Inventory Management System Final Part2

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Inventory Management System

An Inventory management is the process of tracking and managing a company’s inventory
from the time it is purchased to the time it is sold. It helps companies identify which and how
much stock to order at what time, and tracks inventory from purchase to the sale of goods. The
practice identifies and responds to trends to ensure there’s always enough stock to fulfill
customer orders and proper warning of shortage. Once sold, inventory becomes revenue.
Before it sells, inventory (although reported as an asset on the balance sheet) ties up cash.
Therefore, too much stock costs money and reduces cash flow. One measurement of good
inventory management is inventory turnover. An accounting measurement, inventory turnover
reflects how often stock is sold in a period. A business does not want more stock than sales.

An inventory management system (or inventory system) is the process by which you track your
goods throughout your entire supply chain, from purchasing to production to end sales. It
governs how you approach inventory management for your business. There are three types of
inventory management systems: manual inventory system, periodic inventory system, and
perpetual inventory system.
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the effective management of inventory stands
as a cornerstone for success. An Inventory Management System (IMS) emerges as an
indispensable tool, orchestrating the orchestration of products, ensuring optimal stock levels,
and navigating the intricacies of supply chains. Whether you're a small business seeking
streamlined operations or an enterprise handling a complex network of warehouses, the
implementation of a robust IMS can catalyze efficiency, reduce costs, and elevate overall
organizational performance.
In the realm of commerce, inventory represents a tangible asset. Effective management of this
asset is critical, impacting sales, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line. Balancing supply
and demand is an intricate dance, and an IMS serves as the choreographer, synchronizing
movements to achieve a harmonious equilibrium.
One of the pivotal features of an IMS is its ability to provide real-time updates on inventory
levels. Automated reordering mechanisms trigger when stock reaches predetermined
thresholds, ensuring that products remain available and avoiding both stockouts and overstock

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Inventory Management System

This System Requirement Specification serves as a foundational document for the development
and implementation of the Inventory Management System, outlining functional and non-
functional requirements, constraints, assumptions and dependencies. Regular updates and
reviews should be conducted to ensure alignment with evolving needs.


The hardware required for the development of this project is
• Processor: Intel Corei5
• Processor speed: 4.2GHz
• System Type: 64-BitOperatingSystem
The software required for the development of this project is:

• Software: XAMPP
• Operating System : Windows7(and other higher version)

• FrontEnd : HTML,CSS
• Programming Language : PHP
• DataBase Environment : MySQL and PHP MyAdmin
• Server: APACHE
Database Connection: XAMPP is a Web development tool, created by Apache, that makes it
easy to run PHP (Personal Home Pages) scripts on your computer locally. Installation of
XAMPP Server on windows is easy as compared to manual installation of a web server and
PHP required a lot of in-depth configuration knowledge.

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Inventory Management System

System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and
data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. For the Inventory Management System the
below given one is a simplified outline of the system design.


An Inventory management System involve several key entities and their associated attributes.
Here's a breakdown:

1. Admin:
❖ Attributes:

• Username: A username is a unique identifier for each administrator.

• Password: A password is a confidential security key.

2. User:
❖ Attributes:

• User ID(primary key): User ID is a unique identifier assigned to a user.

• Username: The name chosen by the user for identification.

• User level: User level is a hierarchical indicator defining a user's position.

• Status: User status is a representation of the current condition.

3. User groups:
❖ Attributes:

• User Group_name: Designation assigned to specific group of users.

• User Group_level: A classification of users based on shared characteristics.

• User Group_status: The current state of a user group within a system.

4. Categories:
❖ Attributes:

• Category ID(primary key): A unique identifier assigned to a specific


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Inventory Management System

• Category name: A title representing a specific group or category.

5. Products:
❖ Attributes:

• Product ID(primary key): A distinctive alphanumeric code or identifier

assigned to a particular product for unique identification.

• Product name: The designated label or title identifying a specific item.

• Product quantity: The numerical value indicating the product available a


• Buy price: The monetary amount or cost at which a product is acquired or

purchased within a system.

• Sale price: The monetary value at which a product is offered for sale within a
system or marketplace.

6. Media:
❖ Attributes:

• Media ID(primary key): A unique identifier assigned to a specific media file,

such as an image, video, or audio, for organizational or reference purposes
within a system.

• File_name: The title representing the name of a specific file within a system.

• File_type: The classification or format designation indicating the type of a

specific file, such as text, image, audio, or video, within a system.

