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Analysis of Surface Crack in

Cylinder by Finite Element

Masayuki Kamaya1
Alternating Method
Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc. (INSS),
64 Sata, Mihama-cho, Fukui 919-1205, Japan The finite element alternating method (FEAM), in conjunction with the finite element
e-mail: analysis (FEA) and the analytical solution for an elliptical crack in an infinite solid
subject to arbitrary crack-face traction, is used for evaluating the stress intensity factor
(SIF) of surface cracks in a cylinder. The major advantage of this method is that the SIF
Toshihisa Nishioka can be calculated by using the FEA results for an uncracked body. A newly developed
Kobe University,
5-1-1 Fukaeminamimachi, Higashinada-ku, system allows the FEAM to be performed by a simple method, which consists of the
Kobe 685-0022, Japan conventional FEA for an uncracked body and a subroutine for the FEAM alternating
e-mail: procedure. It is shown that the system can derive the precise SIF of circumferential,
longitudinal, and inclined surface cracks in a cylinder. The crack growth predictions are
performed for an inclined crack and projected longitudinal and circumferential crack in
a cylinder. The results suggests that the crack characterizing procedure prescribed in Sec.
XI may cause an unconservative evaluation in the crack growth prediction, and that the
FEAM is valid for complex problems, to which the SIF evaluation by the FEA cannot be
adopted easily. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1903003兴

1 Introduction first, the FEA is solved for the uncracked body under the initial
loading, and the stress around the crack is calculated by the VNA
The finite element alternating method 共FEAM兲 is an alternating
solutions based on the crack-face traction obtained by the FEA. In
technique in conjunction with the finite element analysis 共FEA兲
order to satisfy the free surface conditions, the second FEA is
and the analytical solution, which was derived by Nishioka et al.
performed under the surface load that is obtained by reversing the
关1,2兴 and cited as the VNA solution, for an elliptical crack in an
stresses at the surface derived by the VNA solutions. The FEA
infinite solid subject to arbitrary crack-face traction. The FEAM
result is quoted as the traction for the VNA solution again. The
can be used for evaluating the stress intensity factors 共SIFs兲 of
alternation between the FEA and stress calculation by the VNA
elliptical embedded and semielliptical surface cracks in a finite
solutions are repeated until the traction becomes negligible com-
body, and has been utilized for various problems, such as surface
pared to the initial load.
cracks in pressure vessels 关3兴, multiple interacting crack problems
关4–7兴, etc. 关8,9兴. The major advantage of this method is that the 2.2 Solution for an Elliptical Crack in an Infinite Solid
SIF can be calculated by using the FEA results for an uncracked Subject to Arbitrary Crack-Face Traction (the VNA Solution).
body. Therefore, the SIF of cracks in complex structural compo- In this section, only the Mode I problem is considered. The solu-
nents or complex stress state can be evaluated relatively easily as tion for Modes II and III is given in Ref. 关1兴. Let x3 be the coor-
far as the conventional FEA result of the uncracked body is avail- dinate normal to the elliptical crack face, and let the tractions
able. However, much effort is required in order to perform this along the crack surface be expressed in the form
method due to the complexity of the VNA solution and the alter-
1 1 M m
nating procedure.
In the present study, an analysis system using the FEAM for
␴33 = 兺兺兺兺A 共i,j兲 2m−2n+i 2n+j
3,m−n,nx1 x2 , 共1兲
evaluating the SIFs of surface cracks is developed. In order to i=0 j=0 m=0 n=0
make the most of the advantage of the FEAM, the conventional where A’s are undetermined coefficients and the parameters i and
FEA for the uncracked body with initial loading condition is sepa- j specify the symmetries of the load with respect to the axes of the
rated from the FEAM alternating routine. This separation hides ellipse, x1 and x2, wherein the commas are introduced for conve-
the complex alternating procedure in the subroutine which has a nience only. M is an arbitrary integer which is related to the order
simple interface. The subroutine requires the geometric data of of the polynomial.
cracks, such as size, location, and inclination, in addition to the The solution corresponding to the arbitrarily distributed crack-
FEA results of the original problem, in which the crack is not face tractions expressed by Eq. 共1兲 can be assumed in terms of the
included. The commercial code, ABAQUS version 6.3 关10兴, is used harmonic potential functions:
for FEA. The analysis system is applied to circumferential, longi-
1 1 M k
tudinal, and inclined surface cracks in a cylinder. The crack
growth analyses are also performed in order to investigate the f3 = 兺兺兺兺C 共i,j兲
3,k−l,lF2k−2l+i,2l+j , 共2兲
crack characterizing procedure for an inclined crack. i=0 j=0 k=0 l=0

where C’s are undetermined coefficients and F’s are basic poten-
2 Finite Element Alternating Method tials wherein again the commas are used for convenience only.
2.1 Basic Procedure. The FEAM is based on the principle of The components of stress ␴ij as well as displacement can be ex-
superposition, the basic procedure of which is shown in Fig. 1. At pressed by the potential function f 3 关1兴. Thus, stress is given in a
matrix form
1 兵␴其 = 关P兴 兵C其,
Corresponding author. 共3兲
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the 6⫻1 6⫻N N⫻1
JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received October 28, 2003;
final manuscript received January 31, 2005. Review conducted by: Sharif Rahman. where 关P兴 is a function of the coordinates 共x1 , x2 , x3兲 and N is the

