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RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Material Testing For Upgradation of
Pundibari to Baxirhat Section of NH-31
from Km. 770.000 to 816.00
(West Bengal)

Client: ABCI Infrastructure Pvt Ltd


January 2017

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Sample collection and delivery to RoadstaB Laboratories

1. Soil Test 1stStage

1.1. Qualification to RoadstaB Test Code

2. Soil Test 2nd Stage

2.1. Granular Report

2.2. Free Swell Index
2.3. Proctor Test
2.4. Atterberg’s Limit

3. Soil Test 3rd Stage

3.1. UCS Test

3.2. E-Value Evaluation
3.3. Durability Test

4. Test results summary

5. Discussion

6. Conclusion

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Sample received.
Soil samples were collected from MBL-ABCI (JC) Lab January 2017
1. Soil 25 kg (further named as soil sample no 1 )
2. Soil 25 kg (further named as Soil sample no 2)
3. stone dust 30kg

Soil Samples were delivered to RoadstaB – Bahadurgarh Lab and all tests
were performed in laboratory in presence of Lab incharge Mr. Himanshu

Material Testing – 1st Stage

1.1Granular tests were performed for all the raw materials to evaluate the
clay, silt, sand, and gravels

1st Soil Sample Chainage 814+450 LHS

 It contains Clay contents 70.92%, it does not satisfying the RoadstaB

Test code. Structure using this soil could bring cracks to structure and
structure would be having expensive properties in monsoon.

2nd Soil Sample Chainage 814+528 LHS Borrow Area no-48

 It contains clay contents 45.45% it does not satisfying the RoadstaB

Test code. Structure using this soil could bring cracks to structure and
structure would be having expensive properties in monsoon. This soil
can be used in composition with other soil, depending on optimization.

3rd Grey Stone dust:

 Material contains 80% of the sand contents, without any plasticity. It
contains 18.02 % clay contents. It does marginally satisfy the RoadstaB
test code

Organic Content analysis.

Soils were tested to calculate organic content percentage, and were heated on
500o C to burn, and the then calculated weight loss.

 1st Soil Sample: Weight Loss 0.75%, Satisfies the code requirement.
 2nd Soil Sample: Weight Loss 0.46% satisfies the code requirement .
 Stone dust: Weight loss 0.26%, Qualifies the code requirement.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report


Soil sample no 1 disqualified.

Soil sample no 2 can be mixed in stone dust to decrease the clay contents and
to make it ideal for the subbase structure.
Stone Dust qualifies the gradation requirement and can be used individually
or mixed with the soil to achieve codal provision gradation requirement.

 Stone dust contains 18.02% contents below 75 microns sieve and

appropriate granular values. As per RoadstaB test code can be used 100%
in structure.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Soil testing 2nd Stage

2.1 Granular size analysis report

1st Sample: Only Soil , Type Chainage 814+450 LHS

Total 200 gms of the soil was oven dried, washed and again dried for
the analysis.
Cum Wt.
Sieve Size Wt. Retained retained
Cumulative % Cumulative
(mm) (gms) (gms) retained passing %
75 - - - 100
37.5 - - - 100
19 - - - 100
9.5 1.26 1.26 0.63 99.37
4.75 5.4 6.66 3.33 96.67
2 2.53 9.19 4.59 95.41
1.12 1.32 10.51 5.25 94.75
425 mic 1.8 12.31 6.15 93.85
75 mic 45.85 58.16 29.08 70.92
Pan 141.84 - - -
Gravel: 3.96% Sand content – 25.12 %, Silt & Clay Content – 70.92%

Note: As per product code, this soil does not have proper gradation
and not good for structure.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

2nd Sample: Only Soil, Type: Chainage 814+528 LHS Borrow

Area no-48

Total 200 gms of the soil was oven dried, washed and again dried for
the analysis.
Wt. Cum Wt.
Sieve Size Retained retained Cumulative Cumulative
(mm) (gms) (gms) % retained passing %
75 - - - 100
37.5 - - - 100
19 - - - 100
9.5 - - - 100
4.75 1.49 1.49 0.74 99.26
2 1.43 2.92 1.46 98.54
1.12 0.43 3.55 1.77 98.23
425 mic 1.13 4.48 2.24 97.76
75 mic 104.63 109.11 54.55 45.45
Pan 90.89 - - -

Gravel: 0.74%, Sand content – 53.81 %, Silt & Clay Content –


RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

3rd Sample: Stone dust: Type – Raw material.