7. Sales:
❖ Attributes:

• Sales ID: A unique identifier assigned to a specific sales transaction.

• Sales Quantity: The quantity of products sold in a specific sales transaction.

• Sales Price: The monetary value at which a product is offered for sale within
a system or marketplace.

• Sales date: The specific date and time when a sales transaction occurred.

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Inventory Management System

8. Sales report:
❖ Attributes:

➢ Sales by date: The sales data organized and grouped based on specific dates.

➢ Monthly sales: The sales data for a specific product in one-month period in a system.

➢ Daily sales: The cumulative sales data for a specific product, service, or overall
business within a single day in a system.

3.2 Schema Diagram:

A schema diagram is a visual representation of the structure and organization of a database.
It illustrates the tables, their attributes (columns), and the relationships between tables in a
clear and concise manner. The diagram provides a graphical overview of the database
schema, helping users, developers, and administrators understand the logical design and
interconnections of data within the database.

Fig.3.2.1: Schema diagram of Inventory management system

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Inventory Management System

• The diagram would include tables for each entity (Admin, User, User Groups,
Category, Products, Sales, Media, Sales Report).
• Relationships would be represented by lines connecting related tables. For example,
there could be a foreign key relationship between the Category table and the Products
table through the Category_id.
• Each table would have its attributes listed, and primary keys and foreign keys would be
• For example, in the Products table, Product_id is likely the primary key, and
Category_id and Media_id are likely foreign keys linking to the Category and Media
tables, respectively.
• The Sales table may have a foreign key relationship with the Products table through
Product_id, representing the products sold in each sale.
• Sales Report attributes could be related to the Sales table, aggregating data for reporting

3.3 ER Diagram:

An Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram is a visual representation of the data model that

illustrates the relationships between entities in a database. It is a powerful tool used in
database design to convey the logical structure of a database in a clear and concise manner.

Key components of an ER diagram include:

Entities: Represented by rectangles, entities are objects or concepts about which data is
stored. Each entity has attributes that describe its properties.

Attributes: Represented within ovals, attributes are properties or characteristics of entities.

For example, in an entity representing "Person," attributes could include "Name," "Date of
Birth," and "Address."

Relationships: Represented by lines connecting entities, relationships describe how entities

are related to each other. The cardinality (how many instances of one entity are related to
instances of another entity) and participation (whether the existence of one entity depends
on the existence of another) are often specified.

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Inventory Management System

Primary Key: Indicated by underlining an attribute (or a combination of attributes) within

an entity, the primary key uniquely identifies each record in the entity.

Foreign Key: Represented by an attribute in one entity that refers to the primary key in
another entity, a foreign key establishes a link between two entities, indicating a relationship.

Crow's Foot Notation: Used to denote cardinality, crow's foot symbols represent the
"many" side of the relationship. For example, a "1" next to an entity and a crow's foot next
to another entity would signify a "One-to-Many" relationship.

Fig.3.3.1: ER diagram of Inventory management system

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Inventory Management System


Inventory management is a critical component of efficient business operations, ensuring that

organizations maintain optimal levels of goods while minimizing excess or shortage. An
effective inventory management system involves the seamless coordination of various entities
and processes. At the heart of this system lie the inventory items themselves, each identified
by unique attributes such as ID, name, quantity, and price.

Each entity is represented by a rectangle in the ER diagram, and the attributes of each entity
are listed within the rectangle.

Relationships between entities are indicated by lines connecting them. The type of relationship
(one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many) is often labeled along the lines.

Admin-User Relationship: There may be a one-to-many relationship between Admin and

User, indicating that one admin can have multiple user accounts, but each user account is
associated with only one admin.

User-User_Groups Relationship: User and User Groups may have a many-to-many

relationship, suggesting that users can belong to multiple groups, and a group can consist of
multiple users.

Category-Products Relationship: There's likely a one-to-many relationship between

Category and Products, indicating that one category can have multiple products, but each
product is associated with only one category.

Products-Sales Relationship: Products and Sales may have a one-to-many relationship,

suggesting that one product can be sold multiple times, but each sale is associated with only
one product.

Products-Media Relationship: Products and Media may have a one-to-one relationship if

each product is associated with a single media file.

Sales-Sales Report Relationship: Sales and Sales Report may have a one-to-many
relationship, indicating that one sale contributes to multiple entries in the sales report.

