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First Last (Name)

Health and Safety Officeí

Atlanta, Geoígia • +1-234-456-789 • píofessionalemail@íesumewoí •íname

Health and safety officeí with 8 yeaís of expeíience developing safety policies and píoceduíes that píotect employees and encouíage
compliance with goveínment íegulations. Key achievement: conducted 53+ inspections to ensuíe 100% compliance with
OSHA íegulations and developed coííective action plans foí non-compliance.


Resume Woíded, New Yoík, NY 2023 – Píesent
Health and Safety Officeí
● Executed inteínal enviíonmental health and safety (EHS) audits of seveíal woík locations to identify potential
hazaíds; íecommended coííective actions that incíeased compliance by 91%.
● Collaboíated with senioí management in developing policies that boosted safe woíking conditions within the
oíganization by 81%.
● Conducted íoot cause analysis and developed specific safety píoceduíes that íeduced the íisk of íecuííence
by 84%.
● Developed safety awaíeness woíkshops foí junioí and senioí management, which incíeased theií
knowledge of the subject matteí by 85%.

Gíowthsi, San Ïíancisco, CA 2019 – 2023

Safety Analyst
● Managed and facilitated extensive safety and hazaídous mateíial tíaining (HAZMAT) foí 40+ peísonnel.
● Recommended and developed policies foí inspection standaíds, decontamination píoceduíes, and waste handling
decíeasing exposuíe dose by 78%.
● Collaboíated with staff membeís on 28+ change contíol píocesses that íequiíed a $300K capital allocation; achieved
objective with $122K below initial budget.
● Developed occupational safety and health administíation (ISO) component píogíams and tíaining píogíams
foí 19+ municipal opeíations, íeducing woík-íelated injuíies and illnesses by 87%.

Resume Woíded Exciting Company, San Ïíancisco, CA 2015 – 2019

Safety Specialist
● Assisted 5 píoject manageís in identifying potential hazaíds on a constíuction site by píoviding contíol measuíes
that íeduced the accidents by 79%.
● Collaboíated with 10+ management teams to cíeate compíehensive safety policies based on ISO
● Developed and implemented contíol and íemediation píogíams in collaboíation with oíganizational
manageís, íeducing woíkplace hazaíds and íisk by 16%.
● Supeívised the woík of 30+ loweí-level technicians, ensuíing all safety píotocols weíe obseíved while
peífoíming job functions.


Resume Woíded Univeísity, New Yoík, NY 2015

Masteí of Science — Public Health


ľechnical Skills: Hazaíd Analysis (Advanced), Industíial Hygiene (Expeíienced), Risk Management, Industíial Safety.
Industíy Knowledge: ISO, NFPA, Risk Assessment, Fiíe Safety, Inspection, Emeígency Píepaíedness.
First Last (Name)

Denveí, OH (Open to Remote)

Safety Engineeí • +1-234-456-789
Safety Engineeí with nine yeaís of expeíience in utilizing safety engineeíing píocesses in industíialíname
enviíonments, suíveying and sustaining compliance to ISO íequiíements, laws, and íegulations oníesumewoíded
health and safety with píe-eminent íigoí foí fosteíing cultuíal change, and cultivating a
consistent enviíonment of safety.


Hidden hazaíds identification
Safety Engineeí Apíil 2023 – Píesent (Advanced).
Veíbal hazaíd communication
Resume Woíded, New Yoík, NY (Expeíienced).
● Implemented píeventive maintenance píogíam íeducing failuíe of Visual hazaíd communication•
equipment and costly unplanned downtime by 80%.
Recíuiteí note: enteí skills fíom job
● Reduced plant eígonomics issues by 40% by implementing íotation, SOPs,
descíiption heíe
body mass, and height evaluation.
● Maintained the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management systems foí a facility ľechniques:
of 170 employees, íepoíting indicatoís and goals to senioí management bi- Job hazaíd analysis (JHA)
weekly. Incident investigation.
Incident íepoíting.
● Initiated safety tíaining píogíams foí all fíont-line supeívisoís which
íeduced lost time injuíy (LTI) and íecoídable injuíy íate (RIR) by oveí
ľools and Fĩamewoĩks:
70%. Root cause analysis softwaíe.
Safety integíity level softwaíe (SIL).
HSE Engineeí June 2018 – Maích 2023 Incident tíacking softwaíe.
Reliability infoímation softwaíe.
Gíowthsi, San Fíancisco, CA

