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The Death
Christian Civilization
(and how to save yourself and family)

This book offers the author's years of research on Chris-

tian civilization, along with advice on potential solutions.
The author and publisher will not be responsible for any
liability, loss, or risk incurred as a result of the use and
application of any information contained in this book.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used
without written permission of the author.

Copyright © 2024 Nick Bard, Upstreem LLC

ISBN 979-8-218-39547-6

Table of Content

Foreword 5
A Short Story from the Near Future 8
Preface 11
About the Author 14
Introduction 21
CHAPTER 1 - Evidence Christendom is dying 29
- The Seven Periods of Christian Era 30
- Government 35
- Culture 41
- Society 49
The Proof 73
CHAPTER 2 - Christian extinction - a tragedy 75
- The Resurrection is certain 76
- Moral Progress will be reversed 80
- The Best Historical Era 90
CHAPTER 3 – What’s causing the fall? 103
- Natural causes 104
- Technology 113
- Non-Christian Organizations 123
The Trolls at the Conference 135
CHAPTER 4 - What can be done? 139
- Prayers 141
- Education 143
- Christian Family 159
- Communities 161
- Christian Citizens Coalition 164
- Better Church Service 165
- How to convince doubters 167
- Culture War 171
God or matter? 173

CHAPTER 5 - Religion or science? 177
- Seven records of physical evidence 178
- The science mistaken identities 186
- Radiometric dating 190
- The ELI probability of Resurrection 195
- The ELI probability of evolution 206
- The nonsense of believing both Jesus &
evolution 214
- Where is Heaven? 217
- The best scientists were Christian 221
Third kind Terror 228

CHAPTER 6 - Is there any benefit? 233

- Adversity may yet present opportunities 233
- A collection of useful advice 238
- Faith reinforcements 245
- Christian existentialism 255
What mission? 259

CHAPTER 7 - Catechism & Questions 263

- The Bible 266
- Christian doctrine 271
- Answers to tough Questions 284
- Where is Heaven? 294
- Young Earth 298
- Extraterrestrials + 303
- Protection from misinformation 308
One hour in Heaven 313
Postface 317
A Short Story from the Near Future - part 2 320
Appendix 325

One of the most obvious signs of Christianity’s
accelerated decadence is the fact that too many
Christians believe in evolution, which, if true, invali-
dates many of Jesus’ statements.
So, we’ll try to prove that the New Testament is
more credible than the ‘B.Y.E’-science (Billions of
Years of Evolution). We’ll use evidence (demonstra-
tive and testimonial material), along with probabili-
ties and a Christian existentialist perspective.

The following list will be explained in detail, in Chap-

ter 5.
- Jesus’ Resurrection = 90%
- New Testament reliability = 70%
- After life = 70%
- Young earth = 70%
- Big bang = 50%
- Evolution = 30%
- ET aliens = 10%
A Socratic syllogism can be used as well:
Premise 1: If Jesus’ resurrection is true, the New Testa-
ment is accurate.
Premise 2: Resurrection is most probably true.
(both premises will be demonstrated in Ch 5).
Conclusion: New Testament is most probably accurate.
Consequence: All Jesus’ statements are truthful. The most
• afterlife, Heaven, and hell exist,
• only through Him anyone can go to Heaven,
• only a few will be accepted.

The teachings of Jesus Christ contain crucial infor-
mation for any human being to know. And two state-
ments are the most important:
1. "No one comes to the Father except through
me."(John 14:6)
2. ”I never knew you; depart from me…” (Matthew 7:21-23)

What should a Christian do in response to these es-

sential statements?
1. Follow Jesus
2. Make sure He knows you.
But how do we follow Him? And how do we make sure
we won’t be rejected? It’s imperative to find the cor-
rect answer.
There are many different opinions about that.
We’ll treat this topic in more detail in Chapter 6.
We’ll also demonstrate why the best answer for both
those questions is the 3 C’s:
Church, Communion, Confession.

And finally, an appeal to intelligent young people: don't

let yourself be manipulated and indoctrinated by those
who want your soul down into Hades. It seems that in our
day globalists are working ceaselessly to make the world
a big new Babylon, from which Christ should be removed.
It’s your opportunity to make some efforts and resist this
vast maneuver of darkness.
You won’t regret it.
What is this book good for?
• It explains why Resurrection is 90% credible
and evolution only 30%,
• Provides solutions for preventing Christen-
dom’s demise,
• Answers difficult hard-core questions about
• Helps the doubtful (i.e. where is heaven?),
• Clarifies science-religion debate,
• Offers suggestions for intelligent youth on how
to navigate through societal pressures and
maintain authenticity amidst a conformist en-
• Provides parents with resources and guidance
on nurturing their children's spiritual and
moral development,
• Gives information about Christian Neo-exis-
• Advise about finding opportunities in the pre-
sent time.

How helpful is it?

1. Reduce doubts - increase faith:
• Pascal wager,
• ELI - based on 7+ evidence records,
• Theoretical science mistaken identity,
• Find out where Heaven is?
2. Learn how to follow Jesus,
3. Become smarter and avoid being controlled!
4. Sharpen your Christian existentialist personality,
5. Get tips how to convince doubters,
6. How to be healthy,
7. And even how to make money as a Christian.
A Short Story from the Near Future
It was a nice summer day, in the year 2050 according
to the old calendar. Or, by the new calendar, the 4th
year from the “Great Liberation." Paul was strolling aim-
lessly down Great Revolution Avenue. An explicable sad-
ness lingered within him, although he couldn't quite pin-
point why.
The rhythmic tunes of the old 'Best of Beatles' album
filled his ears through the headphones he wore, until an
unwelcome track disrupted his mood – a song called 'Im-
He was irritated by the lyrics, which brought back
memories of his parents, who harbored similar feelings
about the song. Raised under the shadow of the church
by deeply religious parents, their influence lasted until
they were killed in a car accident.
A sudden realization struck him – it was June 29th,
the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a day his parents
faithfully celebrated annually. In a moment of reflection,
Paul unconsciously made the sign of the cross in their
honor, a gesture for the souls of his parents, who had
departed from this world.

A moment later, he lost his balance unexpectedly as

he stumbled over an unseen obstacle. Suddenly, a sharp
pain sliced through Paul's left shoulder.
After his initial shock subsided, he realized that a la-
ser-wielding CCTV camera had targeted and sniped him.
The beam would have hit him squarely in the heart if he
hadn't stumbled.
It occurred to him that by making the sign of the
Cross, he had violated a law. For several years, a strict
law that strongly opposed practicing Christianity had
been established. Street cameras and all telephones

were set to recognize certain gestures, such as the sign
of the cross, religious songs, and prayers.
Following the Great Revolution, promoting Christian-
ity in any way became a capital offense. Christians were
labeled as the greatest enemies of liberty and the public

Despite the pain in his shoulder, Paul ran home as

fast as he could, hoping that his physiognomy had not
yet been analyzed and his picture was not already
spread everywhere. Arriving home, he treated his
wound, then put on a woman's wig, reddened his lips
and slipped in his mother's dress.
Now Paul felt safe - he would no longer be suspected
of being a Christian anymore.
He looked just like one of ‘them’...

… (to be continued at the end)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, amen.
Thank you for reading this book. I wrote it primarily
for Christians, but anyone is welcome to read.

Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose again and

ascended to Heaven. This is certain, beyond reasona-
ble doubt, and more certain than evolutionary theory.
And we’ll (try to) prove that…

However, Christian civilization is on the verge

of collapse. Although Jesus said the Church would en-
dure to the end - and it will endure, yes - but it would
most likely last in the catacombs.

Isn’t it too dramatic to claim that Christian civilization is

It may sound excessive indeed, considering that
Christianity, as a religion, is still alive and well with
more than 2 billion members.

But we must distinguish between religion and civili-


Religion means the number of members still

active and the places where they gather for religious
service, i.e., churches.

And civilization has the following three ele-
ments: government, culture, and societal lifestyle.
Regrettably, the spirit of Christianity is barely dis-
cernible within any of these realms.
Also, despite the large number, Christians can
be classified into distinct groups, each with notable
differences. Let’s investigate:

The 7 categories of Christians today

# Category Description

1 The most ded- They’ve renounced the benefits of living in

icated - the world, with all its technological temp-
monks and tations, for the sake of Eternal Life. Same
nuns with the Amish.

2 Practicing They follow Jesus in an exemplary manner,

Christians obeying all the rules of the Church: prayers
every day, fasting, attending all services,
confessions, and communion.

3 Lukewarm A bit lazy, less dedicated to following

Christians Christ.

4 Doubtful A lot of doubts, rarely active as Christians.


5 Resentful Angry with God, because of certain trage-

Christians dies in their lives.

6 Agnostics They no longer believe in God, or just have

serious doubts.

7 Opportunists They chose the other side and are active in

the service of the enemies of Christ.

Only the first two groups can be counted on as
dedicated Christians. And they are not too numerous.
Are you one of them?
The 3rd and 4th groups are “lukewarm” Christians.
We will analyze this categorization in more detail

How can we tell that Christian civilization is dying, what

is causing it and what can be done about it?

We'll explore the specifics later in this book:

- Evidence that Christendom is declining
- Why it is terrible if it is so
- What are the causes
- Solutions

And we’ll discuss other topics as well:

- What are the seven periods of the Christian Era?
- Where Heaven might be located,
- Why “Extraterrestrials” are repelled by the sign of
the Cross, and more…

About the Author

This book reflects the viewpoint of a former ag-

nostic who, after spending 30 years in a communist
country, successfully liberated himself from detri-
mental indoctrination.
A short curriculum vitae: I used to be a com-
puter programmer, math teacher and part time mu-
sician. While working for Hewlett Packard and
Motorola, I patented two software algorithms.
During my activity, by merging intuition with
logic, I attained the ability to sense and appreciate
with accuracy all kinds of problems in today's world.

I’m not a good Christian. I’m trying and I’m

worried. I ask God for forgiveness if I’ve written
something wrong or inappropriate in this book.

Communist life experience.

I was born in a communist country and had to live
there for 30 years.

I don’t know why communism continues to
make proselytes even today, after tens of millions of
victims. They are the worst murderers in history and
normal people should be disgusted by them.
And now that some of the communist govern-
ments have lost power (apparently) the richest capi-
talist investors in those countries are… the ‘com-
rades’ who occupied higher positions in the com-
munist system. Is this hypocrisy or what?
Former atheist.
The important thing is that I was forcibly educated as
an atheist. It seems that the main purpose of com-
munism is to remove Christ from people's minds.
Until I was 25, while being brainwashed by the
communist system (using scientific methods - as
they openly boasted), I believed that Jesus Christ did
not even exist, and was only a fairy tale.

Note - There are 4 types of atheists:

1. the agnostics, these people have serious doubts - but
some of them feel sorry that they cannot believe in God.
Personally, I was like that.
2. passive atheists - they are sure there is no God, but
don’t try to convince others.
3. active atheists - trying to convince others to believe
that there is no God.
4. aggressive atheists - if God existed to them, they would
hate Him.

I hated the tyrannical communist system and

government, but I thought there was no other alter-
native, and I believed that unfortunately there was no
The education was organized following Lenin's
plan: "Give me the children and I will change the
We had to learn from a textbook called The
Training Course for the Young Atheist and had to read
the monthly Young Leninist magazine. We had to
learn the principles of the marxist materialist
philosophy. The Psychology course was also based on
the assumption that humans have no soul.

Capitalism vs communism
The distinction between capitalism and com-
munism can be summarized as follows:
• In capitalism there are two social classes - bil-
lionaires and the poor.
• In communism there are also two social classes
- billionaires and the poor.
The difference is that in capitalism the poor can crit-
icize the system, they can insult or curse the billion-
aires, they have certain rights in this sense.
While in communism you are not allowed to of-
fend the billionaires and even more - on certain hol-
idays all the poor are required to march in an orderly
manner and shout slogans of adoration to the bil-
lionaires who watch them from a grandstand.
Those who fail to comply with sufficient enthu-
siasm or abstain altogether face severe conse-

Elected leader of the ‘UYC’

Somehow funny, in the 9th grade, because I had
very good grades, I was forced to accept the position
of head of the "Union of Young Communists" organ-
ization in that high school.
I initially refused, but I got threatened that my
parents might get in trouble, because my refusal
meant they didn't properly educate me in the official
direction. So I had to accept.

Anyway, after a few years, I was expelled from
that organization, being suspected of planning to flee
the country.
Shortly after, my father died and I'm still not
sure if he wasn't poisoned.

I started to see spiritual light when I read Dostoyev-
sky, at 25. That was a revelation which made me re-
alize that this world is quite a misery, an absurdity, if
there really is no God.
I still had doubts, but I agreed with what Vol-
taire once said: "If there is no God, it must be in-
In time I found my way to Church and cleaned
up all the garbage I was forced to inhale.

Christian (sort of) punk music

Upset about all the hypocrisy and the wickedness in
the communist world, I started playing with a band
which quickly became popular in the underground -
never promoted publicly on the radio, of course.
Although under the influence of some UK punk
bands, our style still contained a tinge of Christianity
combined with genuine despair.

Here is a sample of our compositions at that time -

(although it's not good to talk bad about the dead -
"De mortuis nil nisi bene”, after being subjected to
atheist enforced education, I felt compelled to write

Hey, Lenin dude, you tried to brainwash kids,
and wanted us to follow you
into the hell, where you belong,
because you murdered sinless girls.
The schooling system you designed.
it drives me mad and now say this:
"get buried, Lenin, stay in hell,
And Stalin too and Marx as well,
but don't expect me there".
As expected, we were quickly banned by the authori-
ties. And we barely escaped from being put in jail, or

My escape to the free world.

Finally, I was able at the age of 30, by risking my life,
to escape from that prison and get out to the free
Unfortunately, it's not really a free world anymore. I
can see that the same murdering organization is ma-
nipulating the younger generation and is getting to-
tal control over the whole world today.
I don't care any longer, I expect to die soon and
hope to be accepted in a better world, as promised by
Jesus Christ.
But I am worried about the future of my chil-
dren, so I decided to write down my life experience
and observations, for their benefit and for others who
might be interested.
And this should answer the question: “Why did
I write this book?”.

What is this book about?
1. Christian civilization is falling rapidly and the book
searches for ways to prevent its extinction.
2. It aims to demonstrate that the Resurrection of
Christ is more likely than evolutionism and the big-
bang theory.
3. It explores why most people confuse practical sci-
ence with theoretical science, known as B.Y.E. theo-
ries (Billions of Years of Evolution).
4. The ELI method (Evidence, Logic, and Intuition)
will be introduced for calculating the probabilities
for Resurrection vs evolution.
5. A flavor of Christian neo-Existentialism will be used
in these calculations.
6. A hypothesis about the location of Heaven will be
presented along with answers to challenging ques-
tions - as a bit of help for Christian parents and
7. This is also an attempt to reconnect the youth with
the Church founded by Jesus Christ, for it is to eve-
ryone's benefit to avoid falling into Hades.

Who might benefit?

1. Parents with minor kids,
2. Agnostics - who want to believe but can’t,
3. Nonconformists in search of a sense for life,
4. Christians who want to do something useful,
5. Pastors or priests – if they want to use our ar-
guments about science vs religion.
Jesus Christ is the most important man in hu-
man history!
Greater than Alexander the Great, Genghis
Khan and Napoleon all combined. With a very small
army composed of a few disciples, most of them illit-
erate, he conquered a large part of the world after
only three years of activity.
And He also conquered Death.
Jesus brought to this world the concept of mod-
esty, kindness, forgiveness, and mercy. What could
be more beautiful?
The final gesture that made him famous was
the Resurrection and the Ascension to Heaven. There
is solid evidence for that, and that's for sure.

It is also just as certain that Christianity at the

present time is falling rapidly. Within a mere gener-
ation or two, the once-vibrant Christian civilization
risks slipping into a state of comatose, if not outright
demise. Our case for these proclamations isn't con-
fined to evidence and strict logic; instead, it draws
from a nuanced blend of probability, evidence, logic,
and common sense—what we term the ELI method.

The most gifted mind in history was, probably,

Blaise Pascal. He tried to prove through logic that God
exists. It quickly became clear to him that this was not
possible. God is infinite and beyond logic.

So Pascal invented the theory of probabilities,
which is frequently being used today in science, tech-
nology, and quantum physics. We too will use the
probabilities concept in the ELI method.

Proclaiming the death of the Christian civiliza-

tion may seem to be an exaggeration. There are
enough people - more than 2 billion, according to
some statistics - who still respect Jesus. Or at least
were baptized. So, one could say, the Christian reli-
gion is still alive and well, apparently. And I pray to
God that it is so.

Yet, what defines a civilization?

In its broader context, Christian civilization hinges
on three pivotal facets:
1. A Christian government
2. A Christian culture
3. A Christian way-of-life for its people

This signifies the existence of a nation or group

of nations led by Christian governance, with predom-
inantly Christian citizens.
This identity was once embodied by the United
States of America and various European nations.
However, contemporary dynamics—such as inva-
sions and non-Christian leadership—have reshaped
this narrative profoundly.
Note: This book predominantly discusses European
Christians, drawing comparisons with the Medieval times. Nev-
ertheless, we extend our greetings, love, and concerns to

Christians worldwide, irrespective of their nationality. May God
bless all of you!

Comparing to the Islamic civilization

For instance, the Islamic civilization is still in-
tact. There are several countries in the world ruled by
Islamic governments and where the society's way of
life is 100% according to Islamic rules.
Instead, there are no Christian countries any-
more... Although there are still Christians almost
everywhere, somewhat tolerated, who continue in
one way or another to worship Jesus. But their gov-
ernments don't rule in the name of Christ and the so-
ciety's way-of-life is more and more deviating from
the Christian values.

The Medieval Times

We should try to understand what is happening
today compared to the Christian civilization during
the Medieval Era. We will see how different every-
thing is now, being somewhat much worse than ex-
And let's find out what can be done, because the
disappearance of Christianity would be a disaster for
the world. Why? We’ll explain that later in this book.
However, Christ assured His disciples that His
Church will resist until the end of the world. Probably
a very small minority of Christians will survive to the
end. But we should struggle to help increase that
At least responsible parents and teachers
should worry about it.
The biggest sorrow is the youth that have been
socially engineered to the point that they don’t be-
lieve and don’t attend the Church. They should be in-
formed that the Church was founded by Jesus, and
His miracles and Resurrection are more credible than
It's not wise to refuse a gift…

Christianity - a new perspective

Countless books have been written about Christian-

ity, a lot of research has been done, and numerous
opinions and interpretations have appeared.

Let’s try to present the essence of Christianity as

briefly as possible.

Jesus shared with the Apostles three very important


1. One can get to the Heavenly Father only

through Him, there is no other way,
2. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven a person must
be baptized,
3. Many will be rejected because He does not know

What emerges from these three statements for us

Christians, who are baptized and accept that Jesus is
the Way?

The third statement means the most to us. We
must find out what we need to do so that we will not
be rejected by Jesus, because he would not know us.
Many opinions can be expressed, but it’s most
likely that the best union with Christ can be done only
in the Church founded by Him, through the Com-
munion that He instituted at the Last Supper.

But to receive Communion, we must first con-

fess and, if required, fulfill a penance.

The drawing above presents this idea by means

of a graphic scheme, from which it must appear that

Jesus is the only way and that He is the Son of God, as
He said.

Strong evidence is presented also.

Emphasis is placed on the three church-provided
sacraments: baptism, confession, and communion.
In addition to good deeds, prayers and fasting, we
should add kindness - which must be in the character
of a Christian, and which involves the concept of love,
mercy, and forgiveness.

Note: there are Christians who believe that having faith in

Jesus as our Savior is enough to be accepted to Heaven.
I think it’s safer to not be so sure.
Faith has several levels - wavering, struggling, little faith,
and finally strong faith. Very few have strong faith (like a
mustard seed!).
Also, faith cannot be coerced. And faith can be mixed with
many doubts and questions.
It’s better to pray for faith:
<<A man came to Jesus and said, “I do believe; help me
overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).>>

Christian Neo-Existentialism

1. Jesus' resurrection and the Bible are almost 100%

2. Nothing is 100% sure in this world, except Death.
3. Afterlife is highly probable, so our main concern
should be - not to be rejected as ‘lukewarm’.
4. The safest way to follow Jesus is the “3Cs” (church,
confession, communion).
5. If there is no Faith, then it should be Hope.
6. In a world of secrets and lies, the right attitude is dis-
trust of ungodly authorities.
7. Our life is too short, no time to waste on useless ‘BYE’
8. Don’t let others influence you. Most of them have
been brainwashed.
9. Get saved by not following the crowd.
10. Live and let live – according to the Ten Command-

Evidence that Christendom is dying

A lot of people are aware of that already. They can feel

it, consciously or instinctively. Some are even claim-
ing that we are living in a post-Christianity era.
But there are still numerous Christians who
don’t realize what’s happening.
We think it’s better to be aware and be ready to
defend what’s left of our former glorious civilization.
To begin, here are five proofs of the downfall:
a) Very few of the young generation still attend
church services.
b) Christians today are divided in 45 thousand
denominations and non-denominations…
that’s too much.
c) The contemporary lifestyle is rife with vari-
ous vices.
d) Christianity is the religion losing the most
e) And finally, the governments are displaying
limited sympathy toward Christians.

There is much more, so we’ll examine the evolution

of Christendom over the past 2000 years, and we'll
compare the present era with what is often regarded
as the pinnacle of Christian civilization.

The Seven Periods of the Christian Era

Before the Christian civilization there were three

preceding periods:
● 30-33 AD - the Acts of Jesus Himself, the Mir-
acles, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.
This very short period of time brings an explo-
sion of spirituality. From this moment on
Christianity starts growing with an impending

● 33-60 - the Acts of Apostles - never in the his-

tory of mankind a group of people were so suc-
cessful in spreading a certain doctrine to differ-
ent Nations and this is actually a sign, a proof
that the Holy Spirit inspired these uneducated

● 60-313 - The Persecutions - horrible tortures

and executions. The old world reacted with the
worst violence. Crowds of evil idiots enjoyed
Christians being killed and eaten by wild ani-
mals in the arena. However, in spite of all the
hateful opposition of the demonic establish-
ment, Christian revolution could not be

Now we can enumerate the following seven periods of

Christian civilization:

1. 313-380 - The Beginning. It starts with the acts
of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.
His mother Helen should also be venerated for
her role in finding the Cross.
Constantine builds a new city in Greece -
the “New Jerusalem” - Constantinople and
moves the capital there.
The council of Nicaea, in 325, a very im-
portant moment, where inspired theologians
created the Creed and decided about the Holy

2. 380-1054 - The Byzantine Empire - The year

380 is a great moment when emperor Teodosius
rules that Christianity is the official religion of
the Roman empire.
This period is centered mostly around the
Byzantine Empire.
Despite the Icons crisis, in the 700s, this
was the peak of Christian Civilization. There
was an intense fervor and dedication for the
Christian values. The most inspired theologi-
ans, known as the Church Fathers , established
the norms of the Christian religion and clarified
many of the conflicting details that ordinary
Christians could not understand.

3. 1054 - 1453 - The Crusades

All the kings in Europe were servants of Christ.
But after the separation of Catholics from Or-
thodox in 1054 things started to go downhill.

The Byzantine Empire became weak, lost con-
trol over most territories and the Muslims con-
quered Jerusalem. This triggered the Crusades.
The Fourth Crusade occupied Constantinople in
1204, instead of continuing to Jerusalem, and
that was an ugly moment of conflict between
the Orthodox and Catholics.

4. 1453-1789 - the Byzantine Empire demise and

the Reform. The fall of Constantinople in 1453,
occupied by ottomans and renamed Istanbul. In
1492, when Columb discovered America, it was
the year 7000 from the world Creation (accord-
ing to the Byzantine calendar).
In the West, the hierarchs of the Catholic
Church had forgotten that they should be hum-
ble and modest and, as a result, their behavior
aroused the disapproval of many who embraced
the reform initiated by Luther.

Note: the best part of Christian civilization is made of

these four periods, starting in 313 - when Constantine
the Great brings Christianity out of catacombs - and
ending in 1789, with the ugly revolution full of decapita-
tions, when the enemies of Christ succeeded in starting to
destroy the Christian civilization.
There is a lot to say about this period, it is the most
acceptable epoch in the history of mankind - and not at
all the ‘dark ages’ as the Christ haters call it nowadays.
Despite various problems (wars, iconoclasm,
schisms), this was the peak of Christian Civilization.

There was an intense fervor and dedication for the Chris-
tian values. All aspects: governments, culture and social
way-of-life were 100% Christian oriented.

5. 1789-1918 - after the French revolution - in

the middle of Christian nations the anti-Christ
conspirators succeeded in destroying the good
old France (whatever vices it might have had).
The leaders of the Revolution, being openly the
enemies of Christianity, started a violent cam-
paign to annihilate the Christian civilization.
They changed the calendar, so the years no
longer counted from the birth of Christ, re-
placed the statue of Virgin Mary in the Notre
Dame cathedral with a statue of the goddess of
Reason, killed priests and in the end, after a lot
of executions and beheadings, even if they lost
power for a while, Christianity was no longer
going to be the same as before.
The advocates of enlightenment ideals prom-
ised ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité,' yet none of
these principles have been realized.
It’s quite stupid for Christians to celebrate
that revolution which was so detrimental to
them. At least if the greatest heroine of France
would be remembered also - Charlotte Corday.

6. The sixth period started in 1918, until 2000, af-

ter the 1st War in Europe, with the huge explo-
sion of technology: electricity everywhere, cars,

airplanes, radio, tv, telephone, advanced wea-
The atheist indoctrination started through
mass media - newspapers, radio, then later tv
and movies - and even in schools, by introduc-
ing evolutionism, although the prayers and
some Bible study was still practiced.
Communism openly and aggressively targeted
Christian civilization, leading to the destruc-
tion of churches, persecution of the clergy, and
the imposition of atheist indoctrination in

7. The latest period started in 2000 with the huge

explosion of information technology. This pe-
riod is characterized mostly by the most intense
atheist indoctrination of the young generation
through schools, mass media and also by the
internet and video games. Another aspect of
this period is the legalization of a certain way-
of-life which in the past was a big no-no. Of
course, mostly in the countries with still a large
number of Christians.

The worst times may arrive soon. It might be much worse

than the persecutions in the Roman empire, because:
-Romans were still religious with their gods, today it’s
worse - there are numerous aggressive atheists and an
increasing number of satanists
-The Roman government didn’t have the advantage of
today’s technology.
God help our children. Their future is bleak…
Compared to the Medieval era, Christianity looks bad
today. The religion is still intact: a large number of
Christians still attending churches. But the Christian
civilization is not well. To figure out what's going on,
let's analyze:

The three elements of Christian civilization:

government, culture, and society

1. Government
First, there is not a single Christian government in
the world today.
Certainly, there are government officials at
various levels who identify as Christians. But they
have very little or no influence in protecting the in-
terests of Christian families. This is evident in
schools lacking religious education.

We understand for instance that in the USA -

because there is so much diversity, different types of
Christians and also other religions - the government
must work for all of them, so it shouldn't be dedicated
exclusively to Christians.
But in Europe, where all countries used to be
ruled by Christian monarchs, it's now become a dif-
ferent story. The future looks bleak for the European

Christians, especially after the massive Muslim mi-
gration allowed by traitorous politicians.
The last Christian government - the Tsar in old
Russia - got overthrown by the communist antiChrist
conspiracy in 1917 and his family killed mercilessly.
Today there is not a single country in Europe
ruled by a Christian government, period.
Alright, with the exception of Vatican City.

Even worse - communist governments.

After the wretched revolution in Russia in 1917,
the atheistic education was imposed by force in
schools and through the mass media. Comrade Lenin
had declared 'Give me the children and I will change
the world' and the bolsheviks worked intensely as
new educators.
Then after the second world war, with the con-
sent of the western countries USA and England, half
of Europe, the eastern part of Europe, was left captive
to communism. There the enemies of Christ did their

It seems that the main purpose of communism,

in reality, is not to improve or equalize the social sit-
uation, but actually to remove Christ from people's
For example, the Christmas holiday, being fo-
cused on the birth of Jesus Christ, was not respected.
On Christmas and the days surrounding it, people had
to go to work. Instead, the people were generously
given three days off on New Year's Eve. The change of

the year was considered a very important holiday.
Stupidly, because actually the number of years since
the birth of Jesus was still kept, but they avoided dis-
cussing it.
Tremendous tortures were practiced in certain
prisons as secret experiments against Christians.
Beaten up every day, so severely that some of them
died, young Christian students could no longer resist
and ended up in such a state that they gave up on Je-
sus. During important holidays such as Christmas or
Easter, these prisoners were forced to eat excrements
in a mocking imitation of Christian rituals.
These horrific experiments show how demonic
the communist atheists were.
It is interesting to note that the human being is
so vast - you find saints, angelic people, and at the
same time you find people of immeasurable wicked-
ness, even worse than devils. Such beings cannot be
called animals but sub-animals, for there are no such
evil animals - and that’s another reason to disbelieve

The role of the government

The main role of a government is to do every-
thing possible to keep its people from going to hell.
It seems that, at least in the communist coun-
tries, the government was doing the exact opposite.
They were doing everything they could to get the
people to reject Jesus Christ and go to hell.

Some of the rulers didn't believe hell existed,
but others, more thieving and trickier, knew it ex-
isted, and for some reason they had chosen to side
with Evil.
Finally, these days all governments in formerly
Christian countries are no longer Christian govern-
ments. They promote pagan education and give very
little support to Christians in the countries they gov-
Note: certain Christians may perceive that in former
communist countries such as Russia, the governments have
reverted to Christian traditions. But as long as Lenin’s body is
still preserved, streets have stalinist names, and the president
used to be a KGB officer… we should be skeptical. It looks rather
like a political scheme.

Some new legislation

Even worse, lately new legislation encourages
homosexuals to marry. No problem, but… this gives
them the right to adopt children…
Social workers will start confiscating children
from Christian mothers, based on the criminal idea
that the kids are being abused through Christian ed-

Regarding the abuse of children, Jesus has said:

- “If anyone causes one of these little ones who
believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him
to have a large millstone hung around his neck
and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
(Matthew 18:6)

This holds true for anyone involved, even remotely,
with preventing kids from finding salvation through

The worst tragedy for Christianity is when Christians
fight and kill other Christians. Unfortunately, it oc-
curred quite frequently in the past. It seems those
wars were still started by the nature of people in gen-
eral who have this disease of making war from time
to time.
But in the last hundred years, the two world
wars, especially the first one, seem to have been or-
chestrated from the shadows, in order to make mil-
lions of Christian men disappear (that’s why manda-
tory drafting was introduced since the French revo-
lution 1789). There is a hidden devil responsible for
these plans.

And today, in 2024, this terrible war in Ukraine

between Christians killing each other is another sim-
ilar tragedy. And it is quite obvious that it is organized
by the enemies of Christians who keep pulling hidden
strings behind the stage.

The church leadership

To the non-Christian governments’ issues, we
can add another very bad situation: the Church hier-
archy cannot be trusted anymore.

Hostile authorities infiltrated obedient theolo-
gians into the highest levels of Church leadership, in
both communist countries as well as the more liber-
ated countries. The hierarchy members now follow
the plan designed by globalists.

Seeing how the decisions of the new world or-

der are immediately approved in their churches, such
as the acceptance of homosexuals as pastors or
priests, many Christians are struggling, confused,
looking for alternatives, possibly searching for other

The Orthodox Church

As a result, it seems that Orthodoxy has been
more successful. Lately many people tried to ap-
proach Orthodoxy and even got baptized, because
this branch of Christianity is more stubborn in un-
changing - which is good.
For example, a famous priest recently was
asked how Orthodoxy will follow the progress of
mankind. And the answer was that, if humanity be-
comes a new Sodom, the Orthodox Church will re-
main frozen as it was 1000 years ago and will not
adapt to this so-called progress.
Unfortunately, even there the hierarchy cannot
be trusted any more.
There has been a lot of action conducted by
communists to replace the original Church leaders.
These leaders have the mission to promote the ecu-
menist movement, that is to achieve the unification

of all denominations. Of course, each denomination
will have to make changes in order to accommodate a
One Church standard.
Ecumenism is dangerous and cannot be trusted.
The real intention is probably to lower the rank of Je-
sus from the Son of God to a regular innovator pro-
moting obedience towards the authorities.

Orthodoxy is still the best choice, as long as it

keeps the doctrine established more than one thou-
sand years ago by the most inspired theologians - the
Church Fathers .

In conclusion – in 380, Emperor Theodosius

decreed that Christianity was the official religion of
the Roman Empire. Then yes, the government was
100% Pro Christian. Compared to that time today it is
not like that at all - non-Christians are more favored.
The Christian religion still exists, but not the
civilization itself.

2. Christian culture
Here we talk about architecture, art, music,
choreography, and symbols.

Out of the three elements of civilization, the

Christian culture doesn’t look extinct. Most of the
creations from the past are still around today. At least
the architecture, art, and some of the music.
Throughout the extensive duration of more
than one thousand years in the Middle Ages, Chris-
tians demonstrated a striking ingenuity in architec-
ture, music, and art, effectively pioneering new

However, nowadays Christianity has almost no

creativity and originality in these fields, compared to
the previous periods.

Christian architecture
The most impressive architecture in Europe
was created during Medieval times. If you travel to
Europe, the most fascinating and important places to
visit are the old medieval towns. There is a special ar-
chitectural beauty, a certain fairytale aesthetic which
came out of the Christian spirituality of the popula-
tion at that time.
The Catholic gothic style of the Western Europe
is the best looking. But also, the smaller Byzantine
churches in Eastern Europe have their own beauty.
And the Russians also expressed their love for Christ
in a special original way.
All churches built during the Medieval millen-
nium are masterpieces of architecture.
Sadly, the medieval times are called today 'dark
ages’... No comment.

Today the newly designed buildings dedicated

as places of worship are not impressive. An obvious
sign of decadence.

Christian paintings
The first artist to paint a portrait of Mary,
Mother of Jesus, was Luke. Unfortunately, that por-
trait was lost.
Many other icons were painted by monks during the
Medieval times and after. They developed a new, in-
spired style.
The creativity of Medieval Christian art is the
most impressive.
The visual art of Medieval times was not too
hard to preserve or restore.
But not the music. There was no recording
equipment available yet. However, the musicians of
good old Christian times invented the notation.

Christian music
In connection with Christian music, three peri-
ods can be observed, each with its own style of music
very different from one another.
First of all we have the Byzantine and Gregorian
chant that lasted until about the 1200s, after which
comes what is called renaissance music and finally
the baroque.
Since the 18th century the musical originality of
Christians has been somewhat lost. For example, to-
day certain chorales are sung in churches that sound
the same as other non-Christian choirs, only the
words are dedicated to God.

Christian rock has also been introduced, which
again, has no originality in form, sound, rhythm, and
vocals. It sounds like any other heavy stuff, metal,
rock, music made by pagans, and only the words are
Anyway, despite a global population of over two
billion believers, only a small fraction gravitates to-
wards Christian music. The majority prefers the pa-
gan music - rock, pop, rap, etc. Songs about ‘losing
my religion’ or ‘I don’t wanna go to heaven’ are pop-
ular hits.
Note: a great underrated band, the Stranglers, wrote nu-
merous beautiful songs. However, at least one of them (Para-
dise) brings a wrong statement (“I don’t think anyone ever
found paradise, because paradise is based on lies…”). They
should’ve said ‘because I think it's based on lies’. Or ‘I’ve been
taught it’s based on lies’.
We’ll discuss more about Christian music in Ch.

