Exam Strategy - Polity

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Exam strategy - Polity

PYQ Analysis

Topic Micro-Listing

Possible Questions (Test)


Notes Making

Tips for Intro, Body

(बा क कलम म )
Paper Pattern

5 Questions 2 Marks

5 Questions 5 Marks

4 Questions 10 Marks
World History
Nature of Questions
सीधे सलेबस के टॉ पक से

माइ ो टॉ पक से

थोडा घुमा कर , एना ल सस करवाने वाले

Division of 75 Marks
15 M
INDIA 38-39

Polity IND

Polity - Syllabus

What has been the process in the realm of Citizen's Charters in India ? Discuss the positive impact and limitations.
Polity - Syllabus
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

What did the Indian Constitution borrow from

the Governement of India Act of 1935 ? Explain.
(2013 - 5)
What was the importance of Munshi-Ayangar The first
formula in the Constituent Assembly? (2013) cabinet of
"Social justice is impossible without the Independent
Constitution : protection of human rights." comment. (5) 2013 Indian was not
Framing, "India is a federal State with several Unitary Mention the scope of of political
Features, features." Comment (5) freedom guaranteed in character but
Amendments, Examine the importance of 73rd and 74 th theobjectives resolution (2) of national
Basic amendment of the constitution of India. (5 - character."
Structure. 2008) Support or
Examine the contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in oppose the
framing the constitution of India. (2008) statement with
Do you consider that Women's Reservation Bill facts only. (5)
will enhance Women's empowerment in India ? If
yes, how ? - 2008
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Explain the implications of

Right to Life and Personal
Liberty provided in Article-21
What is the
of the Constitution of India.
Ideological Contents: constitutional status of
Preamble, 'Right to Propert' in Explain 'Fraternity' as
Explaining the various
Fundamental Rights, India ? (२ -2016) mentioned in the Preamble
implications of 'Justice'
Directive Principles Define the word of the Constitution of
described in the Preamble of
Fundamental Duties. 'Secular' as contained in India. (2)
the Constitution, discuss how
the preamble of India's
have they been assured
Constitution. (2)- 2013
through Fundamental Rights
and Directive Principles of
State Policy. (10)
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Describe the Explain the
Framework- I:
shortcomings in the constitutional provision
electoral procedure of to remove the President
Prime Minister
the President. (5) of India from his office.
Council of Ministers,
(5 M)

what is the role of

Parliamentary Define Money Bill. (2)
Election Commission in
System, Shadow Cabinet (2012)
Article 103 of the
Constitution of India?

What are the characteristic features of 'Good governance'? 2013

Polity PYQ
Syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Point out the major Explain the role of
Framework- II:
recommendations of Article-355 as a bridge
Punchi Commission (5 between Article-352
-2016) and Article-356

Chief Justice Ramana

Discuss the significance In India's
said that the tendency to
of the landmark Constitutional system,
Supreme Court, brand judicial review as
judgement of Supreme discuss the structural
High Courts, judicial overreach is not
Court of 1997 regarding and operational
Judicial Review, correct. What does he
gender justice (2016-10) aspects of conflicts for
Judicial Activism. mean? (5)
"Justice delayed is supremacy between
Describe the features and
justice denied"- the Parliament and the
evolution of Judicial
Comment. (5) Supreme Court. (10)
Review in India (10)
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Enumerate the four grounds on which a

Institutional member of UPSC can be removed by the Differentiate
Framework- III: President of India. (2) the working of
Can the Chief
EC , Discuss the major functions of Niti Aayog. (5) Planning
CAG, What are the important recommendations Commission
UPSC, regarding electoral reforms in the 255th and Nit Aayog
investigate a
NITI Aayog, report of the law (10 - 2016) and its impact
case against
CVC, "A strong Indian democracy needs important on Indian
anybody? (2)
CIC, reforms in its election system." Comment (5- Federalism.
NHRC 2013) (10)
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Political Dynamics: Role of

Caste, Religion, Class,
Ethnicity, Language and
Gender in Indian Politics,

What are the criteria for recognising a political party as a

Political Parties and Electoral
national political party ? (5)
Behaviour, Civil Society and
The "fifteenth Lok sabha elections have revived the
Political Movement,
importance of National political parties." Discuss. (2008)

