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Proposal: Runway/Medina Estate Security & Environment Enhancement


Runway/Medina Estate is a community that values the safety and well-being of its residents. In
line with this vision, we propose a comprehensive Security and Environment Enhancement plan
to ensure a secure and environmentally sustainable living environment for all residents.

Security Measures:

1. CCTV Surveillance: Installation of CCTV cameras at the entry gate of the estate to
monitor and enhance security surveillance. This will deter potential intruders and provide
evidence in case of any security incidents.
2. Security Patrol: Implementation of regular security patrols within the estate premises to
ensure quick response to any security concerns and maintain a visible security presence
for the peace of mind of residents.
3. Access Control: Introduction of access control measures to regulate entry and exit
points, thereby enhancing the security of the estate and minimizing unauthorized access.

Environmental Initiatives:

1. Afforestation and Deforestation Management: Establishment of a dedicated workforce

to maintain afforestation efforts, ensuring the preservation and growth of green spaces
within the estate. Additionally, proper management of deforestation activities will be
conducted to maintain a balanced ecosystem.
2. Waste Management: Implementation of a structured waste management system,
including the collection of garbage and waste twice a week. Each household will be
provided with uniform waste bins to promote efficient waste disposal practices.

Setting up of trash bins at the entrance of each court to ensure no litters are left on the

3. Road Cleanliness: Regular cleaning and maintenance of the estate roads to ensure a
clean and hygienic environment for residents and visitors alike. This includes the removal
of litter and debris to enhance the overall aesthetics and cleanliness of the estate.

Coordination and maintenance of our road through in time repairs and facilitation of
heavy trucks to pay maintenance fee which will be agreed upon by the estate committee

Implementation Strategy:

1. Resource Allocation: Allocation of necessary resources, including manpower,

equipment, and funds, to effectively implement the proposed security and environmental
2. Community Engagement: Encouragement of active participation from residents through
awareness and community meetings to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility
towards security and environmental conservation efforts.


The proposed Security and Environment Enhancement plan for Runway/Medina Estate aims to
create a safe, secure, and environmentally sustainable living environment for all residents. By
implementing proactive security measures and promoting responsible environmental practices,
we can enhance the quality of life within the estate while preserving its natural beauty for future
generations to enjoy.

Thank you for considering this proposal. We look forward to your support and collaboration in
making Runway/Medina Estate a model community for security and environmental stewardship.

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