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State of Palestine ‫دولة فلسطين‬

Ministry of Education & Higher Education ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

Directorate of Education /Birzeit ‫ بيرزيت‬/ ‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬
Shuqba sec. boys’ school ‫ شقبا الثانوية‬.‫مدرسة ذ‬
11th Grade English Language Date. 3/4/2024
Name:…nada kordia second Semester mid term Exam Time:55 minutes

:Reading for comprehension

:Read the following text, then answer the questions below )1

Everyone likes pandas, don’t they? And of course, that includes me. Recently, though,
I’ve reached an opinion that might upset some people reading this blog. We all know that
giant pandas are an endangered species, facing many threats. They struggle to survive in
areas of land that are getting smaller every year. But, quite honestly, they don’t really help
themselves, do they? They only eat one thing, a plant that doesn’t have many nutrients,
.and they seem to find it very difficult to produce baby pandas

Are they really worth it? Organisations like the World Wildlife Fund, which uses the
panda on all its publicity, spend millions of pounds trying to preserve this one animal, while
there are many other species (animals and plants) that are threatened with extinction. They
aren’t as pretty as pandas (in fact, some of them are definitely rather ugly), but they all play
an important part in the complex network of life on earth. Extinction is part of the Earth’s

Obviously we can’t preserve every species, so we need to make some hard economic
choices. Maybe it’s time to stop wasting all this money on one animal. The biggest problem
for all endangered species, including pandas, is loss of habitat. Instead of saying ‘Save the
Whale (or Tiger or Panda)’, we should be saying ‘Save the Rainforest (or Desert or Rivers)’.
Posted April 19th, 10.35 a.m

?How don’t pandas help themselves )1

They only eat one plant that doesn’t have many nutrients, and they seem to find it _
._ very difficult to reproduce
?What is the importance of other species (animals and plants) )2
._________.They play an important part in the complex network of life on earth __
:Mention the solution that the writer gave us to save threatened species )3
The solution is to save the habitats of these endangered specie _____
___Give the same meaning of : complicated:__ complex__, options:_ _choices )4
__ Give the opposite of: ugly:__ pretty__, winning: _wasting )5
They line 8 refers to :the other threatened animals_, one animal line 12 refers )6
___to:__ pandas

:Match the following words with their right definitions )1

.Struggle __2_ area where particular species live .1

Habitat ___4 instructions for cooking something .2
Biologists __6_main male person in a story .3
Recipe __1__ find something difficult .4
Yolk ___3 scientists who study living things .5
Hero .6

:Complete the sentences below with words from the box )2

) couple – persuade - vital _ imaginary – extinction (

_ Finding new ways to make electricity is not just important, it's _vital )1
___ The characters in the book aren’t real people, they're completely_ imaginary )2
.The story is about a married __couple__ and their three children )3
.__ Pandas are threatened with ___ extinction )4
.I always try to persuade her to stop eating too much cake )5


: Correct the verbs between brackets )1

I hope I _will have worked__ in this company next year. (work) .a

By the end of the month, I __will have spent_ three thousand dollars. (spend) .b
He is famous for making beautiful vases. (make) .c
This time next week I _will be attending __ my new course. (attend) .d

:Join the following sentences using -ing phrases )2

. Because he is my friend , he always gives me good advice-1
……Gving me good advice he will always be my friend…
. I speak as a non expert when I talk , I found the book hard to understand -2
..…Speaking as a non expert I found the book hard to understand…
. Because pandas don’t have good food , they find it difficult to produce babies -3
Not having good food, pandas find it difficult to reproduce…

.complete these sentences using prepositions and the -ing form of the verbs in the box -3

Forget, solve, spend, write

.After years of trying, he’s finally succeeded…in……… solving….. the problem 1
.They have decided against spinding. so much money on saving one animal 2
.I’m sorry for forgetting to phone you yesterday 3

Join the two short sentences together to make one longer sentence. Use that where it )4
.is needed, but leave it out if it isn’t needed

.This is the book. I was reading it yesterday 1

..….This is the book I was reading yesterday…
.That’s the same film. I saw it at the cinema last week 2
..That’s the same film I saw at the cinema last week ……
.This is a folk tale. I remember it from my childhood 3
.……………This is a folk tale I remember from my childhood…

: Writing

:Write your own opinion about the following )1

.Muslems who are committed to their prayers live a more peaceful life

I agree with this opinion as committing to doing all your religious obligations gives you a ___
. ____ cense of peacefulness and comfort because you kept your connection to Allah alive

:Complete the following)2

)obviously _ to be honest _ personally _ generally speaking (

______This is just what I think :____ personally .a

I know this isn’t always true but:__generally speaking .b
_____This is clear , everyone agrees:_obviously .c

Do your best

Jaber Sorour

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