Total 200 gms of the soil was oven dried, washed and again dried for
the analysis.
Wt. Cum Wt.
Sieve Size Retained retained Cumulative Cumulative
(mm) (gms) (gms) % retained passing %
75 - - - 100
37.5 - - - 100
19 - - - 100
9.5 - - - 100
4.75 3.89 3.89 1.94 98.06
2 26.31 30.2 15.1 84.9
1.12 39.09 69.29 34.64 65.36
425 mic 33.77 130.2 65.1 34.9
75 mic 60.91 163.97 81.98 18.02
Pan 36.03 - - -

Gravel: 1.94%, Sand content – 80.04 %, Silt & Clay Content – 18.02%

Note: As per product code, this dust have a proper gradation and
can be used individually .

Recommendation: Stone dust is ideal to use in sub-base structure of

highways, has proper gradation and can be mixed with other
material to decrease the costing.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

4th Sample: 50% Soil Chainage 814+528 LHS Borrow Area no-
48 (50% Stone dust).

Wt. Cum Wt.

Sieve Size Retained retained Cumulative Cumulative
(mm) (gms) (gms) % retained passing %
75 - - - 100
37.5 - - - 100
19 - - - 100
9.5 - - - 100
4.75 2.9 2.9 1.45 98.55
2 15.92 18.82 9.41 90.59
1.12 23.23 42.05 21.02 78.98
425 mic 17.48 59.53 29.76 70.24
75 mic 74.49 134.02 67.01 32.99
Pan 65.98 - - -

Gravel: 1.45%, Sand content – 65.56 %, Silt & Clay Content – 32.99%

While optimization, adding both the materials, targeted granular

values were achieved.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

2.2 Free Swell Index.

Taken 3 oven dried samples, passing 425µ IS sieve. Each soil samples were
transferred to 25 ml beakers. One beaker was filled by RoadstaB Compound
and Marked “R”, Second beaker was filled by with Distilled water and marked
“W”, and Third beaker was filled with Kerosene marked “K” mixed All the
beakers were filled up to 25 ml mark. After shaking, they were left for 24
hours undisturbed, allowing soil particles to settle down. After 24 hours
volume of soil were registered and test results taken out by using following
𝑉𝑑 − 𝑉𝑘
𝑥 100
Vd = soil volume with distilled water/Roadstab with distilled water.
Vk = Soil volume with kerosene.

Following results were found:

Roadstab Distilled Kerosene
No Sample
Compound+D water
1. 100%Stonedust 0 0 0

Roadstab Distilled Kerosene
No Sample
Compound+D water
2. 50%Stone Dust 5.5 16.2 0

2.3 Proctor Test

Air dried soil sample taken 5 kg. It was mixed with required amount
of water. The standard split mould for Proctor test of 1000 ml 3
capacities with base plate is used, and weighed with accuracy level
of 0.01 gm. It was placed on concrete platform to compact moist soil
in to it and collar was fixed to it to support excess soil. The soil was
then divided into five equal parts and kept aside. It was divided to
compact five equal layers in mould. Each layer was given 25 blows
by 4.89 kg rammer, falling from the height of 450 mm on the mixed
layer in the mould while keeping in consideration that load of blows

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

to be distributed on all the surface of soil equally. After compaction

the upper surface of the compacted soil is leveled by knife. The
mould and the soil are weighed on Electronic weight machine to
determine the total weight with accuracy of +/- 0.01 gm. Then the
formed structure is taken out of the mould to determine the
moisture content. 100 gms of soil is taken from the structure and
dried in oven. Moisture content of soil evaporates from the 100 gms
specimen and then this sample is weighed again. The difference in
weight of soil, with and without moisture gives the figure of
moisture content. This figure is registered. Left over compacted
structure is then mixed with left over soil and again mixed with
some % of water. Again the same procedure is repeated till time we
achieve the figure of declining in density of the structure. The
highest point of bulk density and its moisture content is taken as the
optimal moisture content.
Bulk density is taken out by the following formula:

𝑀2 − 𝑀1
𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑌𝑚 =
M1 = Mass of mould with base plate
M2 = Mass of the mould with base plate and soil with moisture
Vm= Volume of the mould

Dry Density is calculated by the following formula:

100 𝑌𝑚
𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑌𝑑 =
100 + 𝑤
Ym= Bulk Density
W = Moisture contents in %

After this a graph is plotted placing Dry density in Y axis, and

moisture contents in X axis, and a smooth curve line is formed. The
peak of the curve is registered and Maximum dry density at that
specific moisture content is considered as optimal moisture

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Proctor test compacted

moulds mixed with
RoadstaB compound

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

1st sample: 100% Stone dust with diluted RoadstaB compound

No Site MDD in cc OMC in %

1 100% Stone dust 2.04 8.66

MDD & Moisture


2.04 2.04

2.00 2.00 2.01

1.96 1.94
1.92 1.91 1.92



2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00

Assessment: Density of stone dust was found good; Stone dust

passes the density of parameter that is minimum of 2.00, this can be
used in base and sub - base structure after assessment of load
bearing properties of the material.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

