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** Comparison made with previous USG dated

Both kidney are normal in size and echogenicity.
BPL RK - cm; parenchymal thickness - cm.
BPL LK - cm; parenchymal thickness - cm.
No renal calculus, focal lesion, perinephric collection or hydronephrosis.
Urinary bladder is distended with smooth outline. No calculus or wall thickening.
Prostate is not enlarged.
No free fluid or loculated intra-abdominal collection.

The resistive index of the segmental arteries at upper, mid and lower poles of right kidney
are within normal limit, ranges 0.50 - 0.70.
Right main renal artery PSV is within normal limit, measuring cm/s.
The resistive index of the segmental arteries at upper, mid and lower poles of left kidney are
within normal limit, ranges 0.50 - 0.70.
Left main renal artery PSV is within normal limit, measuring cm/s.
No tardus parvus waveform.
Renal / aorta ratio (RAR) is within normal limit (<3.5) bilaterally

No sonographic evidence of renal artery stenosis.

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