So the art of Christian music was truly original 1000

years ago up until Bach. Today originality is quite

Choreography is an ancient art from ancient
times. We know that the muse Terpsichore in ancient
Greece was the goddess of dance.
In the Middle Ages, it was probably not prac-
ticed much considering that this art was frivolous for
Christians. It was not a very suitable occupation for
them, at least not encouraged by the Church.

However, it seems that around the year 1400 or
maybe even before, folk dances emerged and con-
tinue in European countries today.
Also, during the 18th century, the royal courts
organized select parties where the educated nobility
practiced an elaborate refined style of court dance.
The distinctive feature of this historical dance was its
decency and elegant movements.

Nowadays new elements have appeared, which

did not exist before, at least not in Europe. Two ele-
ments in particular are used a lot in the modern new
choreography, and they bring a flavor of shameless-
ness: the ‘shake-butt’ move and some sort of a defe-
cating position…
The new dance innovations are imported from
pagan culture. These are decidedly non-Christian
choreographic movements.
Today it’s hard to find a decent ballet school for
little girls. Unfortunately, parents don’t seem to care,
and they even express enthusiasm when their young
daughters perform on stage ‘shake-butt’ provocative
movements, as prostitutes do on the street at night.

If an individual from the past were to time-travel and

witness these modern ballet expressions, they would
surely find them repugnant.

This new art is one of the technological won-
ders. Unfortunately, it is almost entirely controlled

by non-Christians. As a result, most movies contain
subliminal messages aimed at Jesus followers.
Here are some of the subliminal messages com-
monly used by the film industry:
- God is never or very rarely mentioned. All kinds
of actions happen, all kinds of events, trage-
dies, dramas, or comedies - but the possibility
of divine intervention is not explored. The ef-
fect in viewers' minds is that God does not exist.
- Sometimes criminals or negative characters are
regular Christians or even pastors or priests.
- When certain drama happens, one prays to God
for help, but does not receive it.
- Sometimes characters with religious views are
portrayed as either foolish or misguided in their

As for Jesus, He is almost never mentioned in

any of the films. Except to be cursed, with ambiguous
words, in some of the recent movies.
However, there are also several Christian pro-
ducers today. “Cloud Ten Pictures” is one. But their
films have little, or no publicity and few Christians
watch them.

Christian symbols
This is an interesting topic and very few get the
meaning of it.
What was the symbol for the Christian world in
the past? For almost 2000 years?

The Cross.
What is the symbol of these present times in the
whole world?
The five-pointed star.

This symbol did not exist in the Christian coun-

tries before. You don’t see any painting, or architec-
tural decorations from the past with one single five-
pointed star.
Because it was considered the sign of the devil…

One may argue that some, very few, heraldic

coat-of-arms contained a pentagram. But always the
star of Bethlehem, for instance, was depicted as a 6 or
rather 8-pointed star, never 5.

So how come right now it is present everywhere?

Maybe because it’s a more interesting design
and it’s being used for its graphic qualities?
Don’t believe that.

Because it’s not exposed just for the sake of

looking cool. One can find this symbol in hidden
places, like on the soles of some shoes, and even on
the inside lining of babies’ diapers. Weird…

Unfortunately, even the churches today might

use this star in various places. On top of Christmas
trees, and even on the cover of some Bible editions.

Surely, it’s a misunderstanding. Perhaps the clergy
today is less fanatical about symbols…

Meanwhile the sign of the cross has been re-

moved from the protestant cemeteries. Also, in the
countries with catholic and orthodox populations it’s
been hinted that it bothers some ‘minorities’, so in
the future it might be removed from churches and

Sooner or later the sign of the cross might be

considered as offensive as the swastika.

According to traditional wisdom, the symbol of

the cross bothers the demons. It’s always been con-
sidered a powerful defensive weapon that keeps the
devils away.
The gradual replacement of the cross with the
satanic star is the ultimate proof that Christianity is
losing ground day by day.
This situation can be summarized by some kind
of mathematical formula:

3. The society's lifestyle

This is the worst aspect. While the non-Chris-

tian governments and the culture decay can be ex-
plained somehow, however the society behavior in
former Christian countries is reprehensible.
It doesn't matter anymore that there are over
two billion Christians in the world today, as long as
the vast majority of them behave inappropriately.
First let's analyze how the two billion Chris-
tians are divided today.

The seven categories of Christians

In relation to the Christian faith there are seven cat-

egories of people.

1. Monks and nuns. They are the most committed to

Jesus Christ. They renounced earthly life, retired to
monasteries, and dedicated their existence to God.
Their sacrifice is indeed worthy of rewards elsewhere.
Also similar to monasteries are the Amish commu-

2. Practicing Christians who believe, make efforts

even if they may have doubts, but still consider that
it’s better to go to church regularly. These are prac-
ticing Christians. They follow the laws, the Church's
commandments, the 10 commandments, they con-
fess from time to time and live an earthly life with
some wisdom. If they are protestants, they read the
Bible and pray daily. The Orthodox and Catholics fast
every Wednesday and Friday. Also long fasting for
Christmas and Easter. They confess and receive com-
munion regularly. They memorized the Creed and
Our Father. From time to time, they read an Akathist.

3. Lukewarm Christians - the largest group are those

who believe that there might be a God, but they have
some doubts and don't think they should do much
about it; they suspect that there might be a judgment
after death, but they are not too sure and do not worry
too much, preferring to focus on the problems of life
on earth. They attend church services occasionally,
no fasting, no daily prayers.

4. Colder Christians - those who are baptized but

very rarely attend the church. Maybe once a year for
the Resurrection. They have too many doubts or are a
bit too lazy. They don’t know much about Christian
doctrine or have only a vague idea. These people usu-
ally believe that their good deeds might save them.

5. Resentful - the next category is those who believe

that God exists, but are against Him, they are dissat-
isfied with God for various reasons. If they have a very
strong reason, some tragedy happened in their life,
probably God understands, but it’s risky to make as-

6. Agnostics - then there are those who are very

doubtful and are not sure if there is a God.

7. Turncoats - they believe in God, some of them ac-
tually know that He exists, but prefer to be on the op-
posite side, believing that the evil one will win in the
battle between the two camps. Or at best, they enter
the Freemasonic Organizations thinking it is not a
bad thing and hoping it is not a sin.

Out of the two billion followers of Christ, only the 1st

and 2nd groups can be counted on as devoted Chris-
tians. And those are not too many.
The 3rd and 4th groups might be labeled as “luke-
warm” Christians.

Let’s not be “lukewarm”. The matter of Salvation is

not a game, and we should take it very seriously. We
have no way of knowing how we will be judged and if
we will be accepted in the good ‘other’ world.

We should make sure as much as we can. Jesus

said that no one can reach the Father except through
Him, that He is the door that leads to the Heavenly
Kingdom, that many will be rejected – and we do not
know exactly by which criteria.
Because the ‘lukewarm’ will not be received,
any responsible Christian must do his best to avoid
being in that category.

So the monks and nuns are very important be-

cause they pray incessantly and this is very helpful
for the rest of us.

But even more important is the second cate-
gory, the practicing Christians, because they have the
role to ensure the continuity of the Christianity
through their children if they are properly educated.
Now this is more and more difficult, because
dedicated Christians are a minority in today’s world
and their kids tend to be influenced too much by the

I should mention the Amish community, they

seem to be successful in protecting their children
from the world. They live like monks, but they also
get married and have children. It’s like they combine
the first and second group of Christians successfully.

In conclusion, it looks that only the first two

categories have real chances to be accepted into
Heaven. And those are not numerous, perhaps not
even 10% of all Christians in existence today.

The modern depravity

Here are some examples of contemporary

moral decline: drug abuse, promiscuity, cohabita-
tion, extramarital childbirth, sodomy, vulgar and
blasphemous language, abortions, wild Friday
nights, body-counting. And more…

Many people today use drugs. Already mariju-
ana, cannabis or whatever it is called, is legalized in
almost all European countries and US states. But of
course, in a non-Christian country, like China, there
is a death penalty for any drug dealer.
In Europe and America, the necessary measures
are not taken much. It appears to be a secret cam-
paign to degrade the European population and Chris-

There has never been such drug abuse in Chris-

tian countries!
Although prohibited, they practically flooded
America and the European countries.
Someone once said that even the incense used
in churches is also a drug for increasing the religious
If it is so, the problem is that the other drugs are
for increasing the rejection of the religious experi-
ence. I have never seen one who smokes marijuana
and feels the need to pray to God. Rather the opposite.

A very big problem is the way in which sexual
activity is practiced between man and woman, even
within Christian marriages. Namely, oral sex is prac-
ticed a lot. It can be assumed that this happened very
rarely in the past.
Probably, until the bath and shower were in-
vented, because in rural areas there was not much

possibility of hygiene, there was no such attraction to
practice oral sex. Now there is a certain fashion in this
direction, and it is promoted even through education
in schools. Children, from a fairly young age, are in-
troduced to this understanding of sex and are shown
that there are various possibilities, including mas-
Such a situation, compared to the past, shows
that morals are degrading in the post-Christian soci-
Sexual perversions were not to be practiced, accord-
ing to the recommendations from the Church.
‘Swingers’ - couples switching partners in sex
orgies has never been practiced in the past. Hopefully
there are no Christian couples doing it.

Cohabitation of a man and woman without for-
mal marriage in the Church.
This is more widespread today than at any time
in the past. We are talking about Christian civilization
- never during the hundreds of years of Christian civ-
ilization was this sin so widespread. Most young peo-
ple today live unmarried, without religious marriage.
Some try only for a short time to see if they
match, others do this for years until they decide to get
married in the Church.
It is of course a sin. It shows a fallen mentality
with no regard for the commandments of the Church.
In the old days young women waited patiently
to be wooed and proposed to. If that hadn’t happened,

they would have retired to a monastery. Today is
completely different.

Out-of-wedlock childbearing
The word bastard used to be an insult. And still
is. The number of bastards used to be very small be-
fore, maybe one in one thousand or even less.
Today almost 50% of children are bastards(!).
They are born out of wedlock. Unmarried couples or
even worse, mothers with no husbands. Sometimes
mothers don't even know who the man who fathered
the child is.
And of course, most of the time the child was
conceived on Friday nights.
This situation is really very different from how
it was until this last period of Christianity.

Homosexuality, sodomy, which were clearly
considered great sins in the past, recently began to be
recommended - to young people of course. Sodomy
was legalized in most countries, former Christian
Let’s be clear, Christians do not throw stones.
This is not a hateful opinion. We all have sins. But we
believe that those who practice sodomy will most
likely go to hell, so we should not encourage them.
But it is very clear from the Bible that Sodom
and Gomorrah were destroyed, and the tribe of Ben-
jamin in Israel was almost annihilated because sod-
omy was practiced there.
So we expect that sooner or later the Bible will
either be changed or considered a forbidden book,
because it is full of retrograde concepts from the
point of view of the current mentality.
Besides, sex change agenda is being pushed ag-
gressively, so it comes to be considered that ‘he’ and
‘she’ no longer exist.
In this mockery it ends up being said that God
himself is not He or she but is ‘it’.
Therefore, we live in a period where the gov-
ernment does not protect the Christian doctrine and
even worse, many denominations accept the new
changes introduced by pagans. This is not a Christian
civilization anymore…
In fact, we can offer some helpful advice. For a
Christian inclined to practice sodomy there are three
- Abstinence in the world
- Abstinence in monasteries
- Reduced sexual activity and frequent confession.
We believe that God understands the struggle and
would reward these efforts.

Foul language
One of the worst aspects of the state of society
today, in Christian countries, is the foul language full
of blasphemy.
First of all, the word “holy” which is attached
to any defilement. It is obviously disrespectful to God.
The word “Holy” can only be used in connection with
God, but today most people use it, perhaps without
realizing it, in association with other dirty words. It
is of course a mockery and an insult to God. But you
never hear insults directed at the devil. It's surpris-

Lately the f-word and / or sh*t are being used a

lot in movies and also in regular conversations. Dirty
language is characteristic to the society of our times.
People didn’t talk like that in the past. At least not
during Medieval times.

Even worse, in recent years, certain movies -

likely directed or funded by individuals seemingly
hostile to Jesus - have taken it a step further. They
depict combinations of words like "Holy," the f-
word, and the name of Jesus, in a manner that sug-
gests someone, in a fit of anger, unintentionally ut-
tered these words. Though it is obvious those scenes
were carefully calculated.
Well, in the bygone era of Christianity, individ-
uals who uttered such words would have faced the In-
quisition, leading to questioning, which, some might
argue, was not entirely unwarranted.

Anyway, all Christians who watch such a movie

should consider an immediate halt and a permanent
boycott of the director.

Today, in this seventh period of Christian civiliza-
tion, abortions are probably the worst sin of man-
kind. It has never happened like this before.

Abortions are murders.
We should face it - there is indeed a huge prob-
lem today - the Earth is overpopulated. It’s hard to
figure out a decent solution.
The idea of family planning makes sense, but it
should not be carried out through abortions, because
this is a great sin. But simply by abstinence or by us-
ing condoms. This is how it could be solved, without
resorting to this horror which is the killing of future
human beings.
It is a great sin that can be washed away very
hard. Murder is no joke.
Murderers are clearly destined for hell.
It would have been better if there was no after-life,
but it is very likely that there is.
And it is not necessarily that God punishes the
sinners, but simply He rejects and does not protect
those who have done bad things. In this case those
who are rejected, who are not received in a good
place, will suffer. They will be the prisoners of the
fallen angels who really hate people.

Friday nights
For almost 2000 years Christians have fasted on
Friday, respecting the fact that on that day Christ
suffered terribly and died for us.
Today the vast majority of people, Christian or
non-Christian, spend their Friday nights partying,
dancing, drinking, consuming drugs, and of course
having premarital sex outside of marriage.

This is a strong proof that Christianity is headed
down the path to extinction.

Body count
Lately teenagers have invented a new sort of
competition: the body-count. Which means the
count of how many people you've had intercourse
It seems that it has become a point of pride to
have a large number. Usually this happens to boys -
which is not fair, normally boys who have a big body
count should be called whores - but lately even girls
seem to take pride in having lots of affairs.
Until a few decades ago, such a thing did not
happen. Never in the history of mankind has it like
that. Or at least in the history of Christianity, having
sex before marriage was a great shame.
The girls were wary of having erotic affairs be-
fore marriage. All girls wanted to be virgins when
they got married. And the boys also couldn't help but
be virgins also, simply because they couldn't find an-
yone to experiment with, since the girls were on their
Maybe only in the bigger cities there was some
debauchery, but by no means at the level that is hap-
pening now, which is 1000 times higher. Decadence?
Obviously and unfortunately, yes.

Other forms of decadence

- Ladies wearing trousers or short skirts - many
women today wear pants even when going to

church. It might not be a sin, but never during
Medieval times did such fashion appeared, until
the mid-20th century, around the 1950s. Today
almost all women wear trousers from time to
time and that the Church does not accept.
But the worst is: since the mid-20th cen-
tury, the short skirt was introduced for Euro-
pean women. This never happened before and
it’s not a Christian attitude.
It is likely that the same people who pro-
mote fashion are also the ones who bring mil-
lions of Muslims to Europe. And those Muslims
will sooner or later attack European women
who wear inappropriate clothing. And the lead-
ers of feminist movement know that very well…
still they are diversity partisans.
The true liberation of women was brought
about by Christianity, within the limits of de-
cency, however.

- Tattoos -The Bible forbade tattooing. Leviticus

19:28 says, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead
or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the
However not many seem to care. Many
people, especially young people, get tattoos to-
day. There are places all over that specialize in
drawing tattoos on people's bodies. Most tat-
toos are ugly, like snakes or just some mean-
ingless inscriptions. Some are downright

diabolical, others less or not necessarily de-
monic in meaning.
However, this fashion is excessive.
In medieval times there was no portrait in
which someone had a tattoo. Today you look at
people's photos and probably half of them have
a tattoo.
In a way this is a disregard for the word of God.

- Dysfunctional families
More than one third of all marriages end
in divorce.
Roughly one in two children will see their par-
ents’ marriage breakup. 21% of children in
America are being raised without their fathers.
How can one expect that the next genera-
tion will receive a Christian education?

- Satanic organizations
In today's world there are satanic cults
openly accepted as a form of religion.
Many rock musicians were involved in the past
with the satanists Crowley and Lavey.
Satanic symbols are displayed on various
Numerous sites are dedicated to the “church of
satan” on the internet.
In normal times the public opinion would
have been shocked, not to mention the Inquisi-
But not today.

- Bad holidays
- March 8th - “the international day of all
women” - seems to be a generous holiday
meant for all women to enjoy. It is still
celebrated in former communist coun-
tries, where women receive flowers and
gifts on this particular day.
The problem is - this is a non-
Christian holiday, and even worse, it is
meant to be against the memory of Virgin
Mary, in a hidden way. This particular
date was selected by communist Christ
haters because it is, calendar-wise, the
opposite of September 8, which is the day
of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. It's ex-
actly six months apart. It seems that no
one realized this trick and March 8 con-
tinues to be celebrated, because if it was-
n't, most women would feel insulted and
Christians should celebrate the day
of myrrh-bearers and the birth of the
Mother of Jesus and pay attention to the
women around them on these days, in-
stead of March 8.
- Halloween - many will disagree, but lately
too much importance is being given to
this pagan holiday, especially in the USA,
and it has recently started in Europe as

It's a pagan holiday, but the biggest
problem is that it invites children to dress
up as all kinds of scary demons and beg
for candies, which are harmful, consider-
ing the enormous amount they get on this
Candies = fatness, diabetes, teeth decay,
It makes no sense for Christians to
celebrate this day, it is ugly and useless.
And above all, it is not about the Lord Je-
sus Christ, but about hell in one way or

In conclusion - the society’s way-of-life now-

adays is very much not Christian. I should confess
though that I am also a sinner and did some of the
above in the past. But there is still the possibility of
redemption, for everyone, through confession and

More differences
Compared to the true Christian civilization (380
- 1789) today we can find some other undesirable sit-
uations. They prove that individual freedom was con-
sidered a gift from God, and it was respected. The re-
striction of personal freedom is simply demonic.

- Bureaucracy
Back in the good old Medieval days, bureaucracy was
nonexistent. The illuminati basically lied to us.

They promised 'liberty, equality, fraternity' but
they didn't keep their word. Nowadays, their de-
scendants practically run the show, and what's the
Equality? Hardly. There are very rich people and
others very poor. Or as it was in communism, those
who ruled with an iron fist had all the rights, they had
the power, they had access to anything they wanted,
and the rest lived as a mass of slaves. Yes, it is true
that the slaves were equal to each other, in their pov-
erty – thanks for nothing…
Then there's the issue of freedom. Under com-
munism, it was a flat-out zero. In the so-called free
world, at least you could travel – a bit of freedom in
that sense. But it is the bureaucracy that drastically
limits the rights of the individual. We’ve got a brief
existence and quite a large part of it must be spent
dealing with the bureaucracy imposed by those in
There was ZERO bureaucracy in the Middle
No passports, no need to ask for permission to
travel, no birth certificates, no IDs – practically, way
fewer constraints.
The bureaucratic situation is very annoying to-
Here is a piece of advice: in the democratic
countries, people should vote only for those who
promise to simplify the bureaucratic system.
There is still some freedom in the US though. For
instance, ten states do not even require car

inspections. And, in many places, gun ownership is
allowed, for self-protection. That’s why the USA is
still a leader in terms of liberty. God bless America!

- Mandatory Military Draft

During the Middle Ages, joining the army was a per-
sonal choice. A group of mercenary warriors existed,
hired by kings or wealthy nobles to maintain a small
army for their protection.
In Eastern European countries facing the Otto-
man Empire, the Christian king's army was com-
posed of volunteers who came and united under the
king's command to repel the invasions. They were
defending their homeland out of choice, not obliga-
tion. Nothing was imposed, this volunteering was not
Things took a turn in 1789 when mandatory
conscription was introduced – young men were for-
cibly drafted into wars dictated by authorities who
aren't exactly trustworthy. The young men went to
war under obligation and died because the authorities
decided that way.
Is this not murder or what?
In other words, the Medieval Christian authorities
respected human rights more than today's authori-

- Hospitals
Very few know that the origin of hospitals can be
traced back to Saint Basil the Great in the year 369, a
fact often overlooked today. Before him there were

doctors, healers, shamans, healers, but there were no
hospitals. Saint Basil organized for the first time a
settlement for the sick, providing care at no charge.
That was the first hospital in history!
Monks and nuns were the ones assisting the af-
flicted, a tradition reflected in the continued refer-
ence to nurses as "sisters" today.
So this initiative to organize free hospitals was
born from the Christian concept of mercy.
But in time the medical system slowly became a
big business. Some of the best, well-paid jobs are in
hospitals. Most medical interventions are very ex-
pensive. Also, besides hospitals there is the so-called
Big Pharma, the drug industry. Most drugs have side
effects, although certain little things like antibiotics
and insulin have saved many lives.
Today's advanced technology certainly helps a lot
with disease detection, but despite significant pro-
gress in medical knowledge, a sense of spiritual care
appears to be lacking in today's healthcare landscape.

- Prisons
In the past, there were no prisons. The first prisons
appeared around 1789, after the victory of the En-
lightenment in the world. In a way, this would be a
good initiative if genuine efforts were made towards
the rehabilitation of individuals with minor offenses.
But at least nowadays, prisons are no help at all for
people who have made lesser mistakes. Regrettably,
many individuals leave prisons in worse conditions
than when they entered. To make matters worse,

prison security is lax, resulting in violence, including
murders and, more distressingly, rapes among in-
This is a very bad thing happening in our times.
Even worse, certain movies make callous jokes about
individuals entering prison, insensitively alluding to
the likelihood of sexual assault. The entire system is
deeply flawed. If an innocent person faces such
abuses in prison, it's a colossal tragedy.
So, someone needs to be held accountable for how
such prisons are run these days. In the Middle Ages
there were no prisons and brutal executions were
carried out to scare potential criminals. This was not
a good solution either, but it is more or less under-

- Church attendance
In the good old days, the attendance at the Holy Lit-
urgy was practically 100%. The religious service
lasted between three and four hours and people were
never bored.
They probably had nothing else to do at home
anyway. On Sunday they enjoyed the songs they
heard in church. Gregorian or Byzantine singing was
very much enjoyed. Other sources of music were rare.
It seems that in fact, even at ordinary parties in sec-
ular life, the same church songs were sung at that
Today things have changed a lot. The churches
are full, but in reality, only 10% of Christians attend
the religious service. The main reason is that there
are too few churches compared to the large popula-

But it seems that even if there were many more
churches, the attendance at the religious service on
Sunday would be reduced anyway. People prefer to
travel on weekends. For various reasons there would
not be so many in the church.
There is one more detail: people no longer have
the patience to stay at church for 2 hours, not to men-
tion three or four hours as they used to. But even 2
hours seems a lot, especially for young people in the
first place. Possibly they come later and leave earlier,
they stay for a while and don't really understand
We'll discuss the possible solutions in the
“What can be done” section of this book.

The contemporary lifestyle and significant differ-

ences from the Christian Era, brings up the question:

- Are we still in a Christian civilization or not?

The answer is rather “No”, despite more than two

billion declared Christians in the world.
This is not a Christian civilization, as it used to be in
the past. And that’s sad.

An attack on Christians in Nigeria, carried out on Christ-

mas Eve 2023, resulted in nearly 200 deaths. Father Kiely
commented on the press that attempted to attribute the
attacks to climate change, stating, "This is the narrative
of the post-Christian globalist West. …In Nigeria, a geno-
cide is taking place, committed by Muslims against Chris-
Things look quite bad now, but there is hope

Lately some hysteria has been spreading around re-

garding the state of the world. More and more people
realize that something is very wrong, and they feel
there is nothing to be done.

While we agree that indeed there is a wave of in-

creasing craziness all around, but we believe there is
still hope, trusting that God is in control and that His
Church will endure, as promised by Jesus.

The biggest problem is the sacrificing of the

youth. Concerning the influence exerted upon them,
which will impact their admission to Heaven in the

It seems that the world today is ruled by an al-

liance of Christ haters. They are infiltrated in all gov-
ernments and control the education of young gener-
ations, by modeling them according to their agenda.
As a result, very few people will be admitted to
"And someone said to him, 'Lord, will those
who are saved be few?' And he said to them, 'Strive to
enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will
seek to enter and will not be able.'" (Luke 13:23-24)
“Souls will be falling into hell like snowflakes”
(Lady of Fatima).

In two generations very few people will still
pray to Jesus, and in about 50 years from now the
name of Jesus might be vilified officially in the his-
tory books, as the worst person in history, a charlatan
who caused a lot of suffering, wars, etc.
Europe, once the cradle of Christianity, has
been infiltrated by millions of Muslims which soon
might desecrate and demolish the architectural mas-
terpieces of Christians - cathedrals, and destroy the
religious paintings. The world will become “diversi-
fied”, however with no European heritage whatso-
In fact, the Christians have been under continuous
vicious attacks from the very beginning until now.
Spain was under Arabian control for 700 years, un-
til 1492. The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453. All East Eu-
rope was continuously attacked by both Mongolians and
Ottomans. Plus, the demons acted in the Western Europe
getting the Christian countries fight against each other.
And all this happened during the Medieval era when
Christianity had a most stable existence…

We compiled a list of the major assaults. No

other religion has ever been so disputed, so loved and
This is a strong proof that it contains the Truth.

The relentless aggression against Christianity
# Year Aggressions

1 33 Jesus tortured and brutally murdered

2 33-313 Most Apostles got killed, plus 3 centuries of

horrendous persecutions against early

3 313- Invasions of various migratory tribes into

1300 Christian countries

4 700- Attacks of Muslims against Europe from

1453 both sides: East (Byzantine empire) and
West (Spain)

5 1400- Attacks of ottomans towards central Eu-

1800 rope

6 1789- The illuminati started the final attack in

1989 France. Later communists furiously mur-
der millions of Christians

7 1989- The Age of Manipulation. Today the

present schools and media operate the mind con-
trol of the young generation.

One can only wonder when the Christians, con-

stantly hindered by attacks, had time to build a
splendid civilization!

“... I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

(Matthew 10:34)

Interpretation: I have not come to reconcile truth and
falsehood, good and evil, but I have brought a sword
to cut and divide them, so that they do not mix.

Summary of Chapter 1
Evidence that Christendom is dying

The essence of the three components of civilization

no longer resonates with Christianity.
a) Governments - none is fully dedicated to Chris-
b) Culture – some of the past creations are still
present, however Christian creativity is frozen.
c) Society today is more decadent than ever.

Compared to the best times of Christian civilization

(313 - 1789) today the situation is quite depressing.

The Proof

A husband and wife are in the living room watching

the finale of a tennis tournament. During breaks they
discuss conspiracy theories.
The slightly irritated husband mutters, "I'm sick of
all these theories that have virtually no solid evidence.”
The wife glances his way when she replies, "How-
ever I would be inclined to think, there is no point in
asking for concrete proof in cases like these. It is only a
theory based on suspicions. I am of the opinion that
some theories should be taken seriously."

"Nah,” says the husband, "I wouldn’t even think to…”

However, he is interrupted by his startled wife: "Listen!
I heard something from the basement!"
He pauses for a moment, listening for a sound, be-
fore shrugging. “I didn’t hear anything.”
But the wife was adamant. “It was a noise like a
broken window…”
“Come on,” the husband rolls his eyes, returning
his attention to the tennis game, “anyone else would say
you’re having auditory illusions…”
The wife flinches again. “There it is again, didn’t
you hear? Something creaked in the basement. Please
stop, just go downstairs, and see what’s happening. I’m
really worried!”
The husband runs his hand through his hair, frus-
trated. “Look, see, this is exactly like the conspiracy the-
ories we were just talking about,” he grumbles. “If you
can prove that someone is down there, I’ll go check it
out. But I really don’t want to miss the last part of this
game now…”

The wife sighed, "I would go myself but I'm afraid.
Please go and check. I'm really scared, I'm quite sure I
heard noises from the basement.”
“My dear, you’re such a scaredy cat… I don’t hear
anything. I need some evidence. But I'll go, don’t worry,
just wait for this to end.”
And then, while watching the game, he mumbles
“Proof, baby, proof. Suspicions are not enough, we…”

All of a sudden, the door flew open and three ugly men
entered. One of them had a small ax in his hand and
shouted, "give us your money!"
But another man said "Wait a minute… This young
lady looks interesting... Let's see what she can do..."
“But first get rid of this husband…”

Why would Christianity’s extinction be a tragedy?

1. The certainty of the miracles performed
by Jesus is undeniable, the loss of this
truth can only bring evil.
2. The positive advancements that Christi-
anity has contributed to the world will be
reversed, leading to a decline into moral
3. Christian civilization can be considered
the pinnacle period in European history.
Now we should expect a steep decline.

A big problem these days is that most Christians

seem to be very intimidated.
In the discussions that appear on the Internet,
although there are over 2 billion Christians in the
world and only one tenth atheists, still the more ac-
tive ones are the atheists. Extremely aggressive and
There is a ratio of about 10:1 in the comments
related to religious topics, especially Christian topics.
Ten trolls that attack and mock and swear, and only
one Christian person who tries to answer them with
some decency.
So it's a big battle. It seems the Christians are
being cornered by a seemingly small horde that prob-
ably isn't that small, or in any case they are probably
very industrious trolls doing a well-paid job.
I bet that on Muslim sites these trolls are inac-
tive, of course they are quite afraid to post there.
Instead, Christians have become weak and
harmless sheep. Gone are the days of chivalry.

In any case, regarding the idea that why is it bad

that Christian civilization is on the decline, three
quarters of the world population will probably say:
very well, let it go faster. And only a quarter will pro-
test that it is not really so, or if it is so, it's sad that it

We will try to analyze why the disappearance of

Christian civilization would be a catastrophe for hu-
manity in general, and even for the trolls who rejoice
now, it will not be heaven on earth for them either.

1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is certain

Christ is risen from the dead,

Trampling down death by death,
And upon those in the tombs
Bestowing life!

For a Christian this fact is indisputable; it is almost

100% proven by reliable records. We have at least
seven proofs.

Seven most reliable evidence for the Resurrection

1. The Shroud of Turin - is a piece of cloth, 4 x 1 meters,

which was used to wrap Jesus’ body in the tomb. At
that miraculous moment of Resurrection, a certain
special radiation was imprinted in this fabric. Many
scientists concluded that it is not a fake, that it was
made during the time when Jesus was in Jerusalem.
2. The Holy Fire from Jerusalem - every year during the
Orthodox Easter a special phenomenon happens -
many candles which light themselves and do not
It has not been proven that it is not a miracle.
Many converted to Christianity after witnessing
these events.
3. Apostles’ Acts. Another proof would be the fact that
all the apostles gave their lives as martyrs in their ac-
tion to speak to the crowds about Jesus. They risked
and gave their lives preaching the Truth.
They were the only ones who really KNEW who
Jesus was and they died for Him. If there were only
one or two, they might have been considered crazy,
but there were 12 - including Paul.
They witnessed something extraordinary - and
what could be more extraordinary than the Resurrec-
tion and Ascension to Heaven. This made them dedi-
cate the rest of their lives to missionary work. And
they had incredible success being inspired by the
Holy Spirit.
4. The Orthodox Church of India- There were some
dudes, during the time of atrocious communism, who
claimed that Jesus and the apostles didn’t even exist.
Just a legend; fairy tale.
If those atheist imposters had done a little re-
search, they could have found out that somewhere in
the heart of India there has been, for two thousand
years, a community of Christians, converted by one
simple man: the apostle Thomas himself, called 'The
Unbeliever'. Who, of course, also suffered martyr-
5. St. Paul in Greece - he is the one who converted the
most sophisticated thinkers of the ancient world -
the sophists of Hellas. This is a miracle. If he had not
had the Holy Spirit, a single man would not have been
able to defeat by logic some of the greatest logicians
and philosophers throughout history.
6. Execution of Apostle Paul - Regarding Saint Paul -
the third evidence is that he could have avoided being
killed. And he certainly didn't want to die, he was
afraid of death. Although he knew that Heaven ex-
isted and had the knowledge, he had had the revela-
tion, but he still feared the earthly pain. He even
complained that he had an eye disease.
So he was afraid of death and could have es-
caped being beheaded - due to the fact that he also
happened to have Roman citizenship. As a simple cit-
izen of Rome, it would have been enough to pretend
that he had a period of wandering, a bit of craziness,
but now he would have recovered and would make
sacrifices to Jupiter. That would have saved him from
But he did not choose this alternative - because
he KNEW the Truth.
7. Incorrupt Saints - There exist more than 300 pre-
served bodies of recognized saints within the Catho-
lic and Orthodox traditions. This can be considered a
sign. Typically, human bodies degrade into dust over
time, yet these individuals devoted their lives entirely
to Jesus Christ. The fact that their bodies have not
decomposed after centuries could be seen as a com-
pelling sign for contemporary observers.

There are many other proofs, such as healings

that happen to believers who make pilgrimages to
certain miracle-working icons or relics of saints. Or
simply healings following intense prayers. But the
seven proofs mentioned above are material evidence,
solid evidence, which cannot be denied and cannot be
considered just simple coincidences.

NOTE: we’ll get into more detail about these proofs

and the certainty of the Bible, in Chapter 5 of this book.
A commonsense demonstration that God created
the world:
Here is a thought experiment. Let’s imagine
that you invite a committed atheist to take a stroll
through nature. Prior to the outing, you set up a sce-
nario. Conceal a clock or some peculiar gadget in the
chosen spot - and upon arrival, casually remark,
"Take a look at this! How interesting! Slowly, in bil-
lions of years the Universe cooked up this device!
Molecules from the rocks around here randomly
teamed up, and presto, this masterpiece came into
being. Evolution is truly amazing!"
Undoubtedly, the atheist will cast a skeptical
look your way, as if you were going nuts. It's impos-
sible to ignore that it's a product of human engineer-
ing; evidently, an outcome of intelligent design.
So, the argument goes: if for a basic thing like a
clock, people quickly admit there's intelligence
behind it, why not apply the same logic to much more
complicated stuff? I'm talking about the universe and
solar system which, let's be real, are a little more in-
tricate than a simple clock.
So, the bottom line is, the universe with all its
laws could only have come into existence through the
deliberate intervention of a highly intelligent being.
Yes, we have no answer to questions like ‘who
made God’? Because nobody can truly understand the
infinite. The infinite is beyond human comprehen-
But the existence of an intelligent designer of
this world is more plausible than a random material
Another test: Let's try a simple experiment.
Take a Pepsi Cola bottle, remove the cap, and place
both, cap and bottle, in a box on the sea waves, so the
box will keep moving. How long until the cap screws
back on by itself? Trillions of years? Common sense
says never.
And here we have only about two unassembled
parts. The world is more complex than that.

2. The moral progress will be reversed

Here is how much immense good progress Christian-
ity brought to the world:
● No more slavery
● More respect for women

● Much less repression from authorities
● A spiritual revolution - the new concept of
Mercy and tolerance
● No animal sacrifices in churches
● Rejection of evil

Let us detail all which would be lost if Christian Civi-

lization collapsed completely.

No more slavery
Slavery was the worst type of treatment among
humans in history. The Christians abolished this in-
humane practice.
Yes, some Europeans were guilty of trading Af-
rican slaves between 1500-1800. Those traders must
be in hell right now.

