Annexure CROD - Competence Requirements For OH&S Auditors

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Assessor competence is the summary information about the ability of an assessor to carry out
assessment work on behalf of BSCIC. Competence includes the following knowledge & skills:

Knowledge of business management practices, Knowledge of audit principles, practices and

techniques, Knowledge of specific management system standards/normative documents, Knowledge
of BSCIC’S processes, Knowledge of client business sector, Knowledge of client products, processes
and organization, Language skills appropriate to all levels within the client organization, Note-taking
and report-writing skills, Presentation skills, Interviewing skills, Audit management skills necessary to
be effective.

Knowledge for OHSAS auditing

Knowledge & Skills Auditing

Occupational Health and safety terminology

Occupational Health and safety metrics

Occupational monitoring techniques appropriate to the Hazards and Occupational Health

and safety technical area

Techniques for evaluation of Occupational Health and safety Hazards / Risks and their

Occupational Health and safety hazards of design

Occupational Health and safety performance evaluation

Legal and other requirements

Emergency preparedness and response

Operational control

Factors related to the site

Issue 1 Apr. 2015 1|P age


Knowledge for OHSAS:

Knowledge of industries segment for relevant business sector
Knowledge of statutory & regulatory requirements & Application segments for relevant business
Knowledge of applicable Indian, National & International Standards as applicable to relevant
business sector
Knowledge of various methods used for relevant business sector.
Knowledge of Key Hazards of conformity requirements for relevant business sector
Knowledge of occupational health and safety terms, definitions and concepts as used within an
OH&S technical area
Knowledge of occupational health and safety monitoring and measuring techniques and
analytical methods appropriate to the Hazards and OH&S technical area including occupational
health and safety hazards/risks, emergency preparedness and response, operational controls
Knowledge of occupational health and safety hazards and risks & the derivation of their
Knowledge of occupational health and safety performance evaluation, including indicators
Knowledge of the use of operational controls consistent with an organization's significant
hazards, including the use of contractors to achieve objectives and targets and ensure
consistency with an organization's health and safety policy and its commitment to the
prevention of risk and continual improvement
Knowledge of the factors that might influence the potential risks of an organization's hazards on
the surrounding areas.

Evaluation methods:
(Evaluation of competence of auditor is the responsibility of auditing
organisation e.g. 3rd party certification body such as BSCIC)
Methods for evaluating Assessor's competence can be grouped into FOUR major categories:

1. Review of records- Following are the typical components of an Assessor’s file:

Resume or curriculum vitae showing work experience, audit experience, education and training.
Records of work experience
Records of audit experience
Records of education and training
The Service agreement.
Technical area Code Approval Form
On site Assessor Witness Review Record
Summary of Competence
Annual update of Competence
Interview Record
Audit Reports (Within the limits of Confidentiality)

Issue 1 Apr. 2015 2|P age


Some records are indicators of knowledge, such as a résumé or curriculum vitae showing work
experience, audit experience, education and training.

Some records are indicators of skills, such as audit reports, records of work experience, audit experience,
education and training, previous reports, previous performance.

Other records are direct evidence of demonstration of competence such as a report of a performance
appraisal of an auditor conducting an audit through on site Assessor Witness Review Record.

2. Interviews- Certification body considers Interviews to be useful for eliciting information about
knowledge and skills. Interviews are used to assess knowledge & skills based competence components. A
formal entry interview is conducted at the time of considering an auditor as an on roll or an empanelled
auditor. The comments & results of the interview are recorded in Assessor / TE Interview Record. This
interview is conducted in person or can be conducted using e-media such as Skype for distant potential

3. Observations- Observing an assessor performing an assessment on site Assessor Witness Review Record
provides direct evidence of competence as demonstrated application of knowledge and skills to achieve a
desired result.

4. Examinations/ Calibration - Written examinations provide good and well-documented evidence of

knowledge and skills. All the assessors are subjected to written Examination once in Three years based on
Assessor’s performance. Assessor qualifier is responsible for performing the examination. Results are
recorded in Assessor Examination cum Calibration Record.

This is conducted through an online survey. Once they finish the examination & submit, the answer sheets
are published at the central server which is then evaluated as above & results are made aware to the
concerned resource. In case of inadequate or wrong concepts & wrong application of knowledge & skills,
a briefing/ a training session is organized with the resource & a reconfirmation of such knowledge & skill
is arranged & recorded. Such records shall include the Examination records & a Failure Analysis Report
along with training records.

Post the written Examination training needs are identified & subsequent trainings are imparted &
recorded via Training Record.

Issue 1 Apr. 2015 3|P age

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