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Fig. 2 Elliptic angle ␪ for point P on the edge of an elliptical

given external loads. The information about the model, such as

model geometry, location of nodes, and integration points as well
as the stresses is utilized in subsequent FEAM. In ABAQUS, these
Fig. 1 Finite element alternating method for finite cracked data are stored in the “result file” and “restart file.”
body under remote loading Step 共1兲 The geometric data of the crack, such as size, position
and inclination, is stored in this step.
Step 共2兲 In order to evaluate the crack-face traction expressed
by Eq. 共1兲, the interpolation points 共IPs兲, at which the stress is
total number of coefficients A and C. calculated, are determined. In the present study, the IPs are se-
Satisfying the boundary condition on the crack surface, the re- lected as shown in Fig. 4.
lation between the parameters A and C in Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 can be Step 共3兲 For efficient calculation, some basic parameters are
summarized in a matrix form calculated before the iteration process. In order to obtain the stress
at the IPs, the interpolations are carried out using the stress at
兵A其 = 关B兴 兵C其. adjacent integration points of the finite element model. In this
N⫻N⫻N N⫻1 step, the related integration points used for the interpolations are
The detailed expression of the components of 关B兴 is given in Ref. determined for each IP. The surface information, such as element
关1兴. For a complete polynominal loading expressed by Eq. 共1兲, the number at surfaces and distance from crack center, which is re-
maximum degree of polynomial M c and the number of coeffi- lated to the matrix 关P兴 of Eq. 共3兲, is also calculated in this step.
cients N can be expressed, respectively, by M c = 2M + 1 and N Step 共4兲 The initial stress at crack-face is evaluated at the IPs by
= 共M + 1兲共2M + 3兲. interpolation using the volume coordinate.
Step 共5兲 To satisfy the stress boundary condition at the crack-
For any load given in Eq. 共1兲, the coefficients C can be deter-
face, reverse the stress evaluated in Step 共4兲. Then evaluate the
mined by solving Eq. 共4兲. Once the coefficients C are determined,
coefficients A in Eq. 共1兲 for applied stress by using the least
the Mode I stress intensity factors corresponding to the given load
squares method. The maximum degree of polynomial M c = 5 is
are evaluated from the following equation:

冉 冊
used in the present study.
␲ 1/2
Q1/4 Step 共6兲 The coefficients C of Eq. 共2兲 can be derived by solving
KI = 8␮ H, 共5a兲 Eq. 共4兲 with coefficients A evaluated in the previous step.
a 1a 2 a 1a 2
Step 共7兲 Calculate the SIF for the current iteration by substitut-
where ing coefficients C in Eq. 共5兲.
Q = a21 sin2 ␪ + a22 cos2 ␪ , 共5b兲 Step 共8兲 Calculate the residual stresses on external surfaces of
the body due to the loads applied in Step 共5兲. To satisfy the stress
1 1 M k boundary condition at the free surface, reverse the residual
H= 兺 兺 兺 兺 共− 2兲
i=0 j=0 k=0 l=0
共2k + i + j stresses and calculated equivalent nodal forces. The stresses at the
external surfaces can be calculated using Eq. 共3兲, in which the

冉 冊 冉 冊
matrix 关P兴 was determined previously in Step 共3兲. Although the
cos ␪ 2k−2l+i
sin ␪ 2l+j
共i,j兲 matrix 关P兴 has stress singularity at the crack front, the magnitude
+ 1兲! C3,k−l,l . 共5c兲
a1 a2 of the matrix decays rapidly with the distance from the crack
␪ denotes the elliptical angle as shown in Fig. 2 and ␮ is the shear front. Thus, at the surfaces that are far from the crack, the residual
modulus. The elliptic angle concerning point P is measured from stresses can be neglected in order to reduce the calculation time.
the x1 axis. The elliptical crack size is defined by major semiaxis Step 共9兲 Conduct the FEA for the uncracked body under exter-
a1 and minor semiaxis a2. nal loads consisting of the nodal forces calculated in Step 共8兲.
Step 共10兲 Again, calculate the stress at IPs according to the
2.3 Procedure of Analysis. The analysis system is intended same procedure as Step 共4兲.
to simplify performing the FEAM. For this purpose, the complex Step 共11兲 Repeat all steps in the iteration process, from Step 共5兲
alternating routine is placed in a subroutine with a simple inter- to Step 共11兲, until the stresses acting on the crack face, which is
face. The subroutine is carried out using the data about crack calculated in Step 共10兲, become negligible. In the present study,
geometry and the FEA result of the original problem. The flow the threshold for the end of the iteration was set to 1% of the mean
chart of the analysis procedure is shown in Fig. 3. initial stress obtained in Step 共4兲.
Step 共0兲 Perform the FEA for the uncracked body under the Step 共12兲 To obtain the final SIF, add the SIF calculated in Step

