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IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (6/1/2024) In many parts of the world, some

famous people are considered ‘role models’, and they are having an increasing
influence on the young. Is this a positive or negative development? Give
reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
 Phân tích đề bài
+ Dạng đề: Pros & Cons
+ Từ khóa: famous people, role models, increasing influence on the young.
+ Phân tích yêu cầu: Đề bài này đề cập đến ảnh hưởng của những người nổi tiếng,
được coi là “hình mẫu lý tưởng”, đối với giới trẻ ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Đề bài
yêu cầu người viết đưa ra ý kiến bản thân về việc liệu đây là một sự phát triển tích
cực hay tiêu cực.
+ Phương hướng tiếp cận
Hoàn toàn mang tính tích cực.
Hoàn toàn mang tính tiêu cực.
Một số sự tiêu cực, nhưng tính tích cực vẫn nổi trội hơn.
Một số sự tích cực, nhưng tính tiêu cực vẫn nổi trội hơn.

 Viết bài ( Writing essay)

In this day and age/ In today’s modern society the mindset of celebrities being
considered as “role models”/inspirational figures (Những hình tượng truyền cảm
hứng) is becoming much more familiar. Furthermore, they are having a profound
influence on the young generations/ the youth. From my perspective, despite some
possible drawbacks that famous people may bring to young people, I firmly believe
that this trend is a positive development, serving as a catalyst for positive growth
(chất xúc tác cho sự phát triển tích cực) and development among young people.
First of all, one significant positive aspect of celebrities as role models is their
abilities -> ability (It seems that abilities may not agree in number with other
words in this phrase: not suitable ).to inspire and motivate the young -> younger
(adj issue) generations. To clarify, the success of famous people is normally built
with persistence and hard work/Their achievements, often the result of hard work
and perseverance, Therefore, it can have a positive influence on the young’s
mindset, helping them to develop for the better. Taylor Swift is a perfect example
of someone who is a great role model for the (article usage problem) society,/ is a
perfect example of someone who exemplifies dedication and resilience , as for
(incorrect) fighting for feminism, and inspiring numerous women to be
independent, powerful and resilient.
 1 số các dẫn chứng khác:
World champion tennis player, Serena Williams, is a perfect example of someone
who exemplifies dedication and resilience (Sự kết hợp của sự cam kết (tận tụy)
và khả năng phục hồi nhanh chóng từ khó khăn (kiên cường) inspiring many to
pursue (theo đuổi) their goals with similar fervor /ˈfɜːrvər/ Sự cuồng nhiệt, nhiệt
tình (noun). Hence (for this reason; therefore) the influence of such role models
in sports and other fields can ignite a passion (rực cháy niềm đam mê, khát vọng)
for excellence and a strong work ethic (Một hệ thống nguyên tắc đạo đức tập trung
vào tầm quan trọng của sự làm việc chăm chỉ và cần cù.) among the youth.

Furthermore, famous people can positively raise young people’s awareness of

culture and society / positively heighten social and cultural awareness among
young people. Through media platforms, these famous figures have the unique
ability to spotlight (chú ý đến) critical issues, shaping the perspectives of their
younger audience/ shape the young’s mindset and perspectives. Leonardo Dicaprio,
for instance, uses his influence to bring attention to climate change,/ educating and
involving the younger generation in environmental conservation efforts (Những
nỗ lực nhằm bảo vệ môi trường tự nhiên) educating the young generations to take
actions-> action (It seems that actions may not agree in number with other words
in this phrase: not suitable) in order to->to ( Dài dòng) conserve the precious
environment. He has made a significant difference in young people’s awareness
about the importance of the (article usage problem) environment, which reduces
the possibility of environmental destruction.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that famous people sometimes can have a
negative influence on the young generations’ thoughts and behaviors. As
(incorrect) some influencers like Kardashians have created unrealistic standards of
beauty, success, and lifestyle, leading to further problems for the young -> younger
(adj issue) generations. Besides, they sometimes have controversial and unhealthy
behaviors which can badly affect young people.
 Một số các dẫn chứng khác
 Controversial Behavior: Justin Bieber has faced various legal issues,
exemplifying how celebrities can negatively influence their fans. (Bieber’s
scandals: He Hit Paparazzi With His Truck; He's Punched A Fan; Threatened To
Kill His Neighbor, Vandalized A Neighbor's House, His Legal Issues Over
 Distraction from Personal Goals: The global craze for celebrities
like BTS can sometimes distract their fans from personal or
academic goals.
In conclusion, the trend of celebrities being considered as role models is totally
(unnecessary) a positive development, / the growing influence of famous
personalities ( Những cá nhân nổi tiếng và có ảnh hưởng, đặc biệt trong lĩnh
vực giải trí, thể thao hoặc đời sống cộng đồng ) as role models is a totally
positive development, offering aspiration as well as raising/ promoting social
and cultural awareness among the youth. However, there might be some
possible drawbacks behind this trend which can lead to many problems.

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