But here is some more info about slavery:

The Pirates of the Barbary Coast - Did you know

that over 1 MILLION WHITES were enslaved and sent to
the Middle East from the 16th thru 19th century, captured
from the coasts of France, Spain, Portugal, even England
and unbelievably, Iceland, had raids by the nefarious Bar-
bary pirates who sold them to the Ottoman empire. That’s
Ever wonder why the Arabs and Asians don’t have
black population problems like the US does? Because ALL
male slaves were castrated. Biological genocide…don’t
teach that in the ol’ history books, do they?

And even now, according to statistics, slavery is
still practiced, in one form or another in many non-
Christian countries!!

God! if Christianity disappears, this world will

become again an ugly sh*thole, as it was before Me-
dieval Europe.
We do not think it is an exaggeration to say that if
Christianity disappears, or only shrinks, then all the
ugliness of the past will return in full force.
And we talk about slavery, ritual killings, and
cannibalism. If you want your children to grow up in
such a world, to be enslaved and castrated, do noth-
But otherwise, pray and educate your children
to keep their faith in Jesus who is the only salvation
in this world full of demons.

More respect for women

Christians have tremendous respect for Mary,
Mother of Jesus. This respect extended to all women
in general. The model of the Christian man was the
“gentle” man. A knight could be a beast on the bat-
tlefield, but a gentle man with the ladies. This atti-
tude is specific and unique to Christianity alone.

Another situation is about the group of myrrh

bearers that are mentioned in the New Testament.
They went very early, while the men were sleeping,
they went to the tomb concerned with the care of the
body of Christ that had been buried on Friday. They

are the first to discover that He has risen. This is an
episode from the New Testament in which women are
very beautifully appreciated.

Another episode is about that woman who

committed adultery, brought to be stoned, according
to the Old Law, and whom Jesus saved. This is one of
the most beautiful episodes from The New Testa-
ment, where He says “let him who is without sin cast
the first stone” and they all went away ashamed.
Anyway, the feminist movement of our days is
a shameless action promoted by non-Christians,
with a goal of undermining the families. This was one
openly admitted point in the plan of marxist ideol-
The Christians were the only ones to bring real
consideration for women.

When the Christian family will vanish, femi-

nists won’t be needed anymore, so women will be re-
duced, as before Christianity, to a rank of sex slaves.

Much less repression from authorities

It seems hard to believe, but in the Medieval era, alt-
hough the kings had totalitarian power, nevertheless
there was more freedom than today.
There were no passports, no visas, no birth certifi-
cates, there was no bureaucracy in general. And no
mandatory drafting.

All these were introduced by the non-Chris-
tians, authors of the French Revolution and by their
comrades later.

Simple people had their dignity. For example, in

the year 1437, in Transylvania, there was a rather vi-
olent revolt of the shepherds because the Hungarian
king added a new tax - if you had 50 sheep you had to
give one to the king. Before that it was one in 100, now
the tax for the shepherds has become 2%. So, because
the tax was increased from 1% to 2%, these shep-
herds rebelled. A different mentality indeed. And
more self-esteem and love for liberty.
Today all that freedom is partially lost, unfortu-

A spiritual revolution - the new concept of mercy

Without Jesus there is no compassion.
If it wasn't for Jesus Christ, the concept of mercy
would not have made sense, it would not have ex-
isted. Before Jesus there was no meaning of love in
the same way that it is understood today. Love was
only carnal or temporary between two people before
So the new meaning of Love, Mercy, Compas-
sion, and Tolerance appeared in the world with Jesus.
Likewise, the abstract conception of goodness
also appeared together with Christianity. In the past
the word ‘good’ meant skilled. A good fighter, a good
athlete, a good worker, etc., but the idea of a good

Christian introduced the concept of goodness and
That is why Christianity revolutionized the hu-
man mentality on earth. And this positive influence
would be lost if Christendom were to disappear.

No animal sacrifices in churches

There are only two religions in the world which
do not perform animal sacrifices: Buddhism and
From this point of view, we can be friends with the
Buddhists, but of course let's not forget that for us
only Jesus Christ is the Way.
It is important to be aware of the sacrifices. The
Christian religion is a bloodless religion. In other re-
ligions animal sacrifices are practiced, which is re-
pugnant to us.

Human sacrifices!!!
And even worse, in some other religions, terri-
ble monstrosity occurred - human sacrifices. Those
must be prohibited at any cost and punished with all

In relation to this, let's mention the situation in

Mexico: the conquistadors were liberators there, they
saved the bulk of the Mexican population from that
horrible group that practiced human sacrifices, tor-
ture, and cannibalism.

The “tower of skulls” - these bones belong to thousands
of people murdered during the reign of Ahuízotl, eighth king of
the Aztecs. Their skulls were used instead of bricks. Inventive,
new construction materials…
According to the newer history manuals, the “Christian
tormentors” interrupted such a “cute civilization”.
And in fact, the conquistadors wouldn’t have
succeeded if they didn’t get helped by the subjugated
tribes that rebelled against the bloody cannibals.
However, it is not known who, how, and why,
promotes the idea that the Aztecs were victims, and
the conquistadors were terrorists, who came there
and destroyed the beautiful Aztec culture. It seems
that most Mexican people have been brainwashed to
believe that. Only those who study history carefully
know that they were basically saved by these con-
However, in Mexico City there is a statue of that
cannibal, the last king of the Aztecs, but there is no
statue of Hernando Cortez, the liberating leader!

The question is: who promotes such ineptitude
and what is the point? There is no doubt that those
who do this promotion are anti-Christians.

The ritual murders practiced by Aztecs

-The hell on earth-

The Aztec calendar had 17 “months” (plus five special days at

the end), with specific rituals assigned to each.

Atlacacauallo (from February 2 to February 21): Sacrifice of

children and captives to the water deities
Tlacaxipehualiztli (from February 22 to March 13): Sacrifice of
captives; gladiatorial fighters; dances of the priest wearing the
skin of the flayed victims
Tozoztontli (from March 14 to April 2): Human sacrifice via ex-
traction of the heart; burying of the flayed human skins; sacri-
fices of children
Hueytozoztli (from April 3 to April 22): Sacrifice of a maid; of
boy and girl
Toxcatl (from April 23 to May 12): Sacrifice of captives by ex-
traction of the heart
Etzalcualiztli (from May 13 to June 1): Human sacrifice by
drowning and extraction of the heart
Tecuilhuitontli (from June 2 to June 21): Human sacrifice by ex-
traction of the heart
Hueytecuihutli (from June 22 to July 11): Sacrifice of a decapi-
tated woman and extraction of her heart
Tlaxochimaco (from July 12 to July 31): Sacrifice by starvation
in a cave or temple
Xocotlhuetzin (from August 1 to August 20): Sacrifices to the
fire gods by burning the victims
Ochpaniztli (from August 21 to September 9): Sacrifice of a de-
capitated young woman to Toci; she was skinned, and a young
man wore her skin; sacrifice of captives by hurling from a
height and extraction of the heart
Teoleco (from September 10 to September 29): Sacrifices by
fire; extraction of the heart

Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to October 19): Sacrifices of
children, two noble women, extraction of the heart and flaying;
ritual cannibalism
Quecholli (from October 20 to November 8): Mass sacrifices of
captives and slaves by extraction of the heart
Atemoztli (from November 9 to December 18): Sacrifices of
children and slaves by decapitation
Tititl (from December 19 to January 7): Sacrifice of a woman by
extraction of the heart and decapitation afterwards
Izcalli (from January 8 to January 27): Sacrifices of victims rep-
resenting Xiuhtecuhtli and their women (each four years), and
captives; New Fire ritual
Nemontemi (from January 28 to February 1): Five days at the
end of the year, no rituals, general fasting.

Before their deaths, numerous children endured severe inju-

ries, likely experiencing considerable pain, as Tlaloc demanded
the tears of the young as a sacrifice. As part of the ritual, priests
ensured the children wept on their journey to immolation, seen
as a favorable sign that Tlaloc would bless the earth with rain
during the ensuing season. Subsequently, the children were
burned alive as an additional measure of the sacrificial offer-

Was that a monstrous nightmare or what? Such ‘civiliza-

tions’ should disappear under the bottom of all hells.

Conquistadores were liberators. All the natives in Mex-

ico helped them fight the aztecs. Then Cortez married a native
woman and they lived happily together and had four children.
However, today the Mexico kids are taught how evil the
Spaniards were. It seems that certain people got in control over
there and wish to bring back the ‘good’ old practices.

Rejection of evil
During the Middle Ages Christians hated the
devil. The fear of demonic influences led to extreme

measures, with the Inquisition going too far in sus-
pecting individuals of sorcery or human sacrifices.
Unfortunately, this zeal resulted in terrible ac-
tions, including the cruel practices of torture, and
burning at the stake.
Which is reprehensible.
But, in essence, the idea of rejecting evil in the
world with all its strength is to be appreciated.
In contrast to the Roman Empire, where un-
speakable cruelties were perpetrated in the gladiator
circus for public entertainment, the advent of Chris-
tianity marked a significant shift in societal morality
and mentality.
If Christian civilization dies, we should expect soon
after an accelerated increase of hellish gruesome sit-
● serial killings,
● child abductions,
● trade of young girls for sexual slavery,
● the chilling underworld of organ kidnappings,
● ritual murders
● and perhaps the revival of gladiator shows.

Who can guarantee that this won’t happen?

Who can be trusted in a world of lies and secrets?

3. The best historical era
The Christian Civilization was the best era in
bloody history. When Christianity arose, the glamor-
ous but horrible Roman empire was changed beauti-
For Europeans at the very least, Christianity
was the best thing that happened to them. This civi-
lization, formed starting in 313 by Constantine the
Great, has brought profound changes in the people’s
mentalities and their lifestyle, and greatly beautified
the European continent.
It’s very true that today we have something else
- amazing technology. It has never been so advanced
But spiritually, the world is on a downward spiral.

Beautiful culture
One important aspect brought to the world by
Christianity is its culture. And this will be erased by
the future devil worshippers which will take over the
world when nobody, or just too few, will call God the
Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for pro-

Communists in particular have this passion for

destroying churches, burning icons and actually kill-
ing priests, monks, nuns and any other Christians. In
Spain, in the 1930's, that was the favorite sport of the

Christian architecture
The most impressive architecture in Europe
was created during Medieval times.
If you travel to Europe, the most important
places to visit are the old medieval towns. There was
a special architectural beauty, a certain fairytale aes-
thetic which came out of the Christian spirituality of
the population at that time.
The Catholic gothic style of the Western Europe is the
best looking.

But also, the smaller Byzantine churches in Eastern

Europe have their own beauty.

The Russians also expressed their love for Christ in a
special original way.

All churches built during the Medieval millennium

are masterpieces of architecture. That was a great
civilization, people!

What sane mind won’t be able to see the immense

spiritual difference between a Christian medieval

church and the ‘tower of skulls’ shown a few pages

Unfortunately, the medieval times are called today

'dark ages'. Probably it was some Christ haters who
came out with that derogatory name...
Today the newer buildings dedicated as places of
worship are not as impressive. An obvious sign of

Christian paintings

The Christian art is wonderful (although this book

may not show them in colors).

According to tradition, the first artist to paint a por-

trait of Mary, Mother of Jesus, was Luke. Unfortu-
nately, that portrait was lost.

Many other icons were painted by monks during the
Medieval times and after. They developed a new, in-
spired style.

The creativity of Medieval painters is the most im-


The visual art of Medieval times was easier to pre-
But not the music. There was no recording
equipment available yet. However, the musicians of
good old Christian times invented the notation.

Christian music
In connection with Christian music, three peri-
ods can be observed, each with its own style of music
very different from one another.
First, we have the Byzantine and Gregorian
chant that lasted until about the 1200s, after which
comes what is called renaissance music and finally
the baroque. These periods are very different in terms
of musical style.
The problem is that after baroque Christian
creativity dried up. From that moment nothing spe-
cial, admirable, appeared, as it had been until then.

Note: actually, we should mention the wave of crea-

tivity started by the African Americans in their
churches, in the XIX century, and developed later as
the blues genre.

Musical notation - A great contribution to world cul-

ture is made by Christians through the invention of
musical notation. The Christian music that appeared
in the first millennium was so extensive and the
compositional creativity was so great, that by the

year 700 there were thousands of songs prepared for
the religious service in the churches!
Byzantine or Gregorian notation was used for a
time, quite similar in western and eastern Europe,
and later Guido d'Arezzo invented the modern musi-
cal notation. This was certainly a great advance in the
culture of mankind.
And yet with music it is more difficult to recre-
ate the special charm that the chants during the Holy
Liturgy probably had. It cannot be reproduced only by
notation. It's hard to imagine exactly what it sounded
However, the second and third periods of
Christian music are much easier to comprehend and
feel. The Late Medieval songs have their special
beauty and today there are many musicians attracted
to play that style.
The third period - baroque - reached the high-
est peaks of human creativity in music. It’s very dif-
ferent from the previous styles but it is still Christian
music. Bach, for instance, designed most of his pieces
as prayers dedicated to God.

Science and Technology during Medieval times

Despite the commonly held belief that the
church hindered research and scientific progress;
technological advancements did occur gradually
during Medieval times. It's worth noting some of the
improvements made by scientists in this period.

Beyond the significant contributions of inven-
tions like the printing press and musical notation,
which have had enduring impacts on society, Chris-
tians in the medieval period were responsible for nu-
merous other innovations that played crucial roles in
shaping the course of history.
Here are some of the Medieval inventions that
changed the world:
- The water and windmills
- Astrolabe & Compass revolutionized ocean ex-
- Eyeglasses
- Mechanical clock
- The heavy plow which revolutionized European
- The civil uses of gunpowder: demolishing and
- The wheelbarrow
- The flying buttresses - enabled buildings to be-
come much taller.

The remarkable technological advancements

we witness today owe much to the Christian Medieval
Era, which played a crucial role in laying the founda-
tions for current innovations.
Nonetheless, recently there have been some
opinions that Europeans are useless and evil, that in
general they have done nothing good, and it would be
better if they disappear… Those who promote these
views are either lacking in intelligence, have zero

knowledge of history, or they are criminally malevo-

In time Christian Europe became a model for

the rest of the world and pushed up the moral stand-

First of all, Christianity cleaned up the sinful

Roman civilization. Rome was great - as a republic -
but after Cesar and Augustus it became a disgusting
empire. Here are at least three terrible Roman vices
terminated by Christianity:
- Circus entertainment with gladiators killing
each other
- Pedophile emperors
- Slavery

There will be many who will jump - "Wait a minute,

did you forget that there were a lot of horrors in the
dark ages?"
It’s true, there were also in the Middle Ages ter-
rible cruelties, wars, the inquisition with burning at
the stake, tortures - which is inadmissible. The peo-
ple who did this were not good Christians, they did
not understand the message of Christ, they did not
realize that they were risking their own salvation.
However, the majority of the population was
still tolerant, they had been penetrated by the con-
cept of mercy and forgiveness that Christ had intro-
duced into the world.

And in other parallel or pre-Christian civiliza-
tions much more terrible things happened. And they
were usually consistent in their actions such as: hu-
man sacrifices, the torture stake, scalping, cannibal-
ism, slavery...
The disappearance of Christianity would be a
It is to be expected that, after the fall of Chris-
tianity, the world will continue from a certain inertia
to keep the present standards of morality, but after a
while, things will enter a nasty fog of darkness.
That is: cannibalism, human sacrifices, slavery
- so humans will degrade to the level of sub-animals.

Summary of Chapter 2
Why would Christianity’s extinction be a tragedy?

a) Because it is highly probable that the Divinity

of Jesus and the New Testament are True. For-
saking this truth would inevitably result in neg-
ative consequences.
b) Too many humans will end up on the ugly side
of the afterlife
c) The moral progress brought to the world by the
Christian spiritual revolution - will be reversed
d) During the flourishing of Christianity, Europe
reached the pinnacle of spiritual development.
Now we should expect a steep decline.
Despite the amazing technology of today, the world
would become an ugly place to live, tense and dan-

Unfortunately, some people are happy
that this knight is dying…

What is causing the Christianity’s extinction?

Today, most people including Christians believe in:

- The Big Bang theory, which suggests the uni-
verse originated from a singular, massive ex-
- Evolution, the idea that species develop and di-
versify over time through natural selection.
- The Earth's age, estimated to be around 4 billion
years old according to scientific consensus.
- The extinction of dinosaurs approximately 60
million years ago, likely due to a cataclysmic
- The possibility of extraterrestrial life existing
elsewhere in the universe, although evidence
remains speculative.
But according to our evaluation we got the following
list of probabilities which will be explained in detail,
in Chapter 5:
- Jesus’ resurrection = 90%
- New Testament reliability = 70%
- After life = 70%
- Young earth = 70%
- Big bang = 50%
- Evolution = 30%
- ET aliens = 10%

So now many Christians have doubts and believe

more in improbable alternatives. This is one symp-
tom of Christianity going down.
The reasons for the collapse of Christendom are:

1. Natural causes
2. The effects of technology
3. The aggression of non-Christian organizations

1. Natural causes

a) Too many years have passed

b) Big change of scenery (overpopulation, tech,
names of countries totally different than Bible)
c) Less parental influence
d) Fragmentation into numerous denominations
e) The arrogance of the former Medieval ruling
f) The young generation is too busy

a) Too many years have passed

In relation to the natural causes, the first cause
is the fact that too many years have passed since the
miracle of Jesus’ Resurrection.
Two thousand years is a lot. Since the moment
when Christianity began, until now, the world kept
waiting for Christ to come back to earth, as predicted
in the Apocalypse to happen - but it didn't happen.

There were too many false alarms in the past,
announcing the end, and nothing happened.
One alarm was in the year 1492, in the Orthodox
countries, when, according to the Byzantine calen-
dar, 7000 years had passed since the Creation of the
Also, in the last century there were several false
prophets who announced the end, specifying a par-
ticular date - but nothing happened.
Now there is a widespread sense of disbelief, as
these predictions did not come true.

And faith continued to decline. In the year 2000,

there was again a moment of suspense.
And now, perhaps the year 2033 will be consid-
ered significant, marking 2000 years since the Cruci-
fixion and Resurrection of Jesus.

But let's not forget that Jesus himself testified

that He does not know when the End and the Last
Judgment will happen, but only the Father will decide
that date.

It will probably happen when no one expects it, so it

doesn't hurt to always be prepared.

b) Big change of scenery

Another factor contributing to the decline of faith
is the remarkable transformation occurring in the
global landscape.

Until recently things were somewhat the same.
There was not much difference between the years,
say, 800 and 1800. But now, 200 years later, things
are totally different.

- The accelerated development of technology has

made the world look very different from how it
was until recently.
- The population has increased catastrophically -
it is a growing agglomeration.
- The pollution of the world we live in is increas-

And there is something else - the names of the

current countries are very different from what we
find in the Bible.
For example - Nineveh. The city of Nineveh no
longer exists. No one knows about this city, or only
few people know from the Bible.
Same with Philistines, Land of Canaan, land of
the Samaritans, Babylon, Edom, etc. These are
names of peoples, cities and countries that no longer
exist, and it is difficult for people today to connect to
the presentation made in the Holy Book. It would
probably require some translation, some adaptation.
The Bible stories seem to be obsolete and inap-
propriate for the times in which we now find our-
selves. For many guys and girls today, it looks more
like a sort of a fantasy book.

It's difficult to say, but all this leads to a diminished
interest in Bible study and a loss of faith in general.

c) Less parental influence

The third natural reason is the decreasing pa-
rental influence in the direction of Christian educa-
tion. In the old days the mother stayed at home and
took care of the kids’ education. Today most moms go
to work and the children are entrusted to the state
(atheist state).
As a result, today there is much talk about con-
flict between generations.
If the parents are Christians, the children will
be something else, agnostics or atheists. If the par-
ents are atheists, the children will take drugs, get in-
volved with gangs, or become thieves and killers.
But very rarely do we see generational conflict
in the opposite direction.

d) Too many denominations

45,000? Is this a joke? It’s true that this in-
cludes a lot of non-denominationals. But still the
number is staggering.
Most of these groups originated from diverse
interpretations of the Bible.
Because of too many interpretations, undecided
folks may conclude that it’s impossible to find the
right church. So for them it makes more sense to
abandon the quest for the Truth.

That can only weaken the Christendom establish-
There is a conspiracy theory suggesting that
some interest groups are providing financial support
to facilitate the fragmentation of Christendom.
It might be some truth about that because many non-
denominational churches seem to prosper. How and
where do they get the money from?

e) The arrogance of the Medieval ruling class

Matthew 23:12 - “Whoever exalts himself shall be
humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be ex-

Some blame may be placed on previous gener-

ations for not diligently safeguarding Christian civi-

We consider the Medieval Era as the pinnacle of

Christendom, and definitely it was much better than
before, however there was no Heaven on earth and we
should analyze some of the problems specific to that

Here are the flaws of the medieval period:

I - Hereditary leadership
First, the leadership transmitted by heredity,
the principle of heredity in the management of soci-
ety. That has been and continues to be a bad system.

Then there were the two social classes: the nobles and
the poor.
The nobles had titles that were of course hered-
itary, the poor had nothing to pass on, possibly not
even a piece of land. Which over time, along with the
increase of the population, led to the sharpening of
this conflict, the increase of grievances and which the
organizers of later revolutions knew how to take ad-
vantage of.

II - Wars between pretendents at the throne

There were also numerous situations in which
Christians fought among themselves. The Evil One
acted hatefully, not joking around.
For instance, the 100 years’ war (1337–1453)
between England and France, while the neighboring
Christians in Spain were struggling to liberate them-
selves from the Muslim occupation. France and Eng-
land should have helped them. Instead, they were
fighting each other. How stupid!!

III - Church hierarchy behaving like kings, not hum-

During the peak of Christendom in Medieval
times, the ruling class did not behave in a humble
way. Even the Church hierarchy had this sin. They
completely forgot the lesson when Jesus washed the
feet of the apostles.
As a result, the protestants broke away from the
Catholic church. The Illuminati, later, managed to
orchestrate revolutions by exploiting the discontent

among the lower class. Christendom weakened con-

We can add brutal executions and the fact that

the roman technology of aqueducts for better hy-
giene was lost - as a result there were epidemics.
However, although the king generally ruled
without any constitution, without any limits, and he
had absolute power in the state together with a group
of nobles, the world at that time was much freer than
it is today.
In what sense? There were less rules and laws.
A small tax without so many horrendous complica-
tions as they are today. Freedom to travel, freedom to
bear arms, there was no bureaucracy of any kind,
people didn't even have birth certificates, IDs, pass-
ports, or social security numbers. If we compare so-
ciety then with the one now, we can realize how many
barriers have been introduced and how unruly life has
become today, because of the very complicated and
very abusive bureaucratic system.

Today's democracy is supposed to be a good

thing for people, but in reality, it is fake, because be-
hind the appearance of democracy there is actually a
hidden dictatorship of those who control money and
political power.

And on top of that, it seems to be transmitted

anyway hereditary, only that this time it is covertly.
At least in the past you clearly knew who was in

charge, now it's harder to understand. A world of se-
crets and lies.

f) The young generation is too busy

Older people are more aware of death. They realize
it's getting closer. Some of their acquaintances, col-
leagues, friends, parents, siblings, have already
passed away. So, they begin to think seriously about
what happens after death.
Then they remember that Jesus Christ made
promises of Eternal Life. As a result, the churches are
filled up mostly with elders.

Meanwhile the young people care much less.

Just out of childhood, they are very interested in
fighting this life, in achieving something.
In this competitive world they pay attention
only to earthly reality.
They may think of death sometimes, but not much. It
is something they consider to be distant, and they are
only concerned with the immediacy of earthly life.
Other factors are sexual desires, the influence of
school and friends, and too much pressure from par-
ents. More details and solutions in Ch. 4.
However, young people should be reminded that life here is
not very safe. There are countless dangers: numerous diseases, all
sorts of accidents, aggression from bad people, natural disasters, to
name just a few. These are the ‘DEAD’ situations.
‘DEAD’ = diseases, evildoers, accidents, disasters.

One of the mistakes youngsters make very often
is over-confidence. Many times, ugly surprises arise.
Like in these drawings:

Yeah, life is good!

A moment later…

Oh my God!

Smart kids will get into the habit of short pray-

ers for protection. But most are too proud for that.

A simple defensive strategy is to request protection
from God. Even if you don’t believe it.

It’s smarter to make a little praying effort for safety.

Better safe than sorry. At least read some prayers if
you don’t know what to say. In time you’ll realize that
praying actually helps.

2.The Effects of Technology

a) The confusion about the meaning of Science

b) Too busy to keep pace with new tech
c) In the age of hi-tech, religion is less im-
d) People expect more from God
e) Space flights reveal no heaven anywhere

Modern technology is extraordinary. Most peo-

ple are fascinated by the latest cars or phones.
There are countless advantages from today’s tech-
nology. One of them, for example, is traveling by
plane in a few hours to reach another continent, in-
stead of weeks or months as it used to take by ship.
Or talking to your loved ones on the phone and even
seeing them, or driving a car, and much more.
If a person from the past traveled through time
to the present and shared their observations upon
returning, their friends would likely dismiss their ac-
count as unbelievable.
He would tell of huge birds made of metal that
carried hundreds of people through the air without
flapping their wings, horseless carriages that went
dozens of times faster, enchanted little mirrors in
which you could see your relatives far away and you
could talk to them, enchanted windows that reveal
people sharing stories, singing, or engaging in intri-
cately staged theatrical performances, and more and
Not to mention that if someone today went back
a few hundred years, say to the time of Genghis
Khan's invasion of Europe, he could simply, with a
drone and a small automatic weapon, put the whole
invading army to flight. One man army would terrify
tens of thousands of enemies. That's technology in-

But there are also some pretty serious prob-

lems, namely the system can use even more advanced
technology to control the masses of subjects in a ty-
rannical way, which is awful.

And besides, the amazing new technology

makes people forget how feeble they are, they forget
God. Technology might be a necessary evil, or not,
but in any case, people who live in the comfort of
modern technology turn their backs on religion. They
don't need it and they don't care about the Afterlife.
They are very happy here and now.

We must note that the Amish community is
downright heroic. They were able to turn their backs
on modern technology. Most people are crazy about
the latest cars and cell phones. If you take these away,
a quarter of the population might commit suicide. But
the Amish can live without them.

a) The confusion about the meaning of science

A lot of people today are sure that science represents
real knowledge and religion is so-so, more like fairy
tales. But there is a big confusion about knowledge.
1. Science has two branches: historical and observa-
tional. Observational science embodies "exact
knowledge," while historical science leans on as-
sumptions, hypotheses, and theories. Another couple
of names are practical science and theoretical sci-
2. Theoretical science is about billions of years of
evolution (‘bye’), and it cannot be tested through ex-
3. Observational, or practical, science is the one
which drives technological advancements, and that
gives absolute credibility to the concept of science in
4. People respect technology and the (observational)
science which creates it.
5. Practical science has absolute credibility.
6. The scam - then someone comes along and pre-
sents ‘bye’ theories under the name of science - and
then people perceive a false superposition of the real
practical science with the unproven theories. And
that is enough to make people believe these theories
to be infallible.
It’s a case of mistaken identity.

Practical science does not contradict in any way the

Bible, while theoretical science does it in many situ-
ations. So, people, thinking that theoretical science is
as proven as practical science, start doubting the Bi-

b) Too busy to keep pace with the new technology

This is the Age of impatience. Never been like it
The swift progression of technology makes us
feel a sense of urgency. The instant nature of com-
munication has shaped how we perceive time, turn-
ing 'now' into the contemporary equivalent of 'yes-
terday.' Consequently, we find ourselves pressed for
time, grappling with stress and overwhelm.
Given the current circumstances, contemplat-
ing the afterlife and Heaven becomes a rarity, partic-
ularly among the younger generation. Such intro-
spections appear to be more prevalent only among
older people.
Some of the younger generation may still go to
churches for a quick prayer, mostly to get some help
in this stressful life. But for many the service takes
too long.
Hard to tell if the solution would be to rush the
church service or make it shorter but more intense.
c) In the age of hi-tech, religion is less important

Life is good and exciting on earth with the new
technology - there seems to be no need for eternity
somewhere else.
In fact, there has been a tendency lately to ex-
press an attitude like "heaven is boring" (may God
forgive this expression).
From the description of some it would appear
that - based on assumptions - everything that hap-
pens in Heaven would be a perpetual glorification of
the Creator, endless songs praising the master of the
world, people clad in white robes floating on clouds.
A rather empty and boring landscape.
In this case it is more interesting to live fully
here on earth, to enjoy every moment and not neces-
sarily wish to end up in a monotonous place, for eter-
Some musicians even wrote pop songs with
themes like "I don't want to go to heaven, my life
here is good enough".

Note - however, despite the significant benefits of

modern technology, there is a rising number of suicides,
cases of depression, and a prevailing sentiment of "Life
sucks and then you die!" among many.
And regarding the concept of an eternal place where
fire burns incessantly, it appears that fewer and fewer
people believe that such a thing exists.

d) People expect more from God

The modern inventions caused a new, much
improved lifestyle. As a result, somewhere in the
subconscious mind of people, there is a mute dialog
with God. Something like “where are You? We, the
people, just started conquering the Universe. Why
don’t You come to us and help us?”.
So, as a result of current successes, people have
expectations to discuss things almost on an equal
footing with their Creator.
Especially to ask the question of why God
doesn't intervene when terrible things happen - ac-
cidents, sick children, etc.
This question probably arose before, but not
with such intensity. People used to live more simply
and generally accepted the situation, hoping that God
takes care of everything in the end.
However, today their expectations have grown,
and many doubts have started to arise. Every time a
tragedy occurs in this world, “where is God? Why
doesn't He intervene?”.
It is somehow linked to technology, to the current

So this is another cause of “losing the religion”.

The arrogance of people nowadays also indi-
cates a bit of foolishness. Actually, a lot. Because the
majority seem not to understand that there is an
abyssal gap between humans and their Creator: the
infinite. We cannot comprehend the infinite, even
though mathematicians manage to deal with it to
some extent. However, understanding is an entirely
different matter. We cannot have a sense of the

infinite, and we cannot communicate with God on an
equal footing.
We tried to answer some of the painful ques-
tions in Chapter 7.

e) Space flights reveal no Heaven anywhere

This is the strongest effect of technology today.
For thousands of years the world envied the
birds that soared high in the sky and wanted to fly as
well. There were stories and legends related to this,
but it was not possible until recently.
Since about 100 years ago, aviation has become
a common thing and that has changed mentalities a
lot. Of course, in a hidden way. Sometimes people
don't really realize what they feel, it's a matter of the
But surely, after seeing airplanes flying in the
sky, the belief that there is a heaven above us, above
the clouds, went down to zero.
Heaven disappeared when airplanes went
above the clouds…
I don't think anyone has given a clear answer as
to where Heaven might be in this case.
In fact, it is surprising that, in this age of space
travel, there are people who still have faith in what is
written in the Bible.
A big question mark appears in connection with
the ascension of Jesus to Heaven…

In the New Testament it is written that the
apostles were present and witnessed the ascension of
Jesus upwards, to Heaven.
What can we say now - no child would believe
such a thing today. Because in the sky, above the
clouds, there is no Heaven … only airplanes.
There have been numerous flight expeditions
made to a great height, also telescopes show us the
Universe in any direction, and then the question is:
where did Jesus ascend?
Does the Holy Scripture lie?
We can only harbor profound doubts.

So where is Heaven?
For two millennia, Christians held the belief that
Heaven was situated just above the clouds. However,
now things have become perplexing.
This is a very serious problem indeed. It seems
that this is the main reason why Christians started to
lose their faith. It's a wonder they didn't lose it com-
pletely, right away.
The painful question now is “where is
Heaven?”. Nobody has a definitive answer. The
priests and pastors should try from time to time to
address this question openly.
But it’s difficult.
Because it involves some knowledge and under-
standing of the 4th dimension.
It is a plausible theory, and we’ll explain this in Ch.5.

Anyway, the ‘infidels’ which control education,
try to take full advantage of this issue about Heaven.

The children indoctrination

“I went up to space, but I didn’t encounter God.” That
was the statement of Yuri Gagarin — the soviet cos-
monaut — after he had returned from his mission.

Immediately in the communist countries the

children in the schools were informed of this state-
ment of Gagarin. They were also taken to meet this
cosmonaut, who traveled all over the communist
countries, to see him and understand that this man
went above the clouds, far up in space, and he did not
find God.
God is not visible, but this man was visible, and
you could believe in him. This was very strong proof
for the children and made a strong impression on
their innocent minds.
What was the point of the insistence of those
vile organizers? Did they think they were doing any
good? The result was that the generations following
that experiment, losing their faith, became immoral.
Atheist indoctrination leads to crime.
Most thieves today are in, or from, ex-communist
countries. Once they no longer believed in God, peo-
ple started to steal without any reluctance. Their only
concern was how to avoid being caught by the law en-
forcement agencies.

In the current period the most dangerous and
criminal mafia gangs in Western Europe are those
originating from former communist countries. The
Russian, Albanian, Romanian mafias are famous for
their cruelty and mischief. These are those former
children brutally indoctrinated not to believe in God.

The fact that they ended up like this is the fault of

those who organized the education system in com-
munist countries.

For the atheist educators here is a powerful an-

nouncement from Jesus Christ: “If anyone causes one
of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be
better for him to have a large millstone hung around his
neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Mat-
thew 18:6)

Atheist indoctrination is ‘uuu’ (unprovable, unhealthy, and

Socrates, renowned for wisdom, once tested a vis-
itor who came to gossip about his friend. Before listen-
ing, Socrates introduced the concept of the three sieves:
truth, kindness, and utility. The visitor's gossip didn't
pass any of the tests, prompting Socrates to question its
Here is what Socrate said: “So you want to tell me bad
things about our friend, and you don't even know if
they're true. Maybe you can still pass the test, there is the
third sieve left, that of utility. Does it help me to know
what this friend would have done?
- Not really.
- So, concluded Socrates, what you wanted to tell me is
not surely true, nor good, nor useful. So why did you want
to tell me that?”

Our conclusion:
Atheism is like that: not surely true, nor good,
nor useful. Not useful, because it would not help us at
all in life's problems. And not good -it makes us more
stressed, without hope of eternal life in a better
world. And if afterlife exists – which is highly proba-
ble – we risk to be rejected from a nicer place.
Christian religion is also not certain, but it is good
and useful.

In conclusion, the impact of new technology seems to

be driving people somewhat erratic, leading to a de-
cline in their faith.

2. Non-Christian organizations

This is a more delicate topic.

Analyzing whether there is a secret organization, or a
group isn't crucial here. The extent of power or influ-
ence these entities hold isn't worth discussing.

What matters is the evident influence across former

Christian nations, suggesting the presence of a se-
cretive force capable of impacting critical aspects of
contemporary Christian societies.
Throughout the ages, the anti-Christian aggression
never stopped.

From the most horrible tortures during the persecu-

tions until the murders committed by communists
against the clergy, the hatred against Jesus Christ
knew no limits.

Evidently Jesus and His followers were the most

hated people in history. This proves there is a horde
of devils behind the haters.

