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Medical Laboratory Report

Your Health Report


Mr.NAITIK MALIK LQM1533 Male | 30 Years 27/04/2024

Patient Name Visit ID Demographic Info Sample Collection Date

Congratulations for getting a Please note! There are a few test

health check done. This is the first step results which seem abnormal and need
towards taking control of your health. your attention.
We noticed that you are doing well with
Cholesterol needs attention Triglycerides are abnormal
the following:
Vit D is low Vit B12 is tested low
Sugar tested is normal Blood calcium is normal
Thyroid function test is Hemoglobin levels are
normal normal
Your PSA test has tested

Your Health Picture



Very Abnormal SCREEN-
Test package does not
include all parameters VITAMIN D, 25
required to give a color - OH
At this stage we are not
evaluating this panel VITAMIN B12
as a group to provide a (CYANOCOBALAMIN)
color HIGH
Medical Laboratory Report

Mr.NAITIK MALIK LQM1533 Male | 30 yrs 27-04-2024

Your Next Steps Patient Name Visit ID Demographic Info Sample Collection Date

Follow Ups
Please check your weight and blood pressure on regular basis. Your doctor knows best -
please seek his/her advice for the follow up tests.

A er 3 months A er 6 months
By 27 Jul, 24 By 27 Oct, 24

Fasting Lipid Profile Vit D

Vit B12

Additional Tests
Your doctor knows best - please seek his/her advice regarding the following additional tests if
not performed.

Apo A1, Apo B Lipoprotein(a)

Intrinsic Factor Antibody Folic Acid

Allergy Comprehensive Panel

Physical Activity Advice

Please consult your doctor before you start the physical activity/exercise.
Opt for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity physical activity. This could
At least 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4 days a At least 15 minutes of muscle stretching activity
week (like Jump rope (imagine/real), , Running, 1 day a week (like Crunch, Leg li s, Plank, Knee-
Brisk walking) to-chest stretch)

At least 15 minutes of muscle strengthening You can also practice yoga on a regular basis to
activity 1 day a week (like Sit-ups, Gardening improve your balance & flexibility.
(digging and shovelling), Li free weights/carry
groceries (<20kg), Push-ups)

Medical Laboratory Report

Mr.NAITIK MALIK LQM1533 Male | 30 yrs 27-04-2024

Your Diet Dos & Don'ts Patient Name Visit ID Demographic Info Sample Collection Date

The Diet Dos and Don’ts reflect your nutritional requirements based on your health status :
Cholesterol lowering | Good cholesterol improving | Vitamin D rich | Vit B12 rich

Fruits and Vegetables

Consume avocado as it is known to increase HDL and decrease LDL.
Include mushrooms into your diet, if you consume them, since they are abundant in
Vitamin D.
Consume 1-2 garlic cloves on an empty stomach in the morning to increase good
cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol.
Include high-fiber vegetables such as okra, eggplant (brinjal), and carrots in your diet
for cholesterol management.
Instead of consuming freshly squeezed fruit juices, it is better to consume the whole

Include high-fiber cereals in your diet, such as brown rice, red rice, whole wheat, oats,
quinoa etc.

Include unpeeled lentils (dal) like moong dal, tuvar dal, masoor dal etc. in your diet.
Include pulses such as kabuli chana (chickpeas), green chana (green gram), and black
chana (black gram) in your meals.

Include skimmed or low-fat milk and its products such as curd, buttermilk, yogurt,
paneer etc. in your diet.

Medical Laboratory Report

Mr.NAITIK MALIK LQM1533 Male | 30 yrs 27-04-2024

Your Diet Dos & Don'ts Patient Name Visit ID Demographic Info Sample Collection Date

Nuts and Seeds

As a snack between meals, you can enjoy small servings of whole nuts such as
almonds and walnuts.
To boost the nutritional content of cereals, salads, yoghurt, and dals, add Omega-3
fatty acid-rich seeds such flaxseeds, chia seeds, and sabja (basil) seeds.
Restrict eating salted or fried nuts.

