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HOLC 0s aBit 0riebled Psttocel yor communication uer poirt -to- póint ond

HDIe paOuide t Common transfer mode that can be used in different

’ Normal Besponse Mode (NRM) ard Asynchnaus BalancedtMode.
Notmal Response Mode i
In this shaion com4iguxafiery k unbalamed. We have one primyohalkoy and
multipte seLondary slaliens. NRM is ysed tor both point to-point k multHple-poist irks.
A primamy stalion cam send commands
saion Can

@ Point to Commamd

TRtmar beondary
seondary berondan
Response 4-Response
Asyndonous Balaneed Mode i
asynehsonaus balameed made ABM),he confiqusakon is Balanced.
The liak is pointbo point.and each statioy Can tuncien as a

saLondeny (ating as peers). Ihis is -the common mode

and a
Combined tombined
command reponse
defines thee types o4 frames : nformaion Frames
(I- Frame), Supervisor fromes (S-Frames) and Unumbered fvames
Each trames Serves a cnvelope fo he Transnission oa

I- Frames : ’
ave used to transpost ustY data and tonbrsl inkormahn relaing
to use data
S-Frames i’ are Used to transþovt Conhro fnformat?an.

u Prames: ’ ave steserved tor syakem management. mjormakon caried by

-Frames is iodended or mamaging the ins Ihe

Frome Format

Fa Address Contro vser mformabem FCS log

Plag Addvess Combet FeS Flag
Aag Add Cone Mgmt nyo. FCS lag

ORag Fild:- it iu a 8-bit sequene. Pait patkrn 0441 1110 that

iaentikies bth the and the end o aama and serre as a

Addsess ild:-> t ontain the addnes o he necondary

shahon erakd the tuame ,uit cowains a to addnes. If the
ereated adds trame, conkaima a on 9cimdag

’ jt cam be a.4byte oY Several

gdepanding upon the nerda
One bye iaentiyupto 129 bi~s, (t -the addru
the nehuont.
only 4bye,the Iat bit is alus ad. f he addres /s more
than ibyte, al bytes but helast 'ane will end uoith O, only the
Aast end wth 1
Conte Fiedd > 1 or 2
Oye segments of the frame used or lous ernd error
Contaol The interpretakon o Gk in this field dependa n dhe fromebype

@njomnakan Reld ’ he n<ormglion feld taniains the wors dáta 4rom tbe mlus dayen
o4 management infomatien. Is langtth can vary tyu
can varyo one nekoors t another.

OFS feld > Ihe fxame chech seqvence (Fcs) is the HOLe eroY deection eld.
E can eontain either a 2-0r-4 ITu-T CRe.

lootol field.
The contxal fceld dekermings yhe type of frame and defina its funchoralit
4 S- Franme
4 U-Fyame
Code Code

Control Feld for I-Frames

1-frames ore user data tom tht In addition, they can
include auo and eoas Contl in<ounatinn piggybackimg
Fixt bit dehes he r
If the yiaat bit t tontael is 0,thia means the yrame. uan Iframe, Net 3bits,
caled NcS), deine a Beauence Number b<w o and .
*The ladt 3bits, caled NCR) torrespond o he Acknoekadgemat numberwhes
bit b<uw N(S) md NR) is called the P|e bs.
aT Ple fid isa single bit withaduat pungose. Hhas meaning anly ohen it is
et (bit=1) and can mean poll or inal.
means poll ahey the trame is sert bya primary stationo
-t mpans 4inal soben the frame ts sat bya secanarytea pimang
Contot Reld Yor S- FMames
o thu fra me.
an Sframe yhe fist tuwo bits o the contbpl feld dain thu type
Set to 10.
"These bits are aluogs
" The ast g bits, called N/R, corresþond to the acknowledzeraest number
megal we
CACK) oY megali aknouted enest (NAR) depending om thetype of sframe
he 2bis caçed Code ,is Osed to de;ine the typeas_of Srame itse
descDbed belows’

(@) Receive Ready CRR)

Sfrome. Jbis kind
{ he value af code subfield is 00, ît is an B8
frame orptmumber.
af frane ackngaoladacs Jhe eceiat af aafe acknouoledgmest
y dhit case, the value NCR) field deLines the

(6) Beceive Not Aeady (GNA)

S-frame., Ihis lnd st
4 the value a the code. subfield ik 40 it s on BNR
sfame is an RA fame oith addittonal fmetons. It acksooledges. the receipt
ga frame gmup a rmes, nd it announces that he receiver îs
and cannot eceive mote ramc.
Act as kod of conqeshn conhel rnechrái,.
(C) Reject (RE)
4 the value af the code aubtield is o1 l+ is a NáK4ramé. but nof
ilee one ased in Selechive Bepeat ARQ.F is a NAK that con be osed n Go-Back

NARQ to im þrove the <fiueng of the

value a NCR js the negatire acknooledgement mumber
ca) Selectiue Bejeet (SREI)
"Ifthe code a sibied is 41,
"It is an SREI Srame. This is a NAK yrame ysed in Selective Repeat ARB.
The value oNR) 0s the
gthe aaknaalalement muniber.
Conta field tor U-frams.
UnmumberedLfromes ave used do exchango 5tssion and contro ingormaie
bls tonnecked detees, Unlihe samcs, U4rames contan am intormatin
mot ser daa.
urame code dlivided nto &sech oni Qhik pretix bfore the /f bit
and 3-bit sufie atwthe p/E bit. Toaethen. these tuo
cam be ubed bereoake up to 32 di4teuenttpes o U-rames

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