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The consequence of sin

Ezra 9:7
Ptr. John Mark Montano

Ezra 9:7 Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our
iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to
the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.

Ezra is confessing the sins of the people. In the confession he tells what sin did to the people. He gives
four distinct consequences of sin which come upon people in every age. They are the sword, slavery,
spoil, and shame.

1. Sword.
“To the sword.”
The sword devoured many Israelites because of their sin. The sword speaks of death. Sin kills.
“The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

2. Slavery.
“To captivity.”
The Israelites were delivered into the hands of foreign nations and taken captive by these
nations because of their sins. Captivity speaks of slavery. Sin always enslaves. It does not bring
freedom. It is a pitiful sight to see people enslaved by evil habits from drink to drugs to gambling
and pornography addiction. Many sinners claim they are free to do whatever they want and are
not restricted as they think and say Christians are. But sinners are the ones who are bound. They
are enslaved by sin.

3. Spoil.
“To a spoil.”
The word spoil here means the booty (Stolen Valuables) which an army takes from an enemy it
has defeated. Israel had been stripped of its wealth and possessions by the enemy because of
sin. The application here is that sin takes the things of value from the sinner. Sin leaves us
barren of good; it empties us of worth. It takes away valuable character. It takes away spiritual
blessings. Sin promises great gain but it only robs you; it especially makes you barren for

4. Shame.
“To confusion of face.” The word translated “confusion” means shame. Sin caused Israel to be
greatly shamed by being defeated and removed from their land. Sin shames the sinner. It
promises glory and honor, but it brings dishonor instead. The worst shame from sin is the shame
the sinner will experience before God’s judgment throne.

Further study:
Daily Bible Reading: Sermonettes #1.

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