● Developed and applied company safety plans, píoceduíes, and

opeíational manuals abiding by standaíd píactices 100%.
● Ensuíed that annual HSE píogíams weíe in line with coípoíate stíategy.
Implementing ISO 14001:2014 (Enviíonmental Management System) and ISO
45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety).
● Oíganized and administeíed on-job tíaining based on the HSE tíaining
matíix, cíeating awaíeness and íeducing incidents by 70%. Resume Woíded Univeísity
● Developed íecycling píogíams íeducing waste cost and plant tíash by 90% Bacheloí Degíee in Safety
fíom 2019 to 2022. Engineeíing.
Majoí in Public Health.
Minoís in Enviíonmental Assessment.
Junioí Safety Engineeí August 2014 – May 2018 Boston, MA — July 2014
Awaíds: Woíkplace Safety Awaíd (2017)
Resume Woíded Exciting Company, New Yoík, NY Occupational Health and Safety Awaíd
● Evaluated ventilation systems to lessen employee vulneíability to pollutants
giving employees cíedence in the woíkplace enviíonment and impíoving
employee health by 60%.
● Investigated accidents and implemented changes wheíe needed
íesulting in a íeduction in accidents and woíkeís' compensation costs.
Incíeased time between Lost Time Accidents by 100%. OTHER
● Developed and deliveíed tíaining in opeíating píactices, íisk assessment, and
píocess safety impíoving company cultuíe by 90%. Volunteeíed in the
Waste4Waímth humanitaíian
píoject, íun by Gíowthsi.
First Last (Name)
Píocess Safety Engineeí
Bay Aíea, Califoínia • +1-234-456-789 • píofessionalemail@íesumewoí •íname

Results-oíiented Píocess Safety Engineeí with 7+ yeaís of technical competence and commeícial acumen íequiíed to be
adaptable to any business demand. Excellent knowledge of íisk assessment and hazaíd píevention in the woíkplace, as well as
the capacity to put contíol mechanisms in place to píevent it.


Resume Woíded, New Yoík, NY 2021 – Píesent

Píocess Safety Engineeí (2023 – Píesent)
● Paíticipated in Píocess Hazaíds Analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods, which íesulted in a 20%
íeduction in lead times acíoss depaítments
● Implemented a Safety Awaíeness Píogíam that identifies at-íisk peísonnel and stíives to incíease theií safety
awaíeness thíough píoactive safety-based actions in two aíeas coveíing 45% of the site
● Conducted oveí 15 tíaining seminaís foí safety píogíams, new hiíe oíientation, and contíactoí safety
oíientation in a 12-month peíiod

ľechnical Safety Engineeí (2021 – 2023)

● Díive innovative solutions into laíge-scale píoject planning, design, and implementation, íesulting in a 35% cost
● Tíained and assisted engineeíing, quality assuíance, and 50+ company píofessionals fíom oveíseas on matteís
conceíning goveínmental íules, íegulatoíy íequiíements, and quality management

Gíowthsi, San Ïíancisco, CA 2019 – 2021

Píocess Safety Engineeí
● Ensuíed 100% oveíall compliance with safety standaíds of all píocesses in accoídance with legal and coípoíate
íequiíements in 2020
● Developed and deliveíed tíaining to 3 junioí safety engineeís and 5 site officeís on píocess safety management
subjects such as íisk assessment, píocess safety in design, and safe opeíating píactices
● Collaboíated with the píocess safety laboíatoíy to develop tests and asses data in oídeí to píovide píocess safety
infoímation to assist opeíations and customeís, íesulting in a 25% incíease in woík píoductivity

Resume Woíded Exciting Company, San Ïíancisco, CA 2016 – 2019

Junioí Píocess Safety Engineeí
● Assisted in the development and íeview of woík píactices to ensuíe that complex chemical and
mechanical píocessing systems opeíate with 0 incident
● Utilized safety management technologies such as LEADER PHA Softwaíe and EHS Insight to assess job- specific
hazaíds and íisk-mitigation measuíes incíeasing woík efficiency by 40%
● Collected and documented data íelevant to píoject goals and timely launch of the RW fiím in 2018


Resume Woíded Univeísity, New Yoík, NY 2016

Bacheloí of Engineeíing — Chemical Engineeíing


ľechnical Skills: MATLAB (Advanced), Micíosoft Access, G&P Engineeíing Softwaíe, Píocess Safety Enteípíise
Languages: English (Native), Spanish (Fluent), Fíench (Conveísational)
First Last (Name)

Sacíamento, CA (Open to Remote)

Enviíonmental Engineeí • +1-234-456-789

Enviíonmental engineeí with 5+ yeaís of expeíience leading multidisciplinaíy units and email@íesumewoííname
implementing complex enviíonmental píojects. Key achievement: supeívised the design andíesumewoíded
implementation of 10+ waste management píojects in 2 yeaís.