Now let’s look into today’s Age of Manipulation. We

will examine the three portals of society which, quite
obviously, are controlled almost completely.

a) School
b) Mass media
c) Government

a) School

It might be a conspiracy theory or not, but the

facts are obvious: in the former Christian countries,
the public school is not Christian anymore. Plus, the
universities are infiltrated by atheist professors.
Let us see how the school contributes to the
degradation of Christian spirituality in the new gen-

1. The teaching given to children in schools in-
cludes four subjects which are not favorable to
Christianity, because they contain evolutionary
theories in one form or another. These subjects
are biology, astronomy, geology, and one can
also add history, which is insincere in many sit-
uations. These subjects contradict the Bible.
2. Religion is prohibited
3. In recent years, notions of sexology have been
added that teach the youth that certain situa-
tions are acceptable and are even encouraged to
practice them. Which again contradicts the Bi-

Normally schools should provide professionals

for society in the future.
Also, individually, each kid should be helped to
find the key to happiness on earth and how to be pre-
pared for the eventuality of the afterlife.
The school doesn't teach them the most im-
portant life skills:
- How to stay healthy
- How to make money
- How to find compatible partner for a family

Instead, the children are forcibly indoctrinated

into atheism and evolutionism.
Completely useless stuff.
And not only useless, but also harmful.
Not only that the religion of atheism and the
theory of evolution are impractical for guiding a

meaningful life, but also, they even pose risks to
one's spiritual or moral well-being, potentially lead-
ing to a loss of salvation.

In other words, kids in public school

- are not prepared for salvation,
- are not prepared to live well on earth,
- and when they die, they go to hell.

Note - let’s compare a missionary with the active
atheist. A missionary believes that the converted
people would benefit Eternal Life in Heaven. But what
benefits do the atheist activists promise? ‘Life sucks
and then you die!’

Plus, the atheist teachers are cowards (we mean only

the active ones which try to influence students). It
sounds insulting but couldn’t find a better word. Be-

While missionaries
- risk their lives going to wild places
- to save pagans from hell
The atheist teachers, spread their useless beliefs into
the students minds
- from a very safe position in schools
- without bringing any benefit to anyone

Imagine if an atheist teacher boldly ventured

into the Amazon jungle, sought out a tribe, and

endeavored to persuade them to abandon their deity
and stop believing in any gods altogether. That would
certainly stir up quite a situation!
But of course, no atheist has ever had this ded-
ication to enlighten any tribe in the jungle. It’s safer
with students in school.

Case study
C. dropped out after the 9th grade of high
school. One day, while on a bus, he meets former col-
leagues. His colleagues mock him ironically 'How is
your life with no school?'.
At one point, the bus passes by a church and C.
crosses himself (because that's what his grand-
mother taught him when he was little). He did it very
discreetly. However, his former colleagues got notice
and started laughing:
- "Look, this guy doesn't go to school any-
more, so he didn't learn that God doesn't
After several years C. made a career in music and
managed to live comfortably. While former col-
leagues, most of them ended up losers. The atheist
lessons did not help them at all.

b) Mass Media
Besides schools, mass media lends credibility to
historical science theories by presenting them under

the umbrella term "science." That is lying by omis-
Then because billions of people start to believe
in theories (thinking that is true science) and not in
the Bible, so they won’t be admitted to the heavens
when they die.
Presenting theories as ‘science’ leads people to
perceive them as equally reliable as Practical Science.
And that makes them believe the Bible is mistaken.
This mass-media will never announce some-
thing like: “yesterday two more persons, sick with
terminal cancer, got healed while praying near the
Saint Nektarios relics”.

Any honest scientist will admit that nothing of what

we know is very certain. New information may appear
at any time to change existing theories.
But the mass media will present these theories
as if they are final, they are certain. School textbooks
also do the same. This is the problem.
So, the contradiction is actually between the Bi-
ble on one hand and mass media and school on the
Who can be behind this criminal plot? Who
would want all the people to go to hell? No one else
than the assassin of Adam and Eve and of all their de-
What do we get from the media every day?
An avalanche of theories including extraterrestrials,
matrix, other religions, new age, new ‘scientific’ dis-
coveries, new news, lotta new stuff.

It’s a fully automated bombarding assault on
people’s minds. Including some sort of invisible poi-
sonous gas for the spirit. Capturing the souls is the
enemy’s goal.
It’s quite impossible to resist.
Only continuous prayers may help.

The mass media has a very powerful influence

on people. This is one of the leading causes of Chris-
tians gradually losing their religion.

Entertainment industry
It’s very likely that the mass media owners also
control the entertainment products as well.
For children - a lot of efforts are made to mod-
ify young kids’ minds. The animated movies are very
well made and have a powerful impact on children.
The usual themes are about nice reptilians - the fa-
mous dinosaurs which kids love, and even some little
devils with horns which are very friendly, shy and
nice. Kids love them also.
Later, in school, the young generation is taught
that the dinosaurs, which they used to like a lot, un-
fortunately disappeared 60 million years ago.
And this way the damage is done, kids grow up be-
lieving the unproved evolution and the belief in Jesus
Christ, if they had any, is seriously eroded.
For the adult generation, the movies are mostly
non-Christian. A lot of subliminal messaging is in-
volved with these movies.

It looks that the whole purpose is the collection
of souls for the ‘satanic majesty’.

Why do the fallen angels want human souls?

Here is a theory. Humans are made of dust, and they
received their soul from God. Now they have the free-
dom to give away the soul (freedom is an incredible
The enemy wants to capture as many souls as
possible, thinking that it captures the essence of God
and will win the celestial battle.
Some people become satanists thinking that
the fallen angels are the good guys, revolutionaries
against a tyrant.
But we should only believe what the Savior said
about the lying nature of the enemy.
Why should we trust the Savior and not the en-
At least because of the “Seven records” material evi-
• Jerusalem Light,
• The Shroud of Turin,
• Apostles’ acts,
• The Orthodox Church of India,
• St. Paul converted sophists,
• Execution of St. Paul,
• 300 incorrupt saints.

To some of the mass-media workers Jesus

would say this: “You are of your father the devil, and
your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth,

because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks
according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father
of lies.” (John 8:44)

c) Government

We live in a world of secrets, secret organiza-

tions, secret plans, politicians have their secrets…
And the common man is a mess.
A normal intelligent person cannot trust those
who lead us any longer and suspects the worst. Too
many lies and secrets.
As a result, conspiracy theories abound. More
and more people believe that behind the current gov-
ernments is a great world organization that rules
from the shadows, and behind this organization is
the devil himself.
What to do in this case? hard to say.
We just have to pray more.

The church of Satan is a reality today.

There are many signs of luciferian activity, but it’s
better to avoid talking about it. In the past some wise
people came out with this saying: “just cast it to the

What can a Christian expect from a government

which doesn’t do anything about the proliferation of

satanism in the world and instead brainwash the
Christian kids in public schools?

Anyway, one important cause for the fall of

Christianity in today’s world is the lack of govern-
ment support, to say the least.

Latest news - in 2023 almost 100 churches in Canada

were burned to the ground, by natives who were en-
couraged by who-knows-who to harass Christians.
No government action so far…

From 313 until 1789, all governments in the

Christian world were totally devoted to Jesus. There
were conflicts, some craziness, disagreements, but
still Jesus Christ was their King.
It’s not the same today.
And even worse. We include here a sermon
which is quite depressing. However, we persist in
maintaining an optimistic outlook, because God is
still in charge…

Church is infiltrated
Sermon of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
I pray that day doesn't come soon… America will fall…
There will come another superpower that will attack Chris-
Christians will be slain and persecuted in an extremely
harsh way.
America once upon a time was a very solid Christian
country in a way. It was solid and close to the Lord, but in recent
years drifted away.
We've become Christians by name only. The Beast is the
system in which Satan is the full force behind it.
This system has infiltrated the Church at the highest
levels. Hierarchies in the church are members in secret socie-
ties. They dressed up in sheep clothing, but they are vicious
wolves from within, infiltrated at the highest levels throughout
You can call yourself a Catholic, you can call yourself an
Orthodox, you can call yourself whatever, the Church has been
infiltrated and the biggest sign that the Church has been infil-
trated is that it submitted to the agenda of the beast in the
All church leaders agreed, supported, and pushed for the
system agenda…
Yet, we persist in maintaining an optimistic outlook,
because Jesus promised that His Church won’t be de-
feated - “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
(Matthew 16:18)

Summary of Chapter 3
What is causing the Christianity’s extinction?

The reasons for the collapse of Christendom are:

1. Natural causes
- Too many years have passed
- Big change of scenery (overpopulation, tech,
names of countries totally different than Bible)
- Less parental influence
- Fragmentation into numerous denominations
- The arrogance of the former Medieval ruling
- The young generation is too busy
2. The effects of technology
- The confusion about the meaning of Science
- Too busy to keep pace with new tech
- In the age of hi-tech, religion is less important
- People expect more from God
- Space flights reveal no heaven anywhere
3. The aggression of non-Christian organizations
- School
- Mass media
- Government

The most important doubts are raised in connection

- Uncertainty about Heaven location,
- The mistaken identity of the theoretical science
falsely presented as verified.

The Trolls at the Conference (fiction)

At University X, an intriguing conference centered on

"Three Unusual Theories about Biblical Facts'' was
planned. The invited speaker was the renowned profes-
sor Dr. Pruvet, esteemed for his adept argumentation
skills. A diverse audience, composed mainly of students
but also including other demographics of people, assem-
bled with curiosity about the extravagant theories to be
presented. Additionally, a group of twenty 'trolls' were
on their way via a small bus, intent on boycotting the
conference. With a cheerful and confident demeanor,
they aimed to disrupt the proceedings.
The three topics were as follows:
Firstly, Jesus did not speak in Aramaic since neither
the apostles nor most of His contemporaries could un-
derstand it; instead, He spoke Hebrew. Only during His
crucifixion did He utter a few Aramaic words, baffling the
bystanders who mistook it for a call to Elijah.
This implies Jesus likely communicated with the heav-
enly Father in Aramaic, suggesting it could have been
Adam's original language for communion with God. Why
Aramaic? Because the Aramaeans were the only ones
who did not participate in the Tower of Babel and as a
result their language was not changed. They stuck with
the language everyone else spoke before the Tower of
The audience seemed to accept this theory, but there
were some laughs and voices like “ridiculous”, “how stu-
pid”, etc.
The professor didn’t pay much attention and contin-

The second topic was about the sphinx statue in

Egypt. It would have been built before the flood while
Adam was still alive, and it was built in that place at
Adam's direction because it was there that he and Eve
were cast out of Heaven. There was the portal through
which one could make a return to Heaven according to
his description. Adam was not allowed to return. The
portal was guarded by a cherub with a sword. The
cherub being an angel with a human head, lion body and
The statue of the sphinx represented that cherub, and
more than that, Adam would have been buried there
probably in a pyramid or inside the sphinx.
Moses, who knew the secret because he had been
brought up in Pharaoh's Court, when they fled from
Egypt took the body or only the head of Adam with him.
Finally, Adam's head reached the land inhabited by Is-
rael and was buried at the foot of Golgotha hill where
hundreds of years later Jesus was crucified.
That's why the icons show Jesus crucified and some-
where below there is a skull.

The trolls were disapproving of this theory as well.

They voiced their opinion loudly:
- Hey, Jack! Let’s go bowling, we’re wasting time here!
- Wait! It's actually funny!
- Ha, ha, never heard something more stupid!
- Common, is this guy serious?
The trolls were having a good time. And they were
even getting paid for it.

Finally, the third very unusual theory was about the

Apocalypse, which, according to the lecturer, would have
happened a long time ago, around 400 AD. Most likely
during Attila's invasion or thereabouts because Europe
at that time remained practically without population.
Something happened then for sure.
And it also coincides with the fact that, according
to the Byzantine calendar, in 1492, 7000 years have
passed since the Creation of the world. So the seventh
millennium was that millennium promised and expected
by Christians, approximately between the years 400 and
1453 (the disappearance of the Byzantine Empire).
It was not exactly the kingdom of Christ over the
whole earth but only on part of the earth, Europe, and

part of Asia. Christ was not present in flesh and blood
but was present in spirit. Both the Byzantine Empire and
the kingdoms of western Europe were ruled by devout
Next, after 1492, the temporary release of demons
would have followed for an undecided period. In the Rev-
elations of John, no more is mentioned.
And the fact that things seem to present an immi-
nent Apocalypse, for instance the barcodes on all foods
contain 666 and there is talk of an introduction of a chip
in the hand or forehead, it might be a strategy to confuse
Christians. The world awaits the coming of the antichrist,
but it seems that it is just a specially made simulation.
The purpose would be that when the antichrist ap-
pears and serious persecutions will begin, the Christians
will accept the idea that everything will only last three
years as predicted in Revelations.
But to their surprise, three years will pass and then a
few more years and Jesus will not come as it was ex-
pected. In this case, in just one move the Christian reli-
gion will disappear, there will be almost no one left to
still believe in Christ.

These were the three theories Professor Pruvet pre-

sented during the conference, but unfortunately the
trolls disrupted the event with laughter, mockery, and
sarcastic questions, turning the solemn conference into
a comedy.

After they had dinner together, they got onto the bus
and went back to the big city. However, the driver, not
having good visibility due to it being nighttime, lost con-
trol of the wheel. The bus veered off the road and broke
through the railing that separated the road from a large
precipice. The bus teetered perilously over the cliff.

With each slight movement inside the bus, the terri-
fied passengers could feel it inching closer to the chasm.
Of course, cries of "help me God," "forgive me God," and
"God help us," rang out from the terrified trolls. After an
agonizing hour of waiting, a crane arrived and rescued
the bus, saving all the passengers, including the trolls.

The following days some of them converted and be-

came Christians. But not all. Others remained defiant,
and the conclusion would be that - Whatever you do
there are people that you can't fix them.

What can be done?

In these technologically advanced yet challeng-

ing times for Christianity, the pressing question is
what can be done?
The deep concern lies in how our children will
fare in a grim future for Christians. Finding solutions
is not easy. A simple strategy is to block what’s caus-
ing the decline and to try fixing the decay.

I. How to block the causes of the fall - we can uti-

lize some results from Ch. 3:
a) The mistaken identity of the theoretical sci-
ence - people, and especially kids, should be
made aware of the difference between
- the real (practical) science - directly re-
sponsible for the new technology, and not
contradicting the Bible,
- and theoretical science - claiming
knowledge about billions of years of evo-
lution and how the universe was made -
and this contradicts the Bible and it’s not
b) The location of Heaven - a valid theory is
- the infinity of universe allows us to pre-
sume a multi-dimensional geometry
(more in Ch. 5)
II. How to fix the degradation - from Ch. 1, the
three elements of civilization are: government,

culture and social lifestyle. Let's try to see what
can be done to improve the condition of these
- Government is the hardest thing to
change, but through a miracle, through
prayers, anything can happen.
- Culture - it's hard, but through efforts
and goodwill it is possible to improve, to
revive creativity.
- As for social lifestyle, it is the duty of
every Christian to renounce the vices that
characterize contemporary living. Espe-
cially young people should be made aware
that sex outside marriage as well as de-
praved fornication has all sorts of bad

And here is a list of more possible solutions:

1. Prayers
2. Education
3. Christian family
4. Communities
5. Christian Citizens Coalition
6. Better Church service
7. How to convince doubters
8. Culture war

1. Prayers
A famous monk once said "if you want your
country to have a better future, it would be necessary for
at least a quarter of the population to read an Akathist of
the Mother of God every day and surely things would im-
prove remarkably". But of course, it is very difficult to
recruit so many people from a population.
Perhaps an akathist is too long, but at least a
five-minute set of prayers could be said by any Chris-
tian in the world, every day. In addition to requests
for personal needs, it is essential to include a request
for the salvation and defense of Christian civilization
in today's world.

A daily prayer from as many Christians as pos-

sible would certainly help. (Thessalonians 5:17 –
“Never stop praying.”)

First of all, the Lord’s Prayer should be said

daily. Simply because Jesus taught us to pray like this:

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy

name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.”

In today’s world the following verses of the

Lord’s Prayer are of most importance and should be
emphasized: “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven” and “deliver us from

And also, it is better to say as often as possible

this short prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Have Mercy on us”.

And from time to time, it’s better to pray with

your own words. Any prayer should have three parts:
- Give thanks for what you feel grateful
- Ask for forgiveness for anything you feel guilty
- Request any help is needed

Of course, in desperate situations, just skip

quickly to the request part.
In any situation prayers should be the first so-
lution. Only after that comes the action. Whatever ac-
tion might be inspired by the prayer.
We live in a dangerous world. The best protec-
tion can come only from God.
But we must ask.
“Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7)

However, the prayer of a child is usually imme-

diately answered.
From an adult, it may take time and persever-
ance, depending on how clean the person is. Personal
sins can be cleansed through confession and penance.

When asked about how to win over demons, Je-
sus said that the demon could only come out by
prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29).
Well, it looks that today we have to deal with an
enormous demonic presence in the world.
What Christians are supposed to do, besides
To follow Jesus and fast.

The Orthodox Church is the strictest about this.

They made it as a rule that Christians should fast
every Wednesday and Friday. Plus, the 40 days of
fasting before Christmas (starting on Nov. 15th) and
also 7 weeks before Easter.
How to fast? That is to become temporarily ve-
gan: no meat, no fish, no milk or cheese. No parties,
no sex either. It’s not so easy, but some rewards will
arrive somehow. It is healthier for sure.

2. Education

In order to prevent the fall of Christian civiliza-

tion, after prayers, education is the second most im-
portant strategic defensive move.
It’s a difficult task because the atheists have a
lot of control and influence in education.
A big problem nowadays is the fact that the
youth, worse than ever, are separating from the
church, from the Bible, from Christianity. Even those
who were raised by zealous Christian parents and re-
ceived religious education, when they reach a certain
age, they leave. They separate, turn their backs on the
church and Christ. More and more parents are con-
fused, sad and don't know what to do. We include
here a list of causes of this situation and some solu-

Here are some of the reasons why young people who

were raised and educated in practicing Christian
families end up turning their backs on faith, the
church, and Christ.
1.Earthly life competition. The fact that young people
are primarily concerned with succeeding in earthly
life. This is the instinct of the young. They want to
succeed in making money, or in sports competitions,
to be a winner. And boys especially to be able to phys-
ically defend themselves in a fight. All this drives
them away, makes them forget that this world was
made by God, and it would be very appropriate to ask
for help from the divinity as often as possible.
Solution - kids should have been prepared in ad-
vance. They should know that life can be full of obstacles
and perils: thousands of illnesses, accidents, financial trou-
bles, attacks from evil people, etc. Prayers and church at-
tendance would suffice help from God.

2. Sexual desires become very strong plus all the

earthly temptations: partying, drinking, pot smok-
ing, etc.
Solution - prayers.

3. School influence - kids inhale atheism through the

Solution - the influence of school can be avoided by
homeschooling or private schools, and if it is not possible
encourage the child not to learn too much in certain subjects
but just enough to be promoted further. Those subjects
would be the biology section about millions of years of evo-
lution, astronomy, even parts of history where Christians
are portrayed as villains.

4. Friends influence. The influence of colleagues who

in turn are manipulated by sneaky sociological meth-
Solution - peer influence can be avoided by carefully
selecting friends, preferably from church.

5. Too much pressure. They were too much obliged and

pressured in the family with prayers, with frequent
readings from the Bible, with going to church. No-
body likes too much mandatory stuff, and they
couldn't wait to grow up and be independent to do
what they want and stop obeying their parents' or-
ders. So it's somewhat the fault of the parents who
force them and they don't find a way to attract them
Solution - children should not be forced, obliged to
participate in religious service or perform prayers or Bible
readings. It would be good to give them a reward for their
effort. This is not necessarily cheating, because we believe
that every religious effort will have a reward in the next life
and even right here on earth.

And in general, the youngsters can be helped mostly

by prayers.
We know the case of the famous theologian Saint
Augustine, who in his youth was reckless. His mother
went to Pope Clement in Rome and asked for advice on
how to save her son. She told the pope that she talks to
Augustine about God all the time but without any visible
result. The Pope gave her a famous answer "Talk less to

your son about God and talk more to God about your son".
In other words, to pray for her son.
Therefore, it is important that the kids
shouldn’t be forced or pushed to become part of a
Christian Resistance against their will. There are nu-
merous situations of pastors and priests who tried
too hard. Their offspring went the other way, despite
their parents' efforts.

Education is an art. It takes efforts and inspiration

from God.
The following are most important elements of a
good Christian education:

● Awareness
● Seven Reliable Proofs
● Catechism
● Homeschooling
● Creationist manuals
● How to deal with public school
● Doubt atheist sources


- Of the brainwashing agenda

Let's not forget that the goal of the Christ
haters is to brainwash the Christian children. At least
one of the most active atheists, the well-known
Lenin, said it openly: ‘give me the children and I'll
change the world’.

We shouldn't give our children to this kind of
guy. Don't forget that this man actually gave orders
to kill the children of the tsar. He's a child killer.

So, Christian parents, don't give your children

to those who hate your children!

- Social engineering
In a communist country, in the old days, it was
said openly that the government ran the society in a
scientific way.
They used all kinds of sociological knowledge
and knew how to manipulate social groups in one way
or another.

That was very annoying for a young person who

realized and understood that he was being manipu-
lated, that the decisions he was making were not ac-
tually his own, but that he was programmed to make
those decisions.

Really annoying... and now they also work on an

individual level through music and movies.

The problem is how to develop in a young per-

son the ability to detect when and how he is being
manipulated. How to detect subliminal messages in a
work of art, especially in a film. Most adults don't
have this ability, and it's probably too late to tell them
they're being manipulated.

Film and music are the tools most used in social
engineering. Youths are very impressionable, and
they are easily molded. Their taste is the product of
what they learn in school and from social media.

But there is another, very powerful tool for

youth manipulation: social media, which is the worst.
Hordes of trolls hired to post tons of pagan com-
ments, create the belief in the young minds that most
youngsters think like that. And instincts push them
to be the same as the crowd.

The solution is to advise your kids to have per-

sonality, to be different from the crowd.

- Awareness of the doubts introduced by the enemy

The 7 Doubts about Jesus
Doubtful theory Explanation

1 He did not exist. Only a leg- This is the marxist theory

end. The upper classes in- children learned in com-
vented this religion to keep munist countries.
the lower people obedient.

2 A freedom fighter against An atheist story reducing Je-

Romans sus to a regular rebel.

3 He never died on the cross, This theory appeared in

just wounded. After that he some newspapers. Also, in
got married and had kids the movie “Last Tempta-
like any regular guy. tion”.

4 Not resurrected from death. This is the version of the

His followers stole the body pharisees.
from the grave. They didn’t Also, today's atheism
understand his teachings

Doubtful theory Explanation

anyway. The New Testa- embraces this theory of illit-

ment has mistakes. erate followers.

5 He was a great prophet. But Muslims respect Jesus, and

not the Son of God and not even Mary. But only as a
resurrected. prophet.

6 He spent time in India and This is a recent theory after

learned tricks from some Buddhism and yoga were
yoga gurus. promoted to Europe and

7 An ET from another galaxy. Everything is possible; how-

He ascended through levi- ever, there are proofs that
tation, embarked on an ET the ETs are in fact demons.
spaceship. He promised to
return but probably the
spaceship got destroyed…

These are the most important anti-Christian

ideas. Surely there are more.

But the “Seven Reliable Proofs” (Shroud of Tu-

rin, Jerusalem Holy Fire, Orthodox Church of India,
Apostles’ acts, St. Paul in Greece, Execution of St.
Paul, and 300 incorrupt saints) contradict all the
doubts and theories of the skeptics and unbelievers.

Seven Reliable Proofs

I. The Shroud of Turin - after much screeching and

moaning, finally the scientists concluded that it is

not a fake, that it was made during the time when Je-
sus was in Jerusalem.
A few written words, almost erased, were also
discovered on the shroud and they prove that this was
the covering with which Jesus was wrapped in the
And at the moment of Resurrection there was a
certain special radiation which vaguely imprinted in
this fabric the facial appearance of our Savior.

II. The Holy Fire from Jerusalem

A certain miracle happens every year, during
the Orthodox Easter, in the Holy Sepulcher church in
On Saturday before lunch (it’s a mystery why
not on Sunday morning) there is a sort of electrical
spark in the air which lights up the candles held by
the bishop.
Also in the waiting crowd, some candles light by
For half an hour the candles do not burn. If tried
on the face, eyes, hair - the candle flame does not
burn. But about half an hour later – Ouch! Burn…
Same kind of candles, after being lit later, they
immediately caused burns. So only in Jerusalem they
do not burn, and only in the minutes of the appear-
ance of the miraculous fire.
Of course, there are rumors that the whole
thing is a scam. But if they really find any evidence of
scam, all the info channels would spread the news
with great satisfaction.

So, it’s not a scam. God gives us miracles from
time to time to strengthen our faith.

III – The Orthodox Church of India

The disciple who had doubts - Thomas "The
Unbeliever" - after seeing and touching Christ, he
felt guilty and chose to go to the farthest point on the
Earth known to him, to spread the Christian Truth.
He reached the bottom of India, in the south-
ernmost part. Well, today, among hundreds of mil-
lions of Hindus and Buddhists, there are about 5 mil-
lion Orthodox Christians. Most Indian men in that re-
gion are named Thomas…
The fact that Thomas, an illiterate and uncul-
tured man, managed to plant the belief in the Resur-
rection of Jesus in the world of India proves:
1. that he was successful being guided by the Holy
2. that he made this extraordinary effort because he
had witnessed extraordinary events and so, in con-
clusion, that Jesus is "Truly Risen"!

NOTE: we’ll get into more detail about all the

seven proofs and the certainty of the Bible, in Chapter
5 of this book.

In any case, the parents should make sure their
kids learn the basic catechism. The certainty and
proofs of Resurrection. Knowledge about the spiritual

revolution Jesus started in this world, a few prayers,
the Ten Commandments, how to behave as a Chris-
Kids as well as the adults should read the New
Testament (at least John’s Gospel) to understand the
Love of God for us.
We should become aware of the terrible sacrifice Je-
sus made to save us.
Also, it’s extremely important to clarify the
contradiction between the Creation according to the
Bible versus the modern theories about the universe,
evolution, and the billions of years.

For Christian parents, it would be their duty to
try homeschooling with their children, or if they can
afford it, to send them to private Christian schools.
Because in public schools the children will re-
ceive too many heathen influences and it is bad for
their personal future to depart from faith in Jesus,
and it is also bad for the future of Christianity in the
world, and finally bad for humanity in general.
Homeschooling is not easy but it is very benefi-
cial for children. One can even try what is called un-
schooling in certain situations, or a combination of
the two methods.
But surely it is a solution for strengthening the Chris-
tian citadel in the world.
In bigger cities there are those co-ops where
several families get together and do classes with their

children at least once a week, which is useful for so-
cializing kids of the same faith together.

In case both homeschooling and private schools

cannot be afforded, at least advise your kids in public
school to avoid learning too much evolutionary biol-
ogy and ‘bye’-science or anything of that sort. A
passing grade is enough.
Protect your kids’ minds from memorizing
stuff like ‘paleozoic’, ‘cambrian’, ‘triassic’, and all
that garbage (scuze my expression). This stuff is com-
pletely useless and unproven.

What should be the role of school?

It should prepare children for
1. The earthly life
- How to be healthy
- How to make money
- How to find a good partner for family life
2. The eventuality of afterlife
- Catechism - how to follow Jesus

Instead, the public school insists on the ‘UUU’ theory

of evolution which is
- unprovable,
- useless,
- unhealthy.

1. The evolutionary theory cannot be proven. Even

if we were to observe an evolutionary act before our

eyes, this would still not prove with certainty what
was in the past. At most in a probabilistic sense...

2. Evolutionary theory is completely useless. If

true, that would not help us at all in life's problems.
It would not even prolong our life, but would proba-
bly shorten it, through the stress caused by the lack
of hope in a better world…

3. Evolutionary theory is unhealthy and harmful.

Most of those who come to really believe in natural
selection become hard, evil, unscrupulous and hypo-
critical. It also makes us more stressed, without hope
of eternal life in a better world.
Regarding ‘socialization’ (the biggest concern
about homeschooling) - that can be resolved easily.
The kids can make friends at sports activities or in the

Creationist manuals
It is also very important for Christian parents,
if they homeschool their kids, to use creationist text-
books. At least in relation to biology and history, for
heathen textbooks are misleading, they do nothing
but harm.
Creationist textbooks also mention pagan the-
ories, but only as an informative note. In the United
States, creationist textbooks can be found at the
“Abeka Publishing House” and “Bob Jones

University”. Probably there are more similar sources
that can be found on the Internet.
Also recommended are “Tuttle Twins kids
Books” and “” where you can
find materials designed to give students a Biblical
Apart from the creationist textbooks, I must
mention the book "In six days”, the famous book
written by 50 first-hand scientists. This book should
not be missing from any good Christian home, be-
cause it makes it very clear that the supposedly sci-
entific discoveries that contradict the Bible are not
And this is very important to know in a world
where school and media portray evolution as true -
which is incorrect.
And finally, the “Cloud Ten Pictures” created
several movies of good quality, mostly about Apoca-
lypse. Highly recommended for teens.
And another: “New Faith Network - Christian
movies”. This has a large selection of movies with
Christian themes.

How to deal with public school

Kids should learn how to evaluate an atheist teacher
as one of the following types:
- Agnostic - simply doubtful
- Convinced there is no God, but passive
- Convinced and active, trying to convince others
- God hater

“An atheist is atheist until the plane starts falling…”

Very important - parents should NOT encour-

age their kids to attend famous colleges, and
shouldn’t be proud if they do. Because most of those
schools have hired socialist atheist teachers. That’s
no good.
Parents would be guilty of assassinating their off-
spring's souls.

Doubt atheist sources

- Teach the kids to have doubts about the official
The doubts are natural today more than ever. Unfor-
tunately, people doubt the Bible much more than the
modern sources of information.
That’s where the parents and good teachers
should work the hardest.

The kids should learn to question and verify the au-

thorities, the school and mass media, and the new
scientific theories which contradict the Holy Scrip-

- The kids should know that we live in a world of lies.

It might be harmful in a way, but it is a precautionary
measure that every parent has the duty to ensure for
the child. It's something similar to being wary of

Living in a world where dishonesty is prevalent
can be challenging, but it's possible to navigate it
with a focus on personal integrity and well-being.
It is a very delicate task to teach your child that
today's world is based on lies much more than in the
past. It is also dangerous for the children not to un-
derstand that they too must become liars and pre-
tenders. But they just need to remain honest and
know how to detect those who are not sincere.

A suggestion is to cultivate Critical Thinking:

Develop the ability to critically evaluate information.
Question what you hear or see and seek evidence be-
fore accepting something as true.
We inhabit a world filled with various forms of
deceit, making it exceedingly challenging to trust in-
dividuals or information, particularly those dissemi-
nated by the media and educational institutions. In
such circumstances, verifying the authenticity of in-
formation necessitates reliance on evidence, logical
reasoning, and intuition.

And of course, it’s better to pray, seeking revelations

for guidance in discerning the truth.

- The kids should learn about the “Seven Reliable

• Jerusalem Light,
• The Shroud of Turin,
• Apostles’ acts,
• The Orthodox Church of India,
• St. Paul converted sophists,
• Execution of St. Paul,
• 300 incorrupt saints.

- Faith and Hope (and investment)

There has been much discussion about obtaining sal-
vation: faith and grace or good deeds?
Most people have a lot of doubts today. Faith
cannot be enforced or measured. The kids should un-
derstand that it’s normal to have doubts in today’s
But if there is no faith, it should be replaced by
Hope. The probability of Eternal Life still exists, and
it is worth the effort.
Even the investor’s attitude is better than noth-
ing. A small investment: a couple of hours attending
the church on Sundays may bring the greatest re-
ward. It’s nothing wrong with that attitude, in to-
day’s world.

And there is another small advantage: in the

church, society is normally of a better quality than
elsewhere. It is a good socialization with those from
the church - because they fear God and can be

- Recommendations
To enhance young people’s ability to detect and reject
molding tendencies, we suggest this book:
“Mind Wars: Avoiding Deception in an Age of Manip-
ulation” by Connor Boyack.

And also many other interesting books dedi-
cated to a good children education are available at his
Try some of the books available there:
‘How to Not Suck at Life: 89 Tips for Teens’
‘The Tuttle Twins Guide to: Logical Fallacies’
‘Feardom: How Politicians Exploit Your Emotions’

3. Christian family

Another way to work on preventing the fall of

Christianity is to form Christian families, where both
spouses have the same set of beliefs and can guide
their children in the right direction.
Families in which the spouses are not both
Christians or are from different denominations do
not constitute a favorable environment for the devel-
opment of future Christian children.
In such families the children are not prepared
for the eventuality of the Eternal life.
How can a Christian family be achieved where
both spouses are of the same faith set? The Internet
may be helpful.
Lately there have been dating sites that are
dedicated to, or offer support for, Christians to find
their life partner. That's in the worst case where
someone reaches a certain age and still hasn't man-
aged to find their partner in real life.

So you can use these sites, which are useful be-
cause they put you in touch with people from very
distant places, for example. But the important thing
is that they think and feel the same.
It is very important for the continuation of
Christian civilization that the family consists of par-
ents of the same faith.
Marxism and generally anti-Christian pagan
ideologies know well how important the family is and
that is why their target is the destruction of the fam-
ily in principle and especially the destruction of the
Christian family.
A lot of times there are disagreements even in-
side a stable family. There are theories that some
families may be targeted electronically and made to
become agitated, furious or even crazy.
Or simply the evil invisible forces are acting the same
way against good families.
A good protection against aggressions of any
sorts is the prayers. Here is a short prayer for family:

"God, please bless our home and strengthen us, your

servants: (family members) who dwell in it. Remove
from us all the curses of the enemy, the one who
seeks the destruction of souls. Send your merciful
angel to guard and shield us from all evil.
Thank You, God, and to You, we lift up glory, to the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

4. Communities
Just as the Christian family is the cell of Christian civ-
ilization, Christian communities are needed to be like
islands in a pagan world.

And if it is necessary, these communities would go

underground, to the catacombs, as it happened in the
Soviet Union.

Christian communities would be extremely im-

portant because they could organize co-ops for
homeschooling and also it would be easier for singles
to find suitable partners for marriage.

An example is the Amish sect who have communities

in several places and sometimes travel from one to
another. For them society is these communities, the
rest is stuffing.

Away from unbelievers

“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your
words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off
your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for
Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than
for that town.” (Matthew 10:14-16)
This verse reminds believers to stay away from those
who reject the message of Christ. Earlier, Jesus com-
manded His followers not to waste time or effort on
those who were clearly hostile (Matthew 7:6).

Now we should remember the Law of Christ:

“Love God with your heart, soul, mind and strength
and love your neighbor as yourself.”

But the question is: who is your neighbor?

Evidently, only Christians count as neighbors, be-

cause we are supposed to depart from the homes or
towns of non-Christians.
And that leads to organizing Christian communities.

Jewish communities
The nation Christians should learn from is the Jews.
They survived in various countries with different re-
ligions only because they maintained communities
everywhere around the world.
Jewish communities often have communal or-
ganizations that address various needs, including
social welfare, education, and cultural preservation.
These organizations contribute to the cohesion and
support within the community.
Jewish communities faced numerous chal-
lenges, including persecution, exile, and discrimina-
tion. Despite these challenges, they adapted to differ-
ent environments while maintaining core religious
principles and practices.
We should try to learn from their solid commu-
However, it seems that in the future Christians
won’t be allowed to live in communities like those.
Christians allowed the Jews because Christian reli-
gion brings the concept of tolerance. But now we will

have to hide, similar to the catacombs in the Roman

Indian Reservation
I once visited a native American festival in a certain
state in Nevada and at that place there were booths
displaying and selling all kinds of memorabilia made
by native tribe creators. One stand, however, was very
aggressive against the Christians. He had put a slogan
there "we, descendants of the Apaches have lost our
traditions and culture thanks to the white Christians
who assassinated us", something like that. I didn't
want to argue there, it wasn’t the proper spot for

But I thought later that normally they should be

grateful to the US government for creating those res-
ervations for them.

