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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER-1 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR jon : 3 Hours Max. Marks Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1k Discuss the concept and nature of Organisational Behaviour. Why is it important to study COrgnnisational Behaviour formally by the managers? ic Or (@) “Organisational Behaviour has developed its concepts on the basis of contributions from many disciplines.” Comment. (®) Explain the concept of organisational culture. How should a good organisational culture be developed and maintained for efficient working of the organisation ? 71,8 2. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following (@) Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership (®) Transactional Analysis (TA) (©) Sources of Organisational Conflicts. -(é-Group Decision-making 18 3, (@ Describe ‘Big Five Personality Types.” (6) What is attitude? Explain briefly the components of attitude. Or (a) What is perception? State and explain the factors influencing perception. 18 (© What do you understand by the concept of learning? List the different theories of learning and explain any one of them by giving suitable illustrations. 718 4. @ Doyou think that employees need motivation for performing of their duties and responsibilities? Discuss the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators as referred to by Ken Thomas for the purpose. (© “Communication is important in an organisation.” Explain giving reasons. 18 Or (@) Explain the concept of group dynamics. Discuss the problems created by informal groups. (6) How does one’s personality affect coping with stress? Discuss the various strategies for coping with stress, 18 5, Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given below: Export Import Ltd. is a well-established company manufacturing woolen garments, The company has about 800 employees including managers. The entire output of the company is exported to the U:S and other countries. The company is planning to introduce new machines and methods of production to further improve and enhance efficiency and quality of its products. The management anticipates that trade union will resist the change in many ways. You have been consulted by the op management for their apprehensions. (48) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Questions : (@ Briefly explain the various reasons that would cause resistance among the employees even g such a positive change. (6) Specify the possible strategies that could be adopted to overcome the resistance. (©) Can you suggest any procedure by which this change could be introduced more effectively so ag tominimize any resistance 15 Or Write short notes on any three of the following (@) Authority vs. Power (©) Behaviour Modification (© Pillars of Classical Organisation Theory @ Criticism of Neo-classical Organisation Theory (© Essence of Contingency Approach. 5,5,5 | © scanned with OKEN Scanner SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER-2 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (2017) Tours Max. Marks +73 Attempt all questions. AU questions carry equal marks. 1. (@) Explain in brief the nature of organisational behaviour. Why is it important to study organisational behaviour.” (8) Briefly discuss the contribution of neo-classical theory. 18 Or (@) Explain any two models of organisational behaviour. (®) Discuss the characteristics and components of attitude in details. 78 2 (@) Discuss the concept of perception. Explain the process of perception. What are the factors which influence perception? 5 Or (a) Explain intrinsic motivation theory by Ken Thomas. (®) Discuss the steps which management can take to motivate the employees in the industrial organisation. 18 (Bint : Discuss financial and non-financial incentives.) 3. (@) Whatis decision-making? Differentiate between individual and group decision making, () Define feedback and explain its importance in communication. 18 Or (@) Discuss in detail different styles of leadership.” () “Effective leadership is a function of three factors : The leader, the led and the situation.” Discuss. 7,8 4. (@) Whatare the different sources of power? Why is power so important in organisations? (6) What are the reasons for conflicts in any organisation? How can they be resolved? 18 Or (@) What are the reasons for human resistance to change? Explain the stretegies to overcome resis tance to change. (©) Briefly discuss the nature and significance of organisational culture, 7,8 5. Write short note on any three of the following (@) BigFive Personality Traits (©) Johari Window (©) Behaviour Modification (@ Management of Stress (© Flatand Tall Structure ce @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Zosotials of Organisational Bohavigg: or given below: ¢ questior dd answer the quest ' a vem rar aver n deen, He feels a re as been doing hig Ki s been expecting, has n Josh has been a clerk in a busin wer device has p sce enicieny However the promotion fon super sory POS OT ager, ho i responsible ry materiali fu : tion has been denied 10 him and hy ed. He feels sad about it, and nary with recommeding promotions, Josh feels that deoerving pronation is mandger'scominuniy ree - bin tie hat he belongs toa com y egligent in his work. He keen.’ Sabet gents sch an extent that Josh ae — som sllnes 7 He haseven begun ts et a jocms Whi jetly reads in the office i 5 of 1as cv ; tetas iy agin ctl op eens tic oo cabeditr of # magazine which has published (oof his poons undera pseudonym (nick name). Questions : : : (@ Analyse the behaviour of Josh in light of your knowledge of personality, perception and attitudes, ti ini itude of Josh’s manager? (6) What is your opinion about the attitude ot ; (©) Suggest some measures which could be taken by the manger to handle the problem in this case, 5 Read the following case carefully [Bint: (a) Josh is basically an introvert person who is not social. He does not discuss his griey. ances with others, He lacks openness. He holds a negative perception about his boss and attributes his non-promotion to the boss’s bias against his community. His attitude towards his job is negative as he does not enjoy job satisfaction. He has external locus of control and believes that his promotion depends only on the will of his boss. (6) Itis very difficult to describe the attitude of Josh’s Manager who might have negative attitude about Josh because of deficiencies in Josh’s performance or some other reason not specifically mentioned in the case. But Josh feels that his manager has a negative attitude because of his social background and so he is biased against the former. Joh holds this view because he has been denied promotion without assigning any valid | reason. Further, it appears that Josh’s Manager has not taken any step for the career | development and advancement of Josh. (© Inorder to handle the problem in the above case, Josh’s Manager should take initiative | and starta dialogue with Josh. He should encourage two way communication so as to Provide Josh an opportunity to give feedback. pee anager should clarify Josh about the reason for denial of promotion to him. He oom eta in Josh’s performance, if: ‘any and suggest remedial measures he has been discreet Should try to remove the doubt in the mind of Josh that Manager's communi ey because he belongs to a community different from the srievances and guide in Manager should act as a cumsellor to Josh, listen to his improve his performance aioe S08 to create Josh's interest in his job and help him fare), ich is necessary to get promoted to higher position in > © scanned with OKEN Scanner SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER-3 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (2018) ee : Max. Marks: 73 Duration 3 Hours AIT questions are compulsory. AU questions carry equal marks, 1, Explainin brief Organisational Behavioural models that are adopted by various organisations, 15 Or Why are groups formed in organisations? What factors influence group cohesiveness? 15 2. Write explanatory notes on any fo of the following (@) The process of change in an organisation (b) Trait Theory of Leadership (© Classical vs. Operant Conditioning, 18 3. (@) State the factors that influence the “Personality” of an individual. (6) What do you understand by the term “Values” ? Briefly explain the different types of values 18 Or @) Explain briefly the job related attitudes, How do they affect the study of organisational behaviour? (©) Discuss the importance of Perception. Briefly explain the perceptiual distortions and errors, 18 you handle them as a manager of a large i, 1S 4. Explain different barriers to communication. How will organisation? Or (@) What is meant by organisational climate? E climate. (6) Explain McGregor’s theory X and theory context? Give reasons for your opinion. xplain the factors that contribute to organisational ‘Y of motivation. How far ‘Theory Y is relevant in ‘today’s. 7,8 5. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end of the case: Myra has been working in the administration ofa hospital forthe last 20 years, Shes highly dedicated to her job and has a very good rapport with her superiors and co-workers. About eight months ago, she was promoted as manager ofthe hospital, All employees congratulated and promised her coop- ration. Absenteeism lowered by 20% since she became manager. She hasbeen efficient and responsible and {aponds to all communications in time. She attends all meetings fully prepared to discuss the issues mult consideration. But for the last one month, she seems to have changed considerably for worse. lhe superiors and subordinates find her behaviour strange. She is not as polite and amicable as she used to be. Lai t week she missed a very important meeting called by the top management. She None wPPosed to research an issue and prepare the report, She failed to-do so, She is often late for ‘work and her replies tothe communications sent are not prompt anymore. Ca) “ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Eosontials of Organisational Be The Director ofthe hospital, Dr, Gupta hus also noticed this change and has talked to the jp pavehitris Dr. Schl. Dr Sehgal sugested fo Dr. Gupta that he should talk to Ms Mira ang p ifthere were any difficult situations at home that might be affecting her behaviour, Oy Questions: s (@) Do you think Ms. Myra is under stress? What could be the potential sources of stress (6) What could be the consequences of stress? (©) Suggest ways to combat stress for her. for her, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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