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Experiment No.1 Experiment:- RAC Experimental Bench ( R ~ 134-Tetrafluoro Ethane) Objective :- (1) To Study the Vapor compression System of Refrigeration using refrigerant R - 134A. (2) TO determine the COP and Camot COP ( maximum COP) of Ice plant. Cycle:- Vapor Compression System of Refrigeration. +f Basic Component and Their Functions 1) Compressor:- Compressor Compresses the low pressure vapor coming from the evaporator so that its pressure is raised. Raising of the pressure is required to condense the vapor. , 2) Condensers:- Condenser will condense the High Pressure Vapor coming from compressor. This is where vapor is converted inié liquid, Two types are provided. Air is the medium used to transfer the heat in one (aluminum fin type ) and water is the medium in the other (coil in tank type). C 3) Expansion Devices:- Capillary and AEV are provided, installed just before the Evaporator, to reduces the pressure of the liquid refrigerant so that it evaporates in the evaporator. (it was held as liquid due to high pressure). 4) Evaporators:- Three components are provided. Here the Refrigerant, after reduction of pressure through the expansion valve evaporates. While doing so, it absorbs the latent heat of evaporation from the surroundings, that is air, water, or brine. 5) Flow meter:- Flow Meter gives the reading of refrigerant flow rate. The flow Meter should not be exposed to sudden pressures. Open the valve Slowly. 6)Accumulator:- Since the compressor is designed only to handle vapors and it can get damaged if liquid comes in its suction line, accumulator is installed between evaporator and compressor. If some liquid does not get evaporated in the evaporator and comes towards compressor, the accumulator stops it and allows it to the compressor only after it becomes vapor. Italso checks the oil-return as it does.not allow sudden oil moment in large quanti (7) Receiver:~ Liquid from condenser flows to the receiver. It ensures that only liquid is supplied to the expansion valve. (8)Drier:- Drier is used in liquid line, before expansion valve. It acts as strainer and also removes any moisture from refrigerant before the refrigerant reaches th of expansion valve, Thus it prevents choking of expansion valve, and ac agent of the system. (9) Liquid indicator:~ Liquid indicator's work is to watch the liquid flow (10) Hand shut off valve:~ Hand shut off valve are provided to control flow of refrigerant so that one of the evaporators and only one of the condenser is open to line at a time. small orif’ the cleanii L @ scanned with OKEN Scanner important control for the safety of the system. It cuts of the malfunction like high discharge pressure or very low 11) LPHP :- LPHP is ver lectric supply to motor if there is ischarge pressure. itarting up the unit:- 1)Check that the electric supply is single phase 220 Volts. 3)Check the standing pressure on gauges, }) Fill ce candy evaporator with brine, {) Fill water in ice moulds, Also fil water in water cooler and tank of coil in tank ondenser. Japorator & Condenser:- This unit is provided with three evaporators. Select selection of E opening the hand shut off valve that provides liquid supply to it. Close sne of them by ther valves. hwo condenser are provided. Just like evaporator selection speration by opening the appropriate discharge line valve only. Put MCB ‘ON’. Open the inlet valve to one expansion device. «Put the switch to ‘ON’ position to start the unit. select one condenser for While trial watch the following :- e Liquid indicator- See the refrigerant e Voltage - 220 Volts e Ampere -. Pressure:- e Discharge pressure at compressor e Liquid line pressure before expansion. © Suction pressure Temperatures: Four Temperature meters are provided to checl * Discharge temperature at start of discharge line «Temperature of liquid before expansion © Temperature after evaporator «Temperature of suction line 1k the temp at following points: 2 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Experiment No.2 Experiment:-Vapor Absorption System of Refrigeration Trainer Objective:-To Study the Vapor Absorption Refrigeration Trainer. Theory:= The vapor absorption refrigeration is a heat operated system. Instead of compressor a combination of “Absorber” and “Generator” is used. In the Lithium Bromide- water absorption system, Lithium bromide is used as Absorbent and water as refrigerant. Lithium Bromide which has affinity for water, is circulated between the absorber and the generator