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MAKE eee GRADE a - ae TIER ) ae by ANTHONY NICOLAIDES Second Edition © Anthony Nicolaides 2005 First Edition 2001 Second Edition 2005 This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights are reserved. Apart as permitted under the Copyright Act,1956, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISBN 1872684718 £16.95 ISBN 1872684637 £45 (License to Schools) A level books are under revision and Engineering Mathematics will probably be ready September 2005, Printed in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire Contents Chapter 1 Number 4 Topic 1 ~ BODMAS 1 Exercises 2 Topic 2 ~ Percentages 3 Exercises Zz Topic 3 ~ Decimals 8 Exercises: 10 Topic 4 ~ Irrational Numbers Exercises 13 Topic 5 ~ Significant Figures and Decimal Places 14 Exercises 15 Topic 6 ~ Estimations and Errors 15 Exercises~Upper and Lower Bounds 17 Approximations 17 Estimations. 18 Topic 7 ~ Fractions 19 Exercises 23 Topic 8 ~ Sequences 24 Exercises 28 Topic 9 ~ Standard Form or Standard Index Form 29 Exercises 2.0 8 Miscellaneous Review: Number 20 Chapter 2 Algebra Topic 1 ~ Solving Linear Equations. Exercises. Topic 2 ~ Quadratic Equations BRIS |e Exercises~Factorisation ay Exercises ~ Q ic Fi Topic 3 ~ Trial and Improvement Exercises. Topic 4 ~ Simultaneous Equations Exercises Topic 5 ~ Changing the subject of a formula or make the subject or re-arrange a formula or transpose aformula Exercises Topic 6 ~ Solving Linear and Quadratic inequalities Exercises B16 BIE Topic 7 ~ A Reminder of Substitution Exarcl - Topic 8 ~ A Reminder of Expanding Brackets Exercises. Topic 9 ~ Analysing Linear and ESBSslage vi mm GCSE Mathematics Quadratic Sequences 61 Exercises 64 Topic 10 ~ Iteration 66 Exercises SZ Topic 11 ~ Simplifying Algebraic Fractions. 68 Exercises 70 Topic 12 ~ Direct and Indirect Proportion 71 Exercises 72 Topic 13 ~ Graph Transformation 76 Exercises 84 ‘Straight Line Graphs 85 96 Topic 14 ~ Expressing Laws in Symbolic Form Non-linearto Linearbaw 44.4.4... Topic 15 ~ A Reminder of the Rules of Indices 98 Topic 16 ~ Writing One Formula in Terms of Another 99 Topic 17 ~ Further Algebra 100 Exercises. 400 Exercises: 104 Miscellaneous Review: Algebra 103 Chapter 3 Shape and Space 1it Topic 1 ~ Reflections and Rotations 11 Topic 2 ~ Enlargements 1414 Topic 3 ~ Translations 117 Exercises~Topic 1, 2 and 3 117 Topic 4 ~ Vectors 119 Exercises ~ Vector: 123 Topic 5 ~ Trigonometry 126 Topic 5.1 ~ Trigonometry Exercises 129 Topic 5.2 ~ Trigonometry Exercises 132 Topic 5.3 ~ Trigonometry Exercises 133 Topic 6 ~ Sine and Cosine Rules 134 Exercises. 136 Topic 7 ~ Cast Circle 138 Exercises 140 Topic 8 ~ Similarity 141 Exercises 144 Topic 9 ~ Congruency 147 Exercises. 148 Topic 10 ~ Pythagoras 149 Exercises: 150 Topic 11 ~ Drawing Lines and Curves Using Tables of Values 154 Topic 12 ~ Volume of Spheres, Cones and Cylinders 157 Topic 13 ~ Dimensions 159 Contents mm vii Topic 14 ~ Gradient of and Area under Curves 160 Topic 15 ~ Shapes of Curves 161 164 Topic 16 ~ Angle Theorems Exercises Topic 17 ~ Solving an Equation Using an Existing Curve Chapter 4 Data Handling Topic 1 ~ Representation of Results, Frequency Polygons Exercises eee 2 ~ Mean, Median and Mode toes 3 ~ The Normal Distribution Topic 4 ~ Questionnaires Topic 5 ~ Standard Deviation Exercisas Topic 6 ~ Scatter Diagrams and Correlation Exercises: Topic 7 ~ Cumulative Frequency Exercises Topic 8 ~ Probability Exercises Topic 9 ~ Histograms Exercises BESEEEBBRBEBEREBB 3 BE Topic 10 - Sampling Topic 11 ~ Stem-and-leaf Diagrams Exercises Topic 12 ~ Box-and-Whisker Plot or Boxplot Exercises Topic 13 ~ Time Series and Moving Averages: Exercises Chapter 5 Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Practice Exam Papers Chapter 7_ Specimen Exam Papers 5 and 6 Chapter 6 Techniques Required to Study A Level Pure Mathematics Pw RaB ANSWERS Chapter 1 Numbers Topic 1 ~ BODMAS. Topic 2 ~ Percentages Topic 3 ~ Decimals Topic 4 ~ Irrational Numbers Topic 5 ~ Significant Figures and Decimal Places Topic 6 ~ Estimations and Errors BEBERR & & SBE BER Vili ae Contents Topic 7 ~ Fractions. 259 Topic 8 ~ Sequences 260 Topic 9 ~ Standard Form or Standard Index Form 260 Miscellaneous Review: Number 261 Chapter 2 Algebra Topic 1 ~ Solving Linear Equations 262 Topic 2 ~ Quadratic Equations 263 Quadratic Formulae BZ Topic 3 ~ Trial and Improvement 267 Topic 4 ~ Simultaneous Equations 267 Topic 5 ~ Changing the Subject of a Formula 268 Topic 6 ~ Solving Linear Inequalities 270 Topic 7 ~ A Reminder of Substitution 271 ic 8 ~ A Reminder of ling Brackets 271 Topic 9 ~ Analysing Linear and Quadratic Sequences 271 Topic 10 ~ Iteration 272 Topic 11 ~ Simplifying Algebraic Fractions 272 Topic 12 ~ Direct and Indirect Proportion 273 Topic 13 ~ Graph Transformation 273 Straight Line Graphs 276 Topic 17 ~ Further Algebra 277 Miscellaneous Review: Algebra 278 Chapter 3 Shape and Space Topic 1, 2 and 3 ~ Reflections, Rotations, Enlargements, Translations. 284 Topic 4 ~ Vectors 281 Topic 5.1 ~ Trigonometry 282 Topic 5.2 ~ Trigonometry 283. Topic 6 ~ Sine and Cosine Rules 284 Topic 7 ~ Cast Circle 285 Topic 8 ~ Similarity 285 Topic 9 ~ Congruency 285 Topic 10 ~ Pythagoras. 285 Topic 16 ~ Angle Theorems 286 Chapter 4 Data Handling Topic 1 ~ Representation of Results, Frequency Polygon 287 Topic 2 ~ Mean, Median and Mode 288 Topic 5 ~ Standard Deviation 289 Topic 6 ~ Scatter Diagrams and Correlation 289 Topic 7 ~ Cumulative Frequency 290 Topic 8 ~ Probability 291 Topic 11 ~ Stem-and-leaf Diagrams 296 Topic 13 ~ Time series and moving averages 297 Contents ame ix Chapter 6 Practice Exam Papers Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4 Paper 5 Paper 6 Paper 7 Paper 8 Paper 9 Paper 10 Chapter 7 Specimen Exam Papers Paper 5 Non-Calculator Paper 6 Calculator Eonnulae Index EBEBEBEEERE BERGE This topic underlies all of the other topics. You must practise basic numerical skills as frequently as possible — one of the examination papers will be non-calculator and you need to be comfortable with all numerical processes. Topic 1 ~~ BODMAS BODMAS stands for Brackets pOwers Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction This is the order in which you calculate an answer. Why include something this easy? Because the order in which you calculate an answer is critical. ‘There are two ways to answer a question: (a) The correct way or (b) The incorrect way. Trecommend method (a) every time. — Workep Exampte 1 34+8xS addition multiplication li Number Look at BODMAS Mcomes before A So Multiplication is performed before Addition. 3485 =3+40 = 43. Workeo Example 2 WS x2+1) =3x(5x2+1 3a means 3 x (11) i it is just an abbreviation —s0 evaluate the brackets = 3x (1041) =3x1 =. Workeo ExamPie 3 4 means 4 «4 2 means 2x 2x2 (+292) +4) = (16 +2) x 8=4) = 182 = 36 ‘2 == GCSE Mathematics Practise your multiplication tables. EXERCISES Topic 1 ~~ Bodmas 1. Evaluate the following: (a)54+9x3 (b) 15-23 ()T4+8x7 (d)9-9 x OL (e) 30 —(13 x 3) (f) -15 + [17 x (-3)] 2. Find the following results: (a) 5(7 x 3+ 4) (b) 3[3 x (2) + 8] (c)-7(6 x 9-60) — (d) 9(2 x 8-9) (©) [(—3) 7] x (-5) () 6x ((—9)«(-D] 3. (a) (16+ 18 +4) (b) (35 +593? = 3) (PF =-34 +4) d) (13? x 59? + 9) (ce) 122-44) 10 (HOF - 96) x 4 (d+ )sF (b) 145 + (19 +24) ()2b+264+2 (d) (3 x 13) x5 2341) x (8) Oxy 5. (a) Multiply by 2} the sum of 1} and 2}. (b) Find the product of 34 and 3. (c) Find the difference between 5* and 3°. (d) Find the quotient of 4 divided by the sum of 3 and 53. (c) Subtract 1} from the product of If and 3. (f) Divide the difference between 24 and 3 by 4}. aA minuend — subtrahend =difference Multiplication 3x5=15 multiplicand x multiplier = product Division 12 4 3 dividend divisor = quotient Commutative law 3+5=54+3=58 3xS=5x3=15 Associative law G+H+5=53+445)= 12 Gx 5) x6=3x(5 x6)=90 Distributive law 3x4 x 5)= (3x4) x5=60 +4)x5=3x%5+4x5=35 Directed numbers S Mow Puc (+) « (4) = (+) m7 m7 (4) x (-)=(-) eq Bon O. OxH=ae) =e) G4) CoxCnsGn Topic 2 ~ Percentages You need to be able to do the following: « Find a % of a quantity. © Write one quantity as a % of another. « Find net and gross amounts. « Simple and Compound Interest. e Percentage Increase or Decrease. Percentage means “out of a hundred” so 20 100 Tt is worth knowing conversions between basic percentages and fractions as this will save calculation time. 20% = 10% = 5 13% = ; 20% = 2 335% = ; 25% = ; 05 = ; 50% = i Please note: 334% is not 33.3% nor 33%. Do not truncate this decimal as it will inevitably cause errors in calculation. SS ‘Workep Example 1 Find 20% of 120 m. The calculation you need to perform is 2 x 120, But you know that 20% = }. So you need to find { of 120. ie. 120+5 = 24 So 20% of 120m= 24m. {Don’t forget units} Number == 3 — EEE Workep Example 2 Find 663% of 240 kg. i.e. find 3 of 240 kg. So 663% of 240 kg = 160 kg. Beware of units. There will be marks available | | | | in the examination for them. Find a Quantity as a Percentage of Another It is effectively asking you how many times one number goes into the other and then changing that fraction/decimal into a percentage. ——— Worked ExamPLe 3 Express 2 + 5 as a percentage. Write 2 + 5 as a decimal 2+5=04. Write 2 as a percentage of 5. First number. a, 2 100 = 408 —~— Second ae to change to a percentage. Workep Example 4 Write 150kg as a percentage of 75 kg. 130 75 x 100 = 200%. Percentages can be more than 100%, Workeo Exampie 5 Write 75p as a percentage of £2. i 78 300 * 100 = Beware! ® Units must be matched. Bg. 75p and 200p. Finding the Net and Gross Amounts This is used to calculate the ammount you have to pay when (usually) some tax is added on (commonly V.A.T.) or discount subtracted or when you want to calculate the original amount (before the tax was added). — Worxeo ExampLe 6 The cost of a dress is £60 before the sale discount of 25% is removed. How much do you pay? 25 Di nt = —— x 60 = £15. iscou 0 ‘You pay £60 — £15 = 5. EEE Worxep Example 7 A camera costs £63.50 before V.A.T. of 17)% is applied, How much do I pay? 15% of £63.50 17.5 = Too x 63.50 = 11.1125 meéLLAL. Since money has 2 decimal places only you will have to round your answer appropriately, Total Cost = £63.50 + £11.11 = £74.61. Linked at this stage could be a Hire Purchase Question. (You should expect a question on Personal Finance.) —————— Workeo Example 8 The above camera costs £63.50 plus V.A.T. OR you could pay a 10% deposit followed by 6 monthly payments of £12. How much more do you actually pay? 10% of £63.50 = £6.35 6 monthly payments 6 x £12 = £7; Total = £78, Amount Extra you pay = 78.35 ~ 74.61 = £3.74, Finding the net amount after a percentage has been added on normally causes a common mistake. Workep ExamPLe 9 A dress costs £120 in the sale after a reduction of 20%. Find the original cost. Since 20% has been removed, the £120 represents 80%. We need to find 100% i.e, the original cost. £120 = 80% of original cost ~— —_ 08 x 120 = 0.8.x Original cost = £150. Quick Check: A common mistake would be to say: 20% of £120 = £24 £120 + £24 = £144, But if you do the quick check, you know immedi- ately that you are wrong. 