2nd Sample 50% stone dust 50% Soil Chainage 814+528 LHS
Borrow Area no-48

No Site MDD in cc OMC in %

1 50%Stone Dust 50%Soil 1.82 10.96

MDD& Moisture
1.80 1.80

1.78 1.78

1.76 1.75

1.74 Series1

1.72 1.71 1.72



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00

Assessment: Density of mix (Stone dust and soil) was found

satisfactory and can be used in sub-bases; material mix passes the
density of parameter that is minimum of 1.8, this can be used in sub
- base structure after assessment of load bearing properties of the

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

2.4 Liquid limit:
Soil sample of 120 gms was taken which passed through 425µ IS

sieve and retain over 75 micron IS sieve. Required quantity of

distilled water was taken, mixed with the required ratio of RoadstaB
compound, and kept for 10 minutes. Then both mixes were mixed to
form a homogeneous mix. This homogeneous mix was then
transferred to the cup of Cone Penetrometer Apparatus, considering
that no air was trapped the mix in the cup. This cup is then leveled
by knife to the top. After placement of soil mix with RoadstaB to the
cup, was shifted to and placed in base of Cone Penetrometer
Apparatus. Reading of Penetrometer is adjusted to zero and was
adjusted that the tip of the cone is just above the soil surface and
then vertical clamp was allowed to free fall with its own standard
After 5 seconds depth of the penetration of this cone in soil is
registered. Again this process is repeated till we get 4 figures
between 14 to 28 mm. Portion soil mix of each soil is collected in
small containers and kept in oven for 24 hours to allow moisture to
evaporate and determine moisture contents in the soil. After
gathering the required no of data, a graph is plotted considering the
penetration at specific moisture content. The moisture content
corresponding to cone penetration of 20 mm was taken as the liquid

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

limit of the soil and was expressed to the nearest first decimal place.
Similar process is done without mixing of RoadstaB compound.
1. Plastic Limit:
Soil sample of 50 gms was taken which passed through 425µ IS
sieve and retain over 75 micron IS sieve. When both the liquid limit
and the plastic limit of a soil are to be determined, a quantity of soil

sufficient for both the tests is taken for preparation of the soil. At a
stage in the process of mixing of soil and water at which the mass
becomes plastic enough to be easily shaped into a ball, a portion of
the soil sample in the plastic state is taken for the plastic limit test. A
ball is formed with about 8 g of this plastic soil mass, rolled between
the fingers and the glass plate with just sufficient pressure to roll the
Plastic limit process
mass into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. The
rate of rolling is between 80 to 90 strokes per minute. Counting a
stroke as one complete motion of the hand forward and back to the
starting position again. The rolling is done till the threads are of 3
mm diameter. The soil then be kneaded together to a uniform mass
and rolled again. This process of alternate rolling and kneading is
continue until the thread starts crumbling under pressure required
for rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread. This
considered a satisfactory end point. The pieces of crumbled soil
thread collected in the air tight container and the moisture content
determined by oven dry method. The similar process is done by
using soil with RoadstaB compound mixed in distilled water.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Test Results:
Atterberg's limit
Description Sample Distilled Distilled water with
water RoadstaB
1 Liquid limit % Stone Dust NP NP
2 Plastic limit % Stone Dust - -
3 Plastic index % Stone Dust NP NP

Soil testing 3rd Stage

3.1 UCS Test

Investigations on the stabilized soils For the identified samples

soil, separate samples were prepared by adding 4%, of cement to
find the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) values. UCS is the
standard test suggested by many pavement design agencies to
evaluate the strength of the stabilized mixes. Preparation and curing
of samples for UCS is described below. Prior to the preparation of
samples for UCS, OMC of the stabilized mix were determined.
Sample preparation for UCS.

Placed the borrow soil in oven at 100 -1050C for a period of 24

hours to remove natural moisture content.
Added 4% of cement to the samples separately and mixed it
properly until to get homogenous mix. Then, RoadstaB compound
was mixed to the water equal to the OMC in concentrated form
0.0071% to mix and kept aside for 15 minutes to give its chemical
reaction to water. Then this prepared solution was mixed to both
the samples to achieve OMC. After this the material mix was kept for
an hour in air tight condition to exclude the possibility of moisture
to evaporate.
A cylindrical sample of dia 105mm and height 115.5mm (as
specified in TRL Note 31 – A guide to the structural design of
bitumen surface roads) was prepared to find the UCS values. Density
of the sample was ensured by taking exact amount of stabilized mix.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Sample curing for UCS

Samples were extracted from the UCS moulds and wrapped in

polythene sheets. Then, kept in the room temperature for seven
days. At the end of seventh day samples were dipped in water for
4hours and then tested for UCS (this procedure given) in TRL Road
Note 31).
In addition to UCS, wet and dry test was also conducted as per ASTM
D559-2003to check the durability of soil stabilized mixes in a series
of twelve wet and dry cycles. Stabilized soil test results are
presented in Table.