by a pump (Solution Pump). Components (Absorber: It sucks the water vapor formed in the evaporator thus maintaining a low pressure in the evaporator. The solution (Mixture of Lithium Bromide and Water) is taken to the Generator by a solution pump. (2)Generator:-The solution is heated thereby releasing the water vapor (absorbed in the absorber) as a high pressure vapor, to be condensed in the condenser. The strong solution goes back to the absorber to again suck the water vapor from the evaporator. (3) Condenser:-The water vapor released from the solution in the generator gets condensed here, as the cooling water is circulated in the condenser. (4) Evaporator:- The condensed water coming from the condenser evaporates again due to low pressure condition in the evaporator tank and hence cools the surroundings. Lithium Bromide Lithium Bromide is a highly hygroscopic salt, it has is used as absorbent and water is used as refrigerant. + Being a salt Lithium Bromide doesn’t exert any pressure and does not boil off when heated. So, the water boiled off in generator leaves as pure refrigerant vapor. © As the percentage o! stronger. | © The solution exhibits a vapor pressure corr f percentage of water in the solution. : the solution does not change with temperature, but its great affinity for water. So it f salt in the solution increases , the solution is said to be esponding to the temperature and the | © The concentration 0 | specific gravity does. © When the solution absorbs water vapor, its strength (as down.Coversely, when the solution is heated and water v: solution becomes stronger. © The Lithium Bromide salt in its solid state (when crystalline structure. + %) comes fapor evaporates, the not in solution ),has & @ scanned with OKEN Scanner take out the brine and properly clean the tank when unit is not be usede for a long time. Brine Preparation:~ Fill fresh water in the brine tank up to required level. Put NaCl (common salt) in a cloth bags and hang in the tank. Add all the salt dissolved, put more Finally , 20% strength is OK. Observations:~ Note = the moulds with water at room temperature when the brine temperature is around 10°C. While running the unit, observe the following at regular intervals:- Refrigerant pressure at all four points. ¢ Refrigerant temperatures at various points. «Brine Temperature. Water Temperature. « Reftigerant flow rate. Energy consumption. Ampere. _ Temperatures Pressure | Timefor 10 | Energy Ambient No. Time! Tine revolution of | Meter Temperatur ey Energy meter) Reading insec —jinKw dense Condense] Cendensefbondenser| Condenser Evaporaty aa Vine inet | net | Inet | Pressure | pressure 1) 1) (7 Pp m Ve m (in Sec) (nkw) (1)Coefficient of performance (COP): Plot the refrigeration cycle on P-H chart and from the chart obtain the following enthalpy values: © Condenser inlet + (Hg) in KJ Kg © Condenser outlet — ( Hy.) = evaporator inlet - H, in KJ /Kg ¢ Evaporator outlet( H,.) in KJ /Kg Refrigerating fect / Ky, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner COP = Compressor work /Kg (He (Ha) ~ ai co) (it is unitless quantity) (2) Maximum COP -Maximum COP obtainable is COP of the “Carnot” cycle operating between the same saturation temperature limit, T, - Saturation Temperature at evaporator (low pressure ) in °K Ty- Saturation Temperature at condenser (high pressure) °K Ti COP max = COP camot = Ty- Th (3) Heat Recovered from the ice cane — Heat is to be removed from the ice cane in the following form: (a) Sensible heat of water to cool it down from room temperature to freezing to freezing tem hs p that is, hs in °C (b)Latent heat of freezing of water hy in °C (c) Sensible heat of ice to cool it below freezing temp, hi in °C. (d) Thus when ice is formed heat is removed from it. Hy = hs + hy When temperature of ice is reduced below freezing point that is when ice is sub cooled heat from it:- Hye= by +hi (Specific heat water is 4.18 KJ / Kg °K) hs = (Room temp. ~ Freezing temp) x Specific heat hs =(Room temp. — 0°C) Specific heat 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Precaution:- (1)Check that the electric supply is single phase 220 Volts. (2)Check the standing pressure on gauges. (3) Fill ice candy evaporator with brine. (4) Fill water in ice modules. Also fill water in water cooler and tank of coil in tank condenser. (5) Do not run the unit if Voltage is too low or too high. (6)Stop the unit in case of abnormally high amperage then stop the unit if discharge is excessively high. (7) Stop the unit if there is abnormal noise in any moving part. