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Rock Physics Modeling to Determine The Pore Geometric Effect of

Carbonate Reservoir Towards Seismic Wave Velocity in The “ATS” Field

of North West Java Basin Cirebon

Angga Tri Saputra

Institute Technology of Sumatera

The Pore geometry of the carbonate reservoir has a heterogeneous, complex, highly variable
pore structure and high chemical material reactivity that rock physics modeling is given as it
is an accurate, precise and practical method for the case of carbonate reservoirs. In this study,
rock physics modeling was done to determine the effect of the carbonate reservoir geometry
on the seismic wave velocity in the "ATS" field of North West Java Basin Cirebon using
Kuster Toksoz model. The Toksoz Kuster model is one of the most accurate modeling of
carbonate reservoir this cases because it is based by wave scattering theory, where the
seismic wavelength is greater than the cracks in the carbonate reservoir pore making it
difficult to read on the seismic cross section. The data used are logs and petrophysics
observation measuring field "ATS" containing gas hydrocarbon. The data is processed using
RokDoc software to obtain the result of geometric modeling of the carbonate reservoir of the
research area. The results of the analysis show that the majority of pore geometry in the
research area is interparticle pores and microcracks pores. Where the pore geometry
interprets the effects of seismic wave velocity on the carbonate reservoir of the study area,
stiff pores or increased α values will make the seismic wave velocity to be rapid and crack
pores or decreasing α values will make the seismic wave velocity slow.
Keywords: Rock Physics Modeling, Carbonate, Pore Geometry, North West Java Basin

1. Introduction Rock physics modeling can be used to

improve the physical properties of rocks,
The carbonate reservoir (limestone and
that is to determine the quality of reservoir,
dolomite) is the dominant reservoir as a
fluid type, pore geometry, porosity and
contributor of 50% of oil and gas reserves
permeability of a rock or a formation. For
worldwide (Shiyu Xu et al., 2009).
this purpose of paper is modeling pore
Rock physics modeling is a accurate,
geometery carbonate reservoir to describe
precise and practical method, considering
the effect of seismic waves than pore
that carbonate is known for its complexity
geometry of carbonate reservoirs that have
in the pore geometry (Eberli et al., 2003).
heterogeneous, complex, highly variable
pore structures and high chemical material
reactivity (Shiyu Xu et al., 2009).
2. Geological Overview
The research location is located in Parigi
Formation, North West Java Basin,
Cirebon Indonesia.

Figure 1. Research Location and Strtuctural Figure 2. Stratigraphy on Border Area of

Fracture of Host and Graben Dominate of North West Java Basin (Arpandi and
North West Java Basin (Suyono et al., 2005) Padmosukismo, 1975)

The North West Java Basin has been The Prigi Formation is precipitously

known as the main hydrocarbon province aligned above the Cibulukan Atas

in Pertamina DOH JBB, Cirebon. The Formation. Its constituent lithology is

basin lies between the Sunda Exposure in largely a limestone clastic and a limestone

the North, the Folding Line - Bogor in the reef. The precipitation of this limestone

South, the Karimun Promenade of Java in lies throughout the North West Java Basin.

the East and the Exposure of the Seribu The deposition environment of this

Islands in the West. formation is the shallow-neritic sea

(Arpandi & Patmosukismo, 1975). The
lower limit of the Parigi Formation is
indicated by the gradual change of the
facies rock of the mixture of carbonate
clastics of the upper Cibulakan Formation
into Parigi Formation carbonate rocks.
This formation is deposited in the late
3. Research Data and Metodology

3.1 Research Data

In this study, used log data and
petrophysics observation data from field 4. Theory
measurements "ATS" containing gas
4.1 Voight and Reuss Bound Equations
The study area was limited to the Parigi Voight (upper bound) and Reuss (lower
formation carbonate layer in the ATS field, bound) modeling are very simple
especially the well ATS 1 (1050,088- theoretical models to obtain elastic
1080,944 m), well "ATS 2" (1060.088- modulus and rock mineral fractions closest
1080.912 m) and well "ATS 3" (1050.003- to actual rock properties using existing
1070.979 m). petrophysics data. The weakness of this
3.2 Research Metodology modeling is that it cannot know the pore
Methods in this study are: geometry of the reservoir.