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Fig. 3 Flow chart of the finite element alternating method

共7兲 of all iteration processes. the fictitious stress for the region x2 ⬍ 0 is assumed to vary in the
The VNA solution is valid for entire elliptical crack. Therefore, x1 direction and remains constant in the x2 direction as shown in
in order to calculate the SIF of a semielliptical crack, it is neces- Fig. 5.
sary to assume the stress at the portion existing outside the body
in Step 共5兲. In Ref. 关1兴, numerical experimentation was conducted 3 Analyses of Surface Crack in Cylinder
for arriving at an optimum stress distribution on a crack surface
extended into the fictitious region outside of the body. From the 3.1 Circumferential and Longitudinal Surface Cracks. The
conclusion of the numerical experimentation, in the present study, FEAM is applied to circumferential and longitudinal surface

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Fig. 4 Location of interpolation points „total 709 points are

cracks in a finite cylinder, respectively. The cylinder is subjected

to an axial stress Pz and internal pressure Pi. The model geometry
and crack shape are shown in Fig. 6. The thickness, t, and half-
length of the cylinder, L, are t / Ri = 0.1 and L / t = 15, where Ri is
inside radius of the cylinder.
The finite element mesh for the uncracked cylinder is shown in
Fig. 7. Due to the symmetries of the problem, only one quarter of
the cylinder was modeled by finite elements. Fine elements were
adopted around the crack portion for accurate analysis, although
the mesh is not included in the crack. The finite element mesh
shown in Fig. 7 consists of 18,000 8-noded solid elements. The
relationship between the accuracy of the analysis and the density
of the mesh is discussed elsewhere 关11兴.
The crack size and loading conditions used for each problem
are summarized as follows: Fig. 6 Geometry of cracked cylinder
Circumferential crack: b/a = 0.5, b/t = 0.4

Pz = 1.0, Pi = 0.0

Longitudinal crack: b/a = 0.4, b/t = 0.5

Pz = 0.0, Pi = 1.0,
where Poisson’s ratio of the material is taken to be 0.3 and this
value is used for all calculations of the present study.
According to the procedure shown in Fig. 3, the FEA for the
uncracked body shown in Fig. 7 is performed under the initial
loading conditions of Pz and Pi for each crack. Then the FEAM
alternating subroutine is carried out. The data required in the sub-
routine, such as the crack shape, location and the FEA results, are
automatically taken into the subroutine through the data read pro-

Fig. 5 Residual stress distribution over the entire crack

surface Fig. 7 Finite element mesh for an uncracked cylinder

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Fig. 9 Change in the residual stress on the crack surface

inclined angle of ␤ = 0°, 15°, 30°, and 45° and crack aspect ratio
b / a = 0.25, 0.5, and 0.8, where the depth of crack is taken to be
b / t = 0.4. The cracks exist at the center of the longitudinal direc-
tion of the cylinder that is subjected to an axial stress Pz. The
radius and length of the cylinder are t / Ri = 0.1 and L / t = 15, which
is the same geometry as the previous model. The finite element
mesh is shown in Fig. 11. In order to analyze the inclined cracks,
the mesh is generated for whole of the model and consists of
58,000 8-nodeed solid elements.
The crack front is under a mixed mode deformation represented
by KI, KII, and KIII, the SIFs for three fundamental deformation
modes. They are normalized by the following equations, respec-
Fig. 8 Normalized stress intensity factor for a surface crack in
a cylinder: „a… circumferential crack; and „b… longitudinal crack
F1 = , F2 = , F3 = . 共7兲
Pz冑␲b Pz冑␲b Pz冑␲b
gram. The obtained SIF is shown in Fig. 8 together with ones
obtained by conventional FEA given in Refs. 关12,13兴. The SIFs The obtained values of F1, F2, and F3 are shown in Fig. 12 for
are normalized by the following equation: ␤ = 0°, 15°, 30°, and 45°, respectively. F1 decreases as the incli-
FT = 共circumferential crack兲, 共6a兲