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Experiment No.3 Experiment:= Ice Plant Trainer Aim:= Study of Iee Plant Train. Theory: Description of Ice Plant :~ In Ice plant commercial Ice is produced by freezing potable water in standard cans which are placed in tanks filled with chilled brine. The brine tank is fitted with agitator so that the brine is always in motion. This constant motion of brine helps in increasing heat transfer amongst evaporator coil, brine and water, Evaporator coil is bare tube, that is , coil in tank type. Water level in the cans or module should be kept below brine level in the tank. The tank is insulated on all four sides as well as from bottom, Process of ice making involves:- e Removing sensible heat from water to bring temperature to 0"C. © Latent heat removal to convert water into ice. © Removing heat from ice to take it from 0°C to around -10°C. Brine is a solution of a salt in water. By mixing soluble salt in water, the freezing point of the solution becomes lower than that of water. The weight of the salt in solution , expressed as the percent of the weight of the solution is the * strength” of the solution. As the strength is increased by adding more salt, the freezing point of the solution goes down. Brine may be made with common salt (Sodium chloride) . Another common brine is calcium chloride, which is used for very low temperature applications. Glycols are also used for some applications. Properties of NaCl (Sodium chloride ) Brine:~ Though the brine system is less efficient than the direct expansion systems. ‘Temperature are more easily controlled . This system is used for ice making other applications as brine acts as a stored source of refrigeration. and many 9 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner capacity Control:~ All Lithium Bromide water eycle absorption machine meet joad variation and maintain chilled water temp control by varying the rate of reconcentration of absorbent solution. At any given constant load the chilled water temperature is maintained by the temperature difference between refrigerant and chilled water, the refrigerant temp is maintained by absorber being supplied with a flow rate and concentration of solution and by absorber cooling water temperature __ The Lithium Bromide solution has strong affinity for water vapor because of its very low vapor pressure since Lithium Bromide solution is corrosive therefore inhibitors should be added in order to protect the metal parts of the system against corrosion. This system is very popular for Air Conditioning in which low refrigeration temperatures ( not below 0°C ) are required. The pressure difference between the generator and the absorber and the gravity due to height difference of the two shell is utilized to create the pressure for the spray. COP:- Heat absorbed in the evaporator COP = - . Heat supplied in the generator As the Lithium Bromide water system does not incorporate in pump, it is @ vibration & noise free system. There is no need to have strong foundation, since the shaft seal is absent, the leakage is automatically eliminated, In absence of moving parts, valves, glands etc. the maintenance cast is negligible small. Main disadvantage of the Lithium Bromide water absorption system is the limitation of the lower temperature that is not below 2° C and large volume flow. Precaution : (Check the piping for any pinching or any breakage from flare connection. (2)Check glass parts, like gauge glass and indicator glass. : (3) The evacuation and charging of refrigerant and absorbent (water & lithium bromide) should be done only under supervision of ‘qualified technician. (4) Good quality vacuum pump should be used for evacuating the syste™. . 6 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Experiment 4: 4. Objectives: To determine: ithe actual COP ofan aitsconditioning system ii) condensate rate (moisture removal rate) ti the apparatus dew point and the by-pass factor of the cooling coil 42. Description: The experimental set up consists of anf system, It has a hermetic compressor of 1 TR extcmally, an air-cooled condenser, finned tube direct expansion ei vaya. capillary tobefthemstatic expansion vale anda owes wo Moe a tobe cooled. There isa provision to re-circulate a part of the conditioned tube, which has an orifice meter to determine the flow tate. An orifice unasite the flow rate of inlet air. The test chamber duct h reheat nd humidity the air. fully instrumented air-conditioning pacity with a