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Writing test (module 6

1. Israel maintains a complete siege of Gaza, cutting off electricity and water, and
supplies of food and medicine remain scarce. Israel’s aerial bombardments have
demolished neighborhoods, schools, and mosques; satellite imagery analyzed by
the United Nations shows that approximately 30 percent of Gaza’s total structures
have been destroyed or damaged.
2. Miss Universe has celebrated the beauty of the female form, claiming to be a
source of empowerment and instilling values of confidence in women across the
globe. In a traditional sense, the Miss Universe contestants represent what is
supposed to be considered the ideal standard of beauty. This year’s Miss
Universe pageant truly embodied what it means to be confidently beautiful,
celebrating a diverse group of women.
3. Karpov used his experience to score an impressive four wins and seven draws,
averaging almost 60 moves a game and giving his much younger opponents an
endgame clinic.
4. New strategy needed to deal with sluggish property market.
Measures that should be considered include adjusting the type and quality of
products, pricing strategies, incentives and the method of payment and that property
developers also needed to consider project funding strategies through cooperation with local and
foreign investors. One of the policies that had affected the property market was Bank Indonesias
policy requiring transactions to use the rupiah. In this situation, developers have to keep their
tenants or extend and provide competitive rental rates.
5. War-torn youth: Ron grew up in a war-torn country, forced to navigate battlefields and evade
enemy soldiers. This experience gives him exceptional survival skills and a deep understanding of
human conflict.
Adventurous spirit: Driven by a thirst for adventure, Ron undertook a perilous journey through a
treacherous landscape, facing wild animals, harsh elements, and hostile tribes. This experience
instilled in him a deep respect for nature and a sense of self-reliance.
Mysterious past: Ron’s youth is shrouded in secrecy. He only hints at the deadly obstacles he
faced, leaving others to wonder about the source of his toughness and the scars that mark his body.
6. Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UTA’45) Jakarta does have a lot to be proud of:
Nationalist Spirit: The university’s name and founding by nationalist figures emphasizes its
connection to Indonesia’s fight for independence.
Educational Mission: UTA’45 is committed to fostering intellectual life and national awareness,
which aligns with Indonesia’s goals for its citizens.
Achievement & Success: The university is accredited and offers various facilities, so its
achievements and the success of its students could be a source of pride.
Supportive Community: The university emphasizes national unity and diversity, which could
foster a welcoming environment you value.

1. Look! Tono is not more intelligent than achmad solving that problem
2. Biden looks smarter than Donald Trump In Tackling the pandemic.
3. Crypto currency investment seems to be more detectable than Rexadana.
4. This China-made train attracts South America’s leaders most powerful among the world’s leaders
5. This Robusta coffee drink is most expensive of all in this cafe, but its sale is least than others
6. Jane is thinking as more logical as Samuel
7. Bill Gates got dlivorced with elinda more surprisingly than he did with others.
8. Climate change bad impact on human life is much riskier than the existing pandemic
9. Michael Lee is cleverer than Robin Suart in mathematics but Robin is smarter than Michael in
Business Management.
10. The war of Ukraine-Russia in Afghanistan is more thrilling than that in Afghanistan.

4. In my opinion, young people should be given permission to make independent decisions. First and
foremost, it can boost their self-confidence. In other words, if they make. Their mind to do something new,
there are high chances that they will work effectively to achieve the desired result.

Secondly, it is observed that when youngsters get opportunities to do the work on their own without any
suggestions, they progress financially as well as psychologically. These generations are the future citizens
of the country.

7. reducing the amount of air-pollution that comes from cars such as:

a. Ride a bike or walk.

If only going a short distance, consider riding a bike or walking instead of driving

b. Take public transit.

If need to go somewhere that is along a bus or light rail line, consider taking public transit instead of going
in a car.

c. When going to school or work, try to carpool together with other people who are headed in the same
direction. Because can save money and reduce the amount of fuel burned at the same time.

26.US has exposed more aircraft carriers in the South China Sea so far..

More aircraft carriers have been exposed in the South China Sea by the US so far.

27. Anti -Asian American Racism has posed a threat horribly to any Asian people

Residing in the State since the fall of the former president Donald Trump..

A threat has been posed horribly to any Asian people residing in the State since the fall of the former
president Donald Trump by Anti-Asian American Racism.

28. Data analyst found almost 400,000 Indians dead from the new wave of corona

Virus mutation in early May 2021..

Almost 400,000 Indians were found dead from the new wave of corona virus mutation in early May 2021
by a data analyst.

