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E.G. GARCIA CONSTRUBTION AND SUPPLY Engineer I TERNESTO D. DELARIARTE “FORKS AND HIGHWAYS) ‘(Witness) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS ILOILO 2™ DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE VI Dumangas, Iloilo \ CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 bontract NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER ‘SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR CONTRACT AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this i _ day of _(¢iDeeR 22, by and between: The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES through the Department of Public Works and Highways, Iloilo 2% District Engineering Office, represented herein by SANNY BOY O. OROPEL, CES E, in his capacity as District Engineer, duly authorized for this purpose, with main office address at Balabag, Dumangas, Iloilo, hereinafter referred to as the “PROCURING ENTITY”; and E.G, GARCIA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY, a sole proprietorship duly organized and existing by virtue of the Laws of the Republic of the Philippines with office address Poblacion, Sapian, Capiz, represented herein EDGARDO G. GARCIA Authorized Managing Officer, duly authorized for this purpose, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENTITY is desirous that the CONTRACTOR execute the Works under CONTRACT ID NO. 21GG0181 — CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM hereinafter called the “Works”, and the PROCURING ENTITY has accepted the Calculated Bid of the CONTRACTOR for the execution and completion of the Works at the calculated unit bid prices shown in the attached Bill of Quantities, or a total Contract price of FOUR MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIX PESOS AND THIRTEEN CENTAVOS (PhP 4,109,386.13); and hereby agrees to complete the contract within Ninety (90) Calendar Days which shall commence upon the receipt of the Notice to Proceed E.G, GARCIA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY By: ‘AND HIGHWAYS) CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 CONTRACT NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, and subject to the Provisions of Executive Order No. 91, s. 2019, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. In this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, words & expressions shall have the same meanings 9g as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 3 B 2 That the following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, and shall be interpreted in the ~*~ rollowing order of priority: a. This Contract Agreement; b. Documents forming part of the Contract Agreement: (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contractor's signed “conforme” (2) Contractor's Bid in the Form of Bid, including its Technical and Financial Proposals, as calculated by the Procuring Entity and conformed to by the Contractor through the NOA (3) Bidding Documents with Bulletins (4) Specifications (5) Drawings (6) Special Conditions of the Contract (SCC) (7) General Conditions of the Contract (GCC) (8) Performance Security (9) Integrity Pledge under Department Order No, 86, series of 2013 (10) Other Documents (2) Construction Methods (b) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CPM Diagram or Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S-Curve, or other approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow (©) Manpower Schedule (d) Equipment Utilization Schedule (e) Construction Safety and Health Program initially approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (A) Contractor's All Risk Insurance (CART) CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 CONTRACT NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the PROCURING ENTITY to the CONTRACTOR as hereinafter mentioned, the CONTRACTOR hereby covenants with the PROCURING ENTITY to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT in all respects. In consideration of the execution and completion of the Works by the CONTRACTOR, the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CONTRACTOR the unit prices in the CONTRACTOR's Calculated Bid, as applied to the actual quantities accomplished as certified by the PROCURING ENTITY under the provisions of this CONTRACT REEMENT, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. E.G. GARCIA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY 5. The contractor is responsible to maintain the project for One (1) year from Contract completion up to final acceptance by the Procuring Entity. During this period, the Contractor is required to repair any damages that occurred in the project at his own ~ expense and shall complete the repair works upon receipt of the notice from the Procuring Entity wi Engineer E i E KS AND HIGHWAYS) CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 CONTRACT NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY /SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM z g Tem Unit Cost | Total Amount a 2 Naber Description Unt | ty. | Op °) 2 g5 BS _ [Project Bilboard/Signboard each | 38.00[ 2,003.28| 76,125.02 é B.7(1) [Occupational Safety and Health Program months | 3.00| 6,790.25 20,370.75 203(1)2_ [Structure Excavation (Common Sol) cum. | 24.62[ 633.33| 15,592.58 6 804(1)2_[Embankment (from Structure Excavation) Cum. | 16.42| 175.85 2,887.46| 8 i 804(4) [Gravel Fill ‘Cu. 6.e4[1.235.75| 8,452.53 4 Structural Concrete (Column Footing & SOF- g =~ 900002 [Cras 28 dys) cum. | 1391] 6,776.69] 94,263.76 gc ‘900(1}e4 {Structural Concrete (Columns - Class A, 28 days)| Cum. | 3.65] 6,868.15] 25,068.75 ae ‘902(1)a_|Reinforcing Steel (Deformed, Grade 40) Kgs. 86.82 69.23 6,010.55| 903(2) |Formworks and Falseworks Sqm. | 72.96 | 644.92] 47,053.36 1002(27) [Plumbing Works Ls. 1.00 #5,31250] 65,312.50 1032(1)c [Painting Works (Steel) Sqm | 493.11] 345.66 |" 146,252.20 _ 1047(2)a [Structural Steel (Trusses) Kgs._| 9450.01[ 93.25] 981,213.43, 1047(3)a [Metal Structure Accessories (Bolts) each | 456.00[ 707.03 46,069.68. 1047(6)_|Metal Structure Accessories (Stee! Plates) igs. | 429.55| 67.60 _ 37,667.24 1201(8) |Weter Tank sets | 38.00] 66,869.64] 2,617,046.32 TOTAL 4,109,386.13| (Witress) CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 CONTRACT NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their respective hands on the day, month and first above written and subject to the provisions of Executive Order No. 91, s. 2019. E.G. GARCIA CONSTRUCTION DPWH ILOILO 2"? DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND ‘SUPPLY Represented by: Represented by: IN¥ BOY 6. OROPEL, CES E Distict Engineer witnessed by: ment MOLINES: Fanaa D. DELARTARTE Accountant IIL Engineer II (End-User) CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACT ID NO.: 21GG0181 CONTRACT NAME: CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEPTAGE AND SEWERAGE/RAINWATER COLLECTOR SYSTEM. B REPUBLIC OF THR BHIMERINES) SS ) a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EFORE ME, as the Notary Public for and within the City of Iloilo, personally appeared SANNY BOY ©. OROPEL, CES E, District Engineer, representing the eS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Department of Public Works and Highways), with Professional Driver's License No. _F01-89-051097 valid _unti ine13, 2023 and EDGARDO G. GARCIA, Authorized Managing Officer, representing E.G. GARCIA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY with PRC No. 0017217 valid until January 20, 2024, known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing CONTRACT ~ and AGREEMENT and they acknowledged to me that the same is their true act and deed for and in behalf of the parties they represented. E.G. GARCIA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY ed This instrument consists of Six (6) pages, including this page, on which this acknowledgement is written duly signed by the contracting parties and their witnesses on the left margin of the other pages. (Witness) "ERNESTO D. DELARIARTE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my Signature and Official Seal this 2H day of _pomper Year 2022. : (Notary Public) § Doc. No.__ 25), 2 Page No.. 53 2 Book No,__Xil Series of __ 9020 ‘ensalae ippines ‘0. OROPEL, CESE strict Engineer (DEPARTMENT, Republic of the

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