Basically, they've been given special protection

where they can afford to continue their traditions,
possibly get some help if needed, and they're also free
to get out of there and go out into the world if they
want to see how the rest of society is doing.
Which in the communist reservations was completely
different. It was a prison there. The citizens were op-
pressed and were not allowed to leave.
Christians should want such reservations where they
can keep their traditions and be free to leave and
come back, if they want.

But I am very much afraid that the unfriendly gov-
ernment will not give such protection to the Chris-
tians as it has given to the natives.

5. Christian Citizens Coalition

In a world that is becoming increasingly un-

friendly to Christians, more unfriendly than ever, the
solution is to close ranks. Christians, regardless of
denomination, should remain in some form of coali-
So first of all the families - the marriages
should be between Christians, preferably from the
same denomination so that there are no big differ-
Then communities where various denomina-
tions can co-exist each with its own church, and fi-
nally a coalition of communities.
Some kind of eventual political organization
should appear as a new political party, to vote for the
Constitution, which is very important in the United
States. And in Europe or anywhere else to still be a
pro-Christian political power to defend the values of
Surely each country already has one or more
Christian political parties, but it’s better to leave
aside any differences and get united, in the name of
Vote Christian

So far the solutions listed above would help to

maintain the cultural level and improve social life.
But nothing would avail in the direction of having a
pro-Christian government.

An attempted solution in this direction would

be for Christian citizens to vote with great care only
for candidates they are sure have an authentic Chris-
tian attitude.

However not much change can be expected

from a few candidates introduced to various levels of
government. Maybe only if there was a Christian ma-
jority in the Congress and the Senate, and possibly
the president, to make decisions and act in favor of
Christians, without necessarily being at the expense
of others.

6. Better Church service

At this time when the youth are bombarded

with all kinds of details about evolution, billions of
years, the Big Bang, everything opposite of what is
written in the Bible, the attitude of the Church is quite
inappropriate. Because it does practically nothing to
at least barricade against, if not even expose, the
falsity of those who present theories and hypotheses
as 100% certain.

For these young people it is meaningless to go

to a meeting where all that happens is a few songs
about Jesus or is read from a Bible that is contradic-
tory to what is stated outside the church.

Anything that contradicts the Bible is asserted

outside the church. So priests and pastors, at least
during sermons, must be very sharp and prepared in
the direction of defending the faith from all the
pseudo-scientific heresies that exist.

Today priests and pastors must preach holding

the Bible in one hand and the “In six Days” book in
the other.
Or maybe even this book, why not - Chapter 5, about

It’s very important to explain the distinction

between the practical science (which makes the tech-
nology and doesn’t contradict the Bible) and the the-
oretical science (based on assumptions and contra-
dicts the Bible).

It must always be clarified: the Bible says this,

others say something else. We are right and they
seem to be wrong. They have a different religion and
with great impudence they claim to know. We claim
to be trying to know, to just believe - which is

common sense. But meanwhile they claim to know
for sure, which is definitely wrong.

This must be clarified in the church and the

youth must be aware of it, because otherwise they
find the church practice feeble and inappropriate.
And slowly, or not very slowly, even faster, they will
move away from Christian teachings.

7.How to convince doubters

In chapter 5 we will explain why the Resurrection of
Christ is more plausible than theoretical science. We
will also show a possible hypothesis about the loca-
tion of Heaven which seems to be nowhere.
But these explanations may be cumbersome for
many because a bit of arithmetic is used with all kinds
of calculations. So we are trying more methods to
convince the doubters. We hope it will be of good use
to parents who are struggling to get their children

We can try four ways:

A. Better safe than sorry
B. Taking care of business
C. Life is not safe (and then you die)
D. How to get more money by praying

Better safe than sorry

Blaise Pascal, one of the greatest scientists of all
time, came up with his famous ‘wager’ after witness-
ing a miracle.
The idea is that even if you have doubts, it’s
safer to invest a bit of time and effort in the eventu-
ality that Heaven exists. A few minutes daily reading
prayers and 1-2 hours on Sundays to attend the
church may return a huge reward.

Pascal’s wager

No God GOD exists

Christian LOSE NOTH- Gain infinite
0, + inf
Atheist Gain nothing LOSE INFINITE
0, - inf

We made a more detailed version. It shows the possible fate of

three categories of people:
- Active Christians following Jesus on ‘3C’s.
- Inactive Christians or inactive atheists
- Active atheists

Taking care of business

A lot of people spend time in the gym or jogging to

ensure a healthy and good-looking body and face.
Everybody takes care of their clothing to keep them

But only a few make the same effort to hygien-

ize their soul.

Frequency Body Soul (?)

Several times Wash hands Short prayer (God have

daily mercy)

2-3 times a day Eat Short prayer before and

after each meal

Morning- Brush teeth Lord’s Prayer


Once a week Wash Attend Church


Occasionally Doctor visit Confession + commun-


The first two columns show the activity for taking

care of the body. The last column suggests what
should be done to keep the soul clean as well.

To take care of the body which will be rotten in a few

thousand days (or earlier), and care not of the soul,
which is supposed to last for eternity, is a bit irre-
sponsible, if not stupid.

Life is not safe (and then you die)

A minimum of wisdom teaches us to be careful all the
time. Learn from animals. They are extremely alert.
Life on earth is not safe at all. Countless dangers
abound, from diseases and accidents to aggression
from others and natural disasters.
Every day we must deal with the ‘DEAD’ situa-
tion (diseases, evildoers, accidents, disasters).
It’s wise to say each morning a short prayer
asking for protection, and a thanksgiving prayer in
the evening. Because we live in a infinite world and
we know very little and cannot control our future.

How to get more money by praying

We all need money, a lot, if possible, although we
must not want to become very rich at any cost, be-
cause then we may lose salvation. but only to have
enough, to be debt free, and to be able to live rela-
tively comfortably, we and our family.
Beside working hard and saving, Christians
should try also praying and sharing.
So first donate to church, charity, and Christian
Then pray. If we ask, we’ll receive. But not im-
mediately. It may take a lot of insistence, depending
on our sins. Saints, who lived impeccably, received
instantly what they were asking for.

8. Culture War
An important problem of Christian civilization
today is the low level of Christian art and culture.
For example, there is a lot of music made by
Christians, but it is not promoted and is not success-
The problem is that the form used by Christian
musicians is not innovative. They basically imitate
the already existing styles, either rap, hip hop, even
screamo (I would mention the band 'Impending
Doom'), they have productions dedicated to the
Christian world view, but the form is not representa-
tive. Only the words are specific.
It is very difficult indeed to find a form specific
to the present times, a new sound, a new structure, a
new voice style. But it must be done.
So it should be insisted in this direction. Music artists
should try harder.
Besides music, anything else is much more dif-
ficult. With films, of course, a lot of money is needed.
Books can be written, but there are already too many.
Christian videos on YouTube or other channels are
made, they're good, but they get lost in the billions of
other videos.
It seems that music should be emphasized more

Christians of the world, unite!

(but not according to the enemy’s plan)
Summary of Chapter 4
What can be done?

We must do as much as we can to save the declining

Christian civilization and the consolation is that we
are securing the future of our children or, at least,
gaining merit for our efforts.
A merit that, maybe, will help us in the other world.

The three directions to follow are lifestyle, culture,

and government.

And here is a list of actions:

- Prayers & Education
- Christian families, communities and a political
alliance of all denominations
- Improved church activity as a defense in the
spiritual warfare; plus, cultural revival
- Use simple arguments to convince the doubtful.

God or matter?
(Real story)

In the 1950s, in a gulag in Eastern Europe, a certain

officer put in charge by the communist conspiracy as a
useful idiot, decided to play a joke. He gathered the en-
tire inmate squad and called 10 names to come forward.
All those summoned had been or were still priests ac-
cused of various crimes by the Communists. Only the
10th inmate was not a priest, apparently having been
called in due to a name error. This tenth man protested
trying to explain - "I think there’s been a mistake" - but
the officer cut him off: "Shut it, bandit, and get over
Then the officer began to ask them one by one "What is
important in the world? God or matter?"

The first person asked, looking at the rubber stick that

the officer was holding, imagines that if he says "God"
he will be hit over the head, over the face and told "But

that's what it is, bandit. Does it matter stronger than
your God?”
so then the former priest answered trembling "matter,

The same as the others... Only one dared to say

"there is both God and matter"... the officer was a little
dissatisfied with this answer...

Finally, he went on and when he reached the last

one, the one who had been called by mistake, to the
great surprise of everyone, he looked the officer in the
eye and answered bluntly and loudly:
"There is only God, matter is an illusion!"
The officer was shocked. For a second his hand
gripped the rubber stick, but something made him let
This courage had even finished him off. He only
managed to stammer a threat "Oh yeah? we’ll see..." He
turned his back and left angry.

This tenth prisoner was not a priest but had been

a member of the famous organization "Legion of the

Archangel Michael" nicknamed "Iron Guard", an organi-
zation that the communists hated to death.
At the end of this situation, the other prisoners
asked the priests "what have you done, father? you have
denied the Holy Spirit!” and they all answered: "I was so
afraid of being beaten up, what was I supposed to do?"

It is very admirable that the man who, although

he knew that he would be struck and severely beaten,
had the courage to state the Truth in which he believed.
Such a man, years since then, has probably been wel-
comed into the Kingdom of Heaven for this moment of
Looking back, from the years we are in, we can
realize that the statement of that man is confirmed, be-
cause quantum physics has somehow concluded that
matter is still an illusion. That in fact, behind matter is
energy. That basically everything is nothing but energy,
and matter is just a derivative of energy.

In the current terrible battle between scientific

propaganda and what is written in the Bible, we are con-
stantly faced with this dilemma - "What is the world?
Just matter or God's creation?".
Our problem, however, is no longer to find the an-
swer to this question, but to save the Christian civiliza-
tion which is in serious decline.

Indeed, it’s kind of stupid to spend the earthly life trying

to figure out what this world is made of. We will leave
this place anyway, so our goal is to make sure we go to
a better place.

Religion or science?

According to the general opinion, religion means be-

lief and that's all. While science would be certain

And now, as science advances, religion appears to be

a thing of the past, obsolete, and it has to back down.
Because hardly anyone can believe anymore, literally,
in what is written in the Bible, while contradicted
more and more by the discoveries of Science.

However, religion is not just belief. There is

enough evidence to help strengthen us in our faith.
And science is not quite as certain as it is constantly
marketed. In fact, there is a big confusion between
theoretical science and real, observational science.

This chapter is dedicated to Christian children's edu-

cation. So they shouldn’t be deceived so easily in the
future regarding their Christian faith.
The younger generation is often caught in the cross-
fire between the ongoing debate of religion and sci-

What choice does a person have after all? religion,

science, or something in between?

Religion requires faith, not sure knowledge. But
also, science comes with a level of uncertainty, so
nothing is ever scientifically "true" beyond a shadow
of a doubt.
Any thoughtful scientist will acknowledge that
no scientific fact can be established as being 100%
certifiably true. Especially theoretical science.
However, the education system and mass me-
dia have the tendency to present all discoveries which
may negate Christ as 100% true. And that is a lie and
a fraud…
In the following subchapters we’ll find out why
religion is more reliable than theoretical science.
We’ll estimate, using the ELI method (a blend of evi-
dence, logic and intuition), the probabilities of the
New Testament and evolution theory.

1. Seven records of material evidence

2. The mistaken identity of theoretical science
3. Radiometric dating
4. The ELI probability of Resurrection
5. The ELI probability of evolution
6. The nonsense of believing both Jesus and evolution
7. Where is Heaven?
8. Best scientists were Christian.

1. Seven records of material evidence

The universe stands as a profound enigma, and we’ll

never be able to unravel this mystery.

Because it is infinite, and we are not.
To claim absolute knowledge is foolish.

A Socratic syllogism
Premise 1: If Jesus’ resurrection is true, the New Testament is
Premise2: Resurrection is most probably true
Conclusion: New Testament is most probably accurate
Consequence: All Jesus’ statements are truthful. Most im-
• Old Testament is confirmed.
• afterlife, Heaven, and hell exist,
• only through Him anyone can go to Heaven,
• only a few will be accepted.

Let’s get rid of doubts

During the celebration of the Resurrection, more and
more people today only use the greeting 'Happy
Easter!' and less often "Christ is Risen".
And the answer "Indeed is Risen" has a special
meaning, because doubts arose long ago, even before
the Resurrection.
The Pharisees had asked Pilate for sentinels at
the tomb of Jesus, because they said "That deceiver
announced that he would come back to life on the 3rd
day, and his disciples might steal his body by pre-
tending..." etc.
And another doubt - the disciple Thomas did
not believe that others had seen Christ after death.
And so, the doubts have continued to this day, and
they have been amplified.
Here is a list of the main doubts which people
have today regarding Jesus.

The 7 Doubts about Jesus
# Doubtful theory Explanation

1 He did not exist. Only a leg- This is the marxist theory

end. children learned in com-
The upper classes invented munist countries.
this religion to keep the
lower people obedient.

2 A freedom fighter against An atheist story reducing

Romans Jesus to a regular rebel.

3 He never died on the cross, This theory appeared in

just wounded. After that he some newspapers. Also, in
got married and had kids like the movie “Last Tempta-
any regular guy. tion”. Of course, just an-
other Lie.

4 Not resurrected from death. This is the version of the

His followers stole the body pharisees.
from the grave. They didn’t Also today's atheism em-
understand his teachings an- braces this theory of illit-
yway. The New Testament is
erate followers.
full of mistakes.

5 He was a great prophet. But Muslims respect Jesus, and

not the Son of God and not even Mary. But only as a
resurrected. prophet.

6 He spent time in India and This is a recent theory after

learned tricks from some buddhism and yoga were
yoga gurus. promoted to Europe and

7 An ET from another galaxy. Logically everything is

He ascended through levita- possible, but ufos and al-
tion, got embarked on an ET iens are fake and even
spaceship. He promised to many scientists believe the
return but probably the
ETs are actually demons.
spaceship got destroyed…

So now we try to reduce the doubts through relevant,
convincing, and credible evidence that Christ is

Why Faith and not knowledge?

A big question is: why we cannot know anything
clearly about God? We seem to have a genetic defect
inherited from Adam and Eve. They knew practically
everything. They were talking directly to God and
were in direct contact with Him.
But due to disobedience they fell from that
state. If they didn’t obey a single rule, after that they
(and us) had to return to God only by faith. Not by
Another problem we have is that we believe in
strangers rather than the One who made the world.
This is what Adam and Eve did. We have information
left in the book of the Bible. However, we rather be-
lieve what is written in the newspapers and heard on
television from people we do not know and in whom
we cannot have the slightest confidence.
But God is good, and He sends us signs from
time to time to strengthen our faith.

Seven proofs

I. The Shroud of Turin - after much screeching and

moaning, finally the scientists concluded that it is
not a fake, that it was made during the time when Je-
sus was in Jerusalem. Recently a few written words,
almost erased, were also discovered on the shroud.

It’s a final proof that this was the covering with which
Jesus was wrapped in the tomb. And at the moment of
Resurrection there was a certain special radiation
which vaguely imprinted in this fabric the facial ap-
pearance of our Savior.

II. The Holy Fire from Jerusalem

Here's a case in point: Vincent T. – professional
researcher at Hewlett-Packard in Colorado Springs.
Specialist in chemistry, electronics and computer.
He had been an agnostic, an atheist, he didn't
believe in anything that wasn't scientifically prova-
ble. Hearing about the 'Holy Light' phenomenon in
Jerusalem, it catches his attention and being a true
scientist, out of scientific curiosity, he makes a trip to
Israel to investigate. He spends money on the plane,
hotel, and facing crowds during the special day of Or-
thodox Easter.
On the special day he witnessed a miracle. First,
he wasn’t convinced and could not verify how the
metropolitan's candles were lit in the room of the
Holy Sepulcher. But instead, he found two other mi-
raculous situations:
1. In the waiting crowd, some candles lit themselves
(!). But not for him. After lighting from others...
2. For half an hour the candles did not burn him. He
tried on the face, eyes, hair - the candle flame did not
burn. But about half an hour later – Ouch! Burn…
He brings more candles to the US to check. After
laboratory analysis, Vincent found nothing special
compared to other ordinary candles. And after being

lit, they immediately caused burns. So only in Jerusa-
lem they did not burn, and only in the minutes of the
appearance of the miraculous fire. It was enough for
him to make up his mind, and…
He was baptized as an Orthodox Christian at a church
in Colorado.
For Vincent, these small candles were proof that
"Truly He is Risen!".
I read on Wikipedia an article about the Light of
Jerusalem, written by one or more trolls, an article
that contains the word 'fraud' repeated 10 times. But
I have complete faith in Vincent's experience, and
zero trust in those malevolent trolls.

III -Apostles’ Acts

Another proof would be the fact that all the apostles
gave their lives as martyrs in their action to speak to
the crowds about Jesus. They risked and gave their
lives preaching the Truth.
They were the only ones who really KNEW who
Jesus was and they died for Him. If there were only
one or two, they might have been considered crazy,
but there were 12 - including Paul.

IV - The Orthodox Church of India

The disciple who had doubts - Thomas "The
Unbeliever" - after seeing and touching Christ, he
felt guilty and chose to go to the farthest point on the
Earth known to him, to spread the Christian Truth. It
reached the bottom of India, in the southernmost
part. Well, there and today, among hundreds of mil-
lions of Hindus and Buddhists, there are about 5

million Orthodox Christians. Most Indian men in that
region are named Thomas…
In New York there are three churches named
"The Orthodox Church of India". The parishioners
will confirm that indeed, there have been Orthodox
Christians in India for 2000 years, baptized by St.
The fact that Thomas, an illiterate and uncul-
tured man, managed to plant the belief in the Resur-
rection of Jesus in the world of India proves:
1. that he was successful being guided by the
Holy Spirit
2. that he made this extraordinary effort be-
cause he had witnessed extraordinary events
and so, in conclusion, that Jesus is "Truly Risen"!

Evidence V -St. Paul - originally called Saul, had par-

ticipated in the assassination of the first Christian
martyr - St. Stephen. But something changes him
completely, he changes his name to Paul and be-
comes the most active missionary for the spread of
faith in Christ. That moment that changed him com-
pletely was the encounter with Christ after the Res-
Then he travels to Greece and manages to con-
vert the most illustrious sophists, philosophers, and
mathematicians of all time. In Athens, he speaks to
Greek academics, and they convert en masse.
The only explanation is that a Divine energy ac-
companied him: the Holy Spirit. It had been promised
by Jesus and indeed all the apostles received the Holy

Spirit. Paul was still educated, but the other apostles
were almost illiterate. And yet each succeeded in his

VI – Execution of St. Paul

Pavel had dual citizenship; he was also a Roman
citizen. He could have avoided execution. He was be-
headed - a punishment given only to the citizens of
Rome, and not crucified like Peter.
Paul feared death and could have escaped by
asking for clemency, claiming that he had only gone
astray and returned to his faith in Jupiter.
He would have been spared, probably received a
few whips on the back and escaped with his life…
But he didn't do that. Why?
The only explanation is that he KNEW the
Truth. The encounter with Christ after the Resurrec-
tion was crucial for Paul. And he accepted the be-
heading, however gruesome.
Because he knew that Jesus is "Truly Risen".

VII - Incorrupt Saints

There exist more than 300 preserved bodies of
recognized saints within the Catholic and Orthodox
traditions. This can be considered a sign.
Normally, human bodies degrade into dust over
time, yet these individuals devoted their lives entirely
to Jesus Christ.
The fact that their bodies have not decomposed
after centuries could be seen as a compelling sign for
contemporary observers.

Once again, we are required to have faith - but God is
good, and He sends us signs from time to time to
strengthen our faith.

2. The science mistaken identities

The word ‘science’ is used today as a weapon against

Christians. Every new scientific discovery seems to
bury religion. So let's clarify - What is science?

It is very important to know because many Christians

started to have serious doubts about the Bible. The
reason is the propaganda of scientific progress at the
expense of religion.

There is a lot of talk about science these days, and re-

ligion is thrown into a corner somewhere.
Let's see what science means. This word is from Latin
(‘scientia’) and means knowledge.

Alright, but we should make a clear distinction here.

There are two types of science:
- Observational (practical) science = real science
- Historical (or assumptive) science = theory

Historical science is the group of theories that inves-

tigators have about the Universe, about when the
universe was started, when man appeared on earth,
how and if billions of years of evolution occurred. We

should call this ‘bye-science’ (bye = billions of years
of evolution). And this contradicts the Bible.

On the other hand, observational science may be

called indeed science and it’s related directly to the
development of technology. And it does not contra-
dict the Bible.

So what is called science today, in reality it is historical

science and that is not ‘scientia’ as the word truly means,
because this knowledge is not really certain.

The problem is that the info channels insist a lot on

historical science and keep calling it simply “sci-
ence”, creating confusion.

They borrow (steal) credibility from observational

(or practical) science, which is the foundation of

When people hear news about new ‘scientific’ dis-

coveries about the universe, they often link them au-
tomatically with technological advancements like
airplanes, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power
plants, cars, etc. However, equating evolution theo-
ries with technological applications is incorrect. They
are distinct concepts.

In these situations, the term ‘science’ is being used

fraudulently. Those who use this term, when in fact
they are discussing theories and hypotheses, are

committing fraud. If they claim that they know for
sure, they are imposters. What they call science
should be called ‘theory’.

Real science = Practical science = Technology

The main core of modern technology is the engine

and electricity. No contradiction with the Bible at all.

But the other side is not science. There might be

a better term - ‘anecdotal science’. Or just ‘theory’.
But the word ‘science’ related to evolution, age of the
earth, what happened one second after the big bang,
etc., is misleading, and is being used incorrectly, not
to say in a dishonest way. Because it doesn’t repre-
sent real knowledge.

Presenting theories as ‘science’ leads people to

perceive them as equally reliable as Practical Science.
And that makes them wrongly believe that the Bible
is mistaken.

Let's now see some real scientists, and what they had
to say about their science.

Pascal, one of the most brilliant scientists, who

at the age of 16 had built the first computer in the
1600s, without electric current, mechanical, and who
had all kinds of contributions in physics and mathe-
matics, witnessed a miracle, he became a believer and
tried to prove that God exists. He understood that God
is above human logic and then he invented the prob-
abilities, which are widely used today, especially in
quantum physics.

Heisenberg, a leader of quantum physics, who

also received the Nobel Prize, had a beautiful speech:

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will
turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass
God is waiting for you.”
Heisenberg also said:
“Religion is therefore the foundation of ethics, and
ethics the presupposition of life.”

There are many others and probably the most pow-

erful source in which 50 scientists express their
opinions and who say openly that they believe in the
Bible first and foremost, is the book "In Six Days".

And a joke - some scientists claim to know exactly how the

world was made billions of years ago, but at the same time they
are not able to grow just one tooth in a toothless adult mouth.

In conclusion we must clarify the confusion between

practical science and the ‘bye’ theories (presented
incorrectly as science = sure knowledge). It is a case
of mistaken identity and must be elucidated.

3. Radiometric dating

Measuring the age of some fossils or stones with Car-

bon 14 was found long ago to be less than reliable.

Uniformitarianism is an assumption that the natural

laws and processes observed today have consistently

governed the universe throughout its history, apply-
ing universally.

So the measuring of the age of rocks or bones by ra-

diometric dating is based on the assumption of uni-
formitarianism, which is definitely a weak hypothe-

The problem is that the results of radiometric dating

have been spreading for years through the school and
the mass media as 100% sure and ‘scientific’.
And that is not the Truth.

The enemies of Christians have for some time spe-

cialized in undermining faith in Jesus by devious
ways, targeting with predilection the minds of chil-
dren. The arsenal of Satanists and atheists includes:
- stories or cartoons with dinosaurs, dinosaurs being
an element of familiarization with the idea of long-
gone eras
- stories about the stone age
– geological eras
- astronomy, about planets, solar systems and gal-
axies that appeared billions of years ago

Too many people do not understand the implications

and treachery of these methods. All converge in the
neuralgic point of the ancient earth, life and man. The
general idea is to constantly promote, by any means,
the notion of millions of years.

And the hidden tendency is to contradict the Bi-
ble and indirectly to contradict Jesus who confirmed
the accuracy of Holy Scripture. The Bible does not
show in any way that the world is millions of years
old, but only thousands of years old.
So the so-called ‘scientific’ news implies that
the Bible is not accurate and, more seriously, it im-
plies that the statements of Jesus are not true.

Usually, the term evolutionism means the theory of

the emergence of life without a creator, of the evolu-
tion of beings, from a worm to a whale, and of the age
of the earth of billions of years; implicitly the theory
of the appearance of man millions of years ago.

This theory did not appear spontaneously; it was

hatched and elaborated with great care by non-
Christian organizations since the time of the 'En-
lightenment'. They will not give it up in a heartbeat,
because it is a clever and perfidious theory that un-
dermines the teaching of the Bible and which could
hardly be proven false, just as it will never be proven

Any scientific theory must be confirmed by experi-

ence. While the theory about how the earth and life
appeared has no way of ever being verified; even if in
the laboratory it would be evident that it is possible,
we will still not be able to know that it was so.
Measuring the age of some fossils or stones by radi-
ometric dating is not an infallible method.

When the media announces that a million-year-old
bone has been discovered, the normal question must
be: who puts their hand in the fire for that? No one,
because it's just a rough approximation, or even a lie.
The problem is that these lies have been spreading for
years through the school and the mass media without
the protests of a few having any effect. At regular in-
tervals on the news are presented such "discoveries"
that have already come to be regarded as trivial, nor-
mal, obvious announcements.

Here are at least two hilarious examples:

1. Until about 20 years ago, small clay statues were

exhibited in all the famous museums of the world,
supposed to be produced by the Native Americans be-
fore Columbus, "verified" with carbon 14 that they
were at least 1000 years old.
Of course, priceless value. They proved how civilized
the Aztec cannibals were before the Europeans and
their superior culture from those times.
This is part of the anti-Christian strategy being car-
ried out. But, following a scandal, these exhibits were
quickly thrown into the trash.
What had happened?
Some visitors remembered that they had seen these
statuettes for sale for only one dollar in the Mexican
markets, produced by peasant artisans for tourists.
The natural question is: how did these "miracles" get
to the Louvre and other museums, who checked and
authenticated them? Mystery…

2. In relation to the Shroud of Turin, on which the hu-
man face of Jesus was imprinted at the time of the
resurrection - it had been "certainly" established by
carbon 14 that it dates from the 13th century, so it
would be a fake. Finally, due to some pressure re-
garding the so-called technology that should have
existed in the Middle Ages to produce such a forgery,
the 'experts' withdrew and it was determined that in
fact there is a lot of evidence that would attest to the
age of 2000 years...
Well, if they are not able to estimate the age of an ob-
ject from the last 2000 years, what confidence can we
have in the alleged millions of years? None.

3. In 1978, a human skeleton was unearthed in Roma-

nia, certified by scientists to be the oldest 'homo-sa-
piens' ever discovered, something between 2-4 mil-
lion years old. Bizarrely, the place of this discovery
was actually Scornicesti, the village that had raised
the communist dictator Ceausescu. You see, this
cheap propaganda somehow proved that the appear-
ance of intelligence would have been exactly in that
village, and the ‘comrade’ was a great 'sapiens'.
Secretly people made fun of this, they didn't believe
it, so the story was quickly buried and forgotten.

But the bizarre thing is that some famous British sci-

entists verified and actually confirmed that those
bones were millions of years old…

The evolutionary theory is just a hypothesis, which
cannot be proven, is not useful and is even harmful.

1. The evolutionary theory cannot be proven. Even if

we were to observe an evolutionary act before our
eyes, this would still not prove with certainty what
was in the past. At most in a probabilistic sense...

2. Evolutionary theory is completely useless. Even if

it were proven true, it would not help us at all in life's

3. Evolutionary theory is harmful. Most of those who

come to believe in natural selection become hard,
evil, unscrupulous and hypocritical. It also makes us
more stressed, without hope of eternal life in a better
However, the school and the media continue to pre-
sent this theory as verified science.

4. The ELI probability of Resurrection

The demonstration outlined here combines in a co-

herent way the three dimensions of knowledge: ob-
servation, logic, and intuition.

About uncertainty
Nothing is certain in this world but death.
The tragedy of people is that they try various things
and then their lives end. The rest of the situations in
this world are uncertain. There are various degrees of

We will try to prove that the truth of Jesus is more

certain than most situations in this world.

More certain than what we are constantly being told

on all channels about evolution, millions of years, the
Big Bang, black holes, galaxies, aliens, etc.

Our world's drowning in lies, and trusting anyone or

any source of information, especially from the media
and schools, is nearly impossible. To uncover the
truth, rely on evidence, logic, and intuition.
Throw in some prayers for revelations.

The ELI method

We try to prove the truth of the Christian faith by us-

ing a combination of evidence, logic, and intuition.

E = Evidence
L = Logic
I = Intuition

Evidence -the concept of evidence includes four as-

1. Real evidence
2. Demonstrative evidence
3. Documentary evidence
4. Testimonial evidence

Logic - it is not perfect (see Pascal and Godel) so it

leaves room for intuition or common sense.
- Blaise Pascal, in 1654, invented the probabili-
ties, because he realized God is beyond logic.
- Kurt Godel, in 1931, demonstrated (logically!)
that Logic is not perfect. That a logical system
can never be completely demonstrated as true.

Intuition - it might contain revelations.

Using the ELI method, let's try to calculate with some

approximation the following probabilities:
A. the probability that Jesus resurrected and as-
cended to Heaven based on the “Seven records”
B. the reliability of the New Testament
C. the reliability of a 3rd degree encounter with
D. the probability of the afterlife

Now based on the “Seven most reliable records” let’s

calculate an approximation of the

A. Probability of the Resurrection

ELI Prob- Explanation


E 90% The “seven proofs” are real evidence,

material evidence - especially the
Christians of India are real, and this
shows the power of the Holy Spirit.

L 90% One can never be completely sure of

anything, but the material evidence is
quite impossible to falsify

I 90% Leave a natural small margin of


(90 +90 + 90) / 3 = 90%

Most of the “seven proofs” are material evidence -

especially the Christian Orthodox Church of India.
It is certain that the person who converted their an-
cestors had witnessed something extraordinary.
In this case, Thomas the Unbeliever touched Je-
sus after Resurrection, he was present at the moment
of Ascension, and also very important, he received
the Holy Spirit, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able
to convince some people in a country with such a
heavy tradition of Hinduism and Buddhism.
This is strong proof that Thomas witnessed a fan-
tastic situation that convinced him to make this trip
to the end of the world. This fantastic situation is de-
scribed in the New Testament.

B. Reliability of the New Testament
Jesus was the most influential person in history.
He changed the world in only 3 years of ministry.
- the counting of years starts from His birth date
- He started a massive religion
- He has changed the course of history
His activity has been recorded in the New Testament.

However, there are other several important details in

the Gospels which unbelievers might consider to be
less reliable.

For instance, Jesus made important statements such

as “I am the door”, “No one comes to the Father ex-
cept through me.” and more. Some may suspect that
these statements have been invented by the writers,
so the probability of the New Testament in its en-
tirety is lower.
However, the credibility of the statements
made by Jesus will borrow from the higher certainty
of Resurrection and Ascension, described by the Gos-
pels writers, and proved by the miracle of Thomas in
India (and from many other miracles known to
Christians). We can safely assume that it is very un-
likely the writers wrote truthfully about the Resur-
rection but lied about much less important state-

Therefore, we can enable the computation of
the mean average for the probabilities associated
with both the Resurrection and the Teachings.
The probability that the teachings of Jesus are
accurately presented in the New Testament is 50%
Here's why:

Prob Explanation

E 50% A combination of Testimonial and

Demonstrative evidence

L 50% It’s logical to assume a ½ probability

for either true or false

I 50% Common sense should follow the


But at the same time, we can use the 90% certainty

that Thomas witnessed what the New Testament de-
scribes - Resurrection and Ascension.

Because of Thomas' proof, common sense raises the

certainty of Jesus’ teachings as recorded in the New

Because it’s very unlikely that the writers were accu-

rate about miracles and lied about the teachings.

So the probability that the New Testament is entirely
accurate is 70%.
(90 + 50) / 2 = 70%

A summary of the evidence regarding the Resurrection

1. Real evidence:
Turin shroud, Jerusalem light, 5 mil Christians in
India, Christianity spread in the world by the Apos-
tles, 300 incorrupt saints, numerous miracles.
2.Demonstrative evidence:
- Thomas witnessed something so fantastic that he
went to the end of the world to spread the news. On
top of that he had the Holy Spirit, otherwise, being
uneducated wouldn’t have success in converting
- Also, Paul in Greece, successful with the top intel-
ligentsia of that epoch
- Paul did not avoid death, although he could
3.Documentary evidence
The New Testament - verified by real evidence.
4.Testimonial evidence- New Testament: John and
Matthew verified by real evidence. They were witnesses of
all the miracles Jesus performed.

This evidence presented in a court of law would es-

tablish - beyond reasonable doubt - that the Resur-
rection was a fact.

C. Direct contact with God

There are people who say: "I don't believe it un-
til I see it".

Let’s assume God appears out of nowhere in
someone’s room and says, "I am God, if you follow
my rules, your soul will go to heaven”.
What will the unbeliever do in this case? will he
become faithful?

However, if a person who says he is God appears

in your room, you cannot be completely sure that he
is God indeed. It may be a fallen angel, or an alien
(jokingly), because those could appear in various
forms. Or it might be an advanced holographic
Thus, one cannot guarantee a genuine and di-
rect connection with the Divine, leaving room for
How much skepticism? Let’s find out…

How reliable would a Direct encounter with Divinity be?

Let’s try to calculate an approximation of this prob-
ability using the ELI scheme.

Probability Explanation

E 100% Evidence 100% - it’s a direct contact,

real evidence

L 50% Logic 50% - there is a 50% probability

that it might be a fake appearance

I 60% Intuition (or common sense) 60% - it

might be a fake appearance, but we
hope it’s real

P = (100+50+60) / 3 = 70%
So the certainty in this fabulous case is only 70%.

In conclusion the reliability of a “direct En-

counter” (70%) is less reliable than what we already
have - the “Seven reliable proofs” (90%) - but many
still don’t believe them.
Also, the New Testament in its entirety has a
lower reliability than the “7+ proofs” because there
is no material evidence for all the techings, instead it
combines testimonial and demonstrative evidence.
Its probability is 70% which is about the same - 70%
- as a “direct encounter”. Interesting…

A lot of people say, “I’ll believe it when I see it!”. This

is a sample of human foolishness. In fact, seeing is
about as reliable as reading the New Testament. And
the “Seven Records” are in fact more reliable than a
“Direct Encounter”.

However, with Thomas there was a different story.

He knew Jesus very well after three years of being to-
gether. And he still wanted to touch Jesus’ wounds.

“Jesus said to him: Because you have seen me,

Thomas, you have believed: blessed are they that
have not seen, and have believed. “ (John 20:29)

Below is a graphic representation of the three proba-


D. Eternal Life
In relation to the afterlife, trolls, or in general
those who are active against the Christian faith, use a
widespread argument, which is to mock the Chris-
tians' hope for Eternal Life. They find it pathetic,
shameful, embarrassing to want Eternal Life, and not
to be content with what exists here, on this earth
made of molecules, without any divinity (according
to their belief).