20% of 144 = £28.80 £144 — £28.80 = £115.20 5.0 not £120, —EEE 'WorKED EXAMPLE 10 A drill costs £115 after tax of 28% was added. ‘What was the original price? £115 represents 128% (i.e. original cost + tax of 28%) So 115 = 128% of original cost “ 115= 1.28 x _ us *= TR = 89.84375, £89.84 (2 d.p. only since money) Quick Check 285 of £89.84 = 2351552 = £25.16 (2 d.p.) £89.84 + £25.16 15. Number == 5 Simple and Compound Interest Simple Interest When interest has been calculated but it does nat gain interest subsequently, Formula PRT 100, J = Interest carned P = Principal (e.g. how much you invest) R = Interest Rate per annum (year) T = Time in years. ——— ‘Workeo ExamPte 11 Calculate the simple interest earned on £2 000 at 5% p.a, for 3 years. p= 2000 x 5x3 ~ 100 IE Compound Interest This is where the interest eared begins to earn interest. ‘There are two, equally good, methods to tackle these questions. One takes longer than the other. ‘The formula which you need to learn is: r\e New Value= (1+ <2) P = Principal r = rate of interest in % per year n= number of years invested. The two methods are: (i) Calculating each year, one year at a time, (ii) Using the formula. 6 am GCSE Mathematics — Workep Exampce 12 £450 is invested at 12% p.a. for 3 years. How much is invested at the end of year 3? OR Method 1 Method 2 End of Year # Balance at end of Year 3 450 x 2 = 450 «(14+ By = £54 = 450 x 1.123 £450+£54 = £504 = 450 x 1.404928 for start of Year 2 = £632.2176 2, End of Year 2 504 x a = £60.48 £504 + £60.48 = £564.48 for start of Year 3 End of Year 3 12 564.48 x — = £67.7376 = £67.74 * 700 Balance at end of Year 3 = 504.48 + 67.74 As you can see, Method 1 leaves more room for numerical errors. a Workep Exampte 13 A car depreciates at 11% p.a. It is bought for £8 495, What is its value after 4 years? Method 1 End of Year 1 iW 8495 x 00 = 9445 8495 — 934.45 = £7 560.55 End of Year 2 i 7560.55 x Too = 831.6605. at this stage as it is not at the end ~ 4. Of the question, 7 560.55 — 831.6605 = 6 728.8895 OR End of Year 3 u 6 728.8895 x Too = 740.177845 6 728.8895 — 740, 177845 = 5.988.711655 End of Year 4 i 5 988.711655 x joo = 658,7582821 5 988.711655 — 658.7582821 £5 329.953373 = £5 329.95. Method 2 [RRR Depreciation is a reduction of value, hence the negative sign (or subtraction in Method 1). New Val = saes(1— HY’ ew Value = io = 8495 x 0.89" = 8495 x 0.62742241 5329.953373 = £5 329.95. As you can see, Method 1 is tedious after 3 repeti- tions. Percentage Increase (t) or Decrease (1) Another formula to learn: __ Increase/Decrease TTA ~ original Valve * 1°: Workep Exampte 14 A house cost £110 000 in 1999 but has increased in value to £125 000 in 2000. What is the percentage increase? 125 000 — 110 000, Percentage increase = » 100 110000 15 000 = 710000 * 1° = 13.636 = 13.6% (3 s.f.). EXERCISES Topic 2~ Percentages 1. Find the values of the following: (a) $% of 100 ke (b) 7% of 28 m (c) 10% of £125 (d) 22% of 120 tonnes (ce) 25% of 50N (f) 35% of SA. . Find 33% of 250 kg. . What is 150% of £1 0007 . Write 250 kg as a percentage of 25 kg. . Write 52 p as a percentage of £3. Aww . The bus fares in outer London have increased from 70 pto £1. Whatis the percentage increase? 7. The following items cost: (a) £70 (b) £125 (c) £3.75 before a sale discount of 37.5%, How much is now the cost? 8. A T.V. costs £575 before V.A.T. of 17.5% is applied. How much do you pay with V.A.T.? 9. A car costs £13 750 including V.A.T. of 17.5%. How much is the cost of the car without V.A.T.? 10. If Pythagoras who lived 2600 years ago invested one drachma at 1% p.a., calculate: (a) the simple interest and (b) the compound interest eamed today. 22. 23, 24. Number == 7 « The formula C, = € (1 + 7f)" is used to work out the capital accumulated after n years, C,. at % and C is the capital invested. If C = £1 500, r = Sand xn = 10, calculate C,. . fC, = £14 500. r = 7, = 2 find C. . If Cs = C1059, what is the ratio 27 . £5000 is invested at 2.65% p.a. for 5 years. How much is invested at the end of year 5? . Acar is bought for £14 995, The depreciation of the car is 15% per annum, what is the value of the car after 3 years? . A house was bought for £72 500 on the 15th November 1985, and it costs £525 000 on the 14th November 2004. What is the average value of increase p.a.? If inflation on average is 5% during this period of time, what is the net gain or loss of this investment? . Increase the following amounts by 5% : {a) £10 (by£125 (£500 (d) £1250. . Decrease the following amounts by 8%: {a)50kg (b)25m_ (c)425tonnes (d) £525. |. Write down the percentages of the following fractions: @? ®? ©2 @it @F OF @} Ws . Write down the fractions of the following percentages: (a) 2% (b} 35% (c) 85% (d) 125%. . Change these fractions into decimals: @} @); @s me (m) 8% (n) 73. Change these fractions into recurring decimals: @t Ok OA Mt 4 43 (9) 3} th) 27 ‘Change these decimals into fraction (ayO.1 (b)0.35 (c)0.25 (d)O.15 (£) 0.03 (g) 0.111 (h) 0.775. Express the following as fractions: (a) 5.05 (b)0.375 (c) 0.125 (d) 6.9 (e)8.75 (5.125 (g)3.68 — (h) 0.003, ()e ME i O% OF w3y Or waz (e)0.75 8 == GCSE Mathematics 25. Write the following as percentages: © write a recurring decimal as a fraction @} ©} OF WE e098 change decimals to a fraction. (0.001 (g) 2.17 (h) 0.33. - a 26. Change the following percentages to fractions: (a) 25% (b) 35% (c) 33% — (d) 335% (c)5% (A) 41}% (g)87}% (hy 395%. (a) 5% means 335 Adding/Subtracting Decimals 25% means iy The trick is to write the sum downwards and (0 line 125% means 135. up the decimal point. (b) 25% of 55 means jp x 35 ——_——— 37,5% of 375 means 423 x 375, Workep Examp.e 1 (c) 125 is increased by 5% means 125 + 7h x 125 = 125 (1+ Gf) = 125(1.05) 4.32 + 0.007 + 1.5 + 10.99 477 is increased by 1% means 477 x 1.01 4.32 309 is increased by 2% means 399 x 1.02 0.007 5.000 is increased by 100% means a 5.000 x (1+ 4%) = 5.000 x 2, ia (d) 5.000 is decreased by 1% means 5000—;4,5000 = 5000 x (1—7);) =5 0000.99 £12 500 is decreased by 15% means 12 500 x 0.85. (ec) £7500 is increased by 5% p.a., what is the total amountreceived after three years?7 500 x 1.05* 10% p.a. of £15 000 for three years compounded is 15.000 x 1.15. (f) £25 000 car depreciates 15% p.a. What is its Worxep EXaMpLe 2 value after 3 years? 25 000 x 0.85%. ————————— 14,08 — 9,392 Topic 3 ~ Decimals 14,080 — fill in extra zero You need to be able to: 32 « add decimals © subtract decimals multiply decimals * divide decimals itheberrechtlich geschitztes Material Multiplying Decimals You need to be able to fallow a simple set of rules: © Ignore the decimal points (!) « Perform the multiplication. © Put in the correct number of decimal places (add together the number of decimal places from first number to those in the second number). ‘Workep EXAMPLE 3 0.45 x 0.321 Step 1 — Ignore the decimals Step 2 — Perform the multiplication Step 3 — 0.45 has 2 decimal places (d.p.) 0,321 has 3 d.p. 24+3=5dp. Put in the decimal point so that the answer has 5 decimal places. 0.14445 So 0.45 x 0.321 = 0.14445. WorKED EXAMPLE 4 0.201 x 0.3 201 x3 w 0.201 has 3dp. O.3has 1d.p. Tap. Number == 9 0.0603. You need to add in an extra zero. 0.201 x 0,3 = 0.0603, Dividing Decimals ‘The steps are similar: « Ignore the decimal places. « Perform the division. Put the correct number of decimals calculated from (Number of decimal points in the first number) — (Number of decimal points in the second number), [ Workep Exampte § 0.48 =2dp. 0.12 =2dp. 2-2 = O (ie. no change) $00.48 +012 = 4, —EEE Worked Examp.e 6 0.121 0.11 Nets ll 0.121 =3dp. O11 =2 3-2=1 $0 0.121 + 0.11 = 1,1 dp, placed so answer has 1d.p. << Wonrken Exampte 7 0.16 + 0.004 16+4=4 0.16 =2dp. 0.004 10 == GCSE Mathematics (This means put in one zero at the end and move d.p. one place to the right). So 0.16 + 0.004 = 40. Beware! © BODMAS will apply at all times. Writing a Recurring Decimal as a Fraction Workep ExamPLe 8 07 Letx = 07, This has a one digit repeated so work out 10x. 10x =7.7 Subtract 9x = 7 <— The repeated number cancels out — Worked ExampLe 9 Write 0.13 as a fraction. 0.13 has a 2 digit repeat. So work out 100x.. 00x = 12.12 Subtract x= 0.13 ra12 12 99 4 (lowest term). Changing Decimals to Fractions You need to remember your place value headings that you leamed in primary school. Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths Thou- sandths and so on. — Workep Example 10 0.304 ‘This final number falls in the thousandths column. So 304 0.304 = Ton (lowest term), TT ‘Workep Exampte 11 1.58 ‘The final digit falls in the hundredths column. So 58 1S8= 175 29 (lowest term). Exercises Topic 3~ Decimals 1. Find the sum of the following decimal numbers: 3.56, 2.09, 0.065, 15.39, 1.70 without the use of a calculator. 2. Evaluate: 3.79 + 1.99 + 0.97 + 0.005 without the use of a calculator. 3. Determine the difference between 37.99 and 22.01, without the use of a calculator. 4, Evaluate: 25.09 — 16.98 without the use of a calculator. 12. 13. . Find the product 1.95 and 0.67, without the use of a calculator. . Evaluate: 15.69 x 0.87 without the use of a calculator. . Evaluate the quotient of 0.96 divided by 0.08, without the use of a calculator. . Evaluate: 431 without the use of a calculator. . Write the following recurring decimals as frac- tion: (40,13 (60.33 (e) 1.35 (a) 6.87 (c)0.93 (0.66, Show clearly all the steps. . Convert the following decimals to fractions: (a)0.607 (b) 0.65 (c) 1.35 (d) 2.75 (2) 0.00125 (1) 6.25. . Without the use of a calculator, add the follow- ing: (a) 1.011 + 0,0003 + 2.046 (b) 2.003 + 0.003 + 1.003. ‘Subtract 1.999 from 2.000, Multiply: (a) 0.97 x 0.369 (b) 3.767 x 1.001. . Divide 4,769 by 0.0023, 15. 4.765 x 23.9 = 113.8835, Find the following answers without the use of a calculator: (a) 476.5 x 0.239 (b) 0.4765 x 239 1138835 1388.35 ©9765 . Find the following recurring decimals as fractions: (a) 0.67 (b)0,78 (ce) 1.773, . Express 0.335 as # where W and Dare integers. . Change the following decimals to fractions: (a) 0.825 (b) 0.125 (c) 1.35 (d) 3.725. 1.56 + si um 0.99 N 3a a= Number == 11 255 Remember the carry . 7.65 - Difference 3.98 3.67 Remember the borrow 16.25. Product 3.64 Ignore the decimal points. 6500 — Find the result, count the decimal 9750 points, insert now the decimal 4875 point, 59,1500 2.56 Quotient TS. Ignore the decimal point, divide =0,16 256 by 16 which is equal to 16 and then shift the decimal point two places to the left. 1.67 = 1.67676767.... x 100 1.67676767... = 167.676767... Therefore 1.67 = 4. N . 2.756 = D Find N and D which are integers. 2756 689 2.756 = T006 = 250 689 is a prime number and cannot be simplified, 377 100 N 888 tLe 0.888 = 5 = To00 ~ 135 by cancelling down 12 == GCSE Mathematics 888 x8 1000 1258 125° Topic 4 ~ Irrational Numbers An irrational number is one which cannot be written in the form § where a and b are integers. Common irrational numbers for GCSE are 2, /2 and 4/5. All terminating or recurring decimals are rational, A square root sign does not automatically’ make the answer irrational, e.g, V4 = 2 which is rational. | Beware! Itis possible to add or subtract 2 irrational numbers to get a rational number. It is possible to multiply or divide 2 irrational numbers to get a rational number. ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 1 Find two distinct (i.c. different) irrational numbers a and & such that a + bis rational a=lin b= 3-2 + Note the trick(Add the irrational part in one. Subtract the same irrational part in the other) ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 2 Find two irrational numbers such that the perimeter of this rectangle is rational. eg. a= 2tn b= 6-0 —EEE Workep ExampLe 3 Fig. 1 b Fig. 2 The area of this rectangle is rational although @ and b are irrational. Find values for a and b. a= 2V2 3 b=. v2 The trick is to multiply by the irrational part in one number and to divide by the sume irrational part in the second one. Proof by Contradiction It is possible to prove a number is irrational by assuming that it isn’t! ‘Workep Exampte 4 Prove that ¥/2 is irrational. Assume that ./2 is rational. ie. v=o $ where a and b are integers and have no common factors. Square both sides 2p isa multiple of 2 and is therefore even. So a? is even as well and so a is even, This means a= 2c eds dc? Substitute this 4c? = a? ide by 2 both sides. det = i? By the same thought process is even and therefore bold, We started by saying vias ? but a = 2c and b= 2d and therefore a and # have a common factor 2. ‘We started by saying a and # have no common factor. A contradiction. «V2 is not rational ie. 4/2 is irrational, ExeRrcises Topic 4 ~ Irrational Numbers 1. The square roots of the prime numbers are irrational numbers, Are the squares of irrational numbers always rational? Explain by giving an example. 2. Sketch five right angle triangles whose vertical sides are unequal. (a) The hypotenuse is rational and so are the vertical sides. (b) The hypotenuse is irrational and the vertical sides are rational. (c) All three sides are irrational. (d) The hypotenuse is rational and the vertical sides are irrational. (e) The hypotenuse is irrational, one vertical side is rational and the other irrational. Insert the numbers on the diagrams that you have chosen. #12, #13, “14. “15. 16, 17. 18. Number == 13 . Simplify the following surds: (a) V4_(b) V2. (c) W8_(d) VIB (e) ¥500 (W458. (g) V48__ (hy VT000 (i) V123(j) B00 (k) 300. The term surd is derived from the word absurd, . Simplify the following surds: (a) 3/12 x43 (by 125 x SVS (c} ¥243 x V27 (a) 260 x VTS. . Write down two irrational numbers between 3 and 4. . Write down two irrational numbers between | and 2. Prove that 9 is irrational. . [s a recurring number irrational? For GCSE 7 = 2 1035.f, Can you find a better and closer to x fraction? Clue-use the numbers. 113355. ). Find two irrational numbers x and y which rep- resent the sides of a rectangle such that the perimeter is rational. . The sides of a rectangle are irrational and the area is rational. Find these sides if the area of the rectangle is 50 m?. Find the value of (/15 — 2/3)? Find the value of (/5 — V/3)(W'5 + V3). +1 v3-1 The above rectangle has irrational sides as shown. Determine (a) the perimeter (b) the area. if x =2V2—1,y =2V2+1 determine the value of = 5 Simplify ,/ =. Simplify 26(2,/13 — 2/3). Simplify the quotient ~VB7 + VB “Difficult 47 14 am GCSE Mathematics 19, Simplify the quotient (6 = V5N6 + V5) V3I 20. a and b are two positive irrational numbers. The sum and the product are rational. Express 4 + } as a single fraction, explain why 32 or are always rational. 21. Find the value V7 x /63. 22. Find the value of kif V3 x 500 = kv5 VB - V3 23. Find the value of Vit An irrational number # 4 where N and D are in- tegers. A rational number =: 2 where N and D are integers Topic 5 ~ Significant Figures and Decimal Places This is such an easy topic but one in which candidates make silly mistakes. Decimal Places If you round a number you need to fallow simple mules: 0,1,2,3,4 rounded down which means that you do nothing to the digits remaining. 5.6.7, 8,9 rounded up which means that you increase the final digit by one. This may affect the other digits. a ‘Workep EXxampLe 1 (a) Round 2.98325 to 2 dp. (decimal places) 7 ‘This is the third dp. 3°s rounded down Answer (b) Round 4.593742 to 3.d.p. T This is the fourth d.p. 7's rounded up Answer = 4.594 {c) Round 9.999 te | d.p. T This is the second d.p. 9's rounded up, This answer is 10.0, Why? 99 + | < Itneeds to be bigger since rounding up. 10.0 Significant Figures Simple rules apply here as well. Asbefore 0,1,2,3,4 rounded down 5,6,7,8,9 rounded up. But importantly: {a) Zeros at the beginning of a number are not significant. (b) Once you start counting significant figures then zeros count. Workep ExampLe 2 24735 has 5 significant figures. Workep Exampe 3 0.00375 has 3 significant figures. Workeo EXxaMPLe 4 4034 has 4 significant figures. SS Workep EXAMPLE 5 Round the following numbers to 3 s.f. (significant figures) (a) 10.438 T is the fourth s.f. This is rounded down. 10.4 Answer (b) 478556 4,7, 8 are the first 3 s.f. 5 is the fourth s.f. This is rounded up. This makes the 8 into a 9. But the number has 6 digits before the decimal point. So your answer must have 6 digits so we fill up with zeros. Answer = 479000 (3 s.f.). 0.38950 T This is the fourth s.f. since first zero is not significant, The 5 is rounded up. The 9 becomes | bigger. eg. 0.389 +1 0.390 Answer = 0.390 (3 sf.) Ttis very important NOT to leave out either zero. «c Exercises Tople 5 ~ Significant figures and decimal Places 1. Consider the number 3.141592654 which is cor- rectto 10 significant figures. Write down the num- ber correct to: (a) nine significant figures (b) seven significant figures (c) five significant figures Number == 15 (d) three significant figures and (c) one significant figure. 2, Consider the number 0.00125. Write down this number to 2 and | significant figures. 3. Write the following numbers correct to the approximation given in brackets: (a) 0.12345 (3 s.f.) (b) 476.7 (3s.f.) (c) 46.9539 (4s.f.) (d) 00098765 (5 s.f.) (e) 0.098765 (4 5.F.) (f) 0.0098765 (3 s.f.) (g) 35x19 (35.6) (h) 137 « 679 (4s.f.) (i) 37.5 x 139.65 (3s.f) G) 479 x 0.012567 (3s.f.) (k) 29 x 39 x 767 (3 s.f.). 4. ‘The mass of the carth is calculated to be 5.976 x 10*4 kg to 4 significant figures. Write down this. mass to 3, 2 and 1 sf. 5. The electronic mass is given as 9.109534 x 1073! kg. Write down this to 3 s.f. 6. Round off to the nearest whole number the following: (a) 93 (b) 7.56 (c) 7.499 (d) 999 (e) 4.75 x 3.76 (£)0.37 x 6.99 x 37. 7. Round off the following to the nearest 10: (a) £375 (b)524kg (c) 35.95 mm (d) 10.99 m. 8 125975 to: (a) the nearest 10 (b) the nearest 100 (c) the nearest 1000 (d) the nearest 10000, Topic 6 ~ Estimations and Errors It is important to understand that 4.5, 4.50, 4.500 (and so on) are not the same, 4,5 is correct to 1 dp. (ic. the nearest tenth) 4.50 is correct to 2 d.p. (i.e. the nearest hundredth) 16 == GCSE Mathematics If 4.5 is correct to | d.p, then what are its Upper and. Lower bounds? 