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More than two years ago the pandemic began, for this reason all educational
centers had to close and a new virtual education began. For this reason, I had to
take all my courses online. At first it was difficult for me to get used to it, but it
didn't take me long to adapt because this virtual modality was already available at
school. However, I could see the benefits of taking virtual classes. For example, I
can study, work and do other effective activities at the same time, I can take my
classes from the comfort of my home and it is cheaper than taking them in person,
since I do not spend transportation costs. But I must say that classes in the past
were more interactive than now. One of the things I miss most is leaving class with
my classmates and sharing pleasant moments on the university campus. Although
in the past students participated more in face-to-face classes than now, it still has
very good benefits. In the previous semester I noticed that I had to be more
responsible with my own learning because if I was careless I could get low grades.
Fortunately I managed to adapt and did well in all my courses.

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