1written Exam

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1. What are the four main vital signs?

a. BP, o2 sat, Temp, pulse

b. BP, respiration, temp, pulse
c. BP, respiration, temp, o2 sat
d. BP, respiration, pulse, pain
2. During an intermittent fever,
a. The fever has a wide range of temp fluctuations occurring over a 24-hour period
b. There are short febrile periods of a few days interspersed with periods of normal temps lasting 1 to 2
c. Body temp fluctuates minimally but always remains above normal
d. The body temp alternates regular intervals between periods of normal and subnormal temps
3. Pyrexia is:
a. A body temp that is normal
b. A body temp that is above normal
c. A body temp that is below normal
d. None of these is true
4. Pick the most appropriate definition of vital signs
a. Signs and symptoms of a disease
b. An indication of basic body functioning
c. A part of human composition
d. Physiology and anatomy
5. In a bradycardic patient, the respiration rate is
a. 13 cpm and over
b. 9 cpm and under
c. 12 cpm and under
e. 11 cpm and over
6. When should hand hygiene be performed if a healthcare worker enters the patient zone to conduct a
non-invasive procedure, such as a vital signs check?
a. Only before touching the patient
b. Only after touching the patient
c. Hand hygiene is not required
d. Always before and after touching the patient

Z7. The nurse is washing his or her hands. What should be done first?
a. Turn on tap
b. Remove jewelry
c. apply soap to hands
d. clean under nails
8. If hands are not visibly soiled or visibly contaminated with blood or other proteinaceous material, which of
the following regimens is the most effective for reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria on the hands of
a. washing hands with plain soap and water
b. washing hands with an antimicrobial soap and water
c. Applying 1.5 ml to 3 ml of alcohol-based hand rub to the hands and rubbing hands together until they
feel dry
d. washing hands using povidone-iodine

9.How are antibiotic-resistant pathogens most frequently spread from one patient to another in health care
a. Airborne spread resulting from patients coughing or sneezing
b. Patients coming in contact with contaminated equipment
c. From one patient to another via the contaminated hands of clinical staff
d. Poor environmental maintenance

10. Clostridium difficile (the cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea) is readily killed by alcohol-based hand
hygiene products.
a. True
b. False
11. What is the expected amount of time for blood to flow into the finger or toe again during capillary refill?
a. 3 seconds
b. within 5 minutes
c. within 1 second
d. no longer than 1 minute
12. Which of the following is a skin condition?
a) Migraine c) Asthma
b) Eczema d) Arthritis

13. What is the outermost layer of the skin called?

a) Epidermis
b) Dermis
c) Hypodermis
d) Subcutis
14. The nurse tell a 75- year old patient that she will have to do a “head to toe” assessment on him. The
patient asks “What is that?” Her best answer would be?
a. I will need to determine the etiology of any pathologic symptoms you might have
b. Oh nothing, it is something that we do
c. It is a way for us to know how we are going to take care of you later
d. Maybe you can tell me how you got here.
15. A patient has just been admitted. During physical assessment, it was observed that patient had
decreased skin turgor and dried outer lips. What would be the most appropriate thing to offer this patient
while the physical assessment is going on?
a. a chair to sit on
b. medication
c. water
d. some snacks
16. Which of the following is not a peripheral pulse
a. humoral
b. femoral
c. brachial
d. radial
17. Which of the following is an example of subjective data?
a) Blood pressure reading
b) Heart rate measurement
c) Patient’s description of pain
d) None of the above

18. Which of the following is an example of objective data?

a) Patient’s report of nausea
b) Observation of rash on the patient’s skin
c) Patient’s complaint of headache
d) None of the above
19. True or False: A nursing assessment is only conducted upon admission to a healthcare facility.
20. True or False: A nursing assessment is solely based on objective data.

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