Oils and Fats

Every day, consume no more than 1-2 tablespoons of oil. Select healthy oils like
sunflower, rice bran, olive oil and ghee. Alternate between oils rather than using
simply one.
Maintain oil consumption at a maximum of half a liter per person per month.
Limit your consumption of saturated fats, such as butter.

Consume lean protein sources like egg whites and chicken.
Include 1-2 servings of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, basa or tuna into your
weekly meals.
The liver of animals is known to be a highly abundant source of Vitamin B12.
Include vitamin D-rich fatty fish and seafood like mackerel, sardines, tuna, shrimp,
and salmon in your diet.
Include whole eggs in your diet, as a significant portion of vitamin D is found in the
egg yolk.
Avoid consuming red meat (including mutton, lamb, beef, pork, etc.).
Make sure the meat is completely cooked. Avoid consuming raw or undercooked

Your opinion matters

" We’d love to hear how we did to help you understand your health better. Do share your
thoughts and drop us a note on our social media pages. Every word goes a long way in
motivating our team and delivering better.
Social Links:

Title Description Source Link
1. Blood Glucose Standard Treatment Guidelines - Govt of India - https://main.icmr.nic.in
Diabetes-Mellitus http://www.diabetes.org
Guidelines by American Diabetes Association.

2. Blood Cholesterol NCEP ATP III Cholesterol Guidelines: Third Report of https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov
the National Cholesterol Education Program
(NCEP).Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and
Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult
TreatmentPanel III). NIH Publication No. 01-3305 May

3. Blood Tests For Kidney National Kidney Foundation - "Clinical Practice https://www.kidney.org
Functions Guideline"

4. Blood Tests For Thyroid American Thyroid Association https://www.thyroid.org

5. Blood Tests For Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine-2 volume set -
Hematology Functions Chapter 60: Disorders of Granulocytes and Monocytes,
Chapter 111: Disorders of Platelets and Vessel Wall

6. General Reference Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine https://labtestsonline.org.uk

7. Nutrition National Health Portal Of India https://www.nin.res.in

Nutrition Committee of the American Heart https://www.ahajournals.org
Association https://www.heart.org
American Heart Association https://www.who.int
Healthy diet - World Health Organization https://european-nutrition.org
European Patients Forum (EPF) https://health.gov
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines - health.gov https://www.heart.org /nutrition
Nutrition for prevention of CVD https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews
Dietary recommendations during the COVID-19

If you are pregnant, some of the recommendations in Your Health Report Please be careful of any food allergies or intolerances that you are sensitive
may not directly apply to you. Please consult your doctor. to.
The analyzed information in Your Health Report is not ideal for Analysis uses Blood, Physicals data (and urine data if present).
individuals less than 15 years of age.

© 360 Health Vectors Private Limited 2022 | All Rights Reserved Product Version: v9.0

Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 16:22 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Complete Blood Count (CBC) , WHOLE BLOOD EDTA

Hemoglobin (Hb) 14.9 13-17 g/dL Spectrophotometry
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 4.70 4.5-5.5 Million/cu.mm Impedance
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) / Hematocrit 44.0 40-50 % Calculated
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 93.6 83-101 fL Calculated
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) 31.7 27-32 pg Calculated
Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration 33.9 31.5-34.5 g/dL Calculated
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) 15.0 11.6-14 % Calculated
Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 7,350 4000-10000 Cells/cu.mm Impedance
Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC)
Neutrophils 59.4 40-80 % Impedance & FCM
Lymphocytes 32.0 20-40 % Impedance & FCM
Monocytes 5.0 2-10 % Impedance & FCM
Eosinophils 2.8 1-6 % Impedance & FCM
Basophils 0.8 0-2 % Impedance & FCM
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 4,366 2000-7000 Cells/cu.mm Calculated
Lymphocytes 2,352 1000-3000 Cells/cu.mm Calculated
Monocytes 368 200-1000 Cells/cu.mm Calculated
Eosinophils 206 20-500 Cells/cu.mm Calculated
Basophils 59 0-100 Cells/cu.mm Calculated
Platelet Count 226,000 150000-410000 per cu.mm Impedance
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) 9.6 7.4-12.0 fL Impedance

