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Good morning/evening/afternoon distinguished faculty and fellow classmates,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has permeate every aspect of our
lives and has become an undeniable force in shaping our society- The influence of
social media. Social media platforms have revolutionized the way we communicate,
share information, and connect with one another. From Facebook to Twitter,
Instagram to TikTok, these digital platforms have transformed our world in both
positive and negative ways.

First and foremost, social media has opened up unprecedented opportunities for
communication and connectivity. It has bridged the geographical divide, allowing us
to interact and engage with people from all corners of the globe. We can now share
our thoughts, ideas, and experiences instantly, creating virtual communities that
transcend borders. Through platforms like Facebook and Twitter, we can stay
connected with friends and family, even when they are miles away.

Moreover, social media has played a pivotal role in empowering individuals and
giving voice to marginalized communities. It has become a powerful tool for social
and political activism, enabling ordinary citizens to raise awareness about
important issues, organize protests, and demand change. Movements such as the Arab
Spring and #BlackLivesMatter have harnessed the power of social media to mobilize
millions of people and effect real-world transformations.

On the other hand, we cannot ignore the negative influence of social media. The
rise of cyberbullying, online harassment, and the spread of misinformation are
pressing concerns that demand our attention. Social media platforms have provided
an outlet for individuals to engage in harmful behavior, hiding behind the
anonymity the internet provides. This has led to serious consequences, including
mental health issues, self-esteem problems, and even tragic cases of cyberbullying-
related suicides.

Moreover, the addictive nature of social media has become a cause for concern. Many
of us find ourselves spending excessive amounts of time scrolling through feeds,
comparing our lives to carefully curated highlight reels, and seeking validation
through likes and comments. This constant need for validation can have detrimental
effects on our mental well-being, leading to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and

So, what can we do to harness the positive aspects of social media while mitigating
the negative ones? First, we must cultivate digital literacy and critical thinking
skills. We should question the information we consume and fact-check before
sharing. By being mindful of our own online behavior, we can create a culture of
responsible and respectful digital citizenship.

Second, we must foster a healthy relationship with social media. We should be

mindful of the time we spend online and seek a balance between the virtual and real
world. Setting boundaries, such as designated screen-free time or limiting social
media usage, can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle and prioritize genuine human

Lastly, as the future leaders and influencers, it is our responsibility to advocate

for positive change in the realm of social media. We should urge social media
companies to prioritize user safety, invest in algorithms that curb the spread of
harmful content, and create transparent policies that protect the well-being of
their users.

In conclusion, social media's influence on our lives cannot be understated. It has

revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and express ourselves. While it has
brought about positive changes and empowered individuals, we must also be aware of
the negative consequences it can have. By fostering digital literacy, promoting
healthy habits, and advocating for change, we can shape social media into a force
for good, fostering meaningful connections and positive societal change.


10:28 PM 16-07-2023

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