Problem Formulation, Data Collection and

Literature Study

Voight dan Reuss Bound Km inisal, µm

inisal dan ρm

Saturated Rock ( Biot Gassmann


Aspect Ratio Teoritic

(Zimmerman) Figure 4. Voight (Upper Bound) and Reuss
(Lower Bound) (Mavko et al., 2009)

Aspect Ratio (Kuster Toksoz Here are the equations used:


Vp dan Vs Prediction (Kuster

Toksoz Model) (1)

Output and interpretations

conclusions and recommendations
Mv : Elastic modulus voight mineral rocks
MR : Elastic modulus reuss mineral rocks
fi : Fraction of elastic modulus mineral
Gambar 3. Flow Diagram of Research rocks
Mi : Elastic modulus mineral rocks 𝜇𝑑𝑟𝑦 : shear modulus of dry rock
4.2 Biot Gassmann Eequations
𝜇𝑠𝑎𝑡 : shear modulus saturated rock
The Biot Gassmann equation is commonly
4.3 Kuster Toksoz Model
used to substitute fluids in the reservoir.
The Biot Gassmann equation can find the Theoretical models (e.g., Kuster and
value of bulk modulus saturation of a rock Toksoz 1974) are methods that consider
by connecting bulk modulus of mineral, the impact of several factors such as
solid rock, fluid, and rock porosity. But the porosity, pore type, and pore fluid
drawbacks of the Gassmann equation are consistently. The Tokoz Kuster model uses
not paying too much attention to the pore a first-order wave-length approach because
geometry in the rock. Here is the general it ignores the mechanical interactions
equation of Gassmann (1951): between the pores. Thus, this model can
model the pore reservoir type. Here are the
similarities in finding KKT and μKT (Kuster
and Toksoz, 1974; Berryman, 1980b):



𝐾m : bulk modulus mineral rock
Where 𝜇m : shear modulus mineral rock
𝐾𝑠𝑎𝑡 : bulk modulus saturated rock 𝐾i : bulk modulus fluid rock
𝐾𝑑𝑟𝑦 : bulk modulus of dry rock 𝜇i : shear modulus fluid rock
framework 𝐾KT : bulk modulus mineral rock of Model
𝐾𝑚𝑖𝑛 : bulk modulus mineral rock Kuster Toksoz
𝐾𝑓𝑙 : bulk modulus fluid rock 𝜇KT : shear modulus mineral rock of Model
𝜙 : porosity rock Kuster Toksoz
Qmi,Pmi: Coefficients that illustrate the
effects of fluid inclusions in mineral rocks
Table 1. P and Q coefficients for some forms of pore geometry (Berryman, 1995).

Inclusion shape Pmi Qmi




Penny craks


5. Results and Discussion

The results of the study include: (1) Voight RokDoc. Discussion of research results
and Reuss bound model, (2) Biot include analysis of elasticity modulus
Gassmann Subtitution, (3) Aspect ratio parameters, reservoir pore geometry
teoritic value with Zimermann modeling analysis and its effect on seismic wave
and (4) Pore geometry with Kuster Toksoz velocity and comparison analysis of Vp
modeling. Results data processing in this and Vs prediction on Vp and Vs
study was done by using software measurement.
(a) (b
(b) )

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Plotting of the Voight and Reuss bound curves and the color scale shows the value of
gamma ray (a) "ATS 1" Wells (b) "ATS 2" Wells (c) "ATS 3" Wells.

5.1 Voight and Reuss Bound characterization with reference Kcalcite =

76.8 Gpa, μcalcite = 32 Gpa, ρcalcite = 2.71
The elastic modulus value of Kmin, μmin, ρmin
g/cm3, Killit = 62.2 Gpa, μillit = 25.7 Gpa,
initials was obtained from petrophysics
ρillit = 2.71 gr/cm3, and Kgas = 0.038Gpa.
data of field research reservoir
Figure 5 shows the distribution of
crossplot data between porosity and Vp. In 5.2 Result Subtitution of Kdry Biot
the "ATS 1" wells, the majority of the data Gassmann and Zimermann Model

is within the Voight and Reuss bound Figure 6 shows the distribution of K values
curves, for "ATS 2" wells all data are at the 3 research wells. In the "ATS 1"
within the Voigt and Reuss bound curves wells the value of K is between K = 0.01 -
and the "ATS 3" wells of the majority of 0.1, for the "ATS 2" wells the K value is
data are within the Voight and Reuss between K = 0.01 - 0.2, and the "ATS 3"
bound curves. From the distribution of the wells the K majority is K = 0.01 - 0.1. So
data, it can be seen that the type of that, the distribution of K values obtained
minerals that fill in the formation is the from the crossplot between the porosity
same, although there is some data outside value and "Kdry/Kmin" it can be seen that the
the curve Voight and Reuss bound. This pore geometry of the three wells is the
indicates the presence of other minerals same or not much different, although there
besides calcite and clay (illit) in the are some data that are outside the
carbonate reservoir in the study area. Zimermaan curve. This is due to the type
of minerals and the value of elastic
modulus is a type of minerals other than
calcite and clay (illit).