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Inventory Management System


In this Implementation we will develop a basic Inventory Management System using PHP. The
system will allow admin, users and special user to login, add products, add images to products,
add sales, and view sales history. Additionally, the admin will have access to a dashboard where
they can manage all the options easily which are not accessible by users and special users.

4.1 Modules:
Implementing an Inventory Management System (IMS) involves developing modules that
address key functionalities in managing products, sales, purchases, and overall inventory
control. The system is designed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and provide
accurate insights into stock levels and sales activities.

Admin Module page:

The Admin module is a crucial component of an information system, providing functionalities

related to administrative tasks, user management, and system configuration. In an inventory
management system, the Admin module typically includes features for managing user
accounts, controlling access, and configuring system settings.

User Module page:

The User module is a fundamental part of an information system, focusing on functionalities

related to user management, authentication, and access control. In the context of an inventory
management system, the User module is responsible for handling operations related to
individual users, including their creation, updating their details, and managing user access.

User Groups Module page:

The User Groups module is essential for managing and organizing users into different groups
with distinct roles and access levels. It allows administrators to streamline user permissions
and facilitate efficient access control within an information system. In the context of an
inventory management system, the User Groups module would handle the creation,
modification, and association of users with specific groups.

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Inventory Management System

Category Module page:

The Category module in an inventory management system is responsible for managing product
categorization. It allows for the creation, modification, and retrieval of product categories,
providing a structured way to organize and classify different types of products.

Products Module page:

The Products module in an inventory management system is crucial for managing and
organizing information about products. It enables the creation, modification, and retrieval of
product details, providing a structured approach to handling inventory items.

Media Module page:

The Media module in an inventory management system is responsible for handling and
managing media files associated with products or other system entities. It allows for the
storage, retrieval, and association of media files, such as images or documents, with specific

Sales Module page:

The Sales module in an inventory management system is responsible for managing and tracking
sales transactions. It facilitates the creation, recording, and retrieval of sales information,
providing insights into revenue generation and product movement.

Sales Report Module page:

The Sales Report module in an inventory management system is responsible for generating and
presenting various reports related to sales transactions. It provides insights into sales
performance, trends, and other relevant metrics.

4.2 Use case Diagram:

The use ca se dia g ra m f or inv ent o ry ma nag ement sy stem shows the sample behaviour of the
software. It includes the project functions using use cases, actors, and their connections.
Moreover, the diagram assists you to define and organize project needs. This also provides a
clear picture of the user and system relationships. Therefore, this diagram depicts the complex
function of a system including how the user reacts to it.

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Inventory Management System

Helping the developers and businesses with system management is one of the importance of
the UML use case diagram . It includes the procedures from the viewpoint of users. The
diagram serves as the system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize the project needs. This
diagram works best with other UML Diagrams. It includes activity, class, sequence,
deployment, and component diagrams.

Fig.4.2.1: Use case diagram of Inventory management System

This inventory management system use case diagram shows how the components of an
inventory management system interact graphically. It reflects the process of identifying,
outlining, and organizing the system requirements for the Inventory Management System. The
primary participants in this use case diagram for the inventory management system are the
Super Admin, System User, Supplier, and Anonymous Users.
They carry out various types of use cases, including Manage Inventory, Manage Customers,
Manage Purchasing, Manage Receiving Stock, Manage Payment, Manage Supplier, Manage
Suppliers, Manage Users, and Full Inventory Management System Operations.

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Inventory Management System

4.2 Sequence Diagram:

The Inventory Management System Sequence Diagram is a sequence of events that
should be present in Inventory Management. This diagram gives enlightenment and a guide to
the programmers and developers on how should they build the system. The idea presented in a
sequence diagram will give efficiency to Inventory Management system development.
Now to create the Sequence Diagram for Inventory Management System , you
must be familiar first with its symbols. This is to know how would you emphasize the whole
content of your system. To have a better understanding of System development, there are a lot
of UML Diagrams available on this site. Because aside from the System Sequence Diagram,
there are still Use case, Activity, and other essential Diagrams needed.

Fig.4.3.1: Sequence Diagram of Inventory Management System

From the above sequence diagram of the Inventory Management System, we can see that only
Admin have the responsibility of performing every action in the system. Everything from
adding brands to adding orders can be done by the admin.

