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pams «MySql s > SAL Command Types — * Data Definition hanguage.: Deals withe the eat Skrue Pw a4 table © Crtate - fo puatt.a new ble. WD Drop- deteter both -the Abruchwu and data Y the Perhoom USS likey Upgradation, dels, ftching 9 indothion Y dale. © Kays > Primary ky ° : ° Com bration folds whith uni lee ) . Specify @ "weal ‘ ° ‘ y ( Shéicial king 4 nigue “eo yadire: * cannot ae nat * Orly one pes Hb ‘ “niaus Key 7 ‘mtauely iolenhifies each 240 ype) ty SoLab ar, . 4 Prouiates. Unlaueneg ba column a 2 a of Colum, . . TNS) ay ag Many as psesibl Fosnien * Ong “able which’, ’ ° telehed tp the 2 D4 any table . ted to hy * RuDbindiin yay : y ated be bya, “peg SOOM tha Bian hey eaxiy, OP Ales YY another tofy he primary tater tase @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Spades w a file that exish O% cells in WoW and Co Lunn , Alps BOUIN GL, caleutace and Adib lata Cap Hae Nuurenicel vualues, formulas, funchers. 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