For this type of person here is an answer:

Eternal Life exists even if you don’t want it.
We don't see why it's shameful to want Eternal
Life in a better place.
These unbelievers should pray to the Universe
so that there is only Eternal Sleep. For if there is Eter-
nal Life, many of them will probably have to spend it
away from God, in a place where it stinks, plus other
problems. For you it’s better that there be no Eternal
Life, only Eternal Sleep. Those who believe there is no
afterlife should pray to the universe that there is no

afterlife. Otherwise, they may have a bad surprise (as
Pascal pointed out).

But ‘Eternal sleep’ doesn’t really make sense.

For example, if someone who has done numerous
horrible things on earth, such as a serial killer, would
die quietly and enter an eternal sleep without being
paid for the terrible evils he has done… this would be
a big distortion. The universe, in this case, should ex-
plode faster due to gross imbalance.

Pile of dung?
If afterlife wouldn’t exist, it means that a mass
murderer like Stalin, responsible for the deaths of mil-
lions, died peacefully in his bed, and disappeared in noth-
ingness, as if he had done nothing wrong. Or as if it mat-
ters not what he did.
That defies basic common sense and means in this
case the universe is a big pile of dung that has no value and
would be better off gone.
But fortunately, the physical laws show us that
there must be a balance and intuition teach us that a bal-
ance must also exist on a moral level as well - so that's
why there must be hell and Heaven.

So in order for the physical laws to be implemented,

there is probably Eternal Life. And our great concern
is not to end up in a bad place. Simple like that.

After Life probability

Normally this probability should be 70%, equal to the
certainty about Jesus’ resurrection compounded with
the reliability of the statements as recorded in the

New Testament. Because Jesus confirmed the after
life in several instances.

Probabilities of Christian religion:

- Jesus’ resurrection = 90%

- New Testament reliability = 70%
- Afterlife = 70%

We can also add the probability = 70% that the Earth

is young, because the New Testament recorded Jesus
saying several times that the Old Testament is true to
the letter - and that includes the Genesis.

5. Evolution, Big-bang and ET

Using the ELI method, let's try to calculate with some

approximation the following probabilities:

A. The probability of the evolutionary theory

B. The probability of Big-bang and billions of
C. The probability of ET aliens visiting the Earth

A.The probability of the evolutionary theory

Demographic evidence
A rough demographic illustration showing that the
age of the earth cannot be more than a few thousand
Demographic evidence, like population growth
rates, historical records, and archaeology, points to a
human history of only a few thousand years, sug-
gesting the Earth's age is similarly limited.

The key is the size of the doubling time. That is

the number of years within which the population

There were attempts to figure out the number

of people at different times in history. But all are hy-
pothetical and very unreliable.

For instance, some researchers came out with

the theory that 900,000 years ago people almost got
extinct. Is that believable?
Or another research - about 70,000 years ago
the big volcano from Toba (Indonesia) covered the
whole earth with ashes and only 1000 people sur-
vived. Why should we believe that?

A more reliable piece of evidence is the descendants’

number of Fatima, the daughter of the prophet Mu-
hammad. Since 623, when Fatima got married, until
today, there are at least one million descendants.

This means that in 1400 years, every 70 years the
number of descendants doubled.
The doubling time is 70 years in this particular case.
So there are 20 periods of 70 years each:
1400 / 70 = 20 periods
The formula is 2 to the power of 20 equals 1 million:
2^20 = 1,000,000
Of course, we approximate a bit to make it simpler.

Now let’s follow the Bible. After the Flood, sometime

about 5000 years ago, there were only 8 people left.
If we consider a more conservative average doubling
time of 150 years, we can approximate a number of 33
periods and the population will increase reasonably
up to
2^33 = 8 billion
It’s an approximation, the doubling time has fluctu-
ated a lot in 5000 years, but it gets us a number very
close to what we have today.

Now, according to the evolutionists, the first homo

sapiens appeared about 1 million years ago. Other es-
timates are quite less, about 300,000 years ago.
In fact they play with numbers a lot, it’s impossible
to trust any source of information.

So let’s use their smallest number of 300,000 years.

And we should be lenient and extend the size of each
doubling period to 1000 years.
In which case we get 300 periods:

300,000 / 1000 = 300 periods
Well, with all the lenient rounding, the size of popu-
lation today should be the fabulous number

2^300 = 2,000,000….000,000 (90 zeros!!!)

Considering that the earth has a surface of

about 500,000 billion square meters (150,000 billion
dry land and the rest is water), then only a fantastic
number, billions of trillions of quadrillions, of plan-
ets would be able to host such a population. About 2
followed by 80 zeros planets!

But let’s try instead the Toba volcano, 70,000 years

ago. Considering that the population should double at
least every 1000 years, we get 70 periods.
That means the population today should be: 2 to the
power of 70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424

Evolution fans may protest that the doubling

time is too small. But 1000 years is not small. Even
during the so-called ‘dark ages’ with people living in
presumed misery, with no medical care, lots of wars
and epidemics, still the population kept growing.

Population by Earth age - evolution is false
Case Dura- Dou- Popula- Status
tion ble tion
Fatima de- 1400 70 yrs 1 million correct
Young 5000 150 8 billion correct
Earth yrs yrs
Old Earth 1 300,00 1000 90 zeros impossible
0 yrs yrs
Old Earth 2 70,000 1000 1 sextil- impossible
yrs yrs lion

In conclusion, the evolutionary hypothesis leads to a

ridiculous impossible number of people.
Only the young earth theory brings a decent result.

ELI evaluation of evolution theory

Now if we apply the ELI evaluation of certainty to the

evolution theory, we will get the following result:
ELI Proba- Explanation

E 50% Evidence 50% - we can observe ape-

human similarities but no reliable
‘missing link’ was ever found

L 25% Logic - it might be, it might be not

(50%); but reduced by the population
count error , and unreliable dating we
get 50/2 = 25%

I 15% Intuition - same as logic, but reduced

because this theory cannot be proven, it
is useless for us, and it only brings

P= (50 + 25 + 15) / 3 = 30%

So normally the theory of evolution is only 30%


The values of the “Jesus Christ as Savior” column are
taken from the previous evaluation of the New Tes-
tament. The certainty is 70%.
There is a higher probability that God exists and
He created the world as described in the Bible.
But the schools and mass media continue to present
evolution as a sure fact.

B. The probability of the Big Bang theory

Probability Explanation

E 70% Evidence 70% - we heard about believable tel-

escope observations. This might prove the age
of Universe, but not of the Earth

L 50% Logic - The Universe age might be explained

by accelerated light speed and radiation during
Creation Days. But the age of Earth is not prob-
able because of the population count error.

I 30% Intuition - same as logic, but this theory can-

not be proven, it is useless for us, and it only
brings hopelessness.

P = (70 + 50 + 30) / 3 = 50%

Concerning the age of the universe, various

theories exist such as Dasha, Mature Creation, White
Hole, among others. However, the Big Bang theory is
predominantly highlighted. Why is this?
Is it maybe because the Big Bang theory con-
flicts with the Bible and, by extension, challenges our
beliefs about our Savior? Very likely.

For the existentialist, the ‘BYE’ theories are ‘triple-u’
(unproven, useless, unhealthy). Quite funny…

D. The probability of ET aliens visiting Earth

Prob- Explanation

E 10% Evidence 10% - we heard stories and

news about UFOs but we also know
they are 90% probably made on earth

L 20% Logic - it might be, it might be not

(50%) but with no reliable evidence we
get (50 + 10) / 2 = 30%; also minus im-
possible distances = 20%

I 0% Intuition - same as logic, minus 20%

probability that aliens might be de-
P= (10 + 20 + 0) / 3 = 10%

In conclusion, the probabilities of theoretical sci-

- Big bang = 50%
- Evolution = 30%
- ET aliens = 10%
are less than the New Testament reliability.

These evaluations can be criticized as being very sub-
jective and not scientific. But in this whole story there
is also the shade of Christian existentialism. And still
we think we were objective enough with the proba-
bilities assessed and the explanations given.

6. The nonsense of believing both Jesus and


Religion, everyone knows, is not science. Religious

people have hope, faith and some of them even real
knowledge based on miracles they were once present

But if there is any real, material evidence that contra-

dicts what is said in the Bible, in this case there are
only two possibilities:
1. material evidence is false
2. the Bible is a book of fairy tales

We cannot choose a middle way in this case.

Because Jesus confirmed the Old Testament in many

situations. But if what was said in the Old Testament,
especially in Genesis, does not coincide with the ex-
isting material evidence, it means that Jesus was ei-
ther wrong - and that totally nullifies the Christian
religion - or the writers of the New Testament were
either wrong or lied, which again nullifies the Chris-
tian religion.

If Earth is old
# Status New Testa-

1 Jesus did not know Canceled

2 Jesus hid the truth Canceled

3 Writers lied Canceled

4 Writers told the truth about Not believ-

Resurrection, but lied about the able
statements of Jesus

And then all that remains is that the material evi-

dence was either falsified or it is only a theory and is
not real material evidence.

There are many honest researchers who admit that

their theories are only probable, but in most cases,
their theories are presented (by others) as real evi-

It’s a big nonsense to believe, at the same time, the-

oretical science and Jesus.
- theoretical science contradicts Old Testament
- Jesus confirms Old Testament
Conclusion = theoretical science contradicts Jesus

If the theory of a multi-billion-year-old Earth would
be correct, then the New Testament is just a book of
fairy tales. But it’s not. And that puts a question mark
on ‘evo’ theory.

If death existed before sin,

then death is not the payment for sin,
then Jesus’ death would be meaningless and does not pay
for our sins.

Same thing with the Big Bang theory. When it

comes to the age of the universe, multiple theories
like Dasha, Mature Creation, and White Hole exist,
but the Big Bang theory is the only one discussed and
Why is that? Because it contradicts the Bible and,
consequently, our Savior.

But how to explain the vast distances of galaxies, proven

by the speed of light?
One theory that would reconcile the idea of bil-
lions of years with the account written in the Bible,
would be the theory that the speed of light and radi-
ation experienced significant acceleration at the time
of Creation.
In that case the Creation happened in 6 days as de-
scribed in Genesis, but the measurements indicate
the passage of billions of years.

Also, let’s not forget that the Creator deals with in-
finite, both ways. He could create the universe in only one
second, because that can be divided in billions of time
subdivisions. Or even an infinite number of subdivisions.
For God a second can last as an eternity. We simply cannot
comprehend that.

7.Where is Heaven?

The hope for another, better world - and most

importantly - without death, is normal for any nor-
mal person. Trying to cancel this hope, through ill-
intentioned or ill-conceived education, is harmful.
In recent times we are witnessing a massive
loss of this hope in the world. A main reason is the
different perception of the surrounding universe
compared to how it was in the past. Before, everyone
looked up with fear and respect, considering that
somewhere above the clouds is the Kingdom of God.
Today, we look up and see airplanes, we hear
about the exploration of the cosmos (although some
of this information is probably false...), astronomers
with powerful telescopes view distant galaxies and all
this makes us wonder: where is Heaven?
Doubt becomes very strong, and many assume
that there is nothing but the material world around
them and that's it.

We live and perceive in a three-dimensional

world. But this does not mean that we can eliminate
the possible existence, right around us, of a world in
It is very likely that the other world is right
HERE, but with an extra dimension (or more). The
fact that no one can imagine such a world - although
theoretically it is perfectly plausible - is a mystery
and in a way proof that this world exists, but access is
forbidden to us.

A bit of Geometry
Higher mathematics has been studying N-dimen-
sional spaces for a long time, but absolutely no hu-
man being can intuitively imagine a world with more
than three dimensions.

This universe is a huge profound mystery, and

it will remain this way because it is infinite, and we
are not.
There are different theories about the world:
parallel universes, the String theory, QFT (Quantum
Field Theory), and many more. Most of the theories
are based on the idea of more than 3 dimensions.
While searching for Heaven, we’ll try a brief
theoretical incursion outside our 3D world. God help

For those who are not familiar with the concept

of 4-dimensional space: by analogy we can imagine a
world in 2 dimensions (like the surface of an infinite
table) on which some drawn, animated beings would
move to and fro without realizing that there is a third
dimension, just above them.
In the same way, for us, who are in a 3-dimen-
sional space, it is very possible that there is a 4-di-
mensional world around us that we cannot perceive.

Because no one can imagine what an object or a world
would look like in four dimensions, although theo-
retically it exists.

The Space Intersection theory

The idea is that if we intersect two spaces with an N

number of dimensions we will get an intersection
with an N-1 number of dimensions. And also those
two spaces joined together will create another space
with N + 1 dimensions.

In the simplest case we take a line that has 1 dimen-

sion. When we intersect two lines, we get a point that
has zero dimensions. And also the two lines together
create a surface that has two dimensions.

Likewise, if we intersect two surfaces, their intersec-

tion will be a line. So, two surfaces have 2 dimensions
each, the intersection is a 1-dimensional line, and the
two surfaces create a 3-dimensional space.

Let's go straight to two 4-dimensional spaces.
When they intersect, they will create a 3-dimensional
This is where we live now. it is an intersection be-
tween, say, the 4D-space above and the 4D-space be-
Let's present them with two circles to make it sim-

It makes perfect sense. On earth we experience both

hell and Heaven. Because we live in the intersection,
which contains elements from both spaces.

That’s why we find wonderful places, great

people and beautiful situations. But at the same time
we encounter horrible places, disgusting people or
terrible tragedies.

How do we explain the Ascension?
This is a very important topic so we will get back to it
in chapter 7 and explain what happened at the Ascen-
sion of Jesus.

If the other world is not above the clouds, then it is

probably a little below, right next to us. Our world is
probably a border space between the multidimen-
sional world, let's say, from above and from below.
That's why maxims of good and beauty, with maxims
of ugliness and monstrosity, are permanently inter-
mingled here.
It's a hypothesis, and it's plausible.

8. Christian scientists

Below is a list of Christian scientists who were very

important in the development of modern technology

Robert Boyle 1627 – 1691 Said that a deeper under-

standing of science was a higher glorification of God.
Defined elements, compounds, and mixtures. Dis-
covered the first gas law – Boyle’s Law.

Antoine Lavoisier 1743 – 1794 A Roman Catholic be-

liever in the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures. A
founder of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen’s
role in combustion and respiration; discovered that
water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen;

Leonhard Euler 1707 – 1783 The son of a Calvinist
pastor. Wrote religious texts and is commemorated
by the Lutheran Church on their Calendar of Saints.
Published more mathematics than any other single
mathematician in history, much of it brilliant and

Michael Faraday 1791 – 1867 A devout member and

elder of the Sandemanian Church. Discovered elec-
tromagnetic induction; discovered the first experi-
mental link between light and magnetism; carried
out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a gas.

James Clerk Maxwell 1831 – 1879 An evangelical

Protestant who learned the Bible by heart at age 14.
Transformed our understanding of nature: his fa-
mous equations unified the forces of electricity and
magnetism, indicating that light is an electromag-
netic wave. His kinetic theory established that tem-
perature is entirely dependent on the speeds of par-

Gregor Mendel 1822 – 1884 A Roman Catholic Au-

gustinian abbot. Founded the science of genetics;
identified many of the mathematical rules of hered-
ity; identified recessive and dominant traits.

Arthur Compton 1892 – 1962 A deacon in the Baptist

Church. Discovered that light can behave as a particle
as well as a wave, and coined the word photon to de-
scribe a particle of light.

Bernhard Riemann 1826 – 1866 Son of a Lutheran
pastor. A devout Christian who died reciting the
Lord’s Prayer. Transformed geometry providing the
foundation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity;
the Riemann hypothesis has become the most fa-
mous unresolved problem in mathematics.

Georges Lemaître 1894 – 1966 Roman Catholic

priest. Discovered that space and the universe are ex-
panding; discovered Hubble’s law; proposed the uni-
verse began with the explosion of a ‘primeval atom’
whose matter spread and evolved to form the galax-
ies and stars we observe today.

Isaac Newton 1643 to 1727 Passionate dissenting

Protestant who spent more time on Bible study than
math and physics. Profoundly changed our under-
standing of nature with his law of universal gravita-
tion and his laws of motion; invented calculus; built
the first ever reflecting telescope; showed sunlight is
made of all the colors of the rainbow.

John Dalton 1766 – 1844 A faithful Quaker who lived

modestly. Dalton’s Atomic Theory is the basis of
chemistry; discovered Gay-Lussac’s Law relating
temperature, volume, and pressure of gases; discov-
ered the law of partial gas pressures.

Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777 – 1855 A Lutheran

Protestant who believed science revealed the immor-
tal human soul and that there is complete unity be-
tween science and God. Gauss revolutionized number

theory and invented the method of least squares and
the fast Fourier transform. His profound contribu-
tions to the physical sciences include Gauss’s Law &
Gauss’s Law for Magnetism.

Ernest Walton 1903 – 1995 A devout Methodist, who

said science was a way of knowing more about God.
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics after he artifi-
cially split the atom and proved that E = mc2.

Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910 An Anglican who

believed God spoke to her, calling her to her work.
Transformed nursing into a respected, highly trained
profession; used statistics to analyze wider health
outcomes; advocated sanitary reforms largely cred-
ited with adding 20 years to life expectancy between
1871 and 1935.

J. J. Thomson 1856 – 1940 A practicing Anglican who

prayed and read the Bible daily. Discovered the elec-
tron; invented one of the most powerful tools in an-
alytical chemistry – the mass spectrometer; obtained
the first evidence for isotopes of stable elements.

Alessandro Volta 1745 – 1827 A Roman Catholic who

declared that he had never wavered in his faith. In-
vented the electric battery; wrote the first electromo-
tive series; isolated methane for the first time.

Blaise Pascal 1623 – 1662 A Roman Catholic theolo-

gian. Pascal’s wager justifies belief in God. Devised
Pascal’s triangle for the binomial coefficients and co-

founded probability theory. Invented the hydraulic
press and the mechanical calculator.

William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) 1824 – 1907 An el-

der of the Free Church of Scotland. Codifying the first
two laws of thermodynamics, deduced the absolute
zero of temperature is -273.15 °C. On the Kelvin scale,
absolute zero is found at 0 kelvin. Invented the sig-
naling equipment used in the first transatlantic tele-
graph via an undersea cable.

Charles Babbage 1791 – 1871 A Protestant devotee

who devoted a chapter of his autobiography to a dis-
cussion of his faith. The father of the computer, in-
vented the Analytical Engine, a Turing Complete
computer in 1837 – the first general purpose com-

Werner Heisenberg 1901 – 1976 A Lutheran with

deep Christian convictions. One of the primary crea-
tors of quantum mechanics. Formulated the Heisen-
berg Uncertainty Principle.

John Ambrose Fleming 1849 – 1945 A devout Chris-

tian who preached about the Resurrection and
founded the creationist Evolution Protest Movement.
Founded the electronic age with his invention of the
vacuum tube (thermionic valve); devised the hand
rules for electric motors and generators.

Samuel Morse 1791 – 1872 A Calvinist with Unitarian

sympathies who funded a lectureship considering the

relation of the Bible to the Sciences. Took part in the
invention of a single-wire telegraph and patented it.
Developed the Morse code.

Nicolae Paulescu 1869 - 1931 Medical doctor and also

a devout Christian Orthodox. Discovered the antidia-
betic pancreatic hormone (insulin) which helped save
millions of lives. As a doctor he didn’t accept any pay-
ment from poor people. In his opinion most illnesses
were a result of unconfessed sins.

Scientific sources which prove the Creation

On the internet there are many valuable good sites
with plenty of good sense defense for strengthening
your faith:

While we keep getting news about more and more dis-
coveries in the universe, about ‘science’ finding all kinds
of new stuff… Unfortunately, the bottom line for all of us
is one single issue: Death.
Because we will die, nothing matters anymore.
Except how to solve the riddle of Death.
And so far, only Jesus Christ gave us an answer.

Summary of Chapter 5
Religion or science?

Christians must distinguish between theoretical and

practical science. The theoretical science contradicts
the Bible and Jesus. Practical science doesn’t.
Most people confuse the theories about uni-
verse with practical science which they respect in-
stinctively because it brings the technology.
Any thoughtful scientist will acknowledge that
no scientific fact can be established as being 100%
certifiably true.
However, the education system and mass me-
dia present all discoveries which may negate Christ as
100% true. And that is a lie and a fraud…

Evolutionism and the New Testament are mutually

Christians should not believe both are true.

The “Seven Proofs” for Resurrection are stronger

material evidence than all theories which may negate
Probabilities of religion and science:
- Jesus’ resurrection = 90%
- New Testament reliability = 70%
- Afterlife = 70%
- Young Earth = 70%
- Big bang = 50%
- Evolution = 30%
- ET aliens = 10%
Third Kind Terror

Every evening, Dan prayed for his cousin who had fallen
into a bad depression aggravated by suicidal tendencies.
Dan considered this to be of demonic nature, so he
started reading the prayers of St. Basil. However, these
prayers were typically advised for limited use, as they
contained insults and curses directed towards the evil
one. And it’s dangerous to provoke demons.

Dan was uncertain about it all, but he decided to read

the prayer more as an experiment…

That night, a certain meeting happened. He was in a

music recording studio and stayed there overnight to re-
hearse a piece. It was a very large room, about 10 x 10
yards, a large square. Dan found a mattress, placed it on
the floor, and lay down on it.

Around midnight, he was awake, listening to someone

from another room in the building rehearsing various
bass guitar formulas. The building was located in New
York on 8th Ave between 38th and 39th Street. The stu-
dio was on the 10th floor, and he could hear cars and
voices coming from the street below at that hour. New
York City, Manhattan, never slept.

Suddenly, from the opposite corner of the room behind

him, Dan heard a growl. Straining his hearing, the hum
grew a little louder in response. Dan had thought he was
alone in the room, so now he became frightened. What
could it be? It sounded like a dog, but from the harsh
tone of the snarling, it was more likely to be a rabid dog.
Or perhaps someone had entered while he went outside
to the shared toilet in the hallway. Maybe someone who
was a little crazy had crept in and hidden between the
speaker boxes. In any case, it didn't sound good.

Furthermore, the growl was getting louder as it slowly

approached from behind. He was lying on his back and
couldn't even consider getting up to see what it was. It
was clear someone was there. He made a quick decision
to jump up and run out the door, since it was right next
to his mattress. However, the moment he decided to
jump, he realized he couldn't move.

Something told him that it must be a ghost, an evil spirit,

and he suddenly became sure that indeed it was. He re-
membered that once his grandmother had taught him
what she had heard from others: when an unclean spirit
appears to you, make the sign of the cross. But of course,
he couldn't move his hand anymore.

In this situation, his grandmother had taught him to try

making the sign of the Cross with his tongue against the
roof of his mouth. Back then, the little boy was amazed
by this secret and tried several times. At the present mo-
ment, he was sure that it was an unclean spirit, and he

wanted to cross himself with his tongue in his mouth...
but he could not move his tongue either.

At the very last second, the person behind, who was ap-
proaching faster and faster, suddenly jumped with a ter-
rible howl. In that fraction of a second, Dan imagined
that he was making the sign of a cross. He envisioned the
points of the Cross on his forehead, abdomen, and
shoulders, and suddenly he was freed from his paralysis.
He jumped up from his back and turned into the air
with a scream of terror and battle at the same time. But...
there was no one there.

From somewhere in the distance echoed a bitter laugh,
like it was taunting, "You got scared, didn't you?" It bore
the tone of someone who had missed an opportunity
and now regretted it.

Terrified, he left the room, went to the public bathroom

in the hall, and saw himself in the mirror. Fear had raised
his hair up like spikes; he had a terrified face. He realized
that he had indeed been attacked by an unclean spirit.
Unable to understand the purpose behind the aggres-
sion, he speculated that the demon must have been pro-
voked by the prayers of St. Basil.

What would have happened if he hadn't made the sign

of the cross? If he hadn't imagined the sign of the cross,
which surely helped. That was the moment he broke free
from the paralysis, jumped up, and the demon disap-

Later, he told some friends, and no one believed him.

They all said it was probably a dream. Yet, he remains
certain that, in those moments, he sensed it was true re-
ality, and, in fact, our whole life is a kind of dream.

Is there any benefit?

The demise of Christian civilization would be a trag-

edy. Nevertheless, during these times, the Christians
may have some benefits - if they are aware of what’s
going on and if they do something about it.

1. Adversity may yet present opportunities

2. A collection of useful advice
3. Faith reinforcements
4. Christian existentialism

Let’s try to analyze how this challenging situation

might actually work in your favor.

1.Adversity may yet present opportunities

a) Salvation can be achieved with greater ease.

b) Better understanding of the situation
c) Prepare the kids for future danger

a) Salvation can be achieved with greater ease

In the past, in the heyday of Christianity, when eve-

ryone was in churches and reverently worshiping the
Savior, presumably it was not so easy for everyone to
be saved. A certain competition required perfection.

Especially since Jesus said that many will be rejected
if they were lukewarm or because he does not know

And someone said to him, “Lord, will those who are

saved be few?” And he said to them, “Strive to enter
through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will
seek to enter and will not be able. When once the
master of the house has risen and shut the door, and
you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door,
saying, "Lord, open to us," then he will answer you,

I do not know where you come from.’ (Luke 13:23–

We expect that today, in a world that is moving away

from Christian commandments, those who remain,
even if they also have their faults, at least have the
merit that they still resisted. And it is very possible
that they will be rewarded, will be saved, and that
they will see Heaven.

At least some prominent clerics mentioned this idea

in regard to the end of times.

In conclusion, if the world moves away from Jesus, it

is easier for those who have not moved away to be
saved. However, do not take it lightly. It’s better to
strive more just to make sure we get the reward of
This is a great opportunity, during these times of
downfall, to do something with our lives. Any effort

to save our civilization counts and accumulates some

b) Better understanding of the situation

Another benefit could be considered that those who
learn more about the situation we are in have a higher
degree of wisdom, are better informed and will be
able to make better decisions.

After learning how different is our time compared

with the period of Christian glory from the Medieval
era, we can work on improving our lifestyle:
- Obey the Ten Commandments
- Careful with language. No more ‘Holly’ fol-
lowed by some stupid words. It is a blasphemy.
No more ‘f’ and ‘sh’ words in your vocabulary.
God gave us mouth and tongue to speak nicely,
not to pronounce garbage.
- Do not party on Friday nights. It is a sin.
- Get married in the church, do not cohabitate.
- Avoid sexual perversions. Confess often.
- Do not watch blasphemous movies.
- Do not forget to pray more often.

And change whatever else you feel is not appropriate

behavior for a Christian.

By improving the lifestyle, you will benefit from get-

ting more protection from God in this life, and also an

increased chance of being accepted in the Kingdom of
Heaven afterwards.

c) Prepare for future danger

The way things look, we should expect in the future a
possible anti Christian hostility and persecutions.
Many may not believe that’s going to happen, but it’s
better to be safe than sorry.

Several situations indicate coming persecutions:

- Increased denigration of European race and
culture - and this definitely implies also the
Christian religion
- The coordinated efforts of mass media, public
schooling, and colleges to implant atheism in
the collective consciousness of the new gener-
- The destruction from inside of the European
countries by infiltration of muslim migrants by
- The two so-called ‘world wars’, which in fact
happened mostly in Europe, with millions of
dead young males
- The latest organized war between two Christian
countries, with a lot of casualties and destruc-
- The criminal actions against Christianity car-
ried out in communist countries, which could
easily resurface.

Christians who comprehend the severity of this phase
possess an advantage, enabling them to prepare in
advance before the worst stage begins.

How to prepare for the worst?

There are many survivalist sites with all kinds of sug-
gestions. The only thing is that they prepare for eco-
nomic crises or war situations, not for persecutions
against Christians, but most of their strategy can be
used in any case.

A site is Easy to remember:

Shtf = “when the sh*t hits the fan”.

In fact, when searching on the web in 2023, we found

a lot of subjects titled “Persecutions against Chris-
tians are on the rise” ...

And it will become worse. The persecutors will un-

leash on a large scale when they will be sure that
Christians are too weak and cannot oppose them.

But we shouldn’t forget. God is above and Jesus is on

His right side. Any moment an unexpected miracle
may happen all of a sudden. The Christ haters will be
sorry one day.

2. A collection of useful advice

Here is a set of tips which might help any Christian.

a) How to be Healthy
b) How to make money
c) An Education Plan
d) Faith, Hope or Investment

a) How to be Healthy
For earthly life, the three pillars that ensure a certain
comfort are:

- Health
- Money
- A suitable life partner

Among these three, the most important is, of course,

health. Here is how health can be maintained:

Body Maintenance – We must realize that the body we

have has been gifted to us by God, and we must take
care of it. Therefore, we should not abuse our bodies,
which means, first and foremost:

● Avoid poisoning ourselves with harmful sub-

stances such as smoking, alcohol, and drugs.
● Avoid excessive consumption of heavy or fatty
foods, pork, or fried foods. Also, limit intake of
chemically processed foods (e.g., fast food) and
Additionally, body maintenance includes exercise,
massages, self-massage, daily showers, and regular
walks or sports.

Fasting – Another factor in maintaining health is to

stay connected to the advice of the church. Fasting,
inspired by the Holy Spirit, helps cleanse the body of
various toxins. It is essential to understand that the
human body is incredibly complex, and medicine has
never fully understood its needs. Church-prescribed
fasting, within this complexity, undoubtedly aids in
maintaining health.

Note - fasting may not be suitable for those engaged

in strenuous physical labor.

Prayers – Occasionally, it is good to offer prayers for

health. Prayer is also beneficial for mental well-be-
ing, particularly in reducing stress and depression.
Prayer always brings calmness.

Unction – Participating occasionally in the Unction

service is another practice. Unction is one of the
seven sacraments of the church and shouldn’t be ne-
glected. It contributes to both physical and mental

Confession and Communion – Lastly, and perhaps

most importantly, are confession and communion.
One of the greatest doctors in history, Dr. Paulescu,
who discovered insulin and saved millions of diabetic

lives, stated that diseases, in general, are caused by
unconfessed sins.
If he said so, it must be true. This exceptional
doctor often treated the poor without charge, only
accepting payment from those who could afford it.
Despite his outstanding contributions, he was not
awarded the Nobel Prize because of his sympathy for
Christian-nationalist movements. This disregard is
an injustice. We should realize that if this man, with
his special mind, decided that it was worth sympa-
thizing with a Christian-nationalist movement, then
he was right. Those who try to cover him up, hide
him, or avoid mentioning him anywhere are the ones
who are wrong and have a significant moral flaw.

Vitamins and Minerals – Due to the depletion and con-

tamination of today's food, it is advisable to take vit-
amins and minerals. Avoid pharmaceuticals and
stress through prayers, which always bring calmness.

After a certain age, let's say 65 years, something spe-

cial should be considered: no meat and no sweets.

● No meat - based on the principle that if you

want to have life, you should not destroy life,
meaning, do not be complicit in the killing of
other beings.
● No sweets - based on the idea of universal bal-
ance – if you sweeten, bitterness will follow.

In conclusion, modern medicine considers humans
as machines and treats them as such, without any
consideration for the soul. And refuses to believe that
diseases might be caused by unconfessed or unpaid
sins. I trust the medical system for repairing broken
or dislocated bones, but not as much for treating
complications of another nature. Also, in general, we
should try to avoid pharmaceuticals, as they have too
many side effects.

So, once again, in short: health is maintained

through body maintenance with a proper diet, exer-
cise, and, most importantly, fasting and prayer.

b) How to make money

How to make money as a Christian?

1. Work hard, don’t compete
- work two jobs, or if have your own business, work
extensive hours and don’t try to be competitive; it’s
not a Christian attitude
2. Donate
- give, even if you have little, to charity, church or to
Christian political organization
3. Save, don’t spend unnecessarily
- it’s important to not gratify yourself with expensive
stuff, spend only for what is really necessary.
Always keep a small saving account as a seed for
4. Pray for limited wealth

- praying for getting rid of debt or increasing your wealth
within decent limits, will help, but don’t ask for much,
the rich won’t be admitted to Heaven. Becoming very
rich might be a sign that the evil one wants you down
It’s not a sin to try to have a comfortable life on
earth (health, wealth and love), but don’t aim for
being too rich (the admission to Heaven would be
almost impossible).

c) An Education Plan

Here is what the education plan for children and

youth should be:
First and foremost, the most important is
● preparation for Eternal Life,
and then
● preparation for earthly life

As we well know, public school fails, or doesn't even

attempt, to prepare anyone for Eternal Life, and for
earthly life—only to some extent—just so someone
can get a diploma and perhaps have a somewhat de-
cent job, but quite uncertain in most cases.

1. So, to begin with, the first important thing is prep-

aration for Eternal Life. What does this preparation

a) knowledge of catechism – what our religion is, what

it consists of what is the Path that can help us have

Eternal Life in a beautiful place called Heaven. We al-
ready know the Path through and with Jesus Christ.

b) In addition to this, we must understand what it re-

ally means to follow Jesus Christ?
● It means being in church every Sunday,
● praying daily, in the morning, evening, and be-
fore meals,
● and from time to time, perhaps once an hour,
not forgetting to say, "Lord Jesus Christ, have
mercy on me";
● reading from the Bible from time to time,
● making an akathist – in our case, having a fam-
ily akathist on a rotating basis is a very good
● performing actions to accumulate "treasures in
● observing fasts – fasting and prayer – and in
general, worshiping Jesus Christ, who is our
Lord – as He said: "Take my yoke upon you, for it
is easy to bear."
● and especially, ensuring that we will not be re-
jected by Jesus – who said: "I will tell many – I
do not know you." We will probably have assur-
ance if we partake in communion, which in-
volves confession and fasting.

2. For earthly life – this is a bit more complicated –

important in earthly life is to be prepared from three
points of view – to try to achieve three situations:

a) health – which is the most important – obtained
- daily exercise (a healthy mind in a healthy
- participation in the service of the Holy Unction
- a healthy diet
- avoiding poisons (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs,
and even excessive sweets)

b) financial situation – not to live in poverty

- honest work
- study of ways to earn honestly
- family business – the most trustworthy

c) a beautiful, healthy family

- finding a suitable life partner (spouse) – simi-
lar ideas and tastes, and
- living a Christian life together

These are the three aspects, the three dimensions of

earthly well-being. We do not necessarily seek hap-
piness on earth, but it is preferable not to suffer due
to reasons such as health, lack of money, and a dis-
orderly and dysfunctional family.

So, these are the main coordinates in education.

d) Faith, Hope or Investment

Most people have a lot of doubts today. Faith
cannot be enforced. And also, there are several levels

of faith. We can enumerate ‘wavering’, ‘struggling’,
‘little’, and ‘strong’.
But if there is no faith, it should be replaced by
Hope. The probability of Eternal Life still exists, and
it is worth the effort.
Even the investor’s attitude is better than noth-
ing. A small investment: one hour on Sunday going to
church and 10 minutes reading a prayer daily may
bring the greatest reward. Any intelligent person
should do it. It’s almost stupid not to do it.

3. Faith reinforcements

a) How to follow Jesus

b) Confession of the unbeliever (real story)
c) Another proof that Christ has risen
d) Difficult decisions
e) Anatomy of murder

a) How to follow Jesus

The teachings of Jesus Christ contain crucial infor-
mation for any human being to know. And two state-
ments are the most important:
1. "No one comes to the Father except through me."
(John 14:6)
2. ”I never knew you; depart from me…” (Matthew

What should a Christian do in response to these es-
sential statements?
1. Follow Jesus
- But how? For the Apostles that was quite
easy; they just had to walk with Him. But
today it’s more difficult to understand
what ‘following’ means. There are several
• follow His teachings (but this is too
• be always kind and forgiving (but
who can be so perfect?),
• believe that Jesus is the Savior (is it
possible never to have doubts?),
• or even just to say ‘He’s my Savior’
(this might not be enough).
2. Make sure He knows you
- This is the most difficult. There are too
many opinions about that.