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Inventory Management System

The Source for inventory management system project in PHP. For its UI elements, a free open-
source CSS framework; Bootstrap with Vanilla CSS is on board. Presenting a new inventory
management system project in PHP MySQL which includes an admin panel with special user
and employee login panel that contains all the top important features to follow up, and a
knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

5.1 Backend:
PHP and MySQL are a powerful combination for developing dynamic web applications. PHP,
as a server-side scripting language, and MySQL, as a relational database management system
(RDBMS), work together seamlessly to create interactive and data-driven websites. This
combination is widely used due to its efficiency, flexibility, and the fact that both PHP and
MySQL are open source and freely available for use.

5.1.1 Overview about PHP and MySQL

PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor):
PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is particularly suited to web
development. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 and has since become one of the most
widely used languages for server-side development. PHP is easy to learn for newcomers, yet
offers many advanced features for professional programmers.
Key Features :
• Server-Side Execution: PHP code is executed on the server, and the result is sent
to the client's browser as plain HTML.
• Cross-Platform: Can be run on various operating systems including Windows,
Linux, and macOS.
• Database Integration: Supports a wide range of databases, with MySQL being the
most popular choice in the web development community.
• Embedded in HTML: PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML code,
allowing for the creation of dynamic content.
• Rich Library Support: Comes with a rich set of built-in functions and libraries to
work with text, XML.

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MySQL is an open-source relational database management system based on SQL (Structured

Query Language). It is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation. MySQL
is known for its reliability, scalability, and ease of use. It is used by many large-scale websites
and applications as their primary data storage solution.

Key Features :

• Relational Database Management: Allows for the efficient management of databases

with relational structures.
• Cross-Platform Support: Available on various platforms, including Linux, Windows,
and macOS.
• High Performance: MySQL is designed for high performance, with features like
thread-based memory allocation and fully multithreaded kernel.
• Scalability: Capable of handling large databases and supporting millions of queries
• Security: Offers robust data protection with encrypted connections and password

PHP and MySQL :

The combination of PHP and MySQL provides a powerful platform for building dynamic web
applications. PHP handles the web application's logic and interacts with the MySQL database
to retrieve, modify, and update data based on user interactions. This integration allows
developers to create applications that can manage large amounts of data while providing users
with real-time access and updates. Here the Inventory Management System’s backend is
supported PHP and MySQL.

5.2 Frontend:

The frontend of the Inventory Management System is developed by using html, CSS and Java
Script. For its UI elements, a free open-source CSS framework; Bootstrap with Vanilla CSS is
on board. Presenting a new inventory management system project in PHP MySQL which

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includes an admin panel with special user and employee login panel that contains all the top
important features to follow up, and a knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

HTML(HyperText Markup Language) :

HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language used
to create and design web pages and web applications. It consists of a series of elements or tags
that are used to structure content on the web. HTML elements tell the browser how to display
the content of web pages. When combined with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript,
HTML allows for the creation of visually engaging and interactive web pages.

Key Concepts of HTML :

• Elements and Tags: HTML documents are formed by HTML elements. An element is
defined by a start tag, some content, and an end tag. For example, <p>Hello World</p>
defines a paragraph element.
• Attributes: Elements can have attributes that provide additional information about an
element. Attributes are placed within the start tag. For example, <img src="image.jpg"
alt="My Image"> uses src and alt attributes for an image element.
• Structure of an HTML Document: An HTML document has a defined structure,
starting with a <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, followed by an <html> element that
includes a <head> section (for metadata, title, and links to scripts and stylesheets) and
a <body> section (for the content of the page).
• Semantics: HTML5 introduced more semantic elements that define the different parts
of a web page more clearly, such as <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, and
<nav>. These elements help improve accessibility and SEO.
• Forms and Input: HTML forms are a significant part of web interaction, allowing
users to enter data that can be sent to a server for processing. Forms contain input
elements like text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and submit buttons, defined using
tags like <input>, <label>, <textarea>, and <button>.
• Links and Navigation: HTML provides elements to link to other pages within the same
site or to external sites, using the anchor (<a>) tag.
• Multimedia: HTML supports embedding images, audio, video, and other multimedia
elements into web pages using tags such as <img>, <audio>, and <video>.

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CSS(Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used to describe the
presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG
or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech,
or on other media. It is one of the cornerstone technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside
HTML and JavaScript.

JavaScript :

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is one of the core

technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. Originally developed by
Netscape as a means to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites, JavaScript has grown
into a powerful, versatile language that can be used for both client-side and server-side
development thanks to environments like Node.js.