Issues related to National Despite several challenges, India will remain a strong and
Integrity and Security, united Nation". Which political, administrative, social and
Potential areas of Socio- economic factors lend strength to India's Unity? Discuss.
Political conflicts. (10- 2013)
Polity PYQ
syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Explain the phenomenon of Describe the political

State Politics of 'Politicisation of Castes' in demography of
Rajasthan: Rajasthan. (2016 - 2) Rajasthan. (5) Describe the main
Party System, Comment upon the 'caste Analyse the features of First
Political Demography, politics' in Rajasthan (2010) phenomena of Assembly Election in
Different phases of Discuss the phenomenon of absence of any Rajasthan, after
Political competition in stablisation of 'Two Party effective State independence. (5)
Rajasthan, System' in the politics of political party
Rajasthan since 1998. (2016 - 10) inRajasthan (10)

Give suggestions for

Panchayati Raj and
effective working of
Urban Self Government
Gram Saba in
Rajasthan. (10)
Polity PYQ

Distinguish between the Secretariat department and the Directorates at the State Level.

Explain the process of establishing proposed Vidhan Parishad in Rajasthan.

syllabus Previous 2018 2021

Explain 'Operation Enduring What are the key points

Freedom'. (2M) of 'Abraham Accords"?
Explain the United States of What is 'THAAD'?
America's angle in the Indo- Write four major issues
China relations in South-East discussed in G-20 Rome
Asia. (5) Summit 2021. 2 M

Who was Anna Rajam

Explain the concept of
Malhotra and why she was in
'one sun, one world, one
the news recently? (2)
grid' (5)
Discuss India's stand onthe
Discuss the strategic
international initiatives on
role played by 'Quad' in
climate change. (5)
the Indo-Pacific Region.
Discuss the impact ofBrexit
(10 M)
on India - EU relations. (10)
Paper Pattern

2016 के बाद से हलवा बंद

अब बस जलेबी बँटेगी

जलेबी, करेले आ द का सेवन करना

ने ट ाइडे सीखगे
Constitution of India: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.

historical background : 1935 act, 1947 act
first cabinet
Constituent assembly -- fact + analysis
Objective resolution: philosophy 8th -- 92nd CAA, Art 343 (official lang., Munshi-
Drafting committee Ayangar formula), Art 350A (Mother tongue),
Criticism of Constituent Assembly 350B (linguistic minority), art 351 (direction for
role of ambedkar hindi), 3 language formula
Features 9th Sch : purpose, when, Provision, Judicial
Salient features review , SC -- KBC, Waman Rao (1981), IR
Borrowed ?? Coelho (2007)
Unique features
6th -- demand in ladakh
7th -- reform , Concurrent list , Committees
Constitution of India: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.

KC Wheare --> the Indian Constitution ‘strikes a
good balance between flexibility and rigidity
Art 368 in part XX
3 Types -- Simple, Spl and Spl + ratification of
half --> examples
106th Amendment Act -- Women’s reservation
other key amd -- 1st, 42nd (Mini Consti.), 44nd,
52nd, 73rd and 74th, 61th, 86th
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar -- Indian constitution
is a living document, and it must evolve with
the changing times, challenges, and aspirations
of the nation.
Constitution of India: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.
Constitution of India: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.

The Munshi-Ayyangar formula

The Munshi-Ayyangar formula is named after
Drafting Committee members K M Munshi and N
Gopalaswamy Ayyangar.
The Munshi-Ayyangar Formula was proposed in
1950, which recommended Hindi in Devanagari
Script to be the Official Language in India along
with English for a period of 15 years.
This formula faced opposition from non-Hindi
speaking states, who demanded the use of their
respective regional languages.
As part of the Munshi-Ayyangar formula, Article
343 of the Constitution was adopted in 1950.
Constitution of India: Framing, Features, Amendments, Basic Structure.

Basic Structure
50 Years of Kesavanand Bharti
Judgment and the Basic
Structure Doctrine (VP vs CJI-
North star)
KBC case
significance छपके आ
Issues रहा है
way forward
Ideological Contents: Preamble, FRs, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.