44 45 46 (the number (dp) (the next number before which which has I dp.) has 1d.p.) 4.45 is half way 4.45 is the lower bound upper bound, So if d = 4.5 correct to | d.p. then 445 b If h=20 cm to the nearest centimetre and b = 10cm to the nearest centimetre, find the maximum and minimum areas. In the diagram there are three shapes, a square, arectangle and an equilateral triangle = 35 4S Ls @ (ii) ii) All the sides are given in mm and to the nearest tenth of amm. (a) Find the longest and the shortest sides. (b) Find the maximum and minimum perime- ters. 8. The sides are given to the nearest hundredth of centimetre, 5.00em ‘ . 5.00em 5.00em (a) Find the longest and the shortest height, /. (b) Find the maximum and minimum area. 9. The volume of a metal block of copper is $0 cm? to the nearest 1 cm’, the density of copper is 8.9 g/cm} to the nearest tenth. Calculate: (a) The upper bound of its mass. (b) The lower bound of its mass, Approximations 10, Write down the following numbers to the nearest thousand: (a)7399 — (b) 90501 (c) 13.099 (d) 656935 (c)75555 (f) 2599. 18 == GCSE Mathematics 11. Write down the following numbers to the nearest integer: (a)9.6 — (b) 10.7 (ce) 10.45 (d) 15.55 (e) 5.125 (f) 5.509 (g) 5.499 (h) 6.53 (i) 56.63 G) 839.6 (k) 1023.5 (1) 15 235.435, 12. Write down the following numbers to the nearest ten: (a) 29 (b) 24 () 35 (d) 127 {e) 3,059 (Ff) 5,395 (g) 6,949 (h) 79,499 (i) 856.79 (j) 7,509. 13. Find the sum of 7,679, 9,699, 10,950, 15,999. Give your answer as an approximation to the nearest (en, 14. Find the quotients of the following numbers to the nearest unit: (a) 769 by 29 (b) 79 by 23 (c) 623 by 24 (d) 87 by 4 (e) 425 by 23 (f) 576 by 26 (g) 975 by 22 (h) 699 by 28. 15. A book contains 21,976 words. Write down the number of words to the nearest (i) ten (ii) hundred (iii) thousand. Estimations 16. Without the use of a calculator, add the following estimations to the nearest ten: () 7.69 x 9.49 S78 (3.7? - 2.2%) x 103 10.49 47.9 x 8.90 24.9 (b) {c) 17. Without the use of a calculator give the answer to 1 s.f. for the following: 4.93 x 5.47 24.9 5.79 x 7.79 4.75 655 x 856 66 x 207 © (a) (by (ey 18. Estimate the following quotients to | s.f.: ® 7699 x 3333 8888 279.5 + 62.9 55.54 14.9 3.25 x 37.5 x 7.55 39.9 19. (a) Use the calculator to work out the value of FS°+435, Write down all the figures on your calculator display. (b) (c) (b) Give your answer to part (a) (oan appropriate degree of accuracy. 20, Work out an estimate for the following quo- tients: (ay 280356 gy, 27975, 77.95 401 703s“? O01" 21, Use the calculator to work out the value of z 57 (a) Write down all the figures on your calculator display. (b) Write your answer to part (a) to an appropri- ate degree of accuracy. If a measurement M, is recorded to the nearest x, then the upper bound is M + 4x, the lower bound is M— 4x where M and x have the same units. For example: (a) 1000 m to the nearest 100 m 1 (1000 + 5100) m ‘Upper bound (1000 = 3100) m Lower bound, (b) 100 m to the nearest LO m. (1090+ 5 « 10) m Upper bound (100 - ; x 10) m Lower bound. (c) 50 cm to the nearest | em. (s0+4) on 50 — 1 em 2 (d) 50 mm to the nearest | mm Upper bound Lower bound. (s0+ :) mm Upper bound (s0 - 5) mm Lower bound. (e) 50-kg to the nearest kg (0 + 3) kg Upper bound (50 - 5) kg Lower bound. Discrete and continuous data A discrete measure can only take a particular value and a continuous measure lies within a range of possible values which depends upon the degree of accuracy of the measurement. Discrete data The size of shoes, ic., 6, 64. 74.9, 10}. Discrete data can take only particular values. If 10 pupils took the GCSE Mathematics Examination, 8 pupils took the GCSE Geography Examination, 15 pupils took the GCSE English Examination, the mean number is #815 — 11, but if $ pupils took another subject then the mean M+#515+5 — 38 — 9.5. The discrete data can be an integer 11 or 9.5, both are exact numbers so the data is discrete. Continuous data Time is continuous. The age of a child now is 5 years, 255 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes and 20 s; this of course is approximate to the nearest second. Therefore quantitative data has numerical values and is either discrete or continuous. Discrete data can only take certain values, continuous data has no exact value. Number == 19 Topic 7 ~ Fractions Terminology The top of a fraction is called the numerator. The bottom of a fraction is called the denominator. Equivalent fractions are two fractions that are the 1 Lowest terms means that there are no numbers which divide into the top and the bottom of a fraction. 2 eg. 3 is in lowest terms 2 and 3 have no common factors except 1 4 = isnot in lowest terms since 4 and 8 have a common factor e.g. 4 421 $= 4 fis in its lowest terms. Improper fractions are ones in which the numerator is bigger than the denominator e.g. }. Mixed numbers are a whole number and fraction eg. 45. Ratios The proper and improper fractions may be written as ratios. The proper fraction 3 is 3 : 5 and it is read 3 to 5 and similarly the improper fraction 3 is 3:2 and it is read 3 to 2. Two similar triangles, which have the same angles but different sides are using ratios. és o> mf 3em / 4° \ Sem * fem fo" oN, /\or G07, 3em 8cm ‘Two equilateral triangles of sides 3. cm and 8 cm are shown in the figures, The ratios of the sides of the small to the large triangle are 3 : 8 and the ratios of the sides of the large to the small triangle are 8 : 3. 20 == GCSE Mathematics Taking an another example: 10cm, Sem Sem dem 3em 6cm ‘The sides are in the ratio |; 2.or2 ; 1, i,¢, in the ratio of 1 to 2 or in the ratio of 2 to 1. Example: Twenty sweets are shared among Anne, Bob and Charlie in the ratio 5; 3:2. How many sweets does each one take? Add the numbers 5+ 342 = 10, there are 10 parts, ## = 2 sweets per part, therefore Anne takes 10 sweets, Bob 6 sweets and Charlie 4 sweets, 5 x 2,3 x 2,2 x 2. Adding Fractions ‘You should expect to be able to manipulate fractions — particularly in the non-calculator paper. Practice does make perfect! Step 1 Add together any whole number parts. Step 2 With the remaining fractions, change the denomina- tors so they are the same. Step 3 Add together the numerators, changing your answer to its lowest terms. Step 4 ‘Combine the whole number and fraction parts. el WORKED EXAMPLE 1 Add 1$423 Step] 1+2=3 suep2 }+3 woes Bied steps =% sens es Workep ExamPLe 2 Add 4345 Step] 44+5=9 sep? $4)-8+8 H-8 H-8 Sep3 =H =14 Step4 444+5§ =9+14 = 104, Subtracting Fractions Step] Make any mixed numbers into improper fractions. Step 2 Make all fractions equivalent with the same denominator, Subtract the numerators. Make your answer into a mixed number. Ll WorKeD EXAMPLE 3 3_ 2 5x543 Si 1 55= Sep) 35=5 This is preparation 2d = 18+ 2 * 744) work. Never skimp 7 7 on basic preparation. sep? 287 _ 196 Ik makes your lif == es your life os easier later. 8x5 90 wi =377 196 90 Step 3 = 73 106 . == 106 = 35 = J remainder 1. 1 Step4 =3—. Sep4 8 Exam Tip If this question appeared on a ‘iailinor, paper, then use your calculator to get the answers! Workep Exampe 4 I 1 35-25 gh Boaxdel 44 gl Nt ixstl 5° 5 13xS_ 65 axs 0 lixd 44 Sx4 20 Number = 21 pgp es Sept --H see =i 21+0=Irl. I Multiplying Fractions Step | Change all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Cancel everything you can. Perform multiplications across numerator and denominator. Cancel to lowest terms — only necessary if you didn’t cancel. Change to mixed number if necessary, Step 2 Step3 Step 4 Step 5 Worked Example 5 3 1 35 x29 33 24+—3x743 7° 7 1 9 +—-2x44+1 5G 6 3 1 je 9 So 35 x2g= x F Steps 1,2 4 => 5447 5 A =75 7 remainder 5 WorkKeD EXAMPLE 6 2.43 25 x35 2.8 is=e 3° 3 3_ 15 =q 22 =m GCSE Mathematics 2 5 —— 2x3 Fe ‘Workeo ExamPte 8 403 ¢ oo \ _ 10 s+ 35 “7 158 =. s= > Dividing Fractions Step 1 Change all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Step2 Tum second fraction upside down and change “+" into “x”, Step 3 Cancel everything you can. Step 4 Perform multiplication across numerator and denominator. Step 5 Change your answer to a mixed number. —<<< WORKED EXAMPLE 7 But I have to say it again: I BODMAS applies. 2 a 8 Workeo Examete 9 18 1 2575 > Z 4 1 5 33 3 1 7.3 Wxt3= 45 =? 19 =1=109 38 10 =F Ml + ele sia Number == 23 EXERCISES Topic 7 ~ Fractions 24 == GCSE Mathematics 20, 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. 3. 32. 33. Me. 35, 36. 37. 38. 39. 3 3 4-15 16 6 10 5 53 25 15 5 a6 8 3 3 25-1- 8 3 23 9 3 35415 43 7 64 16 3 3 2=+1- arly 4 3 53-23 3 i 35-15 342 I a*673 33x45 a 3 2 TT 95 3_§ 3% 7 #7 7 1-3 a-! 1 7 I 25435535 — Bie 1 lie — + — tw wi= + t Sl— ~S . 7 3 43 1 Find the sum of 22,35 and 45. Subtract 4 from the sum of23 433. Find the difference between 3 and 35. 3 1 I = and 2— — 40. From the sum of 35 and or subtract 3 ie 3 3 41, Subtract a from the difference between 45 4 and IZ: 3 3 42. Find the product of 1 and iy 2.41 3.3242 8355255 3 1 44. B+ lag Six} 45, Simplify 34 Welk 47, 48. 49. 3 3 3 50. Multiply the sum of 3 and 25 by 25. Lowest Common Denominator (LCD) 12 3_1x6 2x4 3x3 _ 64849 _ 23 23ta a ta a aa Look forthe lowest number thatall the denominators, 2,3, and 4, will divide into, Least Common Multiple (LCM). Topic 8 ~ Sequences Sequences will be mentioned again in the algebra section. You may be asked to find subsequent terms of a sequence and, maybe, to describe how you got the next terms. You need to understand what the following expres- sions mean: Convergent, divergent, oscillating, _fibonacci. (Iterative sequences will be explored under the algebraic section). Prime Numbers and Factors; LCM & HCF Pupils/students are already familiar with the terms— prime numbers, prime faciors, Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) & Highest Common Factor (HCF) but what are the uses, a reminder is useful. Write a number as a product of prime factors. Write 96 as a product of prime factors. Using the ‘factor tree’ this is done adjacently 96 96 9 =2x3x2x2x2x2=2x2x2x 2x 3x2. HCF (highest common factor) of two numbers is the greatest number that will divide into both numbers exactly. Find the HCF of 96 and 60, %=2xIxIZxIx ID 60=2x2«3%5, 60 Therefore 2x 2x 3=HCF = 12 ie, 12 will divide 96 exactly and 12 will divide 60 exactly. of ‘s o% Number mm 25 LCM (lowest common multiple) of two numbers is the smallest number that is a multiple of both of the given numbers. The lowest common multiple is also called the least common multiple (LCM). Find the LCM of 96 and 60. 