01 Introduction

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Book Reference

12/5/2023 1
CH-1:Measurements & measurement system

◼Measurement : It is a process of
converting physical parameters in
meaningful numerical numbers.
Example : Your friend is suffering from
fever. Now you ask “How is your fever ?”
He replies “Very high”. This does not
involve any measurement. But if he
replies “My temperature is 102 0 ” then it
is a meaningful number and it gives
more clear idea of his fever.

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Methods of measurement :
➢ Direct method: In these methods, the unknown quantity is
directly compared against a standard.
Example : Measurement of physical quantities like length,
mass and time etc.

➢ Indirect methods: Indirect measurement is a method of using

proportions to find an unknown length or distance in similar
figures. Two common ways to achieve indirect measurement
involve (1) using a mirror on the ground and (2) using
shadow lengths and find an object's height.
Example: Pressure gauge type, measurement of hypotenuse,
Ultrasonic type, Radar type

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◼ A device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or
Example : A thermometer is required to measure the temperature
of a human body.
▪ Three phases of instruments are:

Mechanical instruments: these are very reliable for static and

stable conditions but unable to respond rapidly to measurement of
dynamic and transient condition.
Electrical instruments: more rapidly than mechanical .
Ex : galvanometer, ….
Electronic instruments: These instruments require use of
semiconductor devices. The only movement involved is that of
electrons, the response time is extremely small .
Ex : CRO
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Classification of Instrument:
◼ (i) Absolute instruments : these instruments give the
magnitude of the quantity under measurement in terms
of physical constants of the instrument. Ex: tangent
(ii) Secondary instruments: These are so constructed
that the quantity being measured can only be measured
by observing the output indicating by the instruments.
Ex: voltmeter, thermometer…..
Function of instruments & measurement system:
(i) Indicating function
(ii) Recording function
(iii) Controlling function

Application of measurement system: your work…

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1 ◼How the instrument reading is close

to the actual quantity.
Example : Suppose you want to find the
A1 weight of a chicken purchased from market.
9A The shopkeeper takes the weight by his
“Daripalla” to be 1kg and 100 gram. But if
A2 you take the weight with a balance in your
9.5 A
Laboratory, you may find it to be 1.1053 kg,
which is more closer to the actual quantity.

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It is the degree to which successive measurements
differ from each other.

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Sensitivity 100
◼Ratio of the response of the
instrument to a change of the V
input signal.
Example : Suppose two
voltmeters are used to
measure the voltage of the 200
same circuit. Now the circuit 100 400
is slightly changed so that the
voltage is also changed by a
small quantity. The pointer of
one meter moves by small V
distance, whereas the pointer
of the other meter moves by
a larger distance. Therefore
the second meter is more
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2 4
◼The smallest change in the
instrument reading to which it
1 5 can respond.
Voltmeter Example : Suppose you
purchase a fish. The
fisherman has a “Daripalla”
and “Butkhara”, the minimum
size of the butkhara which he
2 4 has is 100 gm. So the weight
of your fish will be either
1 5 800gm or 900gm or 1000gm
Voltmeter etc.
12/5/2023 9
◼Deviation from the true value of the quantity
All errors may be classified into three different


Gross Systematic Random

Error Error Error

12/5/2023 10
Gross Error 30
20 40
◼Human error
◼Misreading of
10 50
Instrument Voltmeter
◼Incorrect adjustment
0 10X
◼Improper application

mistakes 10k
100v 10k R=10k

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Systematic Error
Instrumental error Environmental error
•Frictional loss •Dusty environment
•Irregular spring •Temperature change
•Electromagnetic field
•Permanent Stress

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Random Error
◼Error due to unknown causes even all
precautions and preventive measures are

Example : Suppose a voltmeter is used to

monitor the voltage of a circuit at an interval of 1
hour. Sometimes it is observed that the meter
reading includes small amount of deviations in
each reading, even if all cautions are taken.

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Elimination of Error
Errors can not be eliminated totally. However it can
be minimized by observing proper corrective steps.

Minimization of Gross error :

Be more careful while taking
Minimization of Systematic
error :
Minimization of Random
•Take care of your measuring error :
Increase the number of
•Ensure proper environment. reading and apply statistical
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Thanks to all

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