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Introduction to design using MateenBar GFRP

rebar for Steel Engineers

MateenBar is a high quality Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer
(GFRP) reinforcement bar for concrete in corrosive/challenging

This document highlights the key differences that an engineer

familiar with steel reinforcement should understand to create an
equivalent design using MateenBar.

This document is based around the requirements of the

American Concrete Institute – Guide for the Design and
Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars
(ACI 440.1R-06).

Nominal Flexural Capacity Calculations

Design Tensile Strength
For steel, strength is specified by the characteristic tensile strength (fy) which can be
directly used to calculate the flexural capacity.

For MateenBar, strength is calculated from the guaranteed tensile strength (Ffu*) and
Allowable Rupture Stress (Ff). These values are used to calculate the flexural

 Design Strength of GFRP (Ffu) = CE.(Ffu*)

Where, CE = Environmental safety factor.

CE Exposure Condition
0.8 Concrete not exposed to earth and water
0.7 Concrete exposed to earth and water

 Allowable Rupture Stress (Ff) = √ Ffu

Where, A =
B = 0.85* . fc’.Ef. εcu
C = 0.5Ef. εcu

Value of β1 Where
0.85 fc’ < 28 MPa
0.85 – 0.05(fc’-28) 28 MPa < fc’ < 55 MPa
0.65 fc’ > 55 MPa

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Strength Reduction Factor (ϕ)
For a steel reinforced section, Strength Reduction Factor = 0.9.

For a MateenBar reinforced section, the Strength Reduction Factor depends on the
reinforcement ratio (ρf)

Strength Reduction Factor (ϕ) Where

0.55 ρf < ρfb
0.65 ρf > ρfb
0.3 + ρf/(4 ρfb) ρfb < ρf < 1.4 ρfb

Where, ρfb = (0.85β1.fc’/ Ffu) [Ef.εcu/( Ef.εcu + Ffu)]

ρf = Area of GFRP/b.d

Crack Width (Wc)

Crack width calculation of a GFRP reinforced section is the same as that of a steel
reinforced section.

The only difference is there is there is bond dependent factor (kb) in the MateenBar
crack width calculation.

For a Steel reinforced section Crack Width (Wc) = 2Ff.β.sqrt [dc2 + (s/2)2]

For a MateenBar Reinforced section Crack Width (Wc) = 2Ff.β.kb.sqrt [dc2 + (s/2)2]

Note: As per ACI 440-1-06 kb = 1.4 is conservative if kb is not experimentally


NOTE: In situations where the crack width is being held low in a Steel reinforced
structure to delay water ingress into the rebar, it may be possible to increase the
allowable crack width when using MateenBar as there is no need to protect the
MateenBar from water.

Design of Shear Links

Tensile Stress for shear design

Shear reinforcement with steel,

Tensile Stress for Shear Design (fyt) = Characteristic Tensile Stress (fy)

Shear reinforcement with MateenBar,

Tensile Stress for Shear Design (Ffv) is the lesser of,

 Tensile Design Strength (Ffu) of Bend Bar

Ffu = CE.Ffu*

 Strength of Bent Portion (Ffb)

Ffb = [0.05(4rb/db) + 0.3]Ffu

 0.004Ef

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Shear Strength Calculation of Concrete
Shear Capacity of a Concrete section reinforced with Steel. (Vc) = 0.17√

Shear Capacity of a Concrete section reinforced with MateenBar

(Vc) = (2/5)bc√

c = k.d
k = Sqrt [ + ( ] – Pfnf
nf = Ef/Ec

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Reinforcement Design with MateenBar using the
ACI 440-1R-06 Design Guide
Cylinder Strength of Concrete = fc’
Elastic Modulus of Concrete = Ec = 4750√
Ultimate Strain in Concrete = εcu

Elastic Modulus of MateenBar = Ef Ff = 53 GPa.
Characteristic UTS of MateenBar = Ffu* Refer Table-7.1 ACI 440-1-06
Environmental Reduction Factor = CE Refer Table: - 1,
Design Tensile Strength = Ffu = CE. Ffu*
Allowable stress of MateenBar = Ff = √ Ffu

Where, A=
B = 0.85* . fc’.Ef. εcu
C = 0.5Ef. εcu

Value of β1

β1 = 0.85 for ; fc’ < 28 MPa

= 0.85 – 0.05(fc’-28) ; fc’ = 28 MPa < fc’ < 55 MPa
= 0.65 ; fc’ > 55 MPa


Ef = Ffm / Ef

Mu = Ultimate Moment
Mn = Pf.Ff(1-0.59 Pf.Ff/fc’) bd2
Where, Pf = Reinforcement Ratio
b = width of the section
d = effective depth of the section
ϕ = 0.55 if, Pf < Pfb Pfb = (0.85β1.fc’/ Ffu) [Ef.εcu/( Ef.εcu + Ffu)]
= 0.65 if, Pf > Pfb Pf = Area of MateenBar/b.d
= 0.3 + Pf/(4 Pfb) , if, Pfb < Pf < 1.4 Pfb

If, ϕMn ≥ Mu Flexural Capacity is O.K.

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Wc = 2Ff.β.kb sqrt [dc2 + (s/2)2]


Ff = Mservice/Af.d(1-k/3)
k = Sqrt [2ρ + (ρ ] – ρfnf
nf = Ef/Ec
kb = Bond Dependant Factor =1.4
β =( h-kd)/d(1-k)
h = thickness of the section
d = depth of the section.
dc =h-d
s = center to center spacing of rebar.