9=2xPxIXI2KIWF Oa2xZx3xs. 2x2x3x2x2e2%5= 480. We observe which numbers are common and we cross them as shown, this is HCF which we write 2x 2x3 and then we insert the remaining prime factors. Convergence A sequence converges if it gets closer and closer to some number eg. 1. The sequence gets closer and closer to 2. So this sequence converges to 2. Examples of various sequences Arithmetic sequence 3,5,7,9, IE... we observe that the terms increase by 2, 342 54+2=7,94+2=11, etc. So the common difference, is 2. We observe also, in this case, that the terms between any two given terms of the juence are called the means, 32 = 5, 42-7, Gl) —9 therefore 5,7, 11 are the means of 3 and 7, 5 and 9, 7 and 11 respectively. Geometric sequence 2, 4,8, 16, ... we observe that the terms increase by times 2, 2 x 2 = 4,2 «4 = 8,2 x 8 = I6every time the termin this case is multiplied by the common ratio 2. We observe also that there are two geometric means between 2 and 16, thatis, /2 x 8= 4, /4 x 16 = therefore 4 is the geometric mean of 2 and 8, that is, 2 x 8 =4, the geometric mean between 4 and 16 isa/4 x 165 26 m= GCSE Mathematics A harmonic sequence is a sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an arithmetic sequence 2,4, 6, 8, 10 is an arithmetic sequence. Divergence A sequence diverges if the difference between two subsequent terms increases. Oscillating A sequence oscillates if it is of the type. eg 1,-h hdl... —— ‘WoRKED EXAMPLE 1 Picture 1 Picture | needs 5 sticks. Picture 2 Picture 2 needs 9 sticks. Picture 3 Picture 3 needs 13 sticks, Draw pictures 4 and 5. Deseribe what is happening. How many sticks do you need for the 0th picture? Picture 4 Picture 4 needs 17 sticks. Picture 5 Picture 5 needs 21 sticks, The next picture needs 4 more sticks than the picture before it. I would not like to draw the 50th picture so you need 10 use a logical approach. Picture No Number of Sticks I 5=54+0x4 2 9=S+1 x4 3 13=5+2x«4 4 W=S54+3«_4 5 2=S+4x4 50 -= 5449 x 4 = 201 sticks needed. An algebraic approach to analysing sequences will be shown in the Algebra section. Base and Index (Power) The number 2°, which is read 2s two to the power three or two raised to the power of index three means Patx2x2s The 2 is called the base and the 3 is called the index or power. 23 means the hase two is raised to the index three. Other examples of base and index are: Borxdx2x2xI=HR Badu 3x3xI=8l S=5xSx5x5=625 107 = 10x 10 x 10 10 x 10x 10x 10 = 10, 000, 000 which reads ten million. The indices in the above examples are positive 1 10° Unit 10 10! Ten. 100 10° Hundred 1.000 10° Thousand 10000 = 10 Ten Thousand 100 000 10° Hundred Thousand 1.000 000 10° Million 10 000 000 107 Ten Million 100-000 000 10° Hundred Million 1.000.000 000 = 10° Billion 1:000-000.000 000. = —10!? Trillion Several of the above numbers have many dig- its and become tedious to write out fully. These numbers can be written in abbreviation as shown above adjacently. Example: (a) Write down the number 32 as a product of prime factors; 32 = 2! x 2! x 2! 2! x 2h= 2, (b) Weite down the number 81 as a product of prime factors or as power of 3. B1=3! x3! x3l x3! ast, (c) Write down the number 0000000000000 as a power of 10 10000000000000= 10! x 10! x 10! x 10! x 10! x 10' x 10! x 10! x 10! x 10! x 108 x 10! x 10! = 108, The base of this number is 10 which is multiplied thirteen times. Number == 27 It is advisable to learn the powers or indices of 2, 3 and 5, three prime numbers. The powers of 2: txaavea Uxatxateves, 2x2x2x2=2=16 2x2x2x2x2=25=32, 2x2x2x2n2x252%=64, 2x 2x2x2xK2x2x252 =128, 2x2K2K2K2xK2K2x2=28 = 256, 2% =512, and 21° = 1024. The powers of 3: 3x3=¥ 59, 3x3x3=3'=27, 3x3x3x3=3 =81, 3x3x9xK3xK3=9 5243, The powers of 5: SxS$=25=5*, Sx5x5=125=5, S5x5x5x5=625 = 5%, The reciprocal of a positive number: The reciprocal of the number 2 is 4, the reciprocal of the number 5 is 4, the reciprocal of the number 10 is H. The reciprocal of } is 2, the reciprocal of { is 5, the reciprocal of 7b is 10. Post) Low geo) gga The electronic charge is 0.00000000000000000016 = 1.6 x L0~’e = 28 == GCSE Mathematics the decimal point is shifted to the left nineteen places. The electronic mass is 9.11 x 107! kg which is equal to 0.0000000000000000000000000000009 1 1 kg. As it can be seen it has many digits and it ather clumsy, fewer digit above are used to express the same quantity. The radius of an atom, the smallest indivisible particle is of the order of 10-!® m which is equal to Fh = . the recip- rocal of ten billion or 1 x 10 0,0000000001 , the decimal point is shifted to the left, | x 10" = 10000000000, the decimal point is shifted to the right This subject is extended in the Algebra section where: we write letters instead of numbers Some examples of arithmetic indices 2! x2=2', We observe that Bue Pe aa We write the base 3 since both bases are the same, and add the indices g7-(-2) _ 5742 _ 59 ree We have considered positive and negative integers, what about positive and negative fractions? What do the following numbers mean 24, 34,53? 4/2) = V7. the power of 1 is implied the root 2 is also implied in this case. 34 6 V3? = the cube root of # = Y, 58 = 53 = 4/125 the ith root of 125. Exercises Topic 8 ~ Sequences Write down the 6th and 7th terms of the sequence PL? 947,570. . Write down the 5th and 6th terms of the se- quence, 3, 12, 27, 48,......6 . Write down the 9th and 10th terms of the se- paid quence +, $, 4..... . Calculate the nth and 50th terms: (a) 1.4, 7, 10, 13, 16,.., (b) 1.2.4, 8, 16, 32, (c) 10, 8 6, 4, 2,0, — . 2x 3,3 «4.4% 5,........ Find the next two terms. . Write the next three terms of the sequence 11,23, 5,8, ......0.065 . Write the next three terms of the sequence a, a, 2a, 3a, $a, Ba... Lidge G. a. ........ Write the next term. . 10, 20, 15, 174, 164, 167..... Write the next three terms. | Write down three terms of an arithmetic sequence. . Write down five terms of a geometric series. . Write down the geometric mean of the sequence 3, 9, 27. What is the common ratio of the sequence bad 1,30 be Sf aEe ee . Write down two harmonic sequences, . Here are the first five terms of a sequence 1,3,6, 10, 15,...,.... Find the following four terms. . Find the 4th and Sth terms: (a) 0.01, 0.0001, 0.000001, ...... .. +. Find the missing terms. +--+ What is the convergent 19, Write down a divergent sequence. 20. Write down an oscillating sequence. Topic 9 ~ Standard Form or Standard Index Form It is very important that you use standard form correctly. A number that is standard form is of the type ax 10" l x33 This has the effect of cancelling = 2x — 1 = 15 the denominator. Add I to both sides +1 +t = 16 Divide by 2 both sides +2 +2 —Saee WorkeD EXAMPLE 3 Fise+ n= 10 Multiply by 3 both sides, «3 “3 this will only cancel out the denominator. Divide hy 2 both sides 1s Minus I both sides -t =1 Sead +5 45 bvtemy Stans, c= 2 (wea). ‘As you can see, the method is always predictable. It involves you “peeling” away the left hand side until you only have x left, There are two more complications, you can have letters on both sides or you could have brackets. They merely need you to be careful. — Workep Example 4 Multiply out the bracket Add 6 to both sides Divide by 3 both sides Exam Tip O Do not write the answer'as —0.67, Fractions are: fine. SS Workep Exampte 5 Multiply out the brackets Subtract 25 from both sides Divide by 10 both sides —————— WorKED Example 6 Sx+3=2-9 Look carefully to see which side of the equation has the smallest number of x’s. In this case 2x is a smaller number of x's than Sx. Algebra == 37 You then start by cancelling out that term eg. Sxt3a2x-9 Subtract 2x from both sides 2 - an+3=-9 Subtract 3 from both sides -3 -3 ax = -12 Divide by 3 both sides +3 43 4. —— ‘Workeo Example 7 ar +5=8-5x In this example we will need to cancel out — 5x, since — 5 is smaller than 3. 3x +5=8—Sx Add 5x to both sides +5x + Sx &+5=o8 Subtract 5 from both sides -5 <5 Divide by 8 both sides EXERCISES Topic 1 ~ Solving linear equations Solve for x the following linear equations: l. 7x -5=30 2. 12e+1=85 3. 9x —-2=25 4. 8x4 12=92 5. 5Sx+4=79 6. 3x-29=7 7. x +5) = 15 38 == GCSE Mathematics 8. 4x — 3) = 20 9 Wa - 1) =49 10. 1a +9) = 121 1. A(w = 3) = 24 12. 447 =12 15. 9x +9= 72 . $-5=10 f4+7=16 ie =} D Rb ee a + 1 ne i s rs & x RS t] we 29, 3 31. 4x + 1) =5 32. 3(x = 3) = 4x = 2) 1 34. 24+ 1 35. 14+1=3 36, 3x-S=Sr-3 37. Ix-1=6 38. 9x +2=20 39. Sx +1 =36 W. ¢4+4=6 4 43. 3+ 1) =9 44, 52x - 1) =25 AS. 3x -—Lexr+5 65. (3x — 12x + 3) = (2x + 1)Gx — 2) 66. 1.2(2x — 3) = 2.3¢x — 1) 67. 2(1.5x — 2.1) + 0.8 = 2(2.4x = 3.5) 68. Solve the following linear equations: (a) 3 +4) - 22-3) = 24 (b) 52x - 1) + 3x —4) = 22 (c) 105 — x) —4(x —5) = 0 69. A scalene triangle has sides 3x + 5, 7.x + 2 and. 4x +3. The perimeter is equal to 80 m. Find the value of x and the sides of the triangle. 