Enviíonmental Engineeí Maích 2022 – Píesent
Resume Woíded, New Yoík, NY Haĩd Skills:
Aií Pollution Contíol (Advanced)
● Evaluated the enviíonmental impact of píoposed constíuction píojects and Waste Management
íecommended mitigation techniques, íeducing adveíse effects by 16%. Hazaídous Mateíial Disposal
Site Investigation
● Supeívised field investigation on 10+ píojects on sampling and testing of
Enviíonmental Monitoíing.
hazaídous mateíials in compliance with fedeíal íegulations.
● Implemented technical specifications foí the design of pollution contíol ľechniques:
facilities, íeducing exposuíe to pollutants by 29%. High-tempeíatuíe Incineíation
● Conducted enviíonmental site assessments (ESA) on new constíuction Biomediation
and íenovation píojects, píomoting safety by 39%.
Enviíonmental Specialist Septembeí 2020 – Febíuaíy 2022 Rotaíy Kiln
Gíowthsi, San Fíancisco, CA Liquid-injection Incineíatoí
Magnetic Flow Meteí
● Speaíheaded implementation of seveíal píojects that íeduced aií Fuínace
pollution by 19% within 4 weeks. Secchi Disk
● Designed and executed new píocess impíovements and íetíofits on existing
equipment, íeducing wateí consumption by 15% at díilling
● Aided in developing a compíehensive enviíonmental management system
that minimized gaseous gíeenhouse emissions by 45%.
● Developed a hazaídous waste píogíam that íeduced annual
expendituíe by $980K+ YoY.
Resume Woíded Univeísity Bacheloí of Science En
New Haven, CT — May 2019
Enviíonmental ľechnician June 2019 – August 2020 Awaíds: Resume Woíded Teaching Fellow (only 5 awaíded to c
Resume Woíded’s Exciting Company, New Yoík, NY
● Speaíheaded 21+ containment and clean-up píotocols, íeducing the íelease
of hazaídous wastes by 10%.
● Implemented and maintained enviíonmental píogíams such as spill
píevention and contíol, íeducing oil waste dischaíge by 39%.
● Conducted weekly íoutine maintenance on 12+ pieces of equipment foí
measuíing enviíonmental pollution levels. OTHER
● Tíained 10+ íecíuits within the enviíonmental depaítment; impíoved
depaítmental efficiency by 18%. Volunteeíed in a 6-month Píoject.
Ceítified Safety Píofessional.
Ceítified Enviíonmental Engineeí.
Bay Area, California • +1-234-456-789 • •

Resume Worded, New York, NY Jan 2023 – Present
Safety Coordinator
● Initiated a Safety Leadership training program for all first-line supervisors, led to 60% reduction in the
company's recordable injury rate (RIR)
● Analyzed 5 previous safety programs and forecasted risk for current program
● Implemented vital safety procedure to improve safety standards by 85% in line with RW’s HSE policy
● Utilized Risk Assessments and Job Hazard Analysis to improve project quality by 95%
● Inspected 10 confined spaces such as tanks and chemical emissions before issuing Cold/Hot Work Permits
● Participated in the implementation of ISO certification as part of the management group in 2023
● Trained over 300 employees through 10 consecutive sessions

RW Capital, New York, NY Jan 2019 – Dec 2022

Safety Engineer
● Implemented and developed Policies and Procedures on Safety for 100+ employees in English
● Managed 10 subcontracting company Safety Officers and performed periodic safety audits
● Developed and implemented a safety plan, resulting in a 45% decrease in injuries in the first year
● Developed and implemented strategic priorities in support of a holistic new hire orientation program in 2021
● Supervised all job sites to ensure that RW Capital and OSHA (PPE) standards are 100% met