Separation of Power -- issues bw judiciary and Representative Parliamentary demo. 3) Broader-

executives Political as well as social and eco. democracy .
Doctrine of Checks and Balances
Social Demo. (way of life- LEF trinity)
Theory of Constitutionalism (Limited Govt)
Justice -- Social, Econmic, and political -->
Ingredient : Source, Nature, Objetives 2/5 Provisions
Amd - 42nd
Equality : 3 dimension - Civil, Political, &
sovereignty? Discuss the constitutional provision.
(UNCHR in CAA 19, Digital Sov.)
Fraternity : Provision, factor limiting, way
Socialist --> Features in DPSP
Secular : Meaning, Difference with West, Consti. forward (51A(e) )
Provision -- preamble, FR, DPSP Significance
debate over insertion of Socialist and Secular Status of Preamble
Democratic : 1) popular sovereignty, 2)
Ideological Contents: Preamble, FRs, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.

FRs demand for local reservation (Domicile based)

Ideal of Political Democracy Art 17 - Provision
Features Right to Freedom (19-22)
Differentiates between citizens and aliens Art 19(1)(a)
Article 13 --> Doctrine of JR -> laws ? Hate Speeches
Right to Equality (14-18) 19(2) restriction ;
Art 14 : Equality before law and Equal protection of SC Expands scope of 19/21 -- Pvt person too
laws -- other source, rakesh Kr case Sedition law : SG Vombatkere case 2022
Exception under art 14 19(1)(b)-freedom of assembly
art 15 (1) -- sabrimala case, Permanent commission Right to assemble, to protest : (The Andhra Pradesh
Art 16(4), 16(6)- EWS High Court ; SC Guidelines in Mazdoor Kisan Shakti
Reservation : feature, valid 5 condxn Sangathan case (2018) -- for peaceful assembly and
Indira sahney case, M. Nagraj, Jarnail singh (2018) regulating protests and demonstrations.
Reservation on economic criteria : 103rd -- EWS , Fake news : harmful effect, challanges, suggestion
SC Judgement and provisions
revisiting reservation Right to Privacy Vs Right to Know. (Electoral Bond)
Ideological Contents: Preamble, FRs, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.

Art 21 :
scope (AK golpalan to Maneka gandhi case), swapnil SC--> FR in Articles 19 and 21 are
tripathi (live streaming), Puttaswamy (Privacy), Navtej enforceable even against other persons,
singh Johar (2018), Josesph shine (2018 - audultry), and not just the State and its instruments.
Hadiya case (2018) Article 21 includes the Right to Live with
Procedure Establish by Law v/s Due Process of Law Dignity. (Common cause Vs UoI 2018) -
capital punishment and Right to life passive Euthanasia and Living Wills.
Environment and Art 21 : MC mehta case --Public trust The Issue of Same-Sex Marriages : In the
doctrine, Doctrine of Absolute liablility, Precautionary Navtej Johar Judgment, the Supreme
principle, Biocentrism; MK Ranjitsinh (2021 - GIB) Court only decriminalised sexual
right to shelter -- Olega tellis case (1985), bulldozer intercourse between same- sex persons,
concern but didn’t accept same-sex marriage as
right to health part of the fundamental right to life and
Right to Statutory Bail (Ritu Chhabaria Case -- Article dignity under Article 21 of the
21 ) Constitution.
Right to Privacy -- Puttaswamy case, aadhar judgement
Ideological Contents: Preamble, FRs, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.

art 21A Cultural and Educational Rights (29-30)

Art 22 : Preventive Detention , SC Observation
UAPA Misuse Right to Constitutional Remedies (art 32), Writs
right against exploitation (art 23-24)
right to freedom of religion (25-28)
Right to Property
Article 25 guarantees all citizens the Freedom of
conscience and the freedom to profess, propagate,
Non-Applicability : Art 33, and art 34
and practice religion.
limitations on the grounds of: Public
IR. Coelho case (2007),
order,Morality and Health
Article 26 – Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs :
Article 27 – Freedom from payment of taxes Exception to FR : art 31 A, B , C
Article 28 – Freedom as to attendance at Religious
instruction Significance of FR
Indian Concept of Secularism Vs WEST
Essential Practices doctrine Limitation of FR
Ideological Contents: Preamble, FRs, DPSP, Fundamental Duties.