70. An equilateral triangle has sides 3x + 6, 2x +9 and 5x. Find the value of x. 71. Mr. Smith is 7 years older than his wife, and 24 years older than his daughter. Their ages add up to 149 years. Determine their ages. 72. A father is four times the age of his son. After six years the father will be three times as old as the son. How old would the son then be? in solving linear equations we can do the following: Add a number to both the left and right sides of the equation, Subtract a number from both the left and right sides of the equation. Multiply by a number both sides. Divide by a number both sides. ‘Whatever we do to the left, we do to the right. The most important step, cross multiply § = $ i.e. (ad = be) multiply diagonally. We can do many more complicated steps: Square both sides. Square root both sides. Cube root both sides. Take the reciprocals on both sides. Topic 2 ~ Quadratic Equations Quadratic equations arc equations involving x*. There are three distinct ways of solving quadratic equations: (i) By factorising. (ii) By use of the formula. (iii) By completing the square. You will need to get clues from the GCSE question as to whether method (i) will work, Not all quadratic equations factorise and if the question asks for the an- swer correct to 2.d_p.or3s.f. then itdoesn’t factorise. You need to practise this topic until you feel com- Petent and are sure that you could do any question posed. Algebra =m 39 Factorising and Solving Quadratic Equations avdbr+es0a=1 Equations with x? only —— ‘Workeo EXAMPLE 1 P+ 5e44=0 te look for two numbers two numbers which that add to give +5 multiply to give +4 +4, +1 So(x +4 +1) = 0. The only way the product can be zero is if either factor is zero. So(x+4)=0 or (a+ D=0 << Workep Exampe 2 Factorise and hence solve: G) 2-3. =0 (ii) x? —7x —8=0 (ii) 4x? - 49 = 0, @ P-3r=0 no constant means that x is a factor a(x -3)=0. So either x ) e—In-8=0 (x — 8x + 1) =0 eitherx -8=0 or 40 == GCSE Mathematics (ii) 4x7 -49 = 0 This is very important. There are no .x’s — so be ready for the differ- ence of two squares. 4x? - 49 = (2x)? — (77. This is a difference of two squared quantities. You need to be able to spot a _ BP and know that @-iP =(at+b)a—b). So4x? 49 = (2x -7 = (2x + 7)(2x — 7). So if4x? —49=0 then (2x + 7)(2x = 7) = 0. So2r+7= 2x x= Equations with more than x* ax? + bx + wherea # 1 ‘These take practice. There is no way to lear how to do these other than practising. — Workep ExaAmpLe 1 2x + Sx—3 i Only way to get Only way to get Deis de xx -fis-1x3o0rlx-3 Now try all of the combinations. 20 + Sx —3 = (2e— 1Ne +3). Hence solve Qn? +50 = 3. We need a little amount of rewriting to 2a? 45x 3=20. We need zero on the right hand side. ie. (2x — 1x +3) 50. Therefore either Qr-1)=0 or x+3=50 [RAR] You can only do this if you have zero on ‘one side, EE WorkeED ExaMPLe 2 Factorise: (a) 3x2 - 7x +2 (b) 4x? = 120 +5 (c) 6x? + 13x —5 Ans. (a) 3x2 — Tx 2 (Gx — 1-2) ae ete ~Ix-2orlx2 dyxx 26 = 402 12n¢5.= Qe ~ 52-1) cither’—35 x —1 5x1 either 4x x or eX 2x or has to be — 5 x — | since coefficient of x is negative, « - ~ OD G24 Wer 5 = Ort 9Gr~ 1 J bx xx or 2x x 3x —5x1 or 3 x-1 now try all of the combinations to find the one that works. Using the Formula to Solve a Quadratic Equation If you are asked to solve a quadratic equation, you are looking for numerical solutions that make the original equation correct. The most important step that you make is that you rearrange the equation so that you have one sideequal to zero. Wax? +bx +c = Othen =b+ JP -4ac — rs — Workep EXAMPLE 1 Find the solution of 3x? + 5x - 1 -StJI5—4xIx-1 2x3 _-tv5en 6 since we have 25 — (— 12) _ -stVH “6 —5+V37 -5- Ji Sox =——F— x= 6 8 Qdp) = =1.85(2dp). Check — add your two solutions “0.18 + (—1.85) = —1.67 b oS a 3 =-167 Qdp) They agree!! This can be a very simple check to ensure that you have the correct solution. 2-3 =0, This is easy 10 factorise and solve xQe=)=0 x=0 of 2= But it is not always easy to spot the factors so use the formula to solve the equation. 2-2 =0; b= c=0 _ Et ETP 4x2 x0 2x2 Hint ae © Some calculators will give —1? as —I!! If you want to square’ “negative numbers — you may swish to put them in a bracket. EXERCISES Topic 2 ~ Quadratic equations Factorise the following quadratic expressions: 1. xt4+x-2 2. xP Ix +12 42 =m GCSE Mathematics J at pdx 5 |. x? — VL + 28 x? le +30 x — 15.0 + 56 wt 81-9 P+ Gx — 55 Snow & w Factorise the following tinomial expressions: 9. x2 x6 10. x7 + 15x +56 I. x? — 4 = 56 12. 43x42 13, x? ~ Se +6 14. x74 11x +30 1S. 7 — 3x42 16. 2-1-2 17, x? + Sx +6 18, x7 +. — 56 W. ae —6 20. x? -7x 412 21. x? — 15x 450 22. x2 4+x-12 23, x? -x-12 24. x? +x -— 30 25, x7 =x — 30 Factorise the following quadratic functions: 26. 2x? — 3x41 27, 3x74 8x +4 28. 4x? + 15x +9 29, Ix? — 40x + 25 30. 7x? — 30x — 25 31. 9x? — 48x — 36 32. 6x? — Sx +41 33, 6x? +5x-1 M, 6x7 +5x +1 35, dx? ~ 12v +9 36, 9x? + 30x +25 37. 25x? + 10x41 Find a and b for the following by equating co- efficients: 38. x? —Sxr+7=(x+aP +b 39, xP 47x -9S(x tah +b 40. P—de42e(¢ +a +b al. x? —6x —3=(x+aP 4b 42. x7 4+8x-Ss(x+ay—b 43. Factorise the quadratic expressions 1 to 25 by completing the square method. 44, Sketch the graphs of the quadratic expressions 1 to 25. 45. Indicate the coordinates of the points of the in- tersections with the axes of the quadratics 1 to. 25 on the graphs of question 44. 46, By equating | to 25 to zero find the values of x. (RGB) When factorising a quadratic expression there are several methods. The most elementary method is — by sight method. Look at the constant term of the quadratic expression x? +x —2, that is, -2=2x-1= -2e1,2-1=1,-24+1=-1, therefore x? + & —2= (x +2." — 1). The numbers we want are 2 and —1 which add up to I and their product is —2. Another example wide 5 = (e+ SMe = 1) Look at the constant term, 5,5 =5 x -1 = 5 x 1 adding 5 and —1 gives 4 adding —5 and 1 gives —4. We want 5 and —t, which add up to 4, the coefficient of x. x? + 4x — 5 = (x +5)x —D. What happens in the case when the constant term is, say -24=—-]x2d=|] x —-24=2«-12= -2x12=3x-8=-3x8=4x-6= —4 x 6, there are 8 possible combinations. Factorise x? — 23x — 24, x? 23x -24 = (x — 24x + 1. Another very useful method is the splitting of the middle term x? — 23x —24 = x7 ~ 24x +x - 24 = x(x — 24) + = 24 = (x — 24)(a + 1). This method was used extensively when we were running the ordinary level. Factorise 7x? — 40x + 25; 7x? — 35x — Sx + 25 = Ta(x = 5) — Sx — 5) = (7x — 5(x — 5). Look at the middleterm, splititinto two terms such that add up to —40x and their product is 7x? x 25 = 175x2, ic, —40x = —35x — 5x3(—35x)(—5x) = 175x3. Another example: Factorise 25x? + 10x + 1. 25x? + 10x + 1 = 25x74 5x t5x +1 = Sx(Sx + I) + Gx + 1) = (Sx + Ge + 1). Factorise 2x7 — 3x +t. 2x? -3x+1 52x? -2r-a41= Ox(x — 1) —(e —1) = (2x — De - 1). 2x x= 3x (—2x)(—x) = 2x? the product of 2x? and 1. The best, but the most difficult method is the com- pleting the square method. x —8r—-9=(4-4F - 16-9 =(c-4P - 25 =(x-4P -3? x —4—5)x—445) (x — 9x + 1). Look at the coefficient of x, it is —8, halve it, it is —4, (x — 4)' = x? - 8x + 16 but we do not have 16, subtract from the square 16, that is, completing the square and add the constant term —9. Try again, factorise 44-5 wi ¢4y —S=(r 42% 4-5 =(r42P -9=(r4 2-7 =(e+2- HU +2+3) s(x - IX +5). Let us take a more difficult example. Factorise Tx? — 30x — 25 by completing the square x0 3 230 -25=7(02-Tx- Ta* = 30x ~ 25 (« 7 =) “I( =f(-4) 35] ~[(-3)-F-3] “[(-#)- 3] ~f{e-#)-G)] 1(--F-F)(0-F +9) = (ix + Sle — 5). These examples are intended for the A* pupils. This method must be learnt as it is the best method for factorising quadratics. Derivation of the styl? tac Sa formula x avtbrte ax? + bx +c = 0 dividing each term by a pro- vided a #0 which is the solution of Taking the square root from both sides. ee ali a dae myx = OR ee a 2a 44 =m GCSE Mothematics [EXERCISES Quadratic formula Solve correct to 3 s.f. the following quadratic equa- tions: 1, 2x?-¥-350 2x7 4+7x-S=0 3. Sx? 9x -7=0 . xt Ie - 1450 a = 5-730 x?47x-9=0 Seoanaune 10, x? + ix +4 =0. Topic 3 ~ Trial and Improvement Quadratic equations are easy to solve as they may factorise and you can always use the formula if nec- essary. However you may want to find a numerical solution to other types of equations and you will need to use atrial and improvement method. ——— Workep ExampLe 1 Find a solution to.x* +x = 17 to 2d.p. Trial and Improvement involves guesswork! Tryx=1 B 2 wo small as we need 17, So.x = 1 is too small. x=2 B4+2=8+2 = 10 too small. x=3 B43=2743 = 30 too big. We only need 17. So x = 3 is too big Obviously we need between x = 2 and x = 3. If you cannot estimate more closely then go half way. x=25 2.53 42.5 = 18.125 too big but getting closer, r=24 2.43 +2.4 = 16.224 100 small. So we need to go between 2.4 and 2.5. Try half way 2.45. x = 2.45 2.48 + 2.45 = 17.156125 ioo big but pretty close. Since substituting x = 2.45 gives an answer fairly close to that which we want, you need to try a value for x which is just a little bit smaller. Try x = 2.44 2.447 + 2.44 = 16.966784, We wanted our solution to 2 d.p.; so we know that the answer is either 2.44 or 2.45. You must try halfway between your two possible answers. eg. x = 2.445 2.445° + 2.445 = 17.06127113. This is too big. Sox = 2.445 is too big. So solution to x3 +. = 17 to 2 dp. is x= 2.44. Why try 23 d.p. solution when only 2 d.p. is needed? Some curves *wobble* between the two solutions and you cannot just look at which is closest to the solution you want. You must try the extra d.p. solution in order to be certain that you have the correct answer. — EE ‘WorKED EXAMPLE 2 Find a solution to v—2y = ITto2 dp. Try to be systematic and tabulate your results. It will ultimately take less time. ‘Soliton Too Big (TB) or Too Small (TS) P—ixisi—das TS P-2x3=n27-62521 TB 2.82 ~ 2 x 2.82 = 16.785768 Ts 2.825? — 2 x 2.825 = 16.89526563 1s 2.83 correct to 2 d.p. Exam Tip 1F @ Tabulate your results, « Be careful to use the equation you are given — by this I mean that it is easy to substitute into an incorrect equation. « This is a calculator paper question. It is very easy to pick up full marks and you must be confident that you can do any of these ques- tions. Related Topic ae Also Sce Iterations. Exercises Topic 3 ~ Trial and improvement 1. The cubic equation 2x3 — 3x? — 11x +8=0 has three solutions, one between x = —2.1 and x = —2.0, one between x = 0.6and x = 0.7 and one between x = 2.9 and 3.0. Find the three solu- tions to 2 d.p. by using the trial and improvement method. 