fan to cool its body air through a meter can also 1as provisions to preheat, 43. Principle and procedi The actual COP of the air conditioning system is given by: Actual cooling cxipac Actual COP = Powerinputtocompresor We xy balance across the evaporator coil, the actual cooling capacity in KW is given by 4 Qe=m,(h,,~h,,)=m, dh, where m, is the mass flow rate of dry air (kg/s); has anid hy. ate the enthalpies of air at inlet and outlet of the cooling coil (kJ/kg of dry air), my is the moisture removal rate (condensate rate, ky/s) and hy is the specific enthalpy of the condensate (ki/kg of water). From mass balance of water vapor across the cooling coil, the condensate rate ms is given by’ m, =m," -W,) where W, and W, are the humidity ratios of inlet and outlet air (kg of water/kg of dry air) For a giver barometric pressure, the condition of the moist air at the inlet and ouilet of the cooling (i.e. properties such as enthalpy, humidity ratio) are obtained by suring the two independent thermodynamic properties of moist air, namely dry bulb temperature (DBT) and wet bulb temperature WBT. The DBT and WBT a measured by using a sling type of psychrometer, Then from the DBT & WBT valu ‘ther properties of moist air ean be oblained either directly trom the psyehronietric char or by using. euipitical equatons developed. The mass flow rate through the evaporsior duct is obtamed by Use Uneasuremient of average velocity of air atthe outlet with vane type manometer ail ae nitro? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner air. The mass flow rate of the dry ait is; = Py bree Vg tere py the density of dy air at outlet temperate, Asa is the crose sectional area ofthe duct atthe outlet andl Vag is the average air velocuy atthe duct sues The condensate rate is measured by collecting the condensate in a measuring evtinder for 2 measured time, This can also be obtained from the misse flow rote oe dey air and the inet outlet bumiity ratios as piven above. The condensate enthalpy se ciwaired by measuring the temperature on the surface of the cooling eo (aston to sme as condensate temperature) ‘Ths Power consumption of the Compressor is obtained either frum the enerpy g oF from the vollage and current across the compresser{with a pore in) Apparatus dew point (tape) and by-pass factor (X) The condition line of the cooling and dehumidification process on pychrometric chart follows a straight linc, This is known as straight-line law. The inst and outlet states of the moist air are located on the psychrometric chart, joined fy @ siright Tine and extended to intersect the saturation curve. Its point of menection with the saturation curve is known as Apparatus Dew Point of the «cooling coil, Apparatus Dew Point temperature may be considered as an effective ‘surface cemperature of the coil. ‘The bypass factor X is defined as. The bypass factor is an indication of the ine 14. Obscevations: om Temperature Room Pressure iniet DBT (4,,) Sadet WRT (t.*) Oster DBT (4) Outlet WBY (t,") Averass velocity far (Vang) fe ya “wee Otic erator Condensate rate y'5) n FE nitro" @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Current voltage condense tet temperature Condenser outlet temperature Evaporator inlet temperature Cooling coil temperature (t,) orifice meter fresh air flow Orifice meter re-circulating flow arthe end of You (udy, you must be able to-answer the following questions: row does the bypass factor vary with air velocity, answer with reason? What are the effects of fin spacing and number of rows on bypass factor? wnat is the relationship between by-pass factor and the performance of the system? 4 How isthe relative humidity controlled in A/C systems? « peseribe methods for independent control of DBT and RH. What are the errors in the measurements of condensate rate? What precautions should be taken in measurement of WBT? How do you design the thermometer wells used for measurement of temperature? 4, Suggest alternate methods (other than measuring WBT) for finding state points of moist air? 10 Suggest methods for estimating the system performance more aecuratcly. 11. Cary out error analysis of your results. rere @ scanned with OKEN Scanner yeti te 4 i fete 8h Contry Experiment No. 5 4.0 Title of the experiment: - To calculate Coefficient of Performance of water cooler, 2.0 Prior Concepts: « ‘Vapour compression cycle, C.0.P 3.0 New concept: - Propositions & Concept Structure Proposition 1. Water cooler is a refrigerating machine, which cools the water for drinking purpose and water delivered at temperatures ranging between 10° to 15°. Water-cooler_ }-———»}_Chilled water for drinking Proposition 2. There are three types of water coolers: Storage type. Bottle type and Instantaneous ‘ype Water Coolers : ene) Storage type | [ Bottle type Instantaneous 4.0 Learning objectives: - 4.4 Intellectual skills 1. To classify the water coolers. 