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5/21/24, 12:04 PM NUR 3028 Hygiene- bed making sample questions | Quizlet

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15 Multiple choice questions

Term 1 of 15
The nurse is preparing to make an occupied bed for a patient who is on aspiration precautions.
What will the nurse do to ensure the safety of this patient during the bed change?

Keep the head of the bed no lower than a 30-degree angle

Fold a pillow in half and place it under the patient's head

Lower the bed to a flat position and place two pillows beneath the patient's head

Ask another caregiver to hold the patient's head during the bed change

Term 2 of 15
When making a surgical bed, why does the nurse avoid shaking the linen being removed from the

To keep the linen folded correctly

To prevent contamination to the environment and the nurse's uniform

To keep it separate from the towels and washcloths in the linen bag

To reduce the amount of time needed to make the bed

Term 3 of 15
The nurse is directing nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to make an occupied bed. What will the
nurse say to minimize the risk of disease transmission to staff and patient during the bed change?

"You'll need to apply Standard Precautions during this task."

"Be aware that the bed might be contaminated with blood."

"Soiled linen should be rolled toward your uniform."

"Keep the linen bag at the foot of the bed." 1/5
5/21/24, 12:04 PM NUR 3028 Hygiene- bed making sample questions | Quizlet

Term 4 of 15
What would the nurse instruct the nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to do before making an
unoccupied bed if the mattress is soiled?

Wash the mattress with hot water.

Wipe off moisture with antiseptic solution, and dry thoroughly.

Flip the mattress.

Apply a waterproof pad over the soiled area.

Term 5 of 15
A nursing assistive personnel (NAP) has finished making a surgical bed for a patient in surgery.
How would the nurse instruct the NAP to leave the bed to transfer the surgical patient safely?

Raise the head of the bed to a 30-degree angle.

Raise the top two side rails.

Raise the height of the bed.

Release the bed wheels.

Term 6 of 15
The nurse is reviewing placement of an unfitted bottom sheet with nursing assistive personnel
(NAP) assigned to make an unoccupied bed. What should the nurse include in this teaching?

The lower hem of the sheet should lie seam down and even with the bottom edge of the

Keep enough material to miter the lower mattress corners.

Apply the draw sheet on the cleaned mattress first.

Make the top of the bed first, moving to the bottom of the bed. 2/5
5/21/24, 12:04 PM NUR 3028 Hygiene- bed making sample questions | Quizlet

Term 7 of 15
Which action ensures that a patient will not have unnecessary pain during a linen change?

Discontinue the bed change if the patient expresses or displays physical signs of pain.

Explain the procedure to the patient before beginning the linen change.

Administer a prescribed analgesic 30 to 60 minutes before the bed change if needed.

Postpone the bed change if the patient reports having physical pain before you begin.

Term 8 of 15
The nurse is changing the bed linen of a patient on bed rest. When the nurse is ready to make the
other side of the bed, what will the nurse do before having the patient turn onto the side that has
already been made?

Lower the head of the bed

Raise the side rails

Apply the top sheet

Discard the soiled linen in the linen bag

Term 9 of 15
A new nursing assistive personnel (NAP) is making a surgical bed for a patient who is having
abdominal surgery. Where will you instruct the NAP to place the waterproof pad on this bed?

Over the mattress

Over the bottom sheet

Over the top sheet

A waterproof pad should not be used for this patient. 3/5
5/21/24, 12:04 PM NUR 3028 Hygiene- bed making sample questions | Quizlet

Term 10 of 15
The nurse who is preparing to make an unoccupied bed should do what to ensure his or her
personal safety?

Put on sterile gloves.

Place the call light within the nurse's reach.

Place the bed at a comfortable working height.

Place a laundry bag on the bedside chair.

Term 11 of 15
When making an unoccupied bed, where would the nurse place a waterproof pad?

Directly on the mattress.

Beneath the draw sheet.

Over the bottom sheet.

Over the top sheet.

Term 12 of 15
When making a surgical bed with no patient present, at which time is it unnecessary to perform
hand hygiene?

Before making the bed

After gloving, washing the mattress with an antiseptic solution, and ungluing

After disposing of soiled linen that is not visibly soiled

After fanfolding the sheets to complete the open bed 4/5
5/21/24, 12:04 PM NUR 3028 Hygiene- bed making sample questions | Quizlet

Term 13 of 15
For a surgical bed, why is the linen formed into a triangle and fanfolded away from the side on
which the patient will be transferred?

To protect the linen from soiling

To ensure that the toe pleat is not pulled out

To keep the linen out of the way during the transfer

To keep the flat sheet taut during the transfer

Term 14 of 15
What will the nurse do right after placing a clean top sheet on the patient?

Make a cuff with the top of the sheet

Make a horizontal toe pleat

Tuck the remaining portion of the sheet under the foot of the mattress

Remove the bath blanket

Term 15 of 15
The nurse is preparing to change the soiled linen of a patient's unoccupied bed. Which
precaution minimizes the risk of transmitting microorganisms?

Perform hand hygiene and apply clean gloves.

Place fresh linen on a clean bedside table or chair.

Put soiled linen in a pillow case before placing in a hamper.

Roll soiled linen together with the dirty sides toward the center.

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