Resume Worded Exciting Company, San Diego, CA May 2012 – Dec 2018
Safety Supervisor (Nov 2016 – Dec 2018)
● Coordinated client facility audits for the purpose of detecting hazards and providing risk management
strategies, resulting in a 45% increase in work efficiency
● Organized regulatory compliance training classes for over 50 clients across 5 countries in 3 months
● Performed technical consultation in specialized Risk Assessment for 100+ clients throughout the state

Safety Officer (May 2014 – Oct 2016)

● Developed and implemented policies and engineering practices, resulting in a 70% reduction in hazardous
waste accumulation and disposal costs
● Designed and implemented safe and environmentally compliant work policies, procedures, and audits that
reduced overall injuries and illnesses by more than 80%

Safety Inspector (May 2012 – Apr 2014)

● Ensured 100% adherence to Occupational Health Standards and the use of Personal Protective Equipment
● Led the 5-member Safety Man` in developing and sustaining a zero- incidence and zero- injury culture

Resume Worded University, San Francisco, CA Apr 2012
Bachelor of Occupational Health, Safety, & Environment

● SQL ● Six Sigma
● MATLAB ● Gensuite
● Python ● Risk Management
● Tableau ● Strategic Planning
● Metabase ● Safety Management
● Google Sheets
First Last (Name)

Health, Safety and Enviíonmental Manageí Noíwich, United Kingdom

• +1-234-456-789

Resume Woíded, London, United Kingdom

Pĩovides healīh seĩvices, enviĩonmenī managemenī īĩaining, and safeīy inspecīions
ľechnical Skills:
Health, Safety and Enviíonmental Manageí 01/2021 – Píesent Risk Management
Industíial safety
● Implemented new opeíational techniques that made píoceduíes moíe Hazaíd Analysis
efficient, impíoving píoductivity by 56%. Incident Investigation
Waste Management
● Speaíheaded safety audits of RW’s oíganizational píactices and
íecommended 17+ new techniques that incíeased the efficacy of safety
píogíams by 83%. Indusīĩy Knowledge:
● Intíoduced behavioí-based initiatives that íeduced íisks and woíkplace ISO Regulations
incidents by 45% YoY. Woíkplace Safety
Wateí Quality
● Executed and supeívised 11+ safety tíaining píogíams that boosted íobust
safety cultuíes by 62%. ľools:
Leak Detectoí
Polyhiíe, London, United Kingdom PPE
Offeĩs compliance managemenī, due diligence, and eneĩgy use ĩeducīion seĩvices Fiíe extinguisheí
Paíticle Counteí
Health Safety Cooídinatoí 08/2019 – 12/2020
● Supeívised 20+ machineíy and safety equipment inspections by identifying and
English (Native)
coííecting potential hazaíds, ensuíing 97% OHS íegulation compliance. Koíean (Píofessional)
● Cooídinated monthly inspection of emeígency lighting systems, fiíe extinguisheís, Japan (Conveísational)
and emeígency showeís, íeducing staff exposuíe to accidents by 16%.
● Speaíheaded íe-establishing the safety liaison píogíam, píompting stíongeí EDUCATION
safety cultuíes and píeventing $7300+ in violation fees.
● Developed píoactive stíategies to addíess safety hazaíds in 10 businesses,
íeducing inefficiencies by 59%.

Gíowthsi, London, United Kingdom & Baícelona, Spain Univeísity of New Yoík Masteí of Science Indus
Ensuĩes oĩganizaīions ĩemain complianī, safe, and susīainable foĩ īhe fuīuĩe New Yoík City, New Yoík 10/2012 - 08/2014
Enviíonmental Health Specialist 06/2018 – 07/2019
● Tíained 30 emeígency íesponse team membeís and impíoved theií
effectiveness and efficiency by 90% within one month of exeícises.
● Collaboíated with 10+ HSE officeís to develop effective hazaídous and non- NEBOSH IGC (2022)
hazaídous waste disposal methods. Ceítified Safety Píofessional (2019)
● Managed an annual budget of $350K foí 11+ enviíonmental health píogíams
(10% loweí than in píevious yeaís) within 24 months on the job.
● Supeívised the opeíations of 19+ wastewateí píe-tíeatment plants and
enfoíced 98% adheíence to ISO íegulations.


Enviíonmental Health ľechnician, ABC Company, London, UK 06/2017 – 05/2018

Public Health Officeí, XYZ Company, New Yoík, USA 06/2015 – 05/2017
Gíaduate Reseaích Assistant (Inteínship), ABC, New Yoík, USA 09/2014 – 05/2015

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