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Baby Patchwork Blanket
Difficulty level: Pattern:
Garter Stitch in Rows: k all sts RS and WS rows
Selvedge stitches: at beginning of row: sl 1
k-wise; at last st of row k 1.
Colour Sequence: see chart.
Tension: 1 block (49 sts) = 13 cm x 13 cm square
Instructions: (see chart for colour use)
First row of blocks:
Block 1:
Cast on 49 sts (47 sts plus 2 selvedge sts).
Row 1 (WS): sl 1 k-wise (selvedge st), k to end.
4–5 Row 2 (RS): sl 1 k-wise (selvedge st), k 22, over the
next 3 sts work sl 1-k2tog-psso, k 23.
These two rows set the pattern. Work the dec.
over the centre 3 sts in every 2nd row until only
Baby Cashmere from Gründl
one st. rem. on needle.
72 % Wool (Merino superwash),
Block 2:
15 % Polyamide,
Using a new colour as indicated in chart, in ad-
13 % Cashmere
dition to the last st from the 1st block with right
50 g / 100 m
side facing pick up and knit 24 sts along edge
of 1st block placing the needle into the centre of
each selvedge st to form new sts. Then continue
row and cast on 24 new sts for total of 49 sts (47
sts plus 2 selvedge sts).
Cont. 2nd block as 1st in garter st. with dec. over
centre 3 sts.
7x 2x 2x Work foll. blocks as block 2.
2nd row of blocks:
Block 1:
Using colour as indicated in chart, cast on
24 sts and along the edge of the first block of
the first row of blocks with right side facing
2x 2x pick up and knit 25 sts. along edge placing the
needle into the centre of each selvedge st. to
form new sts. for total of 49 sts. (47 sts plus 2
Size: approx. 75 cm x 100 cm selvedge sts).
Usage: Row 1 (WS): sl 1 k-wise (selvedge st), k to end.
Approx. 350 g col. 01 (white) and Row 2 (RS): sl 1 k-wise (selvedge st), k 22, over the
100 g each in col. 03 (light pink), next 3 sts work sl 1-k2tog-psso, k 23.
col. 04 (lilac), col. 05 (pastel These two rows set the pattern. Work the dec.
green), col. 06 (light blue) over the centre 3 sts in every 2nd row until only
one st. rem. on needle.
Block 2: Chart:
Using a new colour as indicated in chart, in
addition to the last st from the 1st block with
right side facing pick up and knit 23 sts along
edge of 1st block placing the needle into the
centre of each selvedge st to form new sts.
Pick up 1 st. from the corner and then from the
edge of the block in the row below pick up
and knit 24 sts for total of 49 sts (47 sts plus 2
selvedge sts).
Cont. 2nd block as 1st in garter st. with dec.
over centre 3 sts.
Work foll. blocks in row 2 as block 2.
Work foll. rows of blocks as in row 2.

approx. = approximate(ly)
cm = centimetre(s)
col = colour(s)
cont = continue (continuously)
dec = decrease
foll = follow(ing)
g = gramme(s)
k = knit
k-wise = knit wise
M1 = make one
m = metre(s)
mm = millimetre(s)
meas = measure(d)
patt = pattern 1

Pick up and

Cast on sts.

knit sts.
psso = pass sl st over c B lo
B lo 2nd row
RS = right side
of blocks
sl = slip Pick up and knit sts.Pick up and knit sts.
st(s) = stitch(es)

Pick up and

Cast on sts.
tog = together 2 1
ck ck

knit sts.
WS = wrong side B lo B lo first row
of blocks
Cast on sts. Cast on sts.

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