We believe that the answer for both statements is the

‘3C’s: Church, Communion, Confession.

Church - Jesus created the Church. That’s the place to

meet Him.

Communion - Also He established the communion -
bread and wine - to be observed in remembrance of
Him. That way we unite with Jesus in body and spirit.
Confession - But communion is not given without

And it won’t hurt to add ‘pdf’ = prayers, deeds, fasting.

Prayers are helpful, if the person who prays has
merits and also when praying for others.
Good deeds start with donations. This may help
also to have a comfortable life in terms of wealth.
Because a secret recipe for financial success is to first
give, and then receive. But nowadays, more than
anything, a good deed is any activity aimed at helping
the Christian civilization in decay.
Fasting is a key to better health. It should be
done at least on each Friday. It involves also
abstinence, on Fri and Sun. It helps for being healthy
and accumulating merit for successful prayers.

Jesus said that only those following Him on the

narrow road will be admitted to Heaven.
What is the narrow road? Most likely the ‘3C’s + PDF.
And it’s not even very difficult. It doesn’t take a lot of
time. And it surely helps for afterlife and usually for
earthly life as well (to avoid ‘DEAD’ situations).

b) The first confession of an unbeliever (real story)

R. is advised by a friend that he should go to

confession. He was 40 years old and had committed
enough sins, especially fornication, and had never

R. refuses, saying that anyway he does not be-

lieve in the church, nor in the confession. He suspects
that there might be some kind of a god, but in any
case, he does not see the meaning and purpose of
confessing in church.

The friend, however, insists that even if he does

not believe, he has nothing to lose but a few minutes
of discussion with a priest. And better go to an un-
known priest so he will not be ashamed of what he
has done.

R., being an intelligent man understands that,

yes, he has nothing to lose, he could even get some-
thing out of this, so one day he takes care of this
problem. Somewhat jokingly, he visits a priest and
confesses whatever he felt that he did wrong.

The priest asked him a few questions and R. had

to admit that he had actually done more bad things
than he thought. Small deeds that he had not consid-
ered sins, now seemed quite serious.

From that moment on, something changes him
more and more, and after a few years he ends up be-
ing a singer in the church choir, being an active
member and a good believer.
So the idea is that even without faith, and not
even based on hope, but only taken as an investment
(better safe than sorry), someone may find salvation.
In the life of any person, confession is im-
portant and can be solved even without believing.
It’s less meritorious but it’s better than nothing
and leads to salvation.

c) Another proof that Christ is Risen

The proof has long been in front of us, but - as Jesus

said - the world has eyes and does not see.

In the last hundred years, two important leaders in

the world were: John Maximovitch and Lenin.

Both are dead, but incorrupt.

St. John Maximovitch is incorrupt, without any
worldly protection or intervention.
The murderer Lenin is kept in a sterile glass box, ar-
tificially kept in an unnatural state.

Lenin persecuted John - who had to flee his country

and live the rest of his life in exile (he is the one who
spread Orthodoxy in America).

It is very interesting to watch: the one who believed
that Christ was Risen - after death his body did not
The other, who did not believe, but persecuted
those who believed, should have been rotten for a
long time, a skeleton full of worms, but through ad-
vanced technology is maintained as an artificial

This is a proof: the bodies of the two outstanding per-

sonalities of recent times are not corrupted, but in
completely opposite ways (natural-artificial), de-
pending on their belief in the Resurrection of Jesus.

The madness of the world is obvious: crowds flock to

visit the glass box in Moscow, where the dead apos-
tate is kept, but few go to the church in San Francisco
where the natural incorrupt body of the miracle-
working Saint John Maximovich is kept.

So, one more time: the body of a murderer - on whose

orders even children were killed - is visited by large
crowds interested in the fact that the murderer is ar-
tificially preserved from rotting.
At the same time, almost no one is interested in the
incorruptible body of a saint, a man who never upset
anyone in his life and did only good deeds.


Children, don't be deceived by worldly stupidity. Or
the lies of the wicked. The facts are in front of you,
you just have to think straight.

Christ Has Risen!

d) Difficult decisions
Let's imagine the following situation: a terrible
epidemic occurs unexpectedly, let's say the plague,
and everyone who gets sick dies in agony in a few

There is no treatment. However, a particular

antibiotic is discovered soon. That medicine resolves
the disease almost instantly. But this antibiotic is not
in sufficient quantities and the company that admin-
isters it has chosen to give it only to church members.
What will you do, reader?
Will you wait, risk getting sick and not have a
cure? Or will you go to one of the churches and be-
come a member? in which case you will have to con-
fess and attend religious services. There is of course a
possibility that you will not get sick, but it is safer to
take every precaution.

This situation is similar to the fact that we will

leave this world and we do not know exactly what
awaits us in the afterlife. But there is a probability
that there is an afterlife and in this case, it is very

likely that the presence in the church will help us af-
ter we die.

Now let’s turn this scenario around. The antibiotic

will be given only to non-Christians. In order to re-
ceive that medication, you would have to abjure the
Christian faith. It will save your earthly life. Would
you do it? Difficult decision…

e) Anatomy of murder

Someone once made a joke: who are the worst

killers in history? The answer would be… Adam and
Eve - they killed themselves and at the same time
killed billions of descendants, through a simple mis-
take. But of course, it's a joke. They are not to blame.

The real killer is that serpent or whoever was in its


Then Jesus came to Earth to offer salvation

through a huge sacrifice, which he was not obliged to
do. He came to save billions of people. And probably a
lot were saved.

But lately more and more people no longer trust

and follow Jesus. That means they are no longer
saved; they will go to hell or to nothingness. Now who
is to blame for this catastrophe? Let's analyze:

Why are science and faith at war with one another?

1. Science has two branches: historical and observa-
tional. We can also call these branches: theoretical
and practical. Practical science embodies "exact
knowledge," while theoretical science leans on as-
sumptions, hypotheses, and theories.
2. Theoretical science is about billions of years of evo-
lution (bye), and it cannot be tested through experi-
3. Practical science is the one which drives technolog-
ical advancements, and that gives absolute credibility
to the concept of science in general.
4. People respect technology and the (practical) science
which creates it.
5. Practical science has absolute credibility.
6. The scam - then someone comes along and pre-
sents ‘bye’ theories under the name of science - and
that is enough to make people believe these theories
to be infallible.

Secular schools and mass media lend credibility

to the theories by presenting them under the um-
brella term "science."
That is lying by omission, a scam which actually
leads to murder of souls. Because billions of people
start to believe in theories (thinking that is true sci-
ence) and not in the Bible, so they won’t be admitted
to the heavens when they die.

Presenting theories as ‘science’ leads people to per-

ceive them as equally reliable as Practical Science.
And that makes them believe the Bible is mistaken.

Result: more and more Christians are abandoning
their faith due to perceived contradictions between
‘bye’-science and the Bible. Consequently, they
won’t have eternal life, or they will go to a very bad

Scientific sources which prove the Creation

On the internet there are many valuable good sites
with plenty of good sense defense for strengthening
your faith:

4.The Christian neo-existentialist attitude

There are many problems today, probably more than

in the past. Although technology is incredible, like
never before, many people are still unhappy. The
number of suicides has increased a lot and also many
people need psychologist sessions.
Therefore, we must determine who and how a Neo
Christian Existentialist is.
Besides the fact that he/she has that angst
characteristic of existentialism, the Christian Exis-
tentialist of today is quite different from the others of
the past.
Because the situation is much different than
before. Namely the camp to which he/she belongs,
the Christian one, is being attacked with virulence.
Although many do not really realize it, it is a reality.

And in this case, the traits of today's Christian

existentialist should be as follows:

● Respect Jesus
First, existentialists should respect the sacrifice of
Jesus. They realize that this world is absurd and quite
crazy, and Jesus is the Savior of mankind. Existen-
tialists follow Christ and seek the narrow path, which
probably should contain the three elements: Church,
Communion, and confession.

• How to follow Jesus when being lonely

If there is no church near where you live, improvise a
Sunday service which should contain reading the fol-
- one or two psalms from Bible
- the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)
- one of Apostle Paul’s epistles
- one of Jesus’ parables
- the Creed
- the Lord’s Prayer
and end with a personal prayer.
Regarding the sacrament of Eucharist (communion)
- Jesus asked the disciples at the Last Supper to re-
member Him when they eat together (Luke 22:19-20;
Matthew 26:26-28). But it might not be a good idea to
simulate the communion sacrament alone. However,
it's nice to say a thanks prayer every time one eats.

● Aware of anti-Christian agenda

The Existentialist must be more sensitive and be bet-
ter observers of the situation than the rest of the
crowd. They know what the intentions of movie pro-
ducers are, or why some disgusting music is distrib-
uted incessantly through various channels, including
shopping centers. They don’t get fooled easily by the
political machinations. And in general, they distrust
everything that is distributed through the mass me-
dia and in schools. They are not fooled by the nasty
opinions of others, probably trolls, commenting on
social channels.

● Don’t care about a blind universe and the the-

ories about it
Christian existentialists are not interested in ‘uuu’
theories. It is of no use to them, and they have no time
for such things. Life is short, there are a lot of other

problems, it's stupid to put your nose to all the theo-
ries about the universe and in general the theories
that contradict the Only Chance we have as humans
in this dying world- Jesus and the Bible.

● Different than the brainwashed crowd - dress

code, music, etc.
Despite the state of general sadness, the existential-
ists keep their mental balance and the wisdom they
acquire through prayers and readings from the New
Testament. With this wisdom existentialists can have
a better understanding of the fact that the majorities
are being manipulated and as a result existentialists
do not imitate or get attracted to the fashion trends
that exist, nor the music the majorities listen to, nor
the way they dress, nor the way they speak. Existen-
tialists cultivate their personality and survive in iso-
lation individually or by joining together in small
groups of friends.

● Feel better within Christian society

Today's Christian existentialists are sad, struggling
with doubts, but cultivating Hope. Being lonely, they
will feel better in Christian social groups. Which usu-
ally gather near churches.

In conclusion, the Christian existentialist today is an

intelligent person, with good taste, and strong
against various temptations. Cannot be manipulated
by social engineering schemes and is not influenced
by the brainwashed crowd.
And above all, holds a virtual Cross with dignity
and hope, following the Savior of mankind – Jesus

Summary of Chapter 6
Is there any benefit?

1. Adversity may yet present opportunities

- Salvation can be easier achieved - for the
- Better understanding of the situation
- Prepare the kids for future danger

2. Also in this chapter we offer a collection of use-

ful advice for any Christian:
- How to be healthy
- An education plan
- Faith, Hope or Investment

3. A few articles for the doubtful mind

4. The Christian neo-existentialist attitude

What mission?

One night Dan had a dream about the afterlife. He

wasn't really sure if it was just a dream or a real thing.
That day, he visited a friend with whom he was
collaborating on a musical piece. The friend had made a
coffee which, however, happened to be much too
strong, much too concentrated. After they each drank a
cup, they became very agitated and nervous. Talking
quickly and spasmodically, Dan remarked "I think this
coffee made us like this", but the friend said "it's okay,
maybe this will give us better inspiration". They worked
for a little while but Dan felt kind of sick and returned

It was already late in the evening, his heart was

beating very fast and his pulse was very high, about 150
beats per minute. He lay down on the bed to relax and
immediately fell asleep.

He dreamt that he suddenly felt very ill, that his

heart stopped and then he died.

Instantly he found himself in a dimly lit small

room lying on a table. Around the table were several peo-
ple whose faces he could not distinguish, and who
looked at him with a blend of sadness and disapproval.
At that moment Dan realized that he had died and now
he was in a different world. And suddenly remembered
that he had a mission to accomplish in his life on earth,
and which he had not fulfilled.
Filled with guilt, he cried out to those surrounding
him, his voice laden with anguish "Woe is me, what have
I done? I didn't do what I had to do! Let me go back! Let
me, give me another chance! this time I will succeed! I
promise !"
It seemed that they were talking without a single
voice being heard, they were probably communicating
through thought and then one of them whispered "Al-
right, we'll give you another chance, but we're pretty
sure you won't make it this time either. Especially since
now you'll have to forget practically everything”.

A moment later he awoke, finding himself lying in

bed, the vividness of his experience lingering. It didn't
feel like a dream; it was all too real, every sensation
etched into his consciousness.
And he rejoiced because he had not forgotten
what had happened as he had been warned.

But later he came to realize that he had indeed for-

gotten something crucial - what his mission was? and in
time he was no longer sure whether it had been just a
mere dream or a profound reality.

He continued to think what mission would he

have on earth? Was that only a dream or something be-
yond reality? He couldn't unravel it, and he's still striv-
ing to find out. What is that mission?


Let's begin this catechesis with a simplified presen-

tation of the Christian faith.

So what is most important for a Christian to know?

I. Jesus’ resurrection is an undeniable reality.

There are numerous proofs. We have chosen
three pieces of evidence that provide

compelling proof: the Shroud of Turin, the Holy
Fire of Jerusalem, the Orthodox Church of India.
II. The most important statements that Jesus
made to the Apostles. Those statements were
recorded in the New Testament.
1. The first is "No one comes to the Father except
through me." (John 14:6) so, in other words,
there is no other way, no other religion to reach
God the Father, the creator of the universe. This
statement is very exclusive indeed.
2. The second statement is about baptism: "Ex-
cept a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John
3:5). Nobody will be admitted to Heaven with-
out being baptized.
3. In the third statement, Jesus says that He will
reject many if He does not know them - ”I never
knew you; depart from me, you workers of law-
lessness” (Matthew 7:21-23)
4. and the fourth statement is about those Chris-
tians not truly dedicated - “because you are
lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about
to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-

Consequently we must try to understand what we

have to do. We should be very concerned about state-
ments 3 and 4.

The core of Christian faith is the question: How to
make sure we won’t hear “I don’t know you”? Or to
not be considered ‘lukewarm”?

We’ll try to answer. With another question:

How to follow Jesus?

The way to follow Jesus is through the Church.
He is the founder of the Church and if we want to get
closer to Jesus we must go to church as often as re-
More than that - it would be good from time to
time to receive Communion. When we receive Com-
munion we fulfill the command of Jesus who said to
eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of
But of course communion can only be taken
with confession. In short, this is probably a good so-
lution to the problem of 'How to be sure we won't be

- Receive Communion in the Church after con-


And it won’t hurt to also add

- good deeds,
- fasting,
- daily prayers,
- confession and penance if we make mistakes.

That would probably be enough to be admitted to the
Heavenly Kingdom.

But it is still better to have more knowledge about the

Bible and the Christian doctrine. It would help to face
the continuous anti-Christian aggression in the con-
temporary world.

So we’ll continue with the following sub-chapters:

1. The Bible
2. Christian doctrine
3. Questions and answers
4. Where is Heaven?
5. Young Earth
6. Extraterrestrials +
7. Protection from misinformation

1.The Bible

This Holy Book is the most published book in history.

It has been written by several authors, some un-
known, starting around 1500 BC with the Genesis
part, possibly written by Moses himself.

The Bible contains the Old Testament written by He-

brews before Jesus, and the New Testament written
by Christians.

It is important to note that in the New Testament the
statements of Jesus confirm the Old Testament.

The accuracy of the Old Testament is very impressive.

Any new copy, on which a scribe had probably been
working for more than a year, was to be checked by
several rabbis. And if a single letter was found
changed or missing, this new copy was promptly dis-
carded by throwing it into the fire(!) The preservation
of the original version was deemed so crucial that any
deviation, no matter how minor, was not tolerated.

The Old Testament has two versions

- The Septuagint
- The Masoretic Text

The term Septuagint, meaning “seventy,” actually

refers to the seventy-two translators—six from each
tribe of Israel—involved in translating the Penta-
teuch from Hebrew to Greek in the third-century BC
(seventy-two is rounded down to seventy, hence the
Roman numeral LXX).

The Masoretic Bible was written sometime in the 6th

century AD. Why did the Jews stop using the Septua-
They abandoned the Septuagint version because it
had become a central element of Christianity, and
they wished to disassociate themselves from it.

The priority for Christians should be the New Testa-
ment. However from the Old Testament it is recom-
mended to read and learn about:

- Genesis
- Abraham and descendants
- Sodom and Gomorha
- Moses and the Ten Commandments
- David and psalms

The New Testament

The New Testament is most important for Christians.

Its summary is contained in the Creed prayer.

The New Testament contains

- The four Gospels, written by Mark, Matthew,
Luke and John
- The Acts of Apostles written by Luke
- The epistles, most of them written by Paul
- The Revelations by John

It’s important to note that two of the writers, Mat-

thew and John, had been with Jesus all the time,
among the 12 apostles.

The New Testament is about the life and activity of

Jesus Christ on earth. In only three years He changed
the world through:
- teachings,

- miracles and
- His resurrection after a cruel death.

The teachings contain

- statements - “No one comes to the Father ex-
cept through me.”
- parables - a beautiful parable is the story about
the good Samaritan.
The miracles - among the many miracles that Jesus
performed, two are very impressive:
- the healing of the blind man, and
- the resurrection of Lazarus, who had been dead
for four days.

There are also other situations described by the

writers of the New Testament. The most beautiful is the
one in which Jesus refused to stone a woman who had
committed adultery and who, according to the old law,
was to be stoned to death. Jesus stopped those who
wanted to execute her with a few memorable words “He
that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone
at her.”
So profound was this sentence that they all froze and
went away one by one, for each realized that he was not
without sin.
This was a crucial moment when Jesus introduced
to the world the concept of Forgiveness.

Thus from simple facts, from miracles and

from teachings, the greatest spiritual revolution was

created and exploded in the minds of people and
made them better humans for 2000 years.

The basic teaching of Jesus is that only those

who follow Him will be saved and have eternal life in

So we should live this life carefully, following

His teachings, in such a way that we’ll get to Heaven
after we live this earth.
And that means to make a small effort: the

How to follow Jesus

- Church - attend church services, because Jesus
is the founder of the Church and also He gave
the apostles the power to organize the Church.
- Confession - in preparation for communion
- Communion - to be received during Church

Good deeds, daily prayers and periodic fasting

are a plus.

This is the narrow road to follow Jesus, and it’s not

too difficult.

He says, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find
rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29).

2.Christian doctrine

It has long been noticed that many Christians

do not have the necessary knowledge in relation to
the faith they practice.
In this chapter we try to clarify briefly the main
aspects of the Christian faith.
To be useful for both adults and also for
younger or older children.

Christian doctrine is best expressed in the

Creed. But we can try in other words, more briefly, or
more easily to understand, to explain what Christi-
anity is in the following way.
Adamic disobedience was washed away by the
suffering of Jesus Christ, who is not an ordinary per-
son but the Son of God.
Generally a sin can be washed away with suffer-
ing. Adamic disobedience could only be washed away
by the suffering of God Himself.

So Jesus came of his own free will into earthly

life as an ordinary man, suffered, died and of course
rose again to give us hope and to understand and fol-
low Him.
That's about the Christian faith in a nutshell.

What does it mean to follow Jesus? would be to

become practicing Christians. There are two types of
practicing Christians: the monks on the one hand and

the lay people, the Christians of the world who have
the duty to further educate their children in the
Christian spirit.


The Christian doctrine mainly contains the following


● The Nicene Creed

● The Holy Trinity
● The Christian Celebrations
● The Divine Liturgy
● The Seven Sacraments
● The Apostolic Line
● Life in Christ

The Nicene Creed

The Christian Creed is a summary or statement
of what Christians believe. It originates from the
Latin word “credo” which means "I believe".
The Nicene Creed was created in 325 at the
Great Council of Nicaea (located today in Turkey).
This was the first Council organized by Emperor Con-
stantine the Great and attended by prominent per-
sonalities such as Saint Nicholas, Saint Spyridon, and
Saint Athanasius. It was a moment of great inspira-
tion that over 300 bishops who gathered there

managed to agree on with the main elements of the
Christian faith which it was expressed in this creed.
After nearly 300 years of terrible persecution,
Christians were finally able to gather and communi-
cate with each other. There were many groups (but
not as many as today) and they had failed to establish
a unity of faith. Through this Council it was possible
to clarify precisely what a Christian actually believes.
At this Council, two important elements of the
Christian faith were resolved: the Holy Trinity and
the Creed.

This declaration of Faith, the Creed, contains 4 parts.

The Creed

1. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,

Maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible
and invisible.
2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the
only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all
ages. Light of light; true God of true God; begotten,
not made; of one essence with the Father, by Whom
all things were made; Who for us men and for our
salvation came down from Heaven, and was incar-
nate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and be-
came man. And He was crucified for us under Pon-
tius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the
third day He arose again, according to the Scrip-
tures, and ascended into Heaven, and sits at the
right hand of the Father; and He shall come again
with glory to judge the living and the dead; Whose
Kingdom shall have no end.
3. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life,
Who proceeds from the Father; Who with the Fa-
ther and the Son together is worshiped and glori-
fied; Who spoke by the prophets.
4. In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I
acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life
of the world to come. Amen.

Here are the 4 sections of the Creed explained:

Statement about the Father as a creator
1. About Jesus - the Son, equal to the Father
- He came down on earth miraculously
born by the Virgin Mary and Holy Spirit
- He was crucified (for us) and died
- Resurrected and ascended to Heaven
- He will return as a Judge of all mankind
2. About the Holy Spirit - the Giver of Life
3. About the Church, baptism and Eternal Life

Holy Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one
God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons
— the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Why Christians have this concept of God as a
Trinity? Because Jesus made several statements
from which the conclusion is: He is both the Son of

God and also same as the Father (“I and the Father
are one” John 10:30)
How can this be explained to a child?
We often hear the Trinity compared to an Apple.
ONE apple has three different parts – the skin, the
flesh, and the seed.
Also St. Spyridon is famous for his explanation of
the Trinity compared to a brick - a solid unit made
of earth, water and fire.

The Holy Trinity is expressed clearly in the Creed.

The Christian Celebrations

The most important Christian celebrations are:
● Christmas - Commemorating the birth of Jesus
Christ on Dec. 25th
● Easter - Marking the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead, Easter is a pivotal event in
● Ascension Day - Commemorating Jesus' as-
cension into Heaven, it occurs 40 days after
● Pentecost - commemorates the descent of the
Holy Spirit upon the apostles, on the 50th day
after Easter. It is considered the birth of the
Christian Church.

Also every Sunday there is a service in remembrance

of the Resurrection.

The Divine Liturgy (or Sacred Liturgy)
Many Christians find it difficult to attend this Sunday
service and the main reason is that most of them do
not understand very well what the service consists of.
They find it either boring or a big waste of time..
We are now trying an explanatory description
of the Divine Liturgy to make this effort especially
easier for young people.

There are so many denominations so it’s hard

to know how the service is for most of them. So let’s
study only the Orthodox and Catholic Liturgy. Lu-
therans have some similarities also.
The Sacred Liturgy consists of several parts of
which the most important are two: the Lord’s prayer
and the Eucharist.

Both were included in the religious service from the

very beginning.

1. The Lord’s prayer

- is said because Jesus taught the apostles
that this is how they (and we) should pray.

2. The Eucharist (communion)

- is based on what Jesus Christ did and said
during the Last Supper.

During the Last Supper Jesus performed two simple
actions which have become very important and have
remained established for the 2000 years that have
passed since then.
First He broke the bread and gave it to them saying
"Take and eat, this is My body which is broken for
you". He also shared the wine and said “Drink from
it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant,
which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
This moment was recorded in the Gospel by Mathew
(26:27-28). Mathew was present there at that very
moment (!).

And finally, Jesus told them to continue when he was

gone and to do the same, that is, to eat bread and wine
together. It seems something very simple and also
difficult to understand why He did this, but the apos-
tles, later inspired by the Holy Spirit, understood that
this is a mystery and that this is indeed what we must

On this occasion Christianity was formed as a blood-

less religion in which there are no animal sacrifices.
The sacrifice is the bread and wine symbolically. But
the bread and wine is somewhat transformed by the
invocation of the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, this action which is the Eucharist (or

Communion), is the key moment of the Divine Lit-

These two moments, the Lord’s Prayer and the Eu-
charist, are the two essential moments of the Sacred
Liturgy. This is why people gather in church on Sun-

But the Lord’s prayer and the Eucharist would prob-

ably have taken only a few minutes.
So a more complex religious service was composed in
- the choir sings the Beatitudes - that speech of
Jesus on the Mount of Olives,
- A passage from the New Testament is read,
- the Creed is said
- The bread and wine get prepared with prayers
- The Lord’s Prayer and finally
- The Communion
This is the religious service in Christian churches. At
least this is the content of the Divine Liturgy in the
Orthodox Church. It was written by St. John Chrysos-
tom around the year 400.
It should be mentioned also that, at the begin-
ning of the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of the
Apostles (!) - by this He was showing that whoever
wants to be first must be the most humble.
So one fundamental Christian concept is that
humility is the Path to greatness.

The Seven Sacraments

● Baptism
● Eucharist (or Communion)
● Confirmation (or Chrismation) - sacrament
that, together with baptism, introduces new
members into the church
● Reconciliation (Confession)
● Anointing of the sick
● Marriage
● Holy orders.(or Ordination) - the sacrament by
which bishops, priests and deacons are or-
dained and receive the power and grace to per-
form their sacred duties. The sacred rite by
which orders are conferred is called ordination.
The apostles were ordained by Jesus at the Last
Supper so that others could share in his priest-

Related to the sacrament of Ordination is

The Apostolic Line (or Apostolic succession)
The teaching that bishops represent a direct, unin-
terrupted line of continuity from the first Apostles of
Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was transmitted from
Jesus through the Apostolic line to all the bishops.
They are supposed to have the freedom to change the
Church, considering that they are inspired by the
Holy Spirit.

The Apostolic line is still valid in Orthodoxy,

Catholicism and the Anglican Church. But not at

So the Protestants have no bishops, only pas-
tors and everything for them is related to the study of
the Bible. Unfortunately, there are many interpreta-
tions of the Bible and because of this there are many

There is a question mark about the founders of

the denominations. Did they receive inspiration from
the Holy Spirit?
Possibly, but not so sure in all cases.

Life in Christ
Besides respecting the Ten Commandments,
a Christian should have these character traits:
- merciful
- kind
- forgiving
- humble

Also a good Christian must attend church services

every Sunday and from time to time receive Com-
munion after confession. And it won’t hurt to also
- fasting,
- daily prayers,
- good deeds,
- confession and penance if we make mistakes.

This is the way to follow Christ and to strive to be

worthy of being accepted to Heaven.

Note: today, more and more people do not believe in
the afterlife anymore, despite its probability being
very high. But even with doubts about Heaven, a
Christian won’t lose anything by following Christ.
This was solved brilliantly by Blaise Pascal.

The Pascal’s Wager

Blaise Pascal - French philosopher, scientist, math-
ematician and probability theorist (1623-1662).
He was one of the greatest minds of mankind. At 16
he started building the first computer (in 1639!). He
was also a leading mathematician and an important
physicist. At one point he witnessed a miracle in a
Church and as a result he became very religious.

Then he tried to help mankind by strengthening their

faith through logic. He tried to prove by mathemati-
cal logic that God exists. But he realized that it is not
possible, because God is infinite, beyond logic, and
He does not accept the way to Heaven through sci-
ence but through faith and good deeds.

And then Pascal invented the probabilities theory and

came up with a simple and effective formula regard-
ing the afterlife, that can be expressed in several

A simple expression is "If there is no afterlife, a

Christian loses nothing and an atheist gains nothing.
But if there is an afterlife - the Christian gains eve-
rything and the atheist loses everything".

And a version for kids: “If we do not know whether
God exists then we should play it safe rather than risk
being sorry.”

This is Pascal's Wager and since then until now it has

been denied, attacked, criticized in every way. But it
is a formidable obstacle that cannot be passed easily.
It is a solid statement that should be taken seriously
by any human mind.

Using Pascal's thinking we can obtain two solutions

in relation to the typologies of unbelievers or weak
Both solutions are represented through the following
logic charts. In both cases the core of each solution is
Church + confession + communion
This is the simple way to follow Jesus, because He
founded the Church and the communion, which must
be received only after confession, and eventually
penance. Else we risk being rejected with the scary “I
don’t know you!”

The Logic of Doubt

The Logic of weak Faith

3. Answers to tough Questions

There are many nagging questions about God. Never

have people had the nerve to question God like this.
Today they are tormented by doubts and somehow
encouraged by modern technology, and have reached
the audacity to interrogate God.

Many answers have been tried, and the best ones can
be found at the web addresses I have given at the end
of this chapter. The answers can be found on those
websites, although not many people are looking for
them. And here I am going to answer only a few. Par-
ents may find these explanations and answers quite
helpful for their curious children.

Basically we need to understand two things:

1. God is infinite, we are not. God has an infinite mind,

we don't. So we should not judge or try to understand
why God did this or that.

2. This earth is not Heaven. This is not a place for us

to be happy. We shouldn’t expect God to be like a
manager, who will ensure happiness for us, and
whom we would criticize if he does not do a good job.

Heaven is elsewhere. Here is a place of passage, of ex-

amination where we, on this earth, take our entrance
exams. and some will be accepted and many will not.

So what happens on this earth in general is related to
this filtering situation.

Nobody can truly understand the infinite. The infinite

is beyond human comprehension.
The problem of infinity is far too big for us. We have
a short life, we are finite, and we cannot understand
exactly what infinity is.
Despite the fact that mathematicians introduced this
notion and played with it, however, a true under-
standing of the concept of infinity is impossible for

A great mathematician, Georg Cantor, tried to ana-

lyze infinity in depth and in detail. He found that
there are different degrees of infinity, but while
working on this project he ended up in a mental asy-

And the small infinity is even more difficult to relate

to. A second can be divided into an infinite number of
fractions of time. God can accomplish in one second
as much as in a trillion of years…

Simplifying the divine nature by questioning God's

decisions, such as asking "Why did God do this or
that?" overlooks the complexity of the divine realm.
While God possesses the ability to choose any path,
the decision to proceed in a specific manner is delib-
erate. Unlike human choices, which are often bound

by limitations, God's decisions are not constrained by
such factors.
Consequently, inquiries into God's actions may re-
main unanswered, as humans may lack the mental
capacity to fully grasp the decisions made by an un-
limited entity.

To blame God for our mistakes, is like blaming the

engineers who built a car when we drive it carelessly.

Here is the first question, the most difficult to an-

How can you believe in a loving God with all the death
and suffering we see in the world? Bone cancer in chil-
dren - why?

Attempting to answer -
Earth is not Heaven. We are descendants of
Adam and Eve, they chose to find out what is good
and bad, so the Earth is a place of good and also, un-
fortunately, bad things.
God has His reasons not to change the earth but
to help humans to go to Heaven.
Jesus came and opened the door for us through
His blood. It seems that the world was built with suf-
fering and pain and can be fixed only through suffer-
ing and pain.
Probably the evil done by some people is so im-
mense that the whole creation should be destroyed. It
takes the suffering of most innocent children to fix
the damage.
The children who suffer here will be angels in
Heaven for an eternity. It’s impossible to compre-
hend these tragedies. But we know for sure that Jesus
loves children.
And He also suffered terribly for all of us.

Why can't we see and hear God?

He is the source of Life. He is infinite. There must be
a reason we cannot see and hear Him, for our own

Why does God want us to pray to Him?

It's a question of basic courtesy. Would you pay
attention to someone who communicates rudely?

Why does God make some people vicious (gay) and then
punishes them?
It's not true. God does not create programmed robots.
Humans are free to choose their own destiny. God
gives them suggestions. They are free to take them
into consideration or not. But there are conse-
To blame God for our mistakes, is like blaming
the engineer who built a car, when we drive it care-

What solution is there for people who, related to sex, have

unusual carnal desires that the church considers sinful?
What can these people do?

One solution for them is to try to abstain as
much as they can with the help of strengthening
prayers. Others choose the way of the monastery
where they are somewhat safe from temptations. A
third solution would be that whenever they sin, they
should go to confession and possibly perform a pen-
ance. This will probably clean them up and restore
their innocence.

Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?

They were really evil. Among other bad deeds they
killed their own children. Why didn't God destroy
them Himself? That's another question. We
shouldn’t expect to comprehend all God’s decisions.
There must be a reason in this case.

How do you know The Bible is true?

Because Jesus said so. And Jesus has been proven true
beyond reasonable doubt.

Who made God?

We have no answer to questions like ‘who made God’?
Because nobody can truly understand the infinite. It
is beyond human comprehension.

You believe in Adam and Eve, then where did Cain get his
Simply because, when Cain and Abel were adults,
there were already other grown up daughters of
Adam and Eve. Probably Cain married a sister or a

niece. Today this is a prohibited incest, but at that
time it was a different situation.

How did all the races come about if there were only two
people to start with?
There are several hypotheses about that. But
the important thing is that everyone who follows Je-
sus will be saved, regardless of race.

The commandment to love our neighbors is very chal-

lenging. Some of our neighbors are bad people. How can
we love them?
Many times in the Bible there are contradic-
tions that can be resolved after some research. Expe-
rienced theologians have always managed to resolve
the apparent contradictions.
In this case there are two conflicting state-
ments about the neighbors. We are asked to love our
neighbors, but in another passage Jesus tells us to de-
part from those who do not follow Him.
This can be solved by staying away from non-
Christian neighbors and living in Christian commu-
nities. Also our neighbors should be considered only
those who are in the church.

Christians should love their enemies, not fight them. Je-

sus told Peter to put his sword back, so why Christians go
to war against invaders? They should turn the other
cheek without reacting.
There have been all kinds of interpretations re-
garding the issue of swords and enemies. But we

should remember that Christians should distance
themselves from non-Christians. That means we are
talking about communities.
While conflicts may arise within Christian
communities, the preferred approach is non-vio-
lence to maintain peace.
However, if outsiders threaten the community,
Christians are justified in defending themselves and
their families.
Jesus instructed Peter to sheathe his sword, not
discard it, implying a readiness for self-defense
when necessary.

I cannot attend the church service anymore: it’s repeti-

tive, boring, not relevant to my career or interests, and I
don't even like the church members. Is it bad that I feel
that way?
The Church has been founded by Jesus. That is
the place to meet Him. Else, on the other side you may
hear “I don’t know you…”.
Praying in church may help with your career
and worldly interests. It heals and also it accumulates
merit for the afterlife.
The church is not necessarily a place to meet
other people or to be entertained. Being a Christian
takes a bit of effort. “My yoke is easy and My burden
is light” (Matthew 11:30)

I have no faith. I find it easier to accept the existence of

dinosaurs millions of years ago than to pray to someone

I’m not sure exists. Plus I don’t know what words to use
anyway. What should I do?
Yes, faith cannot be obtained by force. You can-
not force yourself to have faith. It comes, grows,
eventually sometimes even goes away.
But something else can be done: a small invest-
ment based on a bit of Hope. A tiny effort of a few
minutes a day. Read the Lord’s Prayer daily, whether
you believe or not what it says, or whether you un-
derstand it or not. It would also be excellent if you
could go to a church on Sunday, for an hour or two.
Even if it doesn't appeal to you.
This is a small investment in the idea that it
might bring you a profit. It is something similar to
those who play lotto all their lives, although they do
not really expect to win. But they make a small in-
vestment and try. Why not?
However, there is a problem: the stoppage. It's
easier to play the lotto, no one stops you, than to read
that two-minute daily prayer. Because there will be a
certain restraint, a certain laziness. It is quite possi-
ble that this appears to be stimulated from a distance,
some sort of wireless connection, by someone (a
fallen angel?) who has every interest in you not mak-
ing this investment.
Which would be proof that it is possible to win.
What is gained from this investment? Being accepted
in a good area of the world beyond and even a spir-
itual and material balance in the world here.