DPSPs Conclusion म काम आएगी

In 2018, the 21st Law Commission of India came
Austin -- conscience of the consti.
out with a consultation paper which said that
UCC was “neither necessary nor desirable at this
Liberal - Intellectual
New Directives
conflict bw FR and DPSP : Present Position,
Minerva Mills case
Balance bw Rights and Duty
FRs Vs FDs
Difference bw FR and DPSP
Institutional Framework- I: Parliamentary System, President, PM and CoM,

1st and 17th/18th LS election

Parliamentary System Speaker
Features (Vs Presidential System) Role and Powers
Merits removal
independence and impartiality
issue : imaprtiality ?, Money Bill, Role in anti defection
Reason for adoption
SC : permanent tribunal (Keisham meghachandra case)
Distinction bw Indian and British Model
way forward : UK, JLN quote
Proportional Representation Vs FPTP
Chairman of RS -- (Compare with Speaker), removal, powets
Membership : qualification (+RPA, 51) Leader of Opposition (Mavalankar’s Rule)
Disqualification (+ RPA, 51 + Defection ROLE OF OPPOSITION
Institutional Framework- I: Parliamentary System, President, PM and CoM,

Suggested reforms : NCRWC

Adjournment sine die Parliamentary Privileges :
Accountability -- Zero, qxn hr, Collective and Individual, Breach, Sources,
Motions -- Adjournment motion, No confidence Issues
Motion, Motion of thanks Privileges Committee.
Public vs Private Bill Anti defection law
Money Bills vs Ordinary Bill Origin, definition,
Joint sittings - when, instances Criteria
Functions of Parliament argument in favor and against
legislative -- on state list, Delegated legistlation partisan role of speaker
RS : utility, Argument against, Punchi, Reform kihoto hollohan judgement
Position of RS Vs LS (equal, unequal and way forward
Special) Parliamentary Committees
Issues in Parliamentary Functioning -- Fin. : Public accounts committee : Functions,
limitation and Importance; Estimate and PSU
Institutional Framework- I: Parliamentary System, President, PM and CoM,

Criminal Defamation in India (Rahul Gandhi)
low number of sitting
The Supreme Court has referred the Nabam
Rebia Judgment to a larger Bench, noting that
it is in conflict with the ‘Kihoto Hollohan’
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Freedom of
Speech of Ministers
Contesting Elections from Two Constituencies
increasing criminalisation
low representation of women
Institutional Framework- I: Parliamentary System, President, PM and CoM,

Relationship with Presi : Art 74, art 75, and
electoral college
art 78
why indirect election
Powers : Legislative etc
art 74
Veto power :
art 75
Increase in Ordinance Promulgation
article 78 : duties of PM
Pardoning Power
Collective responsibility
Situational Discretion
Cabinet vs CoM
kitchen cabinet, shadow cabinet
Powers : CoM, Presi, other
Institutional Framework- II: Federalism, Centre-State relations

Art 1 trends : weakening as well as counterbalancing

Art 2 reform needed
Art 3 SR Bommai case -- Pragmatic federalism
Integration - Dhar and JVP other trends
Fazal Ali Commission (State Reorganisation One nation one language
Commission) reform in 7th sch
7th CAA CBI vs States ; issue of consent
Assam Accord Umbrella institution
Asymmetric Federalism in India (370)
Federal System
Exists both vertically (between Centre and States) and
indian model -- canadian
horizontally (among the States).
Political Approach : 4 phase
Vertical : Article 3 , Article 352 and 356,Article 248
federal features in our consti. residuary powers, Single Citizenship ,Governor’s
unitary features Appointment
Critical Evaluation --> KC wheare (unitary state Horizontal Asymmetry : Article 371-371J, Schedule 5
with subsidiary features), and 6, Article 239AA
Austin - Coop. fed ?; Competitive fed significance and challenges
Institutional Framework- II: Federalism, Centre-State relations

centre-state relations current

Fiscal federalism Issues Related to the Office of Governor (TN, KR,
Legislative : parliamentary legislation in WB, MH) -- Appointment & Removal, Discretionary
state field Power, Tussle with CM;
Planning Commission Vs Niti Aayog यहाँ से भी Article 239AA
All india services ए सपे टे ड Government of NCT Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2023 :
During Covid है NCCSA
during Emergency ; President rule Role of the Governor in Assenting Bills Passed by
Role of Governor the State Legislature
Suggestion : ARC, Punchi, Sarkaria, NCRWC Amendments to the Multi-Cooperative Societies
Demand for smaller states Act, 2002
Special cat. status Punchhi Commission Report
Tension areas : Concurrent list, FC ToR Demand for Greater Autonomy in Ladakh
Inter-State River Disputes in India
I F- II: Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism.

