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American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) – English Preparatory Program (EPP) Exit Questionnaire – EPP 2 / 3 / 4

Check (√ ) your answers to the following statements regarding your experience during your time with EPP.
1. How do you see your progress on your EPP course?
Got The same Got worse
a. Speaking √
b Critical thinking √
c. Writing √
d Public Speaking √
e. Reading √
f. Academic study skills √
g Listening √

2. Tell us what you think.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
a. Field trips do not help me put my English learning into practice. √
b. I feel more prepared now to begin collegiate courses. √
c. The AUPP Clubs provide valuable experience for me. √
d. I do not understand the American style of education. √
e. EPP helped me understand my academic strengths & weaknesses. √
f. EPP requires too much homework. √
g. I enjoy learning by doing (Project Based Learning). √
h. I learned something valuable in EPP. √
i. The AUPP facilities (classrooms, library etc.) could be better. √
j. The technology (computer lab, internet) on campus is good. √
k. The textbooks for EPP help me learn. √
l. I feel like I am part of AUPP. √

The things I like most about EPP are:

Instructor, environment of studying, project based on learning, field trip, library time and style of teaching, etc .

The things I think should be changed about EPP are:

In library time, students should take more attention to focus on reading books. And about the field trip, I think all scholarship students should be
paid for all expenses.

Do you have any additional comments to help us improve the EPP courses?
Yes, I think the EPP courses should include more listening and speaking part to all students because when I studied this course, I felt that these
two skills were less than other skills.

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