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SIN No:HA00753601
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Blood Glucose Fasting (FBS) , FLUORIDE PLASMA

Blood Glucose Fasting (FBS) 92.30 70-100 mg/dL GOD - POD
This test checks your fasting blood glucose levels. Fasting means after not having anything to eat or drink (except water) for at least 8 hours before
the test. This test is usually done first thing in the morning, before breakfast.
Pre- diabetes: Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have prediabetes—blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but
not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
Diagnosing Diabetes
FBS value Interpretation
70-100 mg/dl Normal
100-125 mg/dl Pre- diabetes
More than126 mg/dl Diabetes

The above reference ranges are as per ADA guidelines.

Liver Function Test , SERUM

Bilirubin, Total 1.56 0.20-1.30 mg/dL Azobilirubin
Bilirubin, Direct 0.40 0.0-0.3 mg/dL Dual Wavelength
Bilirubin, Indirect 1.16 0.0-1.1 mg/dL Calculated
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) SGOT 27.0 17-59 U/L UV with P-5-P
Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) SGPT 43.0 0-50 U/L UV with P-5-P
Total Protein 7.60 6.3-8.2 g/dL Biuret

Kidney Function Test , SERUM

Creatinine 1.32 0.66-1.25 mg/dL Creatinine amidohydrolase
Urea 23.1 19.0-43.0 mg/dL Urease
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 10.8 9.0 - 20.0 mg/dL Urease
Albumin 4.70 3.5 - 5 g/dL Bromocresol Green
Globulin 2.90 2-3.5 g/dL Calculated
Albumin : Globulin Ratio (A:G Ratio) 1.62 1.1-2.5 Calculated
Uric Acid 6.76 3.5-8.5 mg/dL Uricase

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SIN No:BI01739531
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Total Protein 7.60 6.3-8.2 g/dL Biuret

Calcium , SERUM
Calcium 9.4 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL Arsenazo

HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin) , WHOLE BLOOD EDTA

HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin) 4.6 <5.7 % HPLC
Estimated Average Glucose 85.32 mg/dL Calculated
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level reflects the mean glucose concentration over the previous period approximately 8-12 weeks, depending on the
individual) and provides a much better indication of long-term glycemic control than blood and urinary glucose determinations. The American
Diabetes Association (ADA), International Expert Committee (IEC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend the use of HbA1c to
diagnose diabetes, using a threshold of 6.5%. The ADA recommends measurement of HbA1c (typically 3-4 times per year for type 1 and poorly
controlled type 2 diabetic patients, and 2 times per year for well-controlled type 2 diabetic patients) to determine whether a patient's metabolic
control has remained continuously within the target range.
Diagnosing Diabetes
HbA1c value Interpretation
<5.7 % Normal
5.7-6.4 % Pre - Diabetes
>6.5 % Diabetes
Therpeutic goals for glycemic control (ADA)
Adults HbA1c value
Goal of therapy < 7.0%
Action suggested > 8.0%

Falsely low HbA1c results may be observed in patients with clinical conditions that shorten erythrocyte life span or decrease mean erythrocyte age
(eg. Hemolytic anaemia).
Specimens from patients with polycythemia or post-splenectomy may exhibit increased HBA1c values due to a somewhat longer lifespan of the

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SIN No:BI01739531
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Page 4 of 13

SIN No:BI01739531
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 28/Apr/2024 10:02
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 28/Apr/2024 13:51 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) , SERUM

High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein 3.78 0-5 mg/L Particle enhanced immuno-
(hsCRP) turbidimetry
Hs CRP could be used as a marker to predict the risk of coronary heart disease in apparently healthy persons and as an indicator of recurrent event prognosis.
Increases in CRP values are non‑specific and should not be interpreted without a complete clinical history. Testing for any risk assessment should not be
performed while there is an indication of infection, systemic inflammation or trauma. Patients with persistently unexplained hsCRP levels above 10 mg/L should be
evaluated for non‑cardiovascular etiologies. Serial measurements of hsCRP should not be used to monitor treatment.
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings.