2. Plot the graph of the cubic function y = 2x3 — 3x? — 11x — 12 between the values, x = —4and x = 4, at intervals of 0.5. Give your answers cor- rect to 2 decimal places, for the equation Algebro == 45 x3 — 3x7 — 11 +8 =O. Use the following scales: on the x-axis | cm = 0.5 and on the y-axis | cm =10, In general, cubic equations can be solved graphically and by the trial and improvement method. There is no simple analytical method in solving cubic equations. We can use systematic trial and im- provement to find approximate solutions. Solve the cubic equation awt—x-=0 eaxr+W=y. Draw the curve y = x? and the line y = x + 20. The intersection gives the solution of the cubic equa- tion. From the graph x = 2.9 2.93 — 2.9 — 20 = 1.489 too big, wry x = 2.85 2.85) — 2.85 — 20 = 0.299125 too big, uyx = 2.84 2.843 — 2.84 — 20 = 0.0066304 too big, try x = 2.835 2.8357 — 2.835 — 20= — 0.049467125 too small, try +=2.838 2.838°—-2.838-—20=0.019944471. Try x = 2.837 2.8379 — 2.837 — 20 = —0.003209747. ‘The answer is between 2.838 and 2.837, say 2.8375. 2.8375? — 2.8375 — 20 = 0.008365. ‘The graphical solution is more approximate than the trial and improvement method. 46 == GCSE Mathematics 3. Draw the graph for y = —2x? + 5x — 3 between the values x = 0 and x = 2 at intervals of 0.2. State the coordinates of the maximum point. Use the tral and improvement method to solve —2x' + Sx ~2.5 = 0to2d_p. when the solution lies between x = 0.6 and x = 0.8. 4. (i) Plot the graph of the cubic function y = x3 + 3x + 8 between the values of x = —3 and x = 2 at intervals of 0.2. Hence solve the equations: (a) PO 43x48=5 (b) 8 +3x4+8=0 (c) x* + 3x +8 5-20 graphically, correct to 1 d.p. (ii) Use the trial and improvement method to give the solutions correct to 2 d.p. $. Use the tial and improvement method to solve the quadratic equation x7 — 2x ~2=Oto3dp. Topic 4 ~ Simultaneous Equations Simultaneous equations are where you are trying to find one pair of solutions, which satisfy two different equations. eg. Ifx=4 and 20 then 2e-y=10 x+2y=0. Here there is one pair of solutions (x = which satisfies two different equations. Your method differs slightly depending on the sign of the coefficients of the letter, SS Workep Exampte 1 Method I Here we have the same number of x's and we have the same sign (i.e, both +). So same number, same sign Subtract the two equations. Remember that you have to subtract like terms, attyas * a T \ r-x=O yo t-y) 5-1 So nothing ta write down Woy Divide by 2 both sides y ‘You have not finished because you have only found ‘one of the solutions. You need to go back to one of the original equations and always choose the easiest equation to rearrange. eg. rty=s5 But y=2(fromabove) ox+2=5 Itis always wise to check your pair of answers in the other equation. Herex-—y= 1. Using our values for x and y xoys3-2 = | what we needed. The cheek takes a very small amount of time but allows you to be certain that you've got the answer correct, a Workep ExampLe 2 Exam Tip, > Have a healthy respect for negative signs and be careful with substitution, rialtiplication and rearranging equations. Here we cannot just add or subtract equations. If we have a look at *x" then we have ‘3x" in the first equa- tion and ‘x’ in the second equation. So we have to rewrite the equation so that they do match. If we multiply every term in the second equation by 3 then terms would match. axt+y=-l 2) x-2y=-3 2-2) Label the equations Tell the examiner what you are doing | ay 3at¢y=-l Q)x3 3a — Gy = —154— make sure Same number of ‘that you multiply | x's so subtract. this term as well This means you are leaving equation (!) alone and multiplying equation (2) by 3 dy = 14, yoo) -1- C1. If 7y = 14 then ¥ When you substitute to find the other part of the so- lution, you must always use-one of the original equa- tions, This is to avoid errors. I would use 3r+y=-l 3x4+2=—1 Substitute for y 3x=—3 Subtract 2 from both sides -! Divide by 3. Algebra == 47 You have not finished as you should check your an- swers in the other equation. x-2ys-3 x-2y=-1-2x2 -i-4 5 As required es ‘Workeo Example 3 What's the worst they can throw at you? 3x -Sy=-10 tet y=9. If we look at the coefficients of x they are not equal in size nor do they have the same sign. For just a second ignore the minus sign and the coefficients are 3 and 2. The LCM of 3 and 2 is 6. So we will multiply equa- tion (1) by 2 to get 6x. We will also multiply equation (2) by 3 to get — 6x, Don't forget to remember the negative sign now!! Your solution should look like. 3x - Sy sel) =.) (l) x2 6x — 10y = —20 (2) x3 6x + 3y=27 Ly \ If we add these equations. = —10y+3y —20+27 ‘then x term will cancel as. 6x + (— 6x) =0 48 == GCSE Mathematics Which equation is best to substitute into to find x? There is not much in it. So choose one of them and be careful of negative signs. 3x Sy =-10 ar=5Sx=1=—10 (Substitute for y) — 5 from both sides + 3 both sides: ie. Sx+5=-10 ar =~15 Does It Work? Cheek in the other equation. -Iyty=-2x-S+(-1) =10-1 =9, As required, Exam Tip | Ifyou have worked out the answer: write it down and underline it clearly. eg. There may be a space on the answer line in which to write your answer and you should do this, You may be asked to solve the equations graphically. This means that you have to draw both lines and read off the point of intersection, You may need to use a table of values. ———— Workep Example 4 Find the pair of solutions which satisfy x + y =2 and y = 3x — 2. In order to draw a line you need 3 points. Officially you only need 2 points to draw a line but you could make a mistake and it is unlikely that you would make the same mistake each time. xty=2 means that we are looking for a pair of numbers that when you add them you get 2 as the answer. eg. 2+0=2 — Sa(2,0) isa point onthe line 0+2=2 — Se(0,2)is a point onthe line 1+1=2 — Soi, 1) isa point on the line. Plot these points carefully. Join them up the line. and label y For the other line y=3x-2 Ifx=1, yo3x1-2 =! (1, 1) is on the line. We=0, y=3x0-2 =—-2 (0, —2) is on the line, ifx=-l, y=3x- =-5 (- + 75) is on the line, ‘On the same axes plot these points carefully and label the line. Where do these lines cross-over or intersect? At the point (1, 1) So the solution is Exam Tip a If you use an algebraic methed when told to use a graphical method then you will get no marks, Also expect whole number solutions. Most of the time this will be the case (although not always) and do not be scared if you get one of the solutions to be zero. It is possible! Algebra == 49 8. 05x -3 O.Lx + 9. Sx +2, 4x +5 10. Lixty x+L2y= i. a+7 4x — Sy =23 Solve the following linear equations simultane- ously: 12. 4x43 206 Qn +2: 14 13. 3x —7. 179 I+, 219 14. x+y=60 10x + 3y =355 —= EXERCISES 15 de-y=7 _—— x+2y=0 Topic 4 ~ Simultaneous equations 16. Solve graphically the simultaneous linear equations: 0 i. 18. 2. 19, x+3y=46 3. Sx-y=38 20 xtys7 4. axn+ y= 16 21 5. 22. check your results algebraically. Solve algebraically the following linear simul- 23. tancous equations: 6. 3x -dy=23 24, —r+) 7 Sx +4y=—-5 25, —4x—3y=5 50 == GCSE Mathematics 26. Sx - 4y=9 45. -le+4y=-11 27. 46. 28. 47. 29, 26x — 25y = 50 48. 30. . Choose convenient values for.x and y, as integers, and take three or more points. 31. In solving the simultaneous linear equa- 32. 05x —03y=6 tions analytically, organise them as follows: = Sx + Ty = 46 ~D 33. tmy=2 -Q)y Multiply (2) by 7 and rewrite (1) ¥. Sx Ty =46 +) Ta-Tysl4 of) 35, x — Ty (ay Add (3) and (4) 36, 12x = 60 x= 37. Substitute this value in (2) 2 s- 38. 5.3x+4.5y=5 4.5x + ly 39. The simultaneous linear equations or systems of two unknowns x and y have a solution if the respee- 40. tive straight lines intersect at a point. If the lines are parallel, there is no solution. If the lines are the same, 4. then the lines touch at every point and there are. an finite number of solutions. All these exercises given have a solution and can be solved graphically but 42. their solutions in most cases would be approximate. ‘The analytical solution will give the answers exactly. 43, It is an important topic in algebra and should be mastered. Solve graphically the simultaneous equations: Topic 5 ~ Changing the Subject of a Formula 44, —3x 4 4y 23 Strange as it may sound, this is like peeling an orange. r-y= If you know how to make the equation given your letter then by doing the opposite (putting the peel back on) you will change the subject. —— Workep Exampte 1 Make y the subject of ay=b=7. Look at left hand side: [f T started with the letter y, 1 would multiply by a, subtract b then I would have the right hand side. So do the opposite. You add b to both sides then divide both sides by a togety. Add & to both sides Divide by a. Exam Tip You do bot mean. y= 7+b +a. So don't write it. 7 + b +a means divide & by a first and add onto 7. —— Workep Example 2 Make x the subject of a(x —b)=d, Think about left hand side, Starting with x, you subtract b then multiply by a and you get the answer d. a(x —b)=d. So do the opposite. Divide by a both sides d a-b=- a Algebra =m 51 add & to both sides ——— WorkKED Example 3 Make z the subject of 32° 4515. But, [hear you say, this is an equation. What has that got to do with changing the subject of a formula? They’re the same thing! On the left hand side Start with z. You would square it first. Then Multiply by 3. Then Add 5. This would give you the right hand side. So, to make z the subject, 3° +55 15. Subtract 5 from both sides WorkeD EXAMPLE 4 Frequently you get asked to make v the subject if Add 1? to both sides vi =u? +2as, Square root both sides 52 == GCSE Mathematics = Vu? +2as. BUT, they always give 3 marks for these questions and they are waiting for you to say: vou+v2as. This is WRONG. ‘You cannot square root each term as you have a "+" sign between the terms and not ‘x’ or =". —— Workeo Exampie 5 Make / the subject. Think about the right hand side. What would you do to! to getto T? i First: Divide by g gives a Second: Squareroot ft ‘Third: Multiply by 2 Now we've got to T So let's do the opposite: T=2]-. 