If God exists, I'm mad at him. My mother died, she suf-
fered a lot and I don't want to hear about any faith any-
This is the most difficult situation. It's hard to
find an answer. We just have to understand that this
is not heaven. This earth has both wonderful things
and terrible things.
God has a much wider vision than us, being in-
finite, and we must believe that everything that hap-
pens is for the good. Jesus himself suffered terribly
here, and it was for our good.
A solution would be to read a prayer, composed
by others, from time to time. A prayer asking that our
relatives who have died be received in Heaven. It is
better than doing nothing.

Why Christianity is the true religion and not the others

that were or are?
There is greater evidence in the case of Christi-
anity. It is very likely that Jesus was sent by God to
save mankind. And those who follow Him will receive
eternal life in a better world. But now the question is:
What does it mean to follow Him? We believe the an-
swer is the 3C’s: Church, confession, communion.

How can anyone believe the Earth is only a few thousand

years old? According to science, the earth is more than
four billion years old.
Demographic evidence suggesting the age of
the Earth is only a few thousand years includes pop-
ulation growth rates, historical records, and

archaeological findings. For instance, if we consider
population growth rates over time, extrapolating
backward suggests a relatively recent origin for hu-
manity. Additionally, historical records and archaeo-
logical evidence provide further support for a more
recent timeline of human civilization.

The next bulk of questions are asked by people who
got influenced by atheist propaganda:

Don't we live in a scientific age?

Hasn't science disproved the Bible?
Hasn't science proved evolution is true?
Don't fossil layers prove millions of years and evolution?
We know man evolved from apelike creatures, how could
the story of Adam and Eve be true?
Where is the evidence of the Flood?
How could Noah fit all the animals on the ark?
Isn't the Bible an outdated book of mythology?

All the questions from above have the answers in the

“In Six Days” book, written by 50 scientists.

It looks like we are not allowed to know everything.
Acceptance to Heaven can be done not by knowledge,
but by following Jesus with good faith and/or hope.

4.Where is Heaven?

In recent times we are witnessing a massive

loss of faith in the world. A main reason is the differ-
ent perception of the surrounding universe compared
to how it was in the past. Before, everyone looked up
with fear, considering that somewhere above the
clouds is the Kingdom of God.
Today, we look up and see airplanes, we hear
about the exploration of the cosmos (although some
of this information is probably false...), astronomers
with powerful telescopes view distant galaxies and all
this makes us wonder: where is Heaven?
Doubt becomes very strong and many assume
that there is nothing but the material world around
and that's it.
Already from the beginning of the last century,
around 1900, a massive loss of faith in the existence
of the Eternal World began. We can say that the tele-
scope and the airplanes fooled many.
The haste with which the crowds rushed to es-
tablish atheistic communism, believing that now
they know better, proves how little sense mortals
It is ridiculous that those who do not know
much are very sure of themselves. In reality, the more
you know, the more insecure you become.

We live and perceive in a three-dimensional

world. But this does not mean that we can eliminate

the possible existence, right around us, of a world in

It is very likely that the other world is right

HERE, but with an extra dimension (or more). The
fact that no one can imagine such a world - although
theoretically it is perfectly plausible - is a mystery
and in a way a proof that this world exists, but access
is forbidden to us.

A bit of Geometry
Higher mathematics has been studying N-dimen-
sional spaces for a long time, but absolutely no hu-
man being can intuitively imagine a world with more
than three dimensions.

This universe is a huge profound mystery, and

it will remain this way because it is infinite and we are
There are different theories about the world:
parallel universes, the String theory, QFT (Quantum
Field Theory), and many more. Most of the theories
are based on the idea of more than 3 dimensions.
While searching for Heaven, we’ll try a brief
theoretical incursion outside our 3D world. God help

For those who are not familiar with the concept

of 4-dimensional space: by analogy we can imagine a
world in 2 dimensions (like the surface of an infinite
table) on which some drawn, animated beings would

move to and fro without realizing that there is a third
dimension, just above them.
In the same way, for us, who are in a 3-dimen-
sional space, it is very possible that there is a 4-di-
mensional world around us that we cannot perceive.
Because no one can imagine what an object or a world
would look like in four dimensions, although theo-
retically it exists.

We explained in Ch. 5 about the intersections of vari-

ous dimensional spaces.
So it’s possible that we live in an intersection be-
tween two 4D-spaces. Above is Heaven and under is
Let's present them with two circles to make it sim-

It makes perfect sense. On earth we experience both

hell and Heaven. Because we live in the intersection,
which contains elements from both spaces.

That’s why we find wonderful places, great
people and beautiful situations. But at the same time
we encounter horrible places, disgusting people or
terrible tragedies.

How do we explain the Ascension?

A lot of doubters cannot believe in the Ascension because there
is no visible heaven above.
But the 4th dimension makes it possible. Jesus could just enter
the extra dimension and simply disappear. Similar to other ap-
pearances out of thin air.
But rising to the sky first was a better view for the Apostles, to
convince them and strengthen their belief.

Using a perspective to simulate our 3D space and the 4th

dimension above it

The 2nd picture shows Jesus, after raising up to the
clouds, moving into the 4th dimension space

In the face of the immensity of the universe and in the

face of inescapable death, we have no other alterna-
tive than the world promised by Jesus Christ, the One
who truly rose from the dead.

If the other world is not above the clouds, then it is

probably a little below, right next to us. Our world is
probably a border space between the multidimen-
sional world, let's say, from above and from below.
That's why maxims of good and beauty, with maxims
of ugliness and monstrosity, are permanently inter-
mingled here.
It's a hypothesis, and it's plausible.

5. Young Earth

According to the old Byzantine calendar estab-

lished around the 600s by several researchers of that
time, on September 1, 2023 we entered the year 7532
from the Creation of the world.
This account is based on the version of the Bible
called the Septuagint, which was used even in the
time of Jesus. According to the newer version of the
Old Testament, called Masoretic, we would be around
the year 6004.

Aside from this problematic situation, the big
idea is that the Earth is no more than about 8000
years old.
This follows from what is written in the Old
Testament and which was confirmed by Jesus Christ
as recorded in the New Testament.
But the people today know something completely
different, namely that the world is billions of years
old. And in this case let's analyze what is really hap-

During their childhood, all the school kids in

the communist countries had this type of picture
posted on a wall in front of them. Talking about
What was the purpose of injecting this image in kids’
Simply to erase any possible belief in Jesus Christ.

I was one of those school kids and, boy, I

couldn’t help but hate this representation. The effect
on me was just the opposite - I didn’t believe this
scheme and I didn’t care anyway. Just hated it. It
helped me grow up as a neo-existentialist Christian.
And it actually had no effect on almost anyone.
People don't give an F word about evolution. Every-
one is interested in making money, living better,
having vacations, being healthy and possibly having
good sex. Evolutionism is rubbish to everyone.

But those who planned this mess actually didn't

even care if anyone believed in this theory. The im-
portant thing was to create doubts about Jesus Christ
and what is written in the Bible. That was actually the
goal. And that is why this ineptitude continues. And
from this point of view, they kind of succeeded.

Indeed, too many people have doubts today

about the young earth as described in the Bible.
Many Christians try to accommodate both bil-
lions of years of evolution with Jesus as the Savior of

It doesn’t work. Those who believe in evolution and

also believe in Jesus Christ are in fact profoundly
misled. These metaphysical entities are not compat-
ible. If one exists the other does not; they are mutu-
ally exclusive.

Regarding the age of the universe: there are several

theories (Dasha, Mature Creation, White Hole, and
more), but we only hear of the Big Bang. Why?

Because it contradicts the Bible and indirectly it con-
tradicts our Savior.

True Christians believe the Earth is young

At least they struggle. And there are not too many.
Even many prominent Clergy figures, pastors and
bishops, have come to believe that the universe is
many billions of years old. They believe in the big
bang theory and even in evolution. That the earth is 4
billion years old, etc.
And this is very bad. Because if we analyze what is the
situation with the Christian doctrine in this case,
things don’t look good.

Considering that Jesus declared several times (as rec-

orded in the New Testament) that the Old Testament
is true to the letter - and that includes the Genesis,
we can only deduct that the earth is not older than
8000 years.
If those statements are false, the Christian religion is
Or, the other way around, if the earth is billions
of years old, then we get 4 possible bad situations.

If Earth is old
# Status New Testament

1 Jesus did not know Canceled

2 Jesus hid the truth Canceled

3 Writers lied Canceled

# Status New Testament

4 Writers told the truth Very unlikely

about Resurrection, but
lied about the statements
of Jesus

Conclusion - if any of the first three situations is true,

it will nullify the New Testament.
The fourth situation is very unlikely and can
only create a lot of doubts about the New Testament.
For Christians believing in old earth, the Resur-
rection is very unlikely. So their belief that Jesus is
their Savior is quite nonsense.
They have to choose:
1. either the Gospel is 100% accurate (so the earth
is young)
2. or the probability that Jesus is our Savior is al-
most 0%

If they choose 1., then the question arises: why are

billions of years of evolution being pushed so in-
We know that the radiometric way of measuring
time is unreliable. But is it possible that all the scien-
tific data is flawed?
The only explanation which would pacify this
conflictual situation is that isotope radiation and
speed of light got very accelerated during the Crea-
tion and/or the Flood.
It is only a theory, but it makes sense.

Several creation scientists did a great deal of research
in this direction, and we can find their conclusions on
at least three web sites:

6. Extraterrestrials

Living in a world of lies.

In recent years more and more reports of unidentified

flying objects have been announced. In certain situa-
tions, indeed, even an entire population of some cit-
ies could see one or more objects flying strangely in
the sky. And what can we deduce from this situation?
that there are aliens who come from other planets
and we don't know what they want exactly?

Evidently the world is kept in tension and curious by

this whole story, but one thing is clear: it takes them
further away from Christian teaching.
Because Jesus Christ had mentioned absolutely noth-
ing about these beings from other galaxies or planets.
He had mentioned demons several times, but never
about advanced civilizations etc.
Let's analyze this situation a bit and see if we can put
any trust in such news.

1. Why ET cannot come to earth?

Distances are huge, it takes at least a few hun-
dreds of years (from the nearest star) and even
more thousands and millions of years from
other galaxies) to arrive here.
Who would travel that long, get here and hide,
then go back? Very improbable.

2. Whoever believes in ET cannot claim they also

believe in Jesus. It’s mutually exclusive. Be-
cause Jesus never mentioned anything about
other civilizations. He would have been aware
of presumed visits in the past from other stars.

3. ETs are demons - see below the Fr. Cleopa en-

counter story. Fr. Cleopa spent entire life as a
monk and hermit and wouldn’t lie. He was
ready to go to Heaven and wouldn’t risk stu-
pidly being rejected there for lying.

This is a bit difficult to verify because there is

only one poor quality video on YouTube and it is
in Romanian. A certain monk, who lived for 10
years in the forest alone, tells his story about
meeting with aliens.
This man, known in Romania as one of the
best clergymen, was a monk from the age of 17
and lived to be more than 80. He had no interest

in lying. and dedicated his whole life to get to
Heaven. He even had a funny saying "Heaven
eat you all" and he didn't play with the Truth.
During his 10 years life as a hermit, one of
the more interesting situations he had was
when one night he heard a terrible noise. Went
out of his hut and saw an alien ship with many
lights and wheels. From this ship emerged an
apparently human person, very tall, who with a
fierce voice asked him 'what are you doing
here?' Fr. Cleopa was not afraid of aliens but of
demons, so he made the sign of the Cross and
shouted loudly "Lord Jesus Christ, protect me!"
At that moment, the name of Christ and
the sign of the cross broke up that whole ap-
pearance. The ship rolled and crashed into a
smoky chasm, and that 'alien' disintegrated.
So this is proof that, at the name of Jesus
Christ and at the sign of the cross, such aliens
What does this mean? Who fears Jesus Christ
and the sign of the cross? The answer is: de-

Once again we can trust the story of this old

monk who had no interest in lying to anyone.
He didn’t care much anymore about the world
he was soon to leave behind.

4. And there is something else. All the UFOs that

the pilots and entire populations of some city

see at any given time, are most certainly made
by the Americans or possibly even by the Rus-
Because in 1935 the Romanian engineer Henri
Coandă built in Germany a "lenticular aero-
dyne" which was actually a flying saucer and
which could not be used with a pilot but reached
remarkable speeds. This flying object was built
based on the famous Coanda’s patent about
how to use a gaseous fluid pushed at high speed
along a curved surface. This creates a suction
effect and the attained speed is spectacular. The
Germans couldn't use it at that time because it
spent too much gasoline.

After the war, in 1945, the Americans and Rus-

sians took hundreds of German scientists pris-
oner and took them to America and Russia,
where they continued their research. It is al-
ready known that they worked on rockets and
possibly aircrafts. The engineer Coandă also
worked at NASA and the US AirForce for many

So that's about it for aliens. If you see a strange flying

object in the sky, moving at high speed, or disappear-
ing unexpectedly on the horizon, it is very likely that
it is an object built on the system we talked about, or
maybe some newer system.
And if an alien appears, invoke the name of Jesus
Christ and possibly make the sign of the cross and it
is very likely that It will disappear.
Is there Reincarnation?
Another situation we should discuss, unrelated to al-
iens, is about reincarnation. Many people believe to-
day in reincarnation.

Alright, again Jesus Christ didn't mention anything

about it.
But the point is this: if you don't believe in reincar-
nation nothing bad happens. And if somehow there is
reincarnation, you reincarnate and that's it, regard-
less of whether you believed it or not.

But if you believe in reincarnation and rely on it, im-

agine the following scene: someone who has died and
somehow goes to another dimension and cheerfully
asks 'Come on, I know I've done a lot of bad things,
what am I reincarnating into now? in a worm? or
what else?', and then some fierce monsters approach
him and say with a grin: 'Surprise!, that was your
only chance! there is no 2nd chance, no reincarna-
tion. Now you come with us'...

So it's better to act as if there is no reincarnation. And

if there is - no big deal.

7. Protection from Misinformation

Jesus said (talking about the devil): “He was a mur-

derer from the beginning, and does not stand in the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies,
he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and
the father of lies.” (John 8:44)

And also the Lord said this (John 14:6). Never listen to
the person who says “it's OK to lie.” That type of a
person is a manipulator with a warped mind who
cannot be trusted.

So we have been living in the age of manipula-

tion for about 40 years now. And in this case it is good
to arm ourselves, both us and our children, with the
understanding of this fact.
We have to be aware that we are under non-stop
subliminal attack, through education and the news,
and more recently through the influence of certain
internet social groups.
Nothing seems to be Pro-Christian today, but
everything is woven into the idea of creating doubts
and more doubts about the wonderful Christian spir-

Dangerous information sources for a Christian:

1. Tendentious science news - announcements about
so-called scientific discoveries that directly or indi-
rectly deny what is written in the Bible. These are the

most harmful methods of weakening a Christian's

2. Evolution - the insistence in education on millions

of years of evolution.

3. Dinosaurs - very dangerous are also those cartoons

with cute little dinosaurs. The belief in millions of
years is inoculated into the minds of children from
the earliest age, in an indirect way.

4. Sex deviations - and there would be, more re-

cently, an insistence that various deviations of sexual
life would be acceptable and normal. And these lead,
in one way or another, to some confusion in the
minds of young people in particular

5. Social engineering through film and music

6. Tendentious news about religion- there are also

news about priests who committed all kinds of bad

7. Trolls commenting on hot topics

8. Wolves in sheep’s clothing - these are theologians

or pastors who spread wrong teachings, more or less
subtle, about Christian faith. They are either mis-
taken, uninspired or with bad intentions.
“Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive
many” (Matt. 24:11)

9. Bad thoughts, coming apparently from nowhere.
But wiser people from the past knew these thoughts
are from demons. These thoughts are dangerous,
chase them away immediately. They will influence
your behavior in the future. Keep them away through
prayer: “pray without ceasing” (Thess. 5:17), and “Be
sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may de-
vour.” (Peter 5:8)

10. Self cheating

- I don't have to go to church, I just pray in my corner
- I don't have to go to confession, I talk directly to
- I don't have to confess, I do good deeds instead
- It's enough to say "I believe Jesus is my Savior" and
I'm saved

It is really important to be aware and alert of all

these anti-Christian activities.
Distrust is the correct and smart attitude.

Let’s imagine a situation in a public place. How

would you proceed, for example, if you were in a market
where you know there are numerous pickpockets and in-
dividuals trying to sell you fake jewelry? but let's say you
still have an interest in finding a real gem, an engage-
ment ring for instance.
How do we proceed in this case?

Of course with utmost caution. Keep your eyes
open, be careful with your pockets, or when someone ap-
proaches you trying to sell you something, arm yourself
with distrust and observe carefully, judging by gestures,
voice, look, whether the person is trustworthy or not.

It's very difficult of course, almost impossible,

because you can always be wrong. But the important
thing is to arm yourself with this kind of caution.
Let's not be naive.

Summary of Chapter 7
• The whole Christian religion is based on Jesus’
teachings, as recorded in the New Testament.
Two of His statements are most important:
1. That He is the only way to Heaven
2. Many will be rejected because He does not know
• This raises the question: ‘How should you follow
Jesus so you will not be rejected?’
The most likely answer is the “3Cs”:
Church - confession – communion
The narrow road which leads to Heaven must also
include ‘pdf’ = prayers, good deeds, and fasting.
• The commandment to love God and your neighbor
with all your heart is quite impossible for most hu-
mans, but through confession we are forgiven.
Then we can receive the communion in the Church,
as instructed by Jesus.
• The UFOs are most likely made on Earth as experi-
mental flying machines. The aliens are most likely
demons, which are allergic to the name of Jesus
Christ and the sign of the Cross.
• The Heaven might be above on the 4th dimension

The 2nd picture shows Jesus, after raising up to the clouds,

moving into the 4th dimension space

One hour in Heaven
More and more people have doubts about hell, as if
they are not afraid. After all, it seems impossible to
be in that state of permanent fire. Eternal burning
is something that doesn't come close to earthly re-
ality in any way.

Heaven would be desirable in principle, but many

consider it a rather boring place. Some even imag-
ine that in heaven songs of praise to the creator are
constantly being sung. Most people don’t want to be
forever in such a place.

Dan had much the same views and didn't seem to

think that such a heaven made sense. Something
changed his mind, however, and that happened af-
ter a strange dream.

He was someplace unfamiliar in a foreign city. He

hadn’t the slightest idea of how he got there. All he
knew was that place was an obvious nightmare,
constantly under attack by some miscreants. He
was running as fast as he could from a gang of as-
sassins trying to kill him.

The biggest issue was the extremely foul ground. A
sidewalk covered by a disgusting mixture of blood
and excrement. Snakes coming out of the sewers
and crawling towards him. Here and there some
severed heads.

Dan's fear was that he might fall. He was almost no

longer afraid of being shot, for those behind him had
begun to fire their pistols, but he was terrified by
the idea that after being hit by the bullets he would
fall on that exceedingly foul, dirty, snake-infested
road. So, he ran as fast as he could, but the ground
was slippery and his terror was boundless.

At one point he felt a blow in the back, and sus-

pected that he had been shot. He tried to run a little
more but collapsed in that sinister mess.

… it didn't last long…

After two or three seconds he woke up in a com-

pletely different place. It was so quiet and beautiful
there that he thought he was dead and went to
heaven. He was skeptical at first, knowing he didn’t
deserve being there. He had not done good things
on earth. He had also made all kinds of mistakes,
and he wasn't sure if it wasn't actually a trap, that
in fact it was Hell, and the torture of hope was being
applied to him.

The place wasn't very great in actuality, but com-

pared to the monstrosity he had just emerged from,
it was truly a corner of heaven. Green grass every-
where and some small hills around, so he couldn't
see very far. A clear sky, perfect silence, fresh air
and he felt calm and happy.

Dan felt like he could sit there forever without get-

ting bored. He lay down on his back in the grass. It
smelled nice and fresh. A little bumblebee was look-
ing among the blades of grass for a flower and was
humming very pleasantly and soothingly, which
amused Dan. He stood up to see if there were any
other beings, but there didn't seem to be anyone
around. He noticed, however, a small puddle further
down the hill and realized that he was thirsty.

So he got up and went there. He bent down and saw

his face reflected in the pool of clear water.

He cupped his hands to dip them into the water and
drank a little... and at that moment Dan felt an ex-
plosion of supreme happiness as he shouted:

"This is the Water of Life!"

He then woke up with a start from the dream.

But since that day he has been calmer and confident

that the future is not so bleak.


Christian civilization is in decline, due to nat-

ural reasons and also due to the actions of those who
hate Christianity.

If Christianity collapses, the world will become

an ugly place to live, despite the amazing new tech-

Solution? here is a list of actions:

- Prayers & Education
- Christian families, communities and a political
alliance of all denominations
- Improved church activity as a defense in the
spiritual warfare; plus cultural revival

The “Seven Proofs” for Resurrection are

stronger material evidence than all discoveries which
may negate Christ.

Evolutionism and the New Testament are mu-

tually exclusive. Christians cannot believe both are

Probabilities of religion and science:

- Jesus’ resurrection = 90%
- New Testament reliability = 70%
- Afterlife = 70%
- Young Earth = 70%
- Big-bang = 50%
- Evolution = 30%
- ET aliens = 10%

Adversity may yet present opportunities

- Salvation can be easier achieved - for the
- Better understanding of the situation
- Prepare the kids for future danger

The whole Christian religion is based on Jesus’

teachings, as recorded in the New Testament.
Two of His statements are most important:
1. That He is the only way to Heaven
2. Many will be rejected because He does not know

This raises the question: ‘How should you fol-

low Jesus so you will not be rejected?’
The most likely answer is the “3Cs”:
Church - confession – communion
The narrow road which leads to Heaven must also in-
clude ‘pdf’ = prayers, good deeds, and fasting.
It is important for the young generation not to
be manipulated and to understand that the truth
about Jesus Christ is solid.
God has sent us signs to strengthen our faith
and the truth of Jesus is most probable.
There are many doubts caused by the confusion
of real science and the ‘bye’ theories.

The real, practical science is the one which
drives technological advancements and it does not
contradict the Bible.
Inversely, the billions of years theories are not
related to technology and contradict the Bible.
Those who want, for whatever reason, to end
the Christian faith, create confusion by presenting
the ‘bye’ theories as practical science.
(see Ch. 5 and Ch. 7)
The future looks bleak. Christians should take
this duty seriously for the salvation of Christianity.
It's even more important than saving the planet from
A message to teens and students
Be selective and choose your friends carefully. Re-
sist the temptation to follow the herd of your peers, as
many have unwittingly fallen prey to the influence of so-
phisticated scientific manipulation. Their way of thinking
and tastes in general were formed by so-called social en-
gineering. If you have a personality, seek to be different.
And if you also follow the Savior of mankind, Jesus
Christ, you are on the right track. So don't take after your
peers, don't dress like them, don't listen to the music they
listen to, or even play their video games.
Instead try to influence them. Connect with people
like you and create a new spiritual movement.

Be different, have personality and you'll be fine.

And don’t forget to pray daily to get protection from

‘DEAD’ = diseases, evildoers, accidents, disasters.
And to be successful in what you set out to accomplish.

A Short Story from the Near Future - part 2
After the incident in which he had made the sign
of the Cross in the street and narrowly escaped death,
Paul changed his appearance. He gave up being a trans-
vestite. With a mustache, glasses and a shaved head, it
was hard to be recognized.
Now dealing with a money problem, Paul urgently
sought a job. But before diving into the job hunt, he
aimed to give his music career another shot. With a va-
riety of songs at his disposal, his passion for music still
burned strong.

One day he couldn't resist and went to an audition

with the public. He felt the urge to sing a couple of his
So there he was, with the guitar on stage, in front
of a packed hall of several hundred spectators.
When his turn came, he performed two songs. Us-
ing a drum machine and a sequencer, the first piece had
a powerful heavy punk sound. His tense voice fit well
with the lyrics:

Vi-cious-ly attacked
Our blood will flow!
It seems that no one can stop
The international show.

Perfidious nonsense exciting the brain

It’s time to save our souls from the terrible chain,

Everything is wrong and the crowd feels good,

I feel viciously attacked and misunderstood.

At the end people screamed with delight. They liked it.

The next song was somber.

The nature smells good,

The people smell bad,
But it’s the people who decide
What is good or bad.

Decision is yours,
No further excuse,
However you are gonna die,
No matter what you choose.

Everything will perish, this is very clear,

But many times they all forget this
And they have no fear.

Nothing will remain, it’s easy to see,

There is no meaning to the universe,
So Heaven must be!

As Paul uttered the word "Heaven," the audience, in-
itially enthusiastic, abruptly shifted to irritation. A bar-
rage of curse words erupted, directed at the mention of
Heaven, forcing him to exit the stage. Unable to restrain
himself, he made an obscene gesture towards the audi-
ence. As a result, a bottle of beer thrown from the public
grazed his forehead, so he quickly took refuge back-
One of the organizers harshly admonished him:
"Look, boy, you're playing with fire! Don't spoil my show
with your religious crap!"
Paul understood that he no longer had a chance to
become a star in music; he couldn’t make too many
compromises, so he began to look for other options.

It was rumored that a tiny chip implanted in the hand

would be introduced soon. Without that chip you could
no longer buy anything. That was the only way to make
contact with what you had in the bank.
To get that chip, of course, you had to sign a state-
ment showing that you have nothing to do with the
Christian religion. Possibly you had to blaspheme Jesus
Christ in a few nasty words, in writing, and that state-
ment had to be signed with a fingerprint and an eye
Facing the realization that his only recourse was to
retire off-grid and reside in the woods, Paul anticipated
it wouldn't be a simple journey. He felt unprepared for
such a drastic change.

One year later, Paul found himself in a secluded
wooded region in northern Maine, accompanied by new-
found friends he had chanced upon after his concert.
They reached out to him, sharing similar sentiments and

forming a connection that led them to this isolated re-
One of them was a very skilled engineer, slightly au-
tistic, who had managed to create a unique defense sys-
tem. A quantum field based on reverse quantum entan-
glement, with which a perfect defense could be ensured.
No drone, no aircraft or missile, not even an electronic
mosquito could penetrate the area surrounded by this
quantum barrier. At that border any electronic device
stopped functioning instantly.
They had built a greenhouse to grow vegetables,
maintained a flock of laying hens, and tended to a hand-
ful of goats.

Paul and his newfound love, Helen, exchanged vows

in the little church they had collectively built. Now, an-
ticipating the arrival of their baby, happiness enveloped
their lives.

On a serene evening by the lake, Paul gently caressed

Helen's pregnant belly, contemplating the star-lit sky.
With three months left until the birth, he pondered
whether this was a new beginning or the last days before
the end…It didn't matter.
He felt quite happy for the first time.

A summary of infographics

Christianity - a new perspective


How to follow Jesus

- Church - attend church services, because Jesus

is the founder of the Church and also, He gave
the apostles the power to organize the Church.
- Confession - in preparation for communion
- Communion - to be received during Church

Good deeds are important. Nowadays best

deeds are related to defending Christianity.
Daily prayers and periodic fasting are a plus.

This is the narrow road to follow Jesus, and it’s not

too difficult.

He says, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find
rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29).

3. The relentless aggression against Christianity

# Year Aggressions

1 33 Jesus tortured and brutally murdered

2 33-313 Most Apostles got killed, plus 3 cen-

turies of horrendous persecutions
against early Christians

3 313- Invasions of migratory tribes into

1300 Christian countries

4 700- Attacks of Muslims against Europe

1453 from both sides: East (Byzantine em-
pire) and West (Spain)

5 1400- Attacks of ottomans towards central

1800 Europe

6 1789- The illuminaties started the final at-

1989 tack in France. Later communists fu-
riously murder millions of Christians

7 1989- The Age of Manipulation. Today the

2023 schools and media operate the mind
control of the young generation.

4. The 7 categories of Christians today

# Category Description

1 The most dedi- They renounced the benefits of

cated - monks living in the world, with all its
and nuns technological temptations, for the
sake of Eternal Life. Same with the
Amish people.

2 Good Christians They follow Jesus in an exemplary

living in the manner. These are practicing
world Christians obeying all the rules of
the Church: prayers every day,
fasting, attending all services,
confessions, and communion.

3 Lukewarm A bit lazy, less dedicated to fol-

Christians lowing Christ.

4 Doubtful Chris- A lot of doubts, rarely active as

tians Christians.

5 Resentful Angry with God, because of cer-

Christians tain tragedies in their lives.

6 Agnostics Although baptized, they no longer

believe in God.

7 Opportunists They chose the other side and are

active in the service of the ene-
mies of Christ.

5. The 7 periods of Christian civilization
# Year Description

1 313-380 The Beginning of Christian civilization.

It starts with the acts of the Roman em-
peror Constantine the Great.

2 380- The Byzantine Empire - in 380 emperor

1054 Teodosius ruled that Christianity is the
official religion of the Roman empire.

3 1054- The Golden Era of Christianity - cen-

1453 tered mostly around the Byzantine Em-
pire and the Western Europe.

4 1453- The Byzantine Empire demise and the

1789 Reform. The fall of Constantinople in
1453, occupied by ottomans and re-
named Istanbul. From that moment on
things started to go downhill.

5 1789- The French revolution and after - the

1918 antiChrist conspirators started openly
new persecution.

6 1918- The sixth period - a huge explosion of

2000 technology. Communism openly and
aggressively targeted Christian civiliza-

7 2000- The last period - a most intense atheist

now indoctrination of the young generation
through schools, mass media and also
by the internet and video games.

6. The 7 Doubts about Jesus
# Doubtful theory Explanation

1 He did not exist. Only a leg- This is the marxist

The upper classes invented
theory children
this religion to keep the learned in com-
lower people obedient. munist countries.

2 A freedom fighter against An atheist story re-

ducing Jesus to a reg-
ular rebel.

3 He never died on the cross, This theory appeared

just wounded. After that he
got married and had kids
in some newspapers.
like any regular guy. Also, in the movie
“Last Temptation”.

4 Not resurrected from death. This is the version of

His followers stole the body
from the grave. They didn’t
the pharisees.
understand his teachings Also, today's atheism
anyway. The New Testa- embraces this theory
ment is full of mistakes.
of illiterate followers.

5 He was a great prophet. But Muslims respect Je-

not the Son of God and not
sus, and even Mary.
But only as a prophet.

6 He spent time in India and This is a recent theory

learned tricks from some after Buddhism and
yoga gurus.
yoga were promoted to
Europe and USA.

7 An ET from another galaxy. Everything is possible;

He ascended through levita- however, there are
tion, embarked on an ET
spaceship. He promised to
proofs that the ETs are
return but probably the in fact demons.
spaceship got destroyed…

7. Probability of the Resurrection - 90%

Prob- Explanation

E 90% This is real evidence, material evi-

dence - the Christians of India are
real, and this shows the power of the
Holy Spirit

L 90% One can never be completely sure of

anything, but the material evidence
is quite impossible to falsify

I 90% Leave a natural small margin of

(90 +90 + 90) / 3 = 90%

8. Reliability of the New Testament - 70%

Probability Explanation

E (50+90)/ A combination of Testimonial

2 and Demonstrative evidence

L (50+90)/ It’s logical to assume a ½ prob-

2 ability for either true or false

I (50+90)/ Common sense should follow the

2 logic


10. How reliable would be Direct encounter with Divin-
ELI Prob- Explanation

E 100% Evidence 100% - it’s a direct

contact, real evidence

L 50% Logic 50% - there is a 50%

probability that it might be a
fake appearance

I 60% Intuition (or common sense)

60% - it might be a fake ap-
pearance, but we hope it’s
P = (100+50+60) / 3 = 70%

So the certainty in this fabulous case is only 70%.

11. Population by Earth age - evolution is false
Case Duration Double Population Status

Fatima de- 1400 yrs 70 yrs 1 million correct


Young Earth 5000 yrs 150 yrs 8 billion correct

Old Earth 1 300,000 1000 yrs 90 zeros impossible


Old Earth 2 70,000 1000 yrs 1 sextillion impossible


12. The probability of the evolutionary theory

Prob- Explanation

E 50% Evidence 50% - we can observe ape-

human similarities, but no reliable
‘missing link’ was ever found

L 25% Logic - it might be, it might be not

(50%); but reduced by the population
count error, and unreliable dating we
get 50/2 = 25%

I 15% Intuition - same as logic, but reduced

because this theory cannot be proven,
it is useless for us, and it only brings

P= (50 + 25 + 15) / 3 = 30%


14. The probability of the Big-bang theory

Proba Explanation

E 70% Evidence 70% - we heard about be-

lievable telescope observations. This
might prove the age of Universe, but
not of the Earth

L 50% Logic - The Universe age might be

explained by accelerated light speed
and radiation during Creation Days.
But the age of Earth is not probable
because of the population count er-

I 30% Intuition - same as logic, but this

theory cannot be proven, it is useless
for us, and it only brings hopeless-
P = (70 + 50 + 30) / 3 = 50%
15. The probability of ET aliens visiting Earth

E Proba- Explanation
LI bility

E 10% Evidence 10% - we heard stories

and news about UFOs, but we
also know they are 90% probably
made on earth

L 20% Logic - it might be, it might be

not (50%) but with no reliable
evidence we get (50 + 10) / 2 =
30%; also, minus impossible
distances = 20%

I 0% Intuition - same as logic, minus

20% probability that aliens
might be demons
P= (10 + 20 + 0) / 3 = 10

16. The Space Intersection theory

Intersection of two 4-dimensional spaces =

one 3-dimensional space

17. The Logic of Doubt

18. The Logic of weak Faith

19. If Earth is old - implications

# Status New Testa-


1 Jesus did not know Canceled

2 Jesus hid the truth Canceled

3 Writers lied Canceled

4 Writers told the truth Not believa-

about Resurrection, but ble
lied about the statements
of Jesus

It does not make sense to believe in evolution and

also in the Bible, because - if the theory of a multi-
billion-year-old Earth is correct, then the New Tes-
tament is a book of fairy tales.

The only theory that might reconcile the idea of bil-

lions of years with the account written in the Bible,
would be the theory that the speed of light and radi-
ation were greatly accelerated at the time of Creation.

20.The confusion about theoretical science

Presenting theories as ‘science’ leads people to per-

ceive them as equally reliable as Practical Science.
And that makes them wrongly believe that the Bible
is mistaken.

21. Ascension of Jesus

Using a perspective to simulate our 3D space and the 4th

dimension above it

The 2nd picture shows Jesus, after raising up to the

clouds, moving into the 4th dimension space.

22. Taking care of business

Frequency Body Soul (?)

Several times daily Wash hands Short prayer
(God have mercy)

2-3 times a day Eat Short prayer before and

after each meal

Morning-evening Brush teeth Lord’s Prayer

Once a week Wash clothes Attend Church

Occasionally Doctor visit Confession + commun-



The Lord’s Prayer

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from

Jesus’ prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on us”

Prayer for family

"God, please bless our home and strengthen us, your
servants: (family members) who dwell in it. Remove from
us all the curses of the enemy, the one who seeks the de-
struction of souls. Send your merciful angel to guard and
shield us from all evil.
Thank You, God, and to You, we lift up glory, to the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Before eating: “Dear Lord, please bless our food.”

After: “Dear Lord, thank You for the earthly gifts.”


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