O). It's
a process that occurs in multiple steps:
1.Formation of Iron(II) ions: Initially, iron atoms on the
surface of the metal react with water and oxygen to form
iron(II) ions (Fe2+). This reaction is often accelerated by the
presence of electrolytes, such as salts or acids, which can act
as catalysts by providing ions that facilitate electron
2.Formation of Hydroxide Ions: The iron(II) ions react further
with water molecules to form hydroxide ions (OH-) and iron
hydroxide compounds.
Fe2++2H2 O→Fe(OH)2

3.Oxidation of Iron(II) to Iron(III): Iron(II) ions are further

oxidized by oxygen from the air to form iron(III) ions
(Fe3+) and hydroxide ions.
4Fe2++O2 +4H2 O→4Fe3++8OH−
4.Formation of Rust: The iron(III) ions combine with
hydroxide ions to form hydrated iron(III) oxide, known as
The overall reaction can be represented as:
4Fe(s)+3O2 +6H2 O→4Fe(OH)3
This process is driven by the flow of electrons from the iron
atoms to the oxygen molecules, facilitated by the presence of an
electrolyte and the exchange of ions. It's essentially a redox
reaction, where iron is oxidized (loses electrons) and oxygen is
reduced (gains electrons).

Methods of prevention of corrosion

Preventing rust, particularly on metal surfaces, involves

understanding the factors that contribute to its formation and
employing various preventive measures.
• Understanding Rust Formation:
• Rust, scientifically known as iron oxide, forms when iron or
its alloys (like steel) are exposed to oxygen and moisture
over time.
• The presence of an electrolyte, such as water or saltwater,
accelerates the rusting process by facilitating the flow of
• Preventive Measures:
• Barrier Protection: Creating a physical barrier between the
metal surface and the surrounding environment is one of the
most effective methods.
• Painting: Applying a coat of paint prevents direct contact
between the metal and atmospheric oxygen and moisture.
• Galvanizing: Coating the metal with a layer of zinc provides
sacrificial protection, as zinc corrodes preferentially to iron.
• Powder Coating: This process involves applying a dry
powder to the metal surface, which is then heated to form a
protective layer.
• Surface Treatments:
• Phosphating: Treating the metal surface with a phosphate
solution creates a protective phosphate layer that inhibits rust
• Chromate Conversion Coating: This process involves
dipping the metal in a chromate solution to form a thin,
protective layer.
• Cathodic Protection: This method involves making the metal
surface of the cathode in a galvanic cell to prevent
• Sacrificial Anodes: Placing a more reactive metal (such as
zinc or magnesium) near the metal to be protected sacrifices
the anode to corrosion, protecting the metal.
• Impressed Current: Passing a direct electric current through
the metal can also prevent rust formation by reversing the
electrochemical process of corrosion.
• Controlled Atmosphere: Storing metal objects in an
environment with low humidity can slow down rust
• Desiccants: Using moisture-absorbing materials like silica
gel packets can help keep the environment dry around metal
• Regular Maintenance:
• Keep metal surfaces clean and dry.
Remove any existing rust using mechanical methods like wire
brushing, sanding, or chemical methods like rust converters.
• Apply protective coatings periodically, especially in harsh
environments or where exposure to moisture and oxygen is
• Environmental Considerations:
• Avoid exposing metal surfaces to conditions that promote
rust formation, such as high humidity, saltwater, and acidic
• Proper storage and handling of metal objects can also
prevent rusting. Store them in dry, well-ventilated areas
away from moisture sources.
• Routine Inspection:
• Regularly inspect metal surfaces for signs of rust formation,
especially in vulnerable areas such as joints, crevices, and
areas with scratches or damage.
• Promptly address any signs of rust by applying appropriate
preventive measures or treatments.
By implementing these preventive measures and maintaining
vigilance over metal surfaces, you can effectively inhibit rust
formation and prolong the lifespan of metal objects and

Environmental impact

Studying the effects of metal coupling on the rusting of iron is a

significant aspect of corrosion science, with environmental
factors playing a crucial role. Here's how environmental
conditions can impact such a study:
Moisture: Rusting, also known as corrosion, is an
electrochemical process that requires the presence of water or
moisture. In a humid environment, iron is more prone to rusting,
especially when coupled with another metal. The level of
humidity can affect the rate and extent of rust formation.

Temperature: Temperature influences the rate of corrosion

reactions. Higher temperatures generally accelerate the process,
while lower temperatures slow it down. Understanding how
temperature variations affect the coupling of metals and
subsequent rusting of iron helps predict corrosion rates in
different climates and environments.