8 Divide by 27 both sides ze /t ox g You need brackets to everything is squared. Finally multiply by g both sides indicate that rata. & Make g the subject. i Exam Tip ay) You need to remember that the inverse operation. (ie. opposite operation) 10 a reciprocal is a r reciprocal! Look at right hand side Start with g. To get g onto the bottom of a fraction, you take the reciprocal ie. }. Then multiply by / Then square root. Then multiply by 27. Then (Phew) we've got to T. Let's do the opposite. Pee & Divide by 2 both sides refi lz VE Square both sides (Don't forget the brackets). Divide both sides by f Take the reciprocal of both sides 1 ¢t\? 1+(-(Z))=e This left hand side can be simplified. Remember that dividing by a fraction is the same as tuming the sec- ond fraction upside down and multiplying. 1=(1-(#))=* Workep ExampLe 7 ‘What happens if you have the letter that needs to be the subject of the equation on both sides? Make x the subject eg. 23x+7)Sax+b, First Step Tf there are: any brackets, multiply them out 6x4 l4=ar4h 2xK3r 2X7 Second Step Bring your letter to one side and any term not involv- ing your letter to the other side 6-14. 6x —ax = Third Step Factorise your letter x(6-a)=b— 14, Fourth Step Make your letter the subject Algebra == 53 Workep ExamPLe 8 ax+b=c-dx, Make x the subject. First Step Add dx to both sides Subtract b from both sides ax+dx=e—b. Second Step Factorise x xa+d)=c~b, Third Step Does it matter which side I move my'x to? - Yes. Try to minimise the number a Sea signs in your final answer. EXERCISES Topic 5 ~ Make the subject of or re-arrange the formula or transpose the formula (Re-arranging or transposing) 1. Make x the subject of the following equations: (a)3x4+5=1 (b) y =5x -7 ()y=t+30. 2. Make ! the subject of the formula 7 = 2/2. 3. Make r the subject of the equation A = ar’. 4. Make g the subject of the equation T = anf. 54 =m GCSE Mathematics 5 -_! 5. Transpose the formula f = =—tr= to make (a) C the subject of the formula, (b) L the subject of the formula. 6. Express 2 in terms of f, L and C 1 IrvLC 7. The volume of a sphere of radius r is given by the formula 43 Ve ger. Make r the subject of the equation atrth is the volume of a cylinder with base radius r and height 4. Make r the subject of the equation. 9, (a) Make x the subject of the following equa- tions: @).x? + y? =9(i) Yay =e (ii) (b) Make y the subject of these equations. Find r in terms of A and @. If 6 = 10 then calculate r. - for R, +5eh find the value of t ifa = Sand b = 2. 14, Make y the subject of the equation Transpose the following formulae and make the symbol adjacent to each formula, the subject of the formula: 15. F = 22/8, for! 16. A= ar, forr mr} forr 18. Saari +a, for! 19. § = 4777, forr 20.2 = ip for Vv 21 A= for r 22. A= nar, for sinc 23. A= br ~ br? sin, forr 24. F = me), for g 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 36, 37. Ry v=u-+ar, forr v? = a? + 2as, for s Ay = qhq. fora aR Ay = St, for Ry A, = "¢8L, for Ry r= /F.toro | Ry = Spe, for a, =r Ae ah for Ay for uw . Os 2 + sind, forr . b= 5, for 7 r= JF tora l=2 —r, fors 4l. 42. 43. 45, 46, 47. 48. 49. E = 4mv?, forv r= /724). fora se P= i, forv ar =), ford r=/Btora ta = 4, fora ttt = 4 fort fay ce fork poi for C Sh. ax? + hx +e = 0, forx 6L. 62, 63. a = = fee fora Roll rary) X_=2af.b and Xe= spe: WP Xe = Xe show that f, = me frye hed ti way ty of X and Xp. ifi= ink? ind a formula for X, in terms make n the subject of the equa- tion and find its value if J =5, 8 = 100,r = 1000, E = 10-000. . B= 73; fore Te" for 6 n= BED. for Ts We=tLP,forl = }1W2 — 411}, for 1 W = 1CV2, for ¥ . F = FS, forr hf =o + pmu3,,, for Vmax . Make r the subject of the following: (a) A=ar? (b) V = Sar? (0) S=4ar? (Wd) Verrh(e)S ne? + Qarh, (x7 + y? h) V = /Zgr (i) E = yr? Algebra == 55 Re-arranging a formula, or changing the subject of a formula or transposing a formula is another very important topic in algebra. Many ex- ercises were chosen from various topics of physics, electrical and electronic disciplines where we require to find a different letter for the subject of a formula and thus making new formulae, A reminder of sub- stitution in Topic 7 is included which is relevant to this topic. All the tricks used in solving linear or quadratic equations we used here again. The most im- portant is the cross multiplication § = 9 from which Topic 6 ~ Solving Linear and Quadratic Inequalities Linear Inequalities There is very little to remember that is different to solving equations, There is only one important fact: ‘If you multiply or divide through by a negative number then you change the direction of the inequality. Symbols Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to. WaAWY 56 =m GCSE Mathematics —— Workeo Exampte 1 Sr+1>17 —1 from both sides Sx > 16 divide by 5 To represent this on a number line 3.2 An open circle means you do not include 3.2. ——— ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 2 ~S<2v+1s19 This is no harder than before! Instead of doing something to both sides of the inequality, you do it to all three sections. -S<2r+1<19 —I from all three sections ~6 < 2x Divide by 2 in all three sections 3er3. Why this way around? Inthe line above the answer, the inequality is pointing towards the 3 which is why it still points towards the 3 in the answer. Workep Exampce 4 2x —§ < 10-3r, What happens if] don't move the smallest number of x (in this case on the right hand side since —3 < 2)? ‘You must remember the statement from the begin- ning. 2x5 < 10—3x. Subwact 2y from both sides -5< 10-Sx. ‘Subtract 10 from both sides -18 <—Sr In order to get x on its own, you need to divide by —5. This will change the direction of the inequality. dex Inequality swapped over i.e, xsi ‘Quadratic Inequallties The method for solving quadratic inequalities is much like that for solving quadratic equations. ————E Workep EXAMPLE 1 Solve 4 3r < 10. Bring to one side x 43r—10<0 Factorise (x +5) -2) < 0 If we sketched this equation ie. y= (x + 5x — 2), we would get —S5 and 2 are the critical values ice. where the curve crosses the x-axis. {= 5, 0) (2,0) If we want (e+ 5) —2) <0 Algebro == 57 We want the section where the curve is below the x-axis. i. ein this case we don’t include the end points. —— Workep Example 2 Solve x16 all on one side 2-160 Factorise (x + 4x —4) 20. The critical values are 4 and —4, and the sketch is as follows: ‘ (-4, 0) (4, 0) ‘We want (x +4Xa- 420 ie, the section above the x-axis. So the required sections are 224 and x< -4. Students are often tempted to write two distinct sec- tions into one inequality, DO NOT do that!! 58 == GCSE Mathematics — ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 3 Solve 30x? < Sx +10. All onto one side 30x? —Sr-10 <0. Factorise using a common numerical factor 36x? — x —2)<0. Pactorise the quadratic S5(3x ~ 22x +1) <= 0. Critical values are x = 3 and x = —} (from each factor equalling zero). Sketch the curve: ye 33x-2420+1) ‘We want the section where SGx-2)24+ <0 ie, the area below the x-axis. Required section is EXERCISES. Topic 6 ~ Solving linear and quadratic inequalities 1. Find the range of values of x which satisfies the following inequalities: (i) }>3 (ii) * > 6 2x-1>1 (iv) 3x +5 >8 (vy) Sx—-1<9 (vi) 1 -4x > -3 (vil) 3 — > 9 (viii) 20x — 1) < 20 (ix) 7x — 1D < 14 (x) Hx - 2) < 2-1) (xi) f+ 54 9 > 121. 2. Find the integers that satisfy the inequalities by considering the number lines. (i) -3 best (vil) Gx + I)(2x — 1) < (6x — 3xx —2) (viii) (Gx — 1)(2x +2) > (2 + 16x — 5) (ix) 4< 2r+9<8 (x) Sx —7 > 3x -12>6x—11, 3. Solve the following quadratic inequalities: (i) @ — Die -3) <0 Gi) (+ Dia -3) <0 (x — 7x -3)>0 (iv) Gx — 4)Qx = 1) 20 W)ate—1) <2 (vi) x42) > 3 (vii) > 4 (viii) 27 29 (ix) 9x? > 25 &) x? -6r4920 4. Solve y =x? 3er<5, 5. Solve y =x? der 27, 6. Solve 45>0, 7. Solve vr +9>0. 8 Solve = (4-3 +4>0. 9, Write down the quadratic inequality which sat- isfies the inequality 2 3andx < -1. LL. Write down the quadratic inequalities that sat- isfy the following set of values of x: (a) 2ex <5 (b) x = —-30rx > ()3sx<4 (d) -2 () x <-2V2orx > 22 (g) xs —-2orx > 2. were Linear inequalities are treated like linear equations. Add a number from both sides, subtract a number from both sides, multiply both sides by a number and divide both sides by a number EXCEPT when we multiply or divide by a minus number the inequality changes. A simple example in arithmetic is -2 < —1, Multiply or divide by —1 both sides, it gives 2 > 1, the inequality changes and of course (-1X-D = (+1). To solve quadratic inequalities there are several methods. Example: <0. Sketch the graph (x — I(x — 2) (x — 1) — 2) > 0 or (x = 1)(x — 2) If (x — 1)(x — 2) > 0, we use the graph above the Algebra == 59 x-axis, therefore x > 2orx < 1. f(a — I) - 2) = 0, 11,0) 09 we use the graph on x-axis 1

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