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SIN No:BI01741111
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, NRL MUMBAI National Reference Laboratory, Plot No.C-533, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area,
Pawane,Turbhe,NAVI MUMBAI , 400705
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method


Total Cholesterol 145.00 <200 mg/dL CHE/CHO/POD
Triglycerides 287.00 <150 mg/dL Enzymatic
HDL Cholesterol 27.00 >60 mg/dL CHE/CHO/POD
LDL Cholesterol, Calculated 60.60 <100 mg/dL Calculated
VLDL 57.40 <30 mg/dL Calculated
Non HDL Cholesterol 118.00 <130 mg/dL Calculated
Cholesterol : HDL Ratio 5.37 <5.0 Calculated
The National Lipid Association and the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) have set the following guidelines for lipids i.e.
total cholesterol (in children, ages less than 18 years and adults ages 18 years and up), triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and non-HDL cholesterol:
Desirable High
Parameter (mg/dL)
Borderline high (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
Very high (mg/dL)
Total Cholesterol
<200 200-239 >240
Adults (>18 Yrs)
Total Cholesterol
<170 170-199 >200
Children (<18 Yrs)
Triglycerides <150 150-199 200-499 >500
Optimal <100
LDL Cholesterol 130-159 >160
Above Optimal: 100 - 129
Optimal <130
Non-HDL Cholesterol
Above Optimal: 130 - 159
Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
Male <3.60
Female <3.20

Desirable Undesirable
Borderline risk (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
HDL Cholestrol >60 40-59 <40

Measurements in the same patient can show physiological and analytical variations.
NCEP ATP III identifies non-HDL cholesterol as a secondary target of therapy in persons with high triglycerides.

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SIN No:BI01739530
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Page 7 of 13

SIN No:BI01739530
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Thyroid Profile Total , SERUM

Total T3 1.46 0.87-1.78 ng/mL CLIA/Competition
Total T4 8.55 4.82-15.65 μg/dL CLIA/Competition
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 4.320 0.38-5.33 μIU/mL CLIA/SANDWICH
Thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary. TSH is a very
sensitive and specific parameter for assessing thyroid function and is particularly useful for early detection or exclusion of thyroid
disorders. Simultaneous measurement of TSH with free T4 is useful in evaluating the differential diagnosis of hypothyroidism and
for monitoring thyroid-suppressive therapy. TSH is increased in primary hypothyroidism, patients of hypothyroidism receiving
insufficient thyroid hormone replacement therapy, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and certain drugs. TSH is decreased in toxic multinodular
goitre, thyroid adenoma, secondary hypothyroidism, over-replacement of thyroid hormone in treatment of hypothyroidism and
certain drugs. TSH has a diurnal rhythm, with peaks at 2:00–4:00 AM and troughs at 5:00–6:00 PM with ultradian variations.
TSH levels vary diurnally by up to 50% and up to 40% variations on specimens performed serially during the same time of the day.
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examination and other findings.
Triiodothyronine (T3) is the thyroid hormone principally responsible for the regulation of metabolism of the various target organs.
T3 is mainly formed extrathyroidally, particularly in the liver, by enzymatic deiodination of T4 (thyroxine). Accordingly, the T3
concentration in serum is more a reflection of the functional state of the peripheral tissue than the secretory performance
of the thyroid gland. Over 99 % of T3 is bound to transport proteins. The determination of T3 is utilized in the diagnosis of T3‐
hyperthyroidism, the detection of early stages of hyperthyroidism and for indicating a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis factitia. Serum T3
assessment is important to determine the severity of hyperthyroidism and to monitor the response to treatment.
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examination and other findings.
Thyroxine (T4) is the main hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. It increases the basal metabolic rate and plays an essential role
in the development of all cells. It is secreted under the influence of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The major part (> 99 %) of
total thyroxine in serum is present in protein-bound form. As the concentrations of the transport proteins in serum are subject to
exogenous and endogenous effects, the status of the binding proteins must also be taken into account in the assessment of the
thyroid hormone concentration in serum. T4 assessment can be utilized for the detection of hyperthyroidism, primary and
secondary hypothyroidism, and the monitoring of TSH-suppression therapy.
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examination and other findings.

