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1 164 CRPC NA

2 354 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

504 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

3 506 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

4 509 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

5 306 IPC Session Court Non Bailable

6 323 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

7 334 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable
7 320 IPC Any Magistrate
Cognizable & Compundable

8 291 IPC Any Magistrate

Cognizable & Compundable

9 Trial By Non Bailable

402 IPC POCSO Court

10 392,394 IPC
Magistrate First
Class & Non Bailable

11 399 & 402

IPC Session Court Non Bailable

12 376 IPC Session Court Non Bailable

13 120 B IPC

14 467 , 468 IPC

Magistrate First ClassNon Bailable

15 Magistrate First ClassNon Bailable

471 IPC

16 66c IT Act
Magistrate First Class Bailable

17 438 IPC Session Court Non Bailable

18 437 & 439 IPC Court/High Bailable
19 498 A IPC Family Court Bailable

20 201 CE Magistrate
ACT First Class Bailable

21 193 IPC
Magistrate First Class Bailable
22 243 NCE Any Magistrate NA
23 149 IPC
Magistrate First Class

452 IPC Any Magistrate Non Bailable

326 IPC
Magistrate First
Class & Non Bailable

335 IPC
Magistrate First
Class & Non Bailable

341 IPC Magistrate FirBailable


a magistrate can record a person's statement or confession during a

Assault of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her mode
Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to
outrage her modesty, 1 [shall be punished with imprisonment of eit
one year504
butIPC punishes
which a person
may extend to who willfully
five years, andoffends someone
shall also to
be liable
them to commit
Punishment an offence
for criminal or act in a —Whoever
intimidation. way that jeopardizes
commits, public
the offeo
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
cause death or grievous hurt, etc.

Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any

Abetment of suicide. — If any person commits suicide, whoever abe

with imprisonment of either description for a term which may exten

Whoever, except in the case provided for by section 334, voluntaril

either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with

Whoever voluntarily causes hurt on grave and sudden provocation,

cause hurt to any person other than the person who gave the provo
description for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine
The following kinds of hurt only are designated as “grievous hurt”:
Permanent privation of the sight of either eye.
Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear.
Privation of any member or joint.
Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member
Permanent disfiguration of the head or face.
Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth.
Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be d
unable to follow his ordinary pursuits. ( SEVEN YEARS IMPRESIONM

Whoever knowingly or negligently omits to take such order with an

any probable danger to human life, or any probable danger of griev
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

When five or more people jointly commit robbery, dacoity is comm

in the commission
ROBBERY : if theft isofcommitted
the offence.Section 395are
and injuries prescribes punishmen
caused, then the co
to section 392 for life Penal
Indian or rigorous
Code,imprisonment of upisto
if any kind of hurt ten years
caused whilea
attracted.Dishonest attention Removal or inducement to deliver mo
any person's death, hurt or wrongful restraint, or the fear of instant
wrongfulrestraint.Rigorous Imprisonment up to 10 years and also fi
sunrise) on the highway-RigorousImprisonment may extend to 14ye

Preparation to commit dacoity (Section 399 — Punishable with rigo

mere assembling for the purpose of committing dacoity, even witho
Section 402 IPC with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may e
1 (a) whoever, except in the cases
provided for by sub-section (2) commits sexual assault shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which
not be less than seven years but which may extend to 10 years and
shall also be liable to fine.
(b) If the sexual assault is committed by a person in a position of tru
authority towards the complainant or by a near relative of the
complainant, he/she shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment
term which shall not be less than ten years but which may extend to
imprisonment and shall also be liable to fine

If someone forges a document that pretends to be a valuable secur

financial transactions or property exchanges, they can be punished
years, and may also be fined. & 468 is Whoever commits forgery, in
shall be used for the purpose of cheating, shall be punished with im
extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine

Description. Whoever fraudulently or dishonestly uses as genuine a

be a forged document, shall be punished in the same manner as if h

Whoever, fraudulently or dishonestly make use of the electronic sig

feature of any other person shall be punished with imprisonment o
years and shall also be liable to fine with may extend to rupees one
Whoever commits, or attempts to commit, by fire or any explosive s
preceding section. shall be punished with imprisonment for life. or w
may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine .
Section 437 also provides the power to the courts to impose conditi
Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for the power of the High Court
A wife and her relatives can file a complaint under Section 498A IPC
report that is filed by the investigating officer or police officials und
after the completion of the investigation in a cognizable or non-cog
against the husband or his family members and on completion of th
Court, neither the name of the accused can be removed from the FI
accused be impleaded in the FIR/chargesheet in the absence of an o
the application of the prosecution praying inclusion of any relative o

In simple words, Section 201 of the Indian Penal Code states that if
or believing that the offense has been committed, with the intentio
be punished with imprisonment up to seven years, and fined, depen
punishable with imprisonment for life or up to ten years, the punish
with a fine. For offenses punishable with less than ten years of impr
shorter term or a fine or both.

Whoever intentionally gives false evidence in any of a judicial proce

being used in any stage of a judicial proceeding, shall be punished w
may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine; and who
any other case, shall be punished with imprisonment of either desc
shall also be liable to fine
The accused shall then be called upon to enter upon his defence an
written statement, the Magistrate shall file it with the record.
If the accused, after he had entered upon his defence, applies to th
attendance of any witness for the purpose of examination or cross-
thing, the Magistrate shall issue such process unless he considers th
it is made for the purpose of vexation or delay or for defeating the e
in writing;
Provided that, when the accused has cross-examined or had the op
on his defence, the attendance of such witness shall not be compell
that it is necessary for the ends of justice.
The Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on an applica
expenses incurred by the witness in attending for the purposes of th
Section 149 of the IPC deals with the ‘common object’ as if an offen
in the prosecution of the common object of the assembly or such as
committed in prosecution of that object, every person who at the ti
same assembly, is guilty of that offence.Essentials of Section 149
An offence that is committed by members of an unlawful assembly.
The offence committed must be in the prosecution of the common
The members must know that the offence is likely to be committed
The offence must be committed by five or more persons.
Difference between Section 34 and Section149 of IPC
Definition: Common intention refers to the agreement among a gro
object refers to the goal or objective that the group collectively aim
Nature: Common intention is an agreement or understanding amon
purpose or objective of their actions.
Evidence: Common intention is typically inferred from the actions a
object can be inferred from the nature of the group's actions and th
Prosecution: Proving common intention is necessary to hold all mem
proving common object is necessary to establish the group's liability
Example: Common intention would be if a group of people planning
goal of committing robbery.
Section: Common intention is defined under Section 34 of IPC and C
Liability: All members of the group can be held liable for the crimina

Whoever commits house-trespass, having made preparation for cau

for wrongfully restraining any person, or for putting and person in f
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which
imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be les
and shall also be liable to fine
IPC 326 and IPC 335
The word ‘provocation’ plays an important role in deciding whether
voluntarily causing grievous hurt on provocation. If the offender vol
intention to hurt, this offence shall be charged under IPC 326. Howe
result of provocation, this offence shall now be charged under IPC 3
The recent court judgement states that wooden sticks can also be c
the term ‘voluntarily causing grievous hurt’, learn about IPC 322 at

One can navigate the legal complexities of IPC 326 and IPC 335 with
qualified lawyers well-versed in these legal areas. Find and hire the
obtain the best legal assistance within minutes.Whoever, except in
grievous hurt by means of any instrument for shooting, stabbing or
offence, is likely to cause death, or by means of fire or any heated s
substance, or by means of any explosive substance, or by means of
to inhale, to swallow, or to receive into the blood, or by means of a
or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may ex

