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Revision of U 9 + U10

Answer the following questions:

I- Vocabulary:
1. I saw a man who tried to ……………… a bag.
A. pedal cab B. guide C. steal D. in a hurry
2. That diamond is not real. It is ………………
A. flyers B. backpack C. in a hurry D. fake
3. Some people are always ………….……… They don’t have time to talk and
A. artist B. in a hurry C. gallery D. fake
4. Excuse me. Can you ………………………… to me? I want to get to the
A. give B. guide C. map D. tour
5. A ……………… tried to rob the jewelry store downtown. However, he was
A. steal B. tour C. thief D. map
6. I know you can hear me. Don’t ……………… you can’t!
A. pretend B. steal C. in a hurry D. thief
7.You use a toothbrush and ……………… to brush your teeth.
A. toothpaste B. hairdryer C. shampoo D. mirror
8. You use a hair ……………… to dry your hair when it is wet.
A. toothpaste B. hairdryer C. shampoo D. mirror
9. You use ……………… to wash your hair.
A. toothpaste B. hairdryer C. shampoo D. mirror
10. You use water and dishwashing ……………… to wash dishes.
A. liquid B. dryer C. mirror D. scissors
11. You use a ……………… to brush your hair.
A. liquid B. dryer C. mirror D. hairbrush
12. You look at yourself in the ……………… when you brush your hair.
A. liquid B. dryer C. mirror D. scissors
13. You use ……………… to cut paper.
A. liquid B. dryer C. mirror D. scissors
II- Grammar
14. The officer ……………… was at the store was very nice.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
15. The computer ……………… I bought does not work well.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
16. The food ……………… is in the refrigerator is old.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
17. He enjoys _____ in the high-tech computer field.
A. work B. worked C. working D. to work
18. The salesperson was _____ pushy that I left the store without buying
A. so B. such C. much D. so much
19. There were _____ boys waiting for the elevator that we took the stairs.
A. such B. so much C. so many D. such many
20. That _____ be the last cookie. I made two dozen this morning!
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
21.He never cleans up his mess. You _____ be so annoyed with him.
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
22. We were sitting in the café when a thief _____ my bag!
A. steal B. stole C. was stealing D. stolen
23 Jack was talking on the phone _____ he was driving.
A. that B. while C. where D. which
24. She was cooking dinner _____ I arrived.
A. when B. while C. where D. which
25. I _____ at the monument when someone called my name.
A. look B. looked C. am looking D. was looking

26. I finished reading the book _____ I was riding the bus.
A. that B. where C. while D. which

27. Which sentence is correct?

A. Please put B. Please away C. Please dishes D. Please put
the away put the put away. the dishes
dishes. dishes. away.
28. Which sentence is correct?
A. Turn off the B. Off turn the C. Turn the off D. The light turns
light. light. light. off.

29. Has Adel done the grocery shopping list yet?

A. yes, he already B. yes, he does. C. yes, he did. D. yes, he does.

30. Have Adel and Faris already put their jackets in the closet?

A. No, they B. No, they didn't C. No, they do not D. No, they hadn’t
haven’t put their put their jackets in put their jackets in put their jackets in
jackets in the the closet yet. the closet yet. the closet yet.
closet yet.

31. My brother was watching TV ________________ he was eating dinner

A. while B. when

32. Ahmed was walking in the park ________________ he saw Hameed.

A. while B. when

33. Maha and Badria were studying for the math test ________________ the
phone rang.

A. while B. when

34. Mom was cutting some vegetables for dinner ________________ she cut her
A. while B. when

35. Dad was drinking coffee ________________ he was reading the newspaper.

A. while B. when

36. He was making a list of things to do ……… he was having breakfast.

A. while B. when

37. He was talking on the phone ……… he cleaned the house.

A. while B. when
38. He was thinking of what he needed to buy …….. he stopped at the grocery
A. while B. when
39. He was changing the lightbulb ……….he watched TV.

A. while B. when

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