Key Features of JavaScript:

• Dynamic Typing: JavaScript is a loosely typed language, meaning you don't have to
declare the type of a variable ahead of time. The type of a variable can change at runtime
based on its current value.
• First-Class Functions: Functions in JavaScript are treated as first-class citizens,
meaning they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and
returned from functions.
• Prototype-based Object Orientation: Unlike class-based languages, JavaScript uses
prototypes for inheritance. This means that objects can inherit properties from other
objects directly.
• Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript supports event-driven, non-blocking I/O
operations, primarily through callbacks, Promises, and async/await syntax.

5.3 Database Connectivity:

Database connectivity refers to the ability of a software application to establish a connection
with a database system, typically for the purpose of retrieving, manipulating, and the storing

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Inventory Management System

Step 1: Install XAMPP

1. Download XAMPP: Go to the official XAMPP website and download the version

compatible with your operating system.

2. Install XAMPP: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. During

installation, you can choose which components to install. Make sure to include
MySQL (MariaDB) and PHP.

Step 2: Start the MySQL Database Server

1. Open XAMPP Control Panel: After installation, launch the XAMPP Control Panel.

2. Start MySQL: Click on the Start button next to MySQL. You may also start Apache if

you're planning to use PHP scripts to connect to the database.

Step 3: Create a Database

1. Access phpMyAdmin: Open your web browser and go to

http://localhost/phpmyadmin. This is a web interface for managing your MySQL

2. Create a Database: Click on the "Databases" tab and enter a name for your new

database, then click on the "Create" button.

Step 4: Write PHP Code for Database Connectivity

1. Create a PHP File: In your XAMPP's htdocs directory (e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs on

Windows), create a new folder for your project and within that folder, create a PHP
file (e.g., connect.php).
2. Edit the PHP File: Open the file in a text editor or IDE and add the following code to
connect to your database:
3. Then write the code for connection.


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$servername = "localhost";

$username = "root";

$password = "";

$dbname = "your_database_name";

// Create connection

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

// Check connection

if ($conn->connect_error) {

die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

echo "Connected successfully";


Replace "your_database_name" with the name of the database you created in phpMyAdmin
and Test the connection by using http://localhost/InventorySystem_PHP/

Fig 5.3.1 : XAMPP Control Panel

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Fig 6.1: user and admin login page

Figure 6.2: Admin Dashboard

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Figure 6.3: User Dashboard

Figure 6.4: Categories

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Figure 6.5: Products

Figure 6.6: Media Files

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Figure 6.7: Sales

Figure 6.8: Sales Report

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Implementing an Inventory Management System offers numerous benefits, from operational

efficiencies and cost savings to improved customer satisfaction and strategic insights. By
leveraging technology to manage inventory more effectively, businesses can not only navigate
the complexities of supply chain management but also position themselves for growth and
competitive advantage. As market dynamics and consumer expectations evolve, the importance
of an adaptable and robust IMS becomes even more pronounced, making it a vital component
of modern business operations.


The future scope of inventory management systems is poised for significant advancements
driven by emerging technologies and evolving business needs. One prominent trend is the
integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, allowing for real-time monitoring and tracking
of inventory levels. IoT sensors can provide valuable data on factors like stock levels,
expiration dates, and environmental conditions, enabling proactive decision-making and
minimizing the risk of stockouts or overstocking.

Additionally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms are revolutionizing
inventory management by offering predictive analytics capabilities. These technologies can
analyze historical data, forecast demand trends, and optimize inventory replenishment
strategies, ultimately reducing costs and improving operational efficiency. Moreover, the
integration of blockchain technology holds promise for enhancing transparency and traceability
across the supply chain, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of inventory data.

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• Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. (2022). Database Management Systems. 3rd
ed., McGraw-Hill Education.

• Korth, Henry F., Silberschatz, Abraham, and Sudarshan, S. (2010). Database System
Concepts. 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Education.

• Elmasri, Ramez, and Navathe, Shamkant B. (2015). Fundamentals of Database Systems. 7th
ed., Pearson.

• MySQL Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

• PHP Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

• W3Schools. (n.d.). HTML, CSS, JavaScript tutorials & references. Retrieved from

• Bootstrap Documentation (n.d.). Retrieved from

• Online Food Ordering System. (n.d.). Retrieved from


• Schema Diagram (n.d.). Retrieved from

• XAMPP Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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