Atmospheric Composition: The composition of the

atmosphere can significantly impact corrosion. Oxygen is
necessary for the rusting process, but pollutants and other gases
in the air can accelerate or decelerate corrosion reactions. For
example, sulfur compounds in the air can lead to more aggressive
forms of corrosion.

Presence of Pollutants: Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen

oxides, and chlorides can enhance corrosion rates. These
pollutants can react with water to form acidic solutions, which
can accelerate the rusting process when coupled with iron and
other metals.

Salinity: In marine environments or areas with high salt content,

such as coastal regions or areas treated with de-icing salts in
winter, the presence of salt can significantly accelerate corrosion.
Saltwater is a highly conductive electrolyte, promoting faster
electrochemical reactions and corrosion of iron and other metals.

pH Levels: The acidity or alkalinity of the environment can

affect corrosion rates. Highly acidic or basic conditions can
accelerate corrosion reactions. Understanding how pH levels
influence metal coupling and rust formation is essential for
assessing the durability of materials in various environments.

Microbial Activity: Microorganisms in the environment can also

influence corrosion processes. Microbes can produce corrosive
byproducts or create localized conditions that accelerate
corrosion. This factor is particularly relevant in industries like
marine, oil and gas, and agriculture, where microbial corrosion
can be a significant concern.
Exposure Duration: The length of exposure to
environmental conditions affects corrosion rates. Longer
exposure periods generally lead to more extensive rust
formation, especially in corrosive environments.
Air Quality: Airborne pollutants and particulate matter can settle
on metal surfaces, influencing corrosion rates. In industrial areas
with high pollution levels, metal coupling may experience faster
corrosion due to pollutant deposition.

Exposure Duration: The length of exposure to environmental

conditions affects corrosion rates. Longer exposure periods
generally lead to more extensive rust formation, especially in
corrosive environments.
Considering and controlling these environmental variables is
crucial when studying the effects of metal coupling on the rusting
of iron. Researchers often conduct experiments under controlled
conditions to isolate the impact of each variable and better
understand the complex interactions involved in corrosion
Aim of this project
The aim of the project studying the effects of metal coupling and
rusting of iron is to comprehensively investigate the intricate
mechanisms underlying corrosion processes. By delving into
how different metals interact when coupled together and exposed
to environmental factors, particularly focusing on the rusting of
iron, the project seeks to elucidate the complex chemical and
electrochemical reactions driving corrosion phenomena. Through
systematic experimentation and analysis, the project aims to
identify the key factors influencing corrosion rates, including
environmental conditions like humidity and temperature, as well
as material properties such as composition and surface
characteristics. Furthermore, the project endeavors to contribute
to the development of effective preventive measures against
corrosion, ranging from innovative surface coatings to tailored
material selection strategies. Thereby advancing both scientific
knowledge and technological innovation in the field of materials
science and engineering.

1.Two petri dishes
2.Four test tube
3.Four iron nails
6.Wire gauge
8.Copper, Zinc and Magnesium Strips
9.Potassium ferricyanide solutions
10. Phenolphthalein

1.First, we must clean the surface of iron nails with the help of
2.After that we have to wind zinc strip around one nail, a clean
copper wire around the second and clean magnesium strip
around the third nail. Then put all these three and a fourth
nail in petri dishes so that they are not in contact with each
3.Then to fill the petri dishes with hot agar agar solution in
such a way that only lower half of the nails are covered with
the liquids
4.Keep the covered petri dishes for one day or so.
5.The liquids are set to a gel on cooling. Two types of patches
are observed around the rusted nail, one is blue and the other
pink. Blue patch is due to the formation of potassium ferro-
ferricyanide where pink patch is due to the formation of
hydroxyl ions which turns colorless phenolphthalein to
It is clear from the observation that coupling iron with more
electropositive metals such as zinc and magnesium resists
corrosion and rusting of iron. Coupling iron with less
electropositive metals such as copper increases rusting.
Moreover, our research underscores the necessity for continued
exploration into the multifaceted dynamics of metal interactions
and corrosion mechanisms, advocating for ongoing scientific
inquiry to inform robust strategies for safeguarding iron and
metal structures against degradation.

In essence, the conclusion of the study would likely emphasize

the importance of managing metal coupling to mitigate the
rusting of iron and highlight potential strategies for preventing or
minimizing corrosion in practical applications.

Comprehensive (practical chemistry XII)

NCERT chemistry textbooks

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