2. To caleulate refrigerating effect, work of compression and COP. To select water coolers for required applications. 3. 4.2 Motor skills tty the different components of a water cooler 4. To observe and ident To set thermostat of the water cooler. 2 ‘To measure input power using energy meter 3. ‘Thermometers, Stopwatch, Measuring jar Tonalin STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Q Refigeraion & Ar Contoning eipateet Rel 6.0 Diagram:- Self-contained water cooler. 2- Cold water distributor. 3-bubbler guard. 4- Glass filer connection. 5-Drain gasket 6-Precooler assembly. 7-Accumulator. 8-Capillary tube. 9-water valve, 10-Thermostat bulb well ‘-Refigerant coll, 12:Water-cooling coil. 13-Thermostat. 14-Fan blade, 15-Fan motor. 16-Fan bracket. 17-Condenser. 18-Ligid refrigerant strainer. 19-Compressor. 20-Relay, overioad protector. 21-for additional cold water connection, Stepwise procedure:- ‘A water cooler test rig consists of hermetically sealed compressor , fan cooled condenser and capillary 28 expansion device. Thermostat is provided to contol temperature of water. Separate inlet and outlet water connections are provided to storage tank. Water level is maintained with the help of oat valve. 1. Read the nameplate details provided on the water cooler and fil he technical specification table. 2. Remove the sheot metal covers ofthe water coolers. 3. With the help of diagram, identify different components like compressor, condenser ‘evaporator, accumulator, drier cum fier, thermostat etc 4, Observe how float valve in the water tank operates. 5. Replace the sheet metal covers. 6. Ensure there is continuous water supply to the water cooler. 7. Ensure that thermostat is not set high temperature so that the unit is not tripped off by thermostat. 8. Switch on the supply and stat the unt oat MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION @ scanned with OKEN Scanner } ' i = Experiment No.4 Retagoraton & hit Condtoning 1. Let the unit run fr suficiont time til the water temporature inthe tank falls to around 15%. "0. _Openthe utes pean atte opening sucha way ta ompeahve of alec steady. 41. Let the unit run for half an hour, During this period, do minor adjustmon keep the temperature constant. I temperature ofthe water at outa kopn og ees the flow at inlet and if temperature of water rises, reduce the flow rate " 42, Waitt steady state is reached and temperature at oullet remains constant 43. With the help of a measuring jar note the time taken fr flow of 1 Iter of water (t sec.) 44, Measure the time taken for 10 revolution of energy meter disc (T sec.) 15. Measure the temperature of water at inlet and outlet of water cooler te and to respectively. Observations: - Technical specification (From name plate). [Name of the make Capacity Power Refrigerant used ‘Any other data given on nameplate Time taken for collection of 1 liter of water () = sec. Time of 10 revolution of energy meter disc (T) = sec. Temperature of water at init ti * Temperature of water at outlet to * im =mass rate of flow =1/t ka/sec (V water =1 klliter) ‘Sample Calculations: - N= reffigerating effect = mx 4.187 x (t,-1,) kW w= energy supplied second = (10 / n) * (3600 /T) KW where n = energy meter constant in rev! KW hour Coefficient of performance of water cooler= NI w = specific heat of water = 4.187 kik 10.0 Results: - Coefficient of performance of water cooler 41.0 List of Questions: - (Attempt 3-5 questions as directed by teacher) F 1. How capacity of water coolers is specified? 2. Whattype of water coolers will you select for) your institute having 1000 students ji) canteen. Why? Which refrigerant is normally used in water coolers? Name the type of compressor, condenser and throttling device used in water cooler? What type of evaporator is used ini) storage type cooler i) instantaneous type cooler? Give reasons. Name the insulator used in water cooler? ‘What is the function of Accumulator, Drier cum fiter? Electrical failures in water cooler are more & frequent .why? Suggest remedies, gee exe sunesem Bea HE Gr ecinicnlEOVEATON @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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