Whoever, except in the case provided for by section 335, voluntaril

shooting, stabbing or cutting, or any instrument which, used as a we
fire or any heated substance, or by means of any poison or any corr
or by means of any substance which it is deleterious to the human b
or by means of any animal, shall be punished with imprisonment fo
term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.
IPC 341 talks about Punishment for wrongful restraint. It says- ' Wh
with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one mon
rupees, or with both
Illustrations (a) A holds Z down, and fraudulently takes Z's money and jewels from Z's clothes, w
theft, and, in order to the committing of that theft, has voluntarily caused wrongful restraint to Z
A meets Z on the high roads, shows a pistol, and demands Z's purse. Z, in consequence, surrende
purse from Z by putting him in fear of instant hurt,and being at the time of committing the extor
committedrobbery. (c) A meets Z and Z's child on the high road. A takes the child and threatens
delivers his purse. Z, in consequence, delivers his purse. Here A has extorted the purse from Z by
the child who is there present. A has, therefore, committed robbery on Z. (d) A obtains property
hands of my gang and will be put todeath unless you send us ten thousand rupees'. This is extor
robbery unless Z is put in fear of the instant death of his child. In a large number of robberies, it
SR.NO. Offence IPC Section
The offences punishable under the sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) s
following may be compounded by the persons mentioned in th
Read more at:

Uttering words, etc., with

deliberate intent to wound
1 the religious feelings of any 298
2 Voluntarily causing hurt. 323
Voluntarily causing hurt on 334
3 provocation.
Voluntarily causing grievous
4 hurt on grave and sudden 335
5 Wrongfully restraining or 341, 342
confining any person.

Wrongfully confining a person 343

6 for three days or more

7 Wrongfully confining a person 344

for ten days or more.
8 Wrongfully confining a person 346
in secret.
Assault or use of criminal 352, 355, 358
9 force.
10 Theft. 379

11 Dishonest misappropriation 403

of property.
Criminal breach of trust by a 407
12 carrier, wharfinger, etc.
Dishonestly receiving stolen
13 property knowing it to be 411

14 Assisting in the concealment 414

or disposal of stolen property,
knowing it to be stolen.
15 Cheating. 417
16 Cheating by personation. 419

Fraudulent removal or
17 concealment of property, 421
etc., to prevent distribution
among creditors.

Fraudulently preventing from 422

being made available for his
creditors a debt or demand
18 due to the offender.

19 Fraudulent execution of deed 423

of transfer containing false
statement of consideration.
20 Fraudulent removal or 424
concealment of property.

Mischief, when the only loss 426, 427

or damage caused is loss or
21 damage to a private person.
22 Mischief by killing or maiming 428
23 Mischief by killing or maiming 429
cattle, etc.

Mischief by injury to works of

irrigation by wrongfully 430
diverting water when the only
loss or damage caused is loss
24 or damage to private person.
25 Criminal trespass. 447
26 House-trespass. 448

House-trespass to commit an
offence (other than theft) 451
punishable with
27 imprisonment.
28 Using a false trade or 482
property mark.
Counterfeiting a trade or
29 property mark used by 483

Knowingly selling, or exposing

or possessing for sale or for 486
manufacturing purpose,
goods marked with a
30 counterfeit property mark.
31 Criminal breach of contract of 491
32 Adultery. 497

Enticing or taking away or

detaining with criminal intent 498
33 a married woman.
34 500

Defamation, except such cases as are specified against section 500 of the Indian
35 501
Printing or engraving matter,

Sale of printed or engraved 502

substance containing
defamatory matter, knowing
36 it to contain such matter.
37 Insult intended to provoke a 504
breach of the peace.
38 Criminal intimidation. 506

Inducing person to believe

himself an object of divine 508
39 displeasure.
The offences punishable under the sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) s
following may, with the permission of the Court before which any prosecution for
persons mentioned in the third column of t
40 Causing miscarriage. 312
41 Voluntarily causing grievous 325

42 Causing hurt by doing an act 337

so rashly and negligently as to
safety of others.
Causing grievous hurt by
43 doing an act so rashly and 338
negligently as to endanger
human life or the personal
safety of others.
Assault or criminal force in
44 attempting wrongfully to 357
confine a person.
Theft, by clerk or servant of
45 property in possession of 381
46 406
Criminal breach of trust
47 Criminal breach of trust by a 408
clerk or servant.