No Samples UCS in MPa

100%Stone Dust + 4% cement + RoadstaB
1 4.28
Compound 0.0071% Concentrated form

No Samples UCS in MPa

50% Stone Dust 50% Soil + 4% cement +
2 RoadstaB Compound 0.0071% Concentrated 2.35

After assessment it was found that formed 2 sample of mixed

material of soil with stone dust structure of 100% is just passing the
requirement for construction of roads below 30 MSA as per IRC-37-
2012.Where as the 100% stone dust mix provides the better
reaction with compound and gives satisfactory result in UCS test.

It is recommended for base or sub-base layer for highways and

service roads.


After assessment, it is decided to use 100% Stone Dust 4% cement

with RoadstaB compound.

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

3.2 Calculation of E-Value as per IRC 37-2012

UCS X 1000 = E
4.28 MPa X 1000 = 4280 MPa

3.3 Durability Test: Process:

Wet and Dry


Specimen Preparation and Testing: Specimens are prepared from

Stone dust, Cement (4% by weight of total soil) + RoadstaB
Compound (0.0071% by weight of total soil). The required amounts
of raw materials were mixed thoroughly in dry state.Then, water
with required quantity of RoadstaB corresponding to OMC was
added to give proper
consistency to the mixture for easy moulding. Cylindrical samples of
50 mm diameter and 100 mm height were compacted in three
layers by a static press to achieve dry unit weight equal to the MDD
of the mix obtained from compaction test as per Russian Standard
No. 60929601.001-2010. The values of OMC and MDD were found to
be 8.66 and 2.04 gm/cc, respectively. Immediately after preparation,
the samples were sealed in airtight polythene bags and kept at a
temperature of 27±20 C for curing as per IS: 4332 (Part V)-2006.
After curing the specimens were air dried for two days at room

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

14 days curing and 2 days air drying, then subjected to 12 wetting

and drying cycles as per ASTM D559-2003. One cycle of wetting and
drying consisted of 5 hours of soaking in water and 42 hours of
heating at 720C in a thermostatically controlled oven.
Durability Test results for Weight Loss (%) in each cycle

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Avg.
1 0.30 0.32 0.42 0.34 0.42 0.25 0.41 0.29 0.39 0.38 0.45 0.46 4.44
2 0.34 0.31 0.34 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.34 0.38 0.32 0.34 4.16 4.217
3 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.31 0.39 0.41 0.34 0.36 0.25 0.35 0.37 4.06

Note: - The maximum permissible percentage loss in weight

recommended for the stabilized mix to be used in pavement base
course is 20 as per IRC: SP: 89-2010. The stabilized mix in the
present study satisfies this criterion.

UCS Test Under


Specimen after Durability


RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

Test Result Summary:

Test Gravel: 1.94, Sand 80.04%, Silt & Clay 18.02%

Parameters With RoadstaB + 4% Cement
Free Swell Index FSI % 0
LL% 0
Atterberg's Limit PL% -
OMC% 8.66
Modified Proctor
MDD% 2.04
Loss in %
after 12 wet
Durability Test 4.217%
& Dry
MPa 4.2
E-value MPa 4280
E-value 20% - as
MPa 856
per IRC 37-2012

1. In total 3 type of material were tested and one of them qualified the
material requirement so it was decided to use 100% stone dust to
achieve targeted results, requirement as per company code.
2. Grain size analysis of 100% soil was not satisfactory so 100% stone
dust was chosen.
3. The FSI and Atterberg's limit shows that it a good material for
4. Modified Proctor test results show figure MDD is 2.04 gm/cc..
5. Individually Stone dust (mixed dust with sand) material passed UCS
test requirement and was qualified for further use. Whereas mix
material disqualified the load bearing capacity requirement shown
results in UCS 2.35
6. Durability:
Durability test shows that the loss of weight after 12 wet and dry
cycle is 4.21%, which satisfy the requirement of (BIS:4332 (part

RoadstaB – India Laboratory Report

IV)-1968) (17) i.e. 14% loss is permitted and 20% as per 20

IRC:SP: 89-2010.

After assessment of upper specified data, our organization comes to
a conclusion that the Design as specified in IRC 37-2012 in option
10.6, can be considered depending on the traffic data, satisfies the
requirement of IRC 37-2012. This will not only save time and money
but also national natural resources. Further on the basis of E-value
calculated in material test report shall be considered in Pavement
design report which shall be prepared in IIT Pave, considering the
assessment and suggestions of Independent consultant.

Prepared and Drafted by

Lab – Incharge

Himanshu Sharma


Nikhil Sharma


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