Prostate Specific Antigen, Total (Total PSA) , SERUM

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SIN No:IM00845301
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Prostate Specific Antigen, Total (Total 0.976 < 4.0 ng/mL ECL/Sandwich
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a glycoprotein produced primarily by prostatic secretory epithelium. Elevated levels of total
PSA can be seen in benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic carcinoma, prostatitis, urinary retention, certain drugs and following
procedures like rectal examination, cystoscopy, colonoscopy or transurethral biopsy.

Total PSA determinations are used for cancer screening and the monitoring of progress and efficiency of therapy in patients with
prostate carcinoma or receiving hormonal therapy. The steepness of the rate of fall in PSA down to no‑longer detectable levels
following radiotherapy, hormonal therapy or radical surgical removal of the prostate provides information on the success of

For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examination and other findings.

Vitamin D, 25 - OH , SERUM
Vitamin D, 25 - OH 14.52 >30 ng/mL CLIA/Competition
Result Interpretation Result ng/mL
Deficient < 20
Insufficient 20 to 30
Sufficient 30-100
Upper Safety Limit > 100

25‑hydroxyvitamin D is used to determine the overall vitamin D status as it is the major storage form of vitamin D in the human body
and is present in blood at 1000 times higher concentration as compared to its active form 1, 25 dihydroxy Vitamin D. In children
severe deficiency of Vitamin D causes rickets. In adults, deficiency of Vitamin D causes muscle weakness, osteomalacia, increased
bone turnover, reduced bone mass and increased risk of bone fractures. Insufficiency has been linked to diabetes, different forms of
cancer, cardiovascular disease and autoimmune diseases. Decreased levels are found in malabsorption, steatorrhea, cirrhosis,
pancreatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease and thyrotoxicosis.
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination
and other findings.

Page 9 of 13

SIN No:IM00845301
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 17:35 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) , SERUM

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 114 120-914 pg/mL CLIA/Competition
Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamine is essential in DNA synthesis, hematopoiesis and CNS integrity. Main dietary sources are
meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Decreased Vitamin B12 levels cause megaloblastic anemia, peripheral neuropathy, dementia
and depression. Decreased levels may be due dietary deficiency, intestinal malabsorption, Intrinsic factor deficiency (Pernicious
Anemia), parasitic infestation, inflammatory bowel disease and gastric or intestinal surgery. Increased Vitamin B12 levels may be
seen COPD, obesity, diabetes, renal failure and Polycythemia vera or in patients taking B12 supplements. Normal serum Vitamin
B12 level does not rule out tissue deficiency of Vitamin B12. In such cases, Serum MMA and homocysteine levels should be

For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examination and other findings

Page 10 of 13

SIN No:IM00845301
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 19:46 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Complete Urine Examination , URINE