29. The rapid economic recovery in China has escalated China’s GDP dramatically

Since mid 2020 while other nations have undergone business collapse..
China’s GDP has been escalated dramatically by the rapid economic recovery in China since mid-2020
while business collapse has been undergone by other nations.

30. While the 82-aged woman was still walking unstably on this bamboo-made

Bridge, I grabbed her arm to save her life last october 2020..

The arm of the 82-aged woman was grabbed by me to save her life while she was still walking unstably on
this bamboo-made bridge last October 2020.

31. Sonya has been looking for a financial consultant since her company

Collapsed last March 2021..

A financial consultant has been being sought by Sonya since her company collapsed in March 2021.

32. A young Spanish American would have driven me to the party if 1 had agreed in


I would have been driven to the party by a young Spanish American if I had agreed in 1997.

33. Hamas was attacking lsrael at midnight on May 14,2021..

Israel was being attacked by Hamas at midnight on May 14, 2021.

34. Amat Karim expected his female patient to consume a half-boiled egg and

Some honey so as to get her energized..

A half-boiled egg and some honey were expected to be consumed by Amat Karim’s female patient in order
to get her energized.

35. Young generation will surely have solved the hardest problem of climate


The hardest problem of climate change will surely have been solved by the young generation.

11. Many aircrafts (well- exposed)................ in the South China

Sea so far..

Many aircraft have been well-exposed in the South China Sea so far.
12. Racism in US (pose )....... .......... a threat horribly to any. Asian-American people in the State since
the fall of the former president Donald Trump..

A threat is posed horribly to any Asian-American people in the State by Racism in US since the fall of the
former president Donald Trump.

13. Almost 100,000 Indians (find)...............hockingly dead from the new wave of corona virus
mutation in early May 2021..

Almost 100,000 Indians were found shockingly dead from the new wave of corona virus mutation in early
May 2021.

14. China’s GDP (rise)...................amazingly since mid 2020

While other nations (undergo)........

Business...... collapse..

China’s GDP has risen amazingly since mid-2020 while business collapse has been undergone by other

15. While the 82-aged woman still (walk)......unstably .. ...on this bamboo-made bridge,
(grab).................. and (take).................hold of her arm to save her life last october 2020..

The 82-aged woman was still walked unstably on this bamboo-made bridge when her arm was grabbed
and taken hold of to save her life last October 2020.

16. Sonya (get)............ixed up last month as a beneficiary of IDF 2,000,000,000 and

(look)................. .for a financial onsultant

Since then..

Last month, Sonya got mixed up as a beneficiary of IDF 2,000,000,000 and has been looking for a
financial consultant since then.

17. When I stayed in US from 1992 to 1996 ,a young Spanish American used to
( seduce)...................... .me so that my concentration (get) distracted..

I was seduced by a young Spanish American during my stay in the US from 1992 to 1996, causing my
concentration to be distracted.

18. Hans ............well-treat): ..........and (support)................. by the Palestinians during his study in
Hans was well-treated and supported by the Palestinians during his study in the 1990s.

19. A half-boiled egg and some honey highly (expect).... by Amat Karim to energize him from
hisweak body now..

Amat Karim highly expects a half-boiled egg and some honey to be energized from his weak body now.

20. China’s high technology evidently (well prove)..... with the existence of its innovative products
with time so far..

China’s high technology has been evidently proven with the existence of its innovative products over time.

21. Coffee drink in a convenient cafe usually ( make).. me more relaxed than that in my own house..

A more relaxed feeling is usually brought by coffee drink in a convenient cafe than in my own house.

22. Lately there (be)......

Military tension in South ... China’s Sea as it is probably used for mutual benefit between the two
superpower countries..

Military tension has been observed in the South China Sea lately, as it is probably being used for mutual
benefit between the two superpower countries.

23. BY 09:00 am next Monday, that

Expert (accomplish).. ...his duty since he has been working hard all day long..

His duty will have been accomplished by 9:00 am next Monday because he has been working hard all day

24. My colleage now ( consider)............ (buy)...............a new high-quality camera and microphone for
his purpose of establishing a Youtuber Studio himself..

A new high-quality camera and microphone are now being considered for purchase by my colleague for
the purpose of establishing a Youtuber Studio himself.

25. I continue ( provide).....................the best service within my own capacity since customer’s
satisfaction is my work goal..

The best service is continued to be provided within my own capacity since customer’s satisfaction is my
work goal.

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