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Wordbuilding noun and verb noun

► WORDBUILDING noun and verb -+ noun

We can change the ending of some nouns and verbs to make words that describe what people do.
music -+ musician, perform -+ performer

1 Complete the words that describe what people do.

1 artist, tour,touring
2 performer, act.,actor f direct,director
entertain,entertainer paint,painter
3 contestant, consul,consult , particip,paeticiable
4 musician, corned.----, magic,magician
5 librar,librarian politic,politician
2 These verbs all take the same suffix. Which one?
dance design learn photograph review sell sing speak teach train

dancer,designer, learner,photographer, reviewer, seller, singer, speake,,r teacher, trainer

3 Complete the sentences with nouns (singular or plural) from Exercises 1 and 2.
1 A librarian helps you find books to
2 Van Gogh is one of my favourite artists
3 A lot of tourists visit Paris,
especially in the summer holidays.
4 One of my favourite film director is
JJ Abrams.
5 This is a great black and white image by a local photographer
6 The TV show is a singing competition for
contestans under the age of 16.
1 Complete the sentences with these words.
bad mood cheer up cry cry laugh laughing smile smile

1 I watched a really sad film this weekend. It made me cry

2 I can't stop laughing a the joke my brother told me.
3 cheer up!It's not the end of the world.
4 The situation was so strange we didn't know whether to laugh or cry
5 Was something wrong yesterday? You seemed to be in a bad mood
6 Have you noticed? When you smile at people, they smileback

2 Match the questions (a-b) with the sentences

(1-10). Then complete the questions and sentences with the present perfect simple and past
simple form of the verbs in brackets.
a When (be) the last time something really made(make) you laugh?
b What did you decide to (decide to) do for the holiday next week?
1 I can't remember! I havent laugh (not/ laugh) for ages.
2 Actually, some friends invited (invite) me to their house.
3 Just last night - I saw(see) a really funny programme on TV.
4 I'm not sure. I havent thought (not / think) about it yet.
5 Probably when my sister gave (give) a speech at my wedding.
6 I i havent planned(not / plan) anything special. How about you?
7 I booked(book) a trip to London online last night.
8 We saw (see) a comedian last week. He was(be) very funny.
9 Well, I just finished(just / finish) reading Bridget Jones - I laughed(laugh) at almost every
10 A friend bought(buy) me tickets for a music festival. It sounds like fun.

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verbs and for or since where
1 We havent (be) here
for a few weeks and we love everything we seen (see) so far.
2 I have preformed (perform) every night I got here and the crowds are great.
3 We never had (never/ have) so much success before.
4 My friend has been living(live) here
for couple of months and now I
decided(decide) to join her.
5 I always wanted(always / want) to sing in public and now I can. since I came here, I become(become)
more confident.
6 I i have not heard(not I hear) this music before. It's quite unusual.
2 Complete the adjective + noun collocations in the sentences with words from the box. There is one
extra noun.

American clothes culture food identity impression media

1 My first impression of Sue in the interview was really positive.

2 The people in any country are usually connected by a feeling of national identity
3 Lots of places in the United States have Native American names.
4 The magazine focuses on popular -culture TV, films, music, and so on.
5 I keep in touch with old friends on social media
6 My grandparents still like to eat traditional food , especially at the weekend.

3 Complete the adjective + noun collocations in the sentences with words from the box. There is one
extra adjective.

famous important serious smart special vegetarian worldwide

1 The restaurant is a great place to go if you want to celebrate a

2 We eat food vegetarian almost all of the time these days. We hardly eat any meat.
3 If you work in an office, you probably wear-smart clothes every day.
4 The company aims to sell their new product to a worldwide market.
5 The magazines you read are just about the lives of famous people.
6 I need to ask Ryan scifu.e really serious questions about his plans for the future.
1 Complete the sentences with these adverbs. Sometimes you can use more than one

badly carefully easily fortunately immediately noisily safely


The shark suddenly turned and swam towards me.

1 The lake wasn't very big and we swam across it easily
2 I got out of the kayak very carefully sothat I didn't fall in the river.
3 The children ran noisily down the beach to the sea.
4 We dived into the water an dimmediately saw some beautiful fish.
5 I tried windsurfing, but I did it so badly that I gave up after ten
6 I had an accident when I was jet-skiing, but fortunately i wtasn't serious.
7 When you're diving, you need to make sure you come up to the surface safely

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