Physical Examination
Colour Pale Yellow
Specific Gravity 1.025 1.010-1.030 Bromothymol Blue
Transparency Clear Clear
Chemical Examination
Protein Absent Absent Error Indicators Principle
Glucose Negative Absent GOD/POD
pH 5.5 5.0-8.0 Double Indicator Principle
Blood Negative Absent Peroxidase
Ketone Negative Absent Nitroprusside Reaction
Bilirubin Negative Absent Azocoupling Reaction
Urobilinogen Normal Normal Modified Ehrlich Reaction
Nitrite Negative Absent Diazotization Reaction
Leucocyte Esterase Negative Absent Pyrrole Reaction
Microscopic Examination
WBC/Pus Cells 1-2 0-5 /hpf Microscopy
Transitional/Squamous epithelial cells 1-2 0-4 /hpf Microscopy
RBCs Not Seen Absent /hpf Microscopy
Crystals CALCIUM Absent Microscopy
Casts Not Seen Absent /lpf Microscopy
Protein: Protein excretion can be temporarily elevated by strenuous exercise, orthostatic proteinuria, dehydration, urinary tract infections
Glucose: Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus can lead to presence of glucose in urine. Ketones: Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus can lead to
presence of ketones in urine. Blood: Occult blood can occur in urine in various urological, nephrological and bleeding disorders.
Leukocytes: Most common cause is bacterial urinary tract infection. Nitrite: Many bacteria give positive results when their number is high.
pH: Conditions of the body producing acidosis/ alkalosis or ingestion of certain type of food can affect the pH of urine. Specific gravity:
Increased S.G. is seen in conditions like dehydration, glycosuria and proteinuria. Decreased S.G. seen in excessive fluid intake, renal
failure and diabetes insipidus. Bilirubin: In certain liver diseases such as biliary obstruction or hepatitis, bilirubin gets excreted in urine.

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SIN No:C00329703
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 27/Apr/2024 16:07
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 27/Apr/2024 19:46 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Urobilinogen: Positive results are seen in liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis and haemolytic anaemia.

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SIN No:C00329703
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, RRL PATNA Ds11 Deoki Commercial Complex Lohiya Nagar Kankarbagh,Patna,Patna , 800020
Patient Information Specimen Information Client/Doctor Information
Name : Mr.NAITIK MALIK Visit ID : LQM1533 Client Code : LMPCC0564
Collected : 27/Apr/2024 11:06 Client Name : LMPCC
Age/Gender : 30 Y 0 M 0 D /Male PHULWARISARIF NEW
Received : 28/Apr/2024 09:36
MobileNo : 9891209018 Reported : 29/Apr/2024 14:54 Client Add. : PATNA
UHID : LDAA01811517 IP/OP/Barcode : Client No. : 9472243402
Address : Harun colony Sector 2 phulwarish Report Status : Final Report Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF
arif patna,Alampur


Test Name Result Bio. Ref. Range Unit Method

Allergy Screen-Adults (>5 years)/Phadiatop Adult , SERUM

Allergy Screen-Adults (>5 years) 0.40 <0.35 kUA/L ImmunoCAP
Phadiatop is an in vitro assay for graded determination of IgE antibodies specific to inhalant allergens in human serum or plasma. It
is intended as an aid in the clinical diagnosis of IgE mediated allergic disorders in conjunction with other clinical findings. In patients
suffering from extrinsic asthma, hay fever or atopic eczema, symptoms develop immediately after exposure to specific allergens.
This immediate type of allergy is a function of IgE class of immunoglobulins.

A positive result indicates that the patient is atopic, a negative result indicates that the patient is non-atopic, i.e. not sensitized to
inhalant allergens. In order to determine the concentration of allergen specific IgE antibodies, it is recommended to retest the
sample with the appropriate ImmunoCAP Specific IgE allergens.

A definitive clinical diagnosis should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated. It
should not be based on the results of any single diagnostic method.

*** End Of Report ***

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SIN No:IC00006262
This test has been performed at Lupin Diagnostics Laboratory, NRL MUMBAI National Reference Laboratory, Plot No.C-533, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area,
Pawane,Turbhe,NAVI MUMBAI , 400705

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