Cheating a person whose

48 interest the offender was 418
bound, either by law or by
legal contract, to protect.

Cheating and dishonestly

49 inducing delivery of property 420
or the making, alteration or
destruction of a valuable

50 Marrying again during the 494

life-time of a husband or wife.
Defamation against the
President or the Vice-
President or the Governor of
51 a State or the Administrator 500
of a Union territory or a
Minister in respect of his
public functions when
instituted upon a complaint
made by the Public

Uttering words or sounds or

making gestures or exhibiting
52 any object intending to insult 509
the modesty of a woman or
intruding upon the privacy of
a woman.

When an offence is compoundable under this section, the abetment of such offence or
attempt is itself an offence) or where the accused is liable under section 34 or 149 of th

When the person who would otherwise be competent to compound an offence under
an idiot or a lunatic, any person competent to contract on his behalf, may, with the per
When the person who would otherwise be competent to compound an offence unde
defined in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) of such person may, with the c

When the accused has been committed for trial or when he has been convicted and an
shall be allowed without the leave of the Court to which he is committed, or, as the cas

A High Court or Court of Session acting in the exercise of its powers of revision under se
offence which such person is competent to compound under this section
No offence shall be compounded if the accused is, by reason of a previous conviction, l
punishment of a different kind for such offence

The composition of an offence under this section shall have the effect of an acquittal of
compounded.No offence shall be compounded except as provided by this section.
Compoundable By
f the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) specified in the first two columns of the Table next
unded by the persons mentioned in the third column of that Table:
more at:

The person whose religious feelings are intended to be wounded.

The person to whom the hurt is caused.


The person to whom the hurt is caused.

The person restrained or confined.

The person confined.



The person assaulted or to whom criminal force is used.

The owner of the property stolen.

The owner of the property misappropriated.

The owner of the property in respect of which the breach of trust has been

The owner of the property stolen.


The person cheated.


The creditors who are affected thereby.


The person affected thereby.


The person to whom the loss or damage is caused.

The owner of the animal

The owner of the cattle or animal.

The person to whom the loss or damage is caused.

The person in possession of the property trespassed upon.


The person in possession of the house trespassed upon.

The person to whom loss or injury is caused by such use.



The person with whom the offender has contracted.

The husband of the woman.

The husband of the woman and the woman

The person defamed.



The person insulted.

The person intimidated.

The person induced.

f the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) specified in the first two columns of the table next
ourt before which any prosecution for such offence is pending, be compounded by the
ns mentioned in the third column of that table:
The woman to whom miscarriage is caused.
The person to whom hurt is caused.


The person assaulted or to whom the force was used.

The owner of the property stolen.

The owner of property in respect of which breach of trust has been committed.

The owner of the property in respect of which the breach of trust has been

The person cheated.

The person cheated.

The husband or wife of the person so marrying.

The person defamed.

The woman whom it was intended to insult or whose privacy was intruded upon

ction, the abetment of such offence or an attempt to commit such offence (when such
d is liable under section 34 or 149 of the Indian Penal Code, may be compounded in like

etent to compound an offence under this section is under the age of eighteen years or is
ntract on his behalf, may, with the permission of the Court compound such offence.
mpetent to compound an offence under this section is dead, the legal representative, as
f 1908) of such person may, with the consent of the Court compound such offence.

or when he has been convicted and an appeal is pending no composition for the offence
o which he is committed, or, as the case may be, before which the appeal is to be heard.

ercise of its powers of revision under section 401 may allow any person to compound any
pound under this section
s, by reason of a previous conviction, liable either to enhanced punishment or to a

shall have the effect of an acquittal of the accused with whom the offence has been
xcept as provided by this section.
161 Crpc
The prosecution case was sought to be proved by the ocular testimony of PW4 Biju and PW5 Anil, both aged about 13 years at
time of occurrence and the other evidence. Both the eye-witnesses supported their statements recorded under Section 161 C
during their testimony in court.

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