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Plotting
α ref=0.05, Zimermaan
α crack=0.01, α curve model (a) "ATS 1" Wells (b) "ATS
α ref=0.05, 2" Wells α(c) "ATS 3" Wells
α crack=0.01,
stiffpore=0.1 stiffpore=0.2

Stiff Pores Stiff Pores

Stiff Pores

Reference Reference

Cracks Cracks

(a) (b)
α ref=0.05, α crack=0.01, α

Stiff Pores



Figure 7. Plotting Curves Kuster Toksoz Model and Color Scale Shows the Value of Gamma Ray (a) "ATS 1"
Wells (b) "ATS 2" Wells (c) "ATS 3" Wells
5.3 Results of Kuster Toksoz Model the pore geometry of the three wells the
same or not very different, ie the majority
Figure 7 shows the results of pore
of interparticle and microcraks. Where the
geometric modeling using the Toksoz
pore geometry interprets the effects of
Kuster model. In the "ATS 1" wells, value
seismic wave velocity on the carbonate
α ref = 0:05, crack α = 0:01, stiffpore α =
reservoir of the study area, stiff pores or
0.1; For the "ATS 2" wells value α ref =
increased α values will make the seismic
0.05, α crack = 0.01, α stiffpore = 0.2; And
wave velocity to be rapid and crack pores
the "ATS 3" wells value α ref = 0.05, α
or decreasing α values will make the
crack = 0.01, α stiffpore = 0.1. So that, the
seismic wave velocity slow. The results of
scatter of α obtained from crossplot
the local pore geometry modeling studies
between porosity and Vp can be seen that

that good quality reservoir, causes and

microcraks interparticle pore permeability
reservoirs can increase drastically and
describe sweet spots permeability
carbonate reservoirs (Lucia, 1995).

5.4 Comparative Analysis of Vp, Vs

Prediction and Measurement
By forward modeling on Kuster Toksoz
model using RokDoc software, we can get
the Vp and Vs prediction value of Toksoz
Kuster model we have got, but this
research is more focused on Vp compared (a)
to Vs because in each well there is only
log Vp, while log Vs is obtained from the
gassmann substitution using synthetic Vs
obtained from log Vp measurement.

Figure 8. Plotting Vp measurement, Vs

gassmann and Vp, Vs prediction on depth with
different aspect ratio values (a) "ATS 1"
Wells (b) "ATS 2" Wells (c) "ATS 3" Wells

Figure 8 shows the results of Plotting Vp depth and error in log measurement and
measurement, Vs gassmann and Vp, Vs presence of minerals other than calcite and
prediction on depth with different α values clay (illit). While in Vs prediction against
at each depth. In the "ATS 1" wells value Vs gassmann, there is a fairly large error
α = 0.01-0.1, for the "ATS 2" wells value α compared to log Vp. This is because the
= 0.01-0.2 and the "ATS 3" wells value α log of Vs gassmann is derived from
= 0.01-0.1. So that, the distribution of α empirical equations using only calcite
values in each depth, it can be seen that the minerals while log Vs prediction Kuster
value of α of the three wells is the same or Toksoz uses a mixture of two minerals,
not much different, that is the majority calcite and clay (illit).
between 0.01-0.1 with some depth point
6. Conclusion
which has the value of α 0.11-0.2 at well
From the results of research conducted, it
"ATS 2".
can be concluded:
In Vp prediction to Vp measurement seen
1. From the distribution of research data, it
some significant errors in some depth
can be seen that the mineral types from
point. This is due to variations in the value
3 wells of research areas that fill in the
of different modulus of elasticity at each
formation are the same, that is calcite
and clay (illit), although there are some different modulus of elasticity at each
data outside the curve of Voight and depth and error in log measurement and
Reuss bound. This indicates the presence of minerals other than calcite
presence of other minerals besides and clay (illit).
calcite and clay (illit) in the carbonate 6. While in Vs prediction to Vs gassmann,
reservoir in the study area. there is a big error compared to log Vp.
2. Increasing the depth of the rock layers, This is because the log of Vs gassmann
it will lead to rocks getting compacted. is derived from empirical equations
So that will cause the pore rock using only calcite minerals while log Vs
becomes more stiff, and vice versa. In prediction Kuster Toksoz uses a
the zone of the current study area, the mixture of two minerals, calcite and
depth of the target zone only reaches a clay (illit).
depth of 1080 m, so that the pore in the
7. Reference
target zone is still soft or not yet stiff.
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