FL = 共longitudinal crack兲, 共6b兲
where KI denotes the SIF of mode I. The present results agree well
with those obtained in the references. Based on the reference re-
sults, the calculation error of the present study is about 1.2% and
3.7% in the circumferential and longitudinal cracks, respectively,
although it is mentioned that there is about a 4% error in the
reference data of the longitudinal crack.
Figure 9 shows the variation of residual stress on the crack
surface with each cycle of iteration in the alternating technique
关see Step 共10兲 in the flow chart兴. It is seen that the residual stress
decreases rapidly and monotonically with the number of itera-
tions. After the third iteration, the residual stress becomes 1.8%
and 5.7% of the initial stress in the circumferential and longitudi-
nal cracks, respectively.
3.2 Inclined Surface Crack. The SIF of surface cracks,
which rotated the x2-axis by angle ␤ as shown in Fig. 10, is
evaluated by the FEAM. The SIF of arbitrarily inclined surface
cracks can be obtained by just changing the input data at Step 共2兲,
while the same FEA result for the uncracked body is used. Calcu-
lations have been performed for all the possible combinations of Fig. 10 Definition of inclination angle ␤

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nation angle ␤ increases, although F2 and F3 show the opposite
tendency. However, F1 is shown to dominate F2 and F3, especially
for small inclination.

4 Crack Growth Prediction of Inclined Crack in Cyl-

Growth prediction for a surface crack inside a cylinder is per-
formed by using the FEAM. According to the ASME boiler and
pressure vessel code Sec. XI 共Sec. XI兲 关14兴, an inclined crack,
which exists in a cylinder and that does not lie in either the lon-
gitudinal or circumferential plane, is projected onto these planes
as shown in Fig. 13, and the growth prediction is performed for
each projected crack separately. In order to examine the validity of
this rule, the crack growth predictions are performed for the pro-
jected longitudinal crack, circumferential crack and original in-
clined crack, and the results are compared.
The crack exists at the center of the cylinder and the orientation
is inclined by ␤ = 45° to the longitudinal direction. The geometries
of the initial crack and cylinder are summarized as follows:
ao = 5 mm, aT = aL = ao cos共45°兲

bo = bT = bL = 2.5 mm
Fig. 11 Finite element mesh for an uncracked cylinder
Ri = 100 mm, t = 10 mm

Fig. 12 Normalized stress intensity factor for a inclined surface crack in a cylinder „b / t = 0.4, t / Ri = 0.1, L / t = 15…: „a…
inclination angle ␤ = 0°; „b… Inclination angle ␤ = 15°; „c… inclination angle ␤ = 30°; and „d… inclination angle ␤ = 45°.

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Fig. 13 Inclined crack and projected circumferential and axial
crack in cylinder

L = 150 mm.
The cylinder is subjected to the axial stress of 200 MPa and in-
ternal pressure of 20 MPa. The internal pressure of 20 MPa yields
about 210 MPa hoop stress at the internal surface in the current
problem. The finite element mesh, which is shown in Fig. 11, is
used for the analysis. Fig. 15 Relationship between time and crack size obtained by
The procedure of the crack growth prediction is summarized in the crack growth prediction using the FEAM: „a… surface direc-
Fig. 14. The SIF is calculated by the FEAM based on the crack tion; and „b… depth direction

size at each step. The crack extension length in the depth direction
⌬b and surface direction ⌬a are assumed to be calculated by:
⌬a = DK共␪=0°兲⌬t

⌬b = DK共␪=90°兲⌬t, 共8兲
where D and m are material constants, and D = 5.24⫻ 10−14 and
m = 3.24, which are values of the stress corrosion cracking are
adopted 关15兴. K共␪=90°兲 and K共␪=0°兲 are the SIF of mode I obtained
by the FEAM where ␪ denotes the crack tip position defined in
Fig. 2. ⌬t is the interval of the step, which is controlled so that ⌬b
and ⌬a do not exceed 5% of the crack size. The extension lengths
⌬b and ⌬a are given in m, the SIF in MPa冑 m and ⌬t in seconds.
Then, the FEAM is again performed based on the extended crack
size. The cracks are assumed to maintain the semielliptical shape.
Figure 15 shows the relationship between the time and crack
size. The crack growth rate of the inclined crack is faster than
those of the projected circumferential and longitudinal cracks. The
depth of cracks bT and bL becomes 4.7 and 5.6 mm at 837 h,
respectively, while bo becomes 8.0 mm. This implies that the pro-
jection procedure prescribed in Sec. XI may cause an unconser-
vative evaluation in the crack growth prediction. By using the
FEAM, we can evaluate the SIF of the inclined crack without
difficulty and can reasonably predict the growth.

5 Conclusion
In the present study, a FEAM analysis system was developed.
This system allows the FEAM to be performed by a simple
Fig. 14 Procedure of the crack growth prediction method, which consists of the conventional FEA for the uncracked

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