Crack Width Limits for GFRP & STEEL

Exposure Condition Allowable Max Crack Width

Exterior 0.5 mm
Interior 0.7 mm

Design for Shear links

Max Design Shear Load = Vu

Guaranteed UTS of Bend Bar (Ffu*) = 600 MPa
Elastic Modulus of Bend Bar (Ef) = 40 Gpa
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement = 10mm
Diameter of the Bend Bar = db
Bend radius = rb

Shear Strength of Concrete (Vc) = (2/5)b.c. √ ; ( c = k.d = 0.1585x497.5 =78.85)

Design Tensile Strength of Bend Bar (Ffu) = CE.Ffu*

Strength of Bent portion (Ffb) = [0 .05(rb/db) + 0.3] Ffu

Tensile Strength of Bend Bar for Shear design (Ffv) = 0.004Ef ≤ Ffb

Stirrup spacing (s) =ϕ.Afv.Ffv.d/(Vu-ϕVc) Where ; Afv = Shear area within a space (s)

Allowable minimum spacing ≤ d/2

Spacing for minimum shear reinforcement (s) ≤ Afv.Ffv/0.35b

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Design Data

Max ULS Moment (Mu) on Capping Beam = 92 kNm

Max SLS Moment (M service) on Capping Beam = 60 kNm

Trial Beam Section b=350mm, h=550mm, Clear Cover = 30mm

Try with 3 Nos 25mm dia bars (24.2mm root dia.) & 10 mm stirrups.
Area of MateenBar (Af) = 1380 mm2

Effective Depth (d) = 550 - 10 - 25/2 – 30

= 497.5 mm

Grade of Concrete (fc’) = 35 Mpa

Elastic Modulus of Concrete = 4750√
= 28E3 MPa

Reinforcement Ratio (Pf) = Area of MateenBar / b.d

= 1380 mm2 / 350mmx497.5mm
= 0.0079

Calculation of Allowable Stress of MateenBar

Elastic Modulus of MateenBar = Ef Ef = 53 GPa.

Characteristic UTS of MateenBar = Ffu*
= 720 MPa Refer Table:- 1,
Environmental Reduction Factor = CE
= 0.7 Refer Table-7.1 ACI 440-1-06
Design Tensile Strength (Ffu ) = CE. Ffu*
= 0.7 x 720 MPa
=504 MPa

Allowable stress of MateenBar = Ff = √ Ffu

Where, A= = (53E3 x 0.003)2 /4 = 6320.25


B = 0.85* . fc’.Ef. εcu = 0.85 x 0.8 x 35 x 53E3 x 0.003 ( 1 = 0.85 – 0.05(35-28)/7)

Pf 0.0079

C = 0.5Ef. εcu = 0.5x53E3x0.003 = 79.5

Therefore Ff = √
= 617 Mpa > Ffu

Hence, Ff = 504 MPa

Calculation of Flexural Capacity

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Nominal Moment Capacity, Mn

Mn = ( )

= 0.0079x504 Mpa (1-0.59x0.0079x504/35)350x497.5x497.5 Nmm

= 321.8 kNm

ρfb = 0.85 fc’ β1 Ef εcu

Ffu (Ef εcu + Ffu)

= 0.85 x 35 x 0.8 x 53E3 x 0.003

504 x (53E3 x 0.003 + 504)

= 0.0113

Therefore, ρf ≤ ρfb

Hence ϕ = 0.55

ϕMn = 0.55x321.8

= 177 kNm > 92 kNm

That is ϕMn ≥ Mu

Hence O.K.

Crack Width Limit Check

Check Crack Width

M service = 60 kNm

nf =

= 53 E3 / 28 E3

= 1.89

k= √ -

= √ -

= 0.1585

β = (h-kd)/d(1-k)

= (550 – 0.1585x497.5) / 497.5 (1-0.1585)

= 1.125

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Ff = Mservice/Af.d(1-k/3)

=60 E6/[1380x497.5(1-0.1585/3)]

= 92.26 Mpa

dc = h – d

= 550-497.5

= 52.5 mm

Bar Spacing, s = (350-2x30-2x10-25)/2

= 122.5 mm

Crack Width w = √

= 2x138.4x1.125x1.4x √

= 0.44 mm < 0.5 mm

Hence O.K.

Design of Shear links

Max Design Shear Load (Vu) = 75 kN

Guaranteed UTS of Bend Bar Ffu* = 600 MPa
Elastic Modulus of Bend Bar = 40 Gpa
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement = 10mm
Area of the 10 mm dia bar = 78.5 mm

Ffu* of shear links = 600 Mpa

Therefore Ffu = CE.Ffu* = 0.7x600= 420 Mpa

Shear Strength of Concrete (Vc) = (2/5)b.c. √ ( c = k.d = 0.1585x497.5 =78.85)

= (2/5)x350x78.85 x sqrt(35)
= 65307 N

Design Tensile Strength of Bend Bar (Ffu ) = CE.Ffu*

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= 0.7 x 600
= 420 Mpa

Strength of Bent portion ( Ffb) = [0 .05(rb/db) + 0.3] Ffu

= [0.05x (4x10/10) + 0.3] 420 Mpa
= 210 Mpa

Tensile Strength of Bend Bar for Shear design (Ffv) = 0.004Ef ≤ Ffb
= 0.004x40E3
=160 Mpa

Stirrup spacing (s) =ϕ.Afv.Ffv.d/(Vu-ϕVc) Where ; Afv = Shear area of within

a space (s)
= 0.75x(2x78.5)x160x497.5/(75E3 – 0.75x65.3E3)
= 362 mm

Allowable minimum spacing ≤ d/2 = 497.5/2 = 248.25 mm

For minimum reinforcement requirement (s) ≤ Afv.Ffv/0.35b

= 2x78.5x160 / (0.35x350)
= 205 mm

Therefore Provide 10 mm dia stirrups @ 200 mm spacing.

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