Supreme Court Justice Delivery

Appointment and Qualification Challanges
3rd judge case Pendency : ADR
Removal of judges vacancies
representations - women Judges
Independence of SC
Regional Benches (art 130)
Free legal Aid
Judicial Overreach : Encroachment in legis.
PIL : Purpose, issues, Examples, way for.
and Exe. functions
Collegium System : criticism, and positive
High Court
NJAC- Unconstitutional
appointment, qualification
Jurisdiction : Original, Writ, Advisory Removal
Power of Judicial Review : meaning, Articles, Independence
Importance, Scope, Limitation, cases Transfers
Judicial Accountability Power of Judicial Review
I F- II: Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism.

Judicial intervention->Judicial Activism->Judicial


Judicial Activism:
Imp SC Judgement Meaning
VIP Examples
Baki May me de dunga updates Justification
Judicial Overreach
I F- II: Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism.

Recusal of Judges from Cases (Need to reform)
Judicial and administrative powers of Chief
Utility of Article 142 for providing the
Justice of India
"complete justice
Pendency of Cases in Judiciary
SC: ‘suitability’ of a candidate cleared by the
Procedural Factors in Judicial Delays (3 A’s -
Collegium for appointment as a judge in a
Adjournments,Admissions , Appeals )
Constitutional Court cannot be a subject of
Age of Retirement of Judges
judicial review.
A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Selection of
has said that the Fundamental Rights in
Election Commissioners --> Later Act
Articles 19 and 21 are enforceable even
Chief Justice of India has condemned the
against other persons, and not just the State
practice of Forum Shopping.
and its instruments. --> Social Media to Pvt
Transfer of HC Judges (abrupt)
All-India Judicial Services (AIJS)

role of constitutional bodies in democracy, Electoral reforms : judiciary driven

Challenges faced by them in their independent Criminalisation of Politics : meaning , Reason, Impact,
functioning. legal provision, way forward, Steps
EC Lily thomas case
Composition 2018 SC judgement
Independence provision Role of Social Media
Powers and Functions Current:
Flaws : qualification, terms, further appointment voting rights to internal migrants in India.
Role of Election in democracy Delimitation Commission
Recent SC judgement (Anoop baranwal case One Nation, One Election: Simultaneous Elections for
2023)and Act of Parlia. Lok Sabha and State Assemblies (favor and against)
Role of EC : issues, implication, way forward Supreme Court declares electoral bonds scheme
suggestion to strengthen EC unconstitutional
NOTA State funding of election
MCC Model Code of Conduct (MCC): Provisions and
EVM Concerns
RPA , 51 -- Freebies/Rewdi culture

Concerns and Constraints
Key Achievements
Indexes and Initiatives
NITI Aayog’s Vision @75
Role : Watch dog of merit system
office and role
emergence of CVC
Niti Aayog:
Objectives of NITI Aayog इनको हटाना पसंद है
Vision for Inclusive and Sustainable
Duties and Powers
Comparative Analysis of Planning Commission
and NITI Aayog
examples of cases highlighted

CIC NGOs under RTI

formation Political Parties under RTI
Service Condxn ,and Removal CJI under RTI
Powers and Functions 2nd ARC recommendations
Supreme Court criticized governments for not CVC
filling vacancies in Information Commissions. santhanm committee
RTI Removal
Public authority Independence
Section 4 Functions
Amendement to RTI act 2019 Challenges
efficacy Jurisdiction
Jan Soochna Portal

composition, Removal
FUNCTIONS and Powers
CHALLENGES/ Limitations
ACT, 2019
performance examples
Critic : Supreme court: It is a “toothless tiger”.
way forward
The instances of custodial violence in India has
remained high. (11,419 deaths in police/judicial
custody between 2016-17 to 2021-22 )
Political Dynamics: Role of Caste, Religion, Class, Ethnicity, Language and
Gender in Indian Politics

differences between Ambedkar and Mandal Commission's view of

Vote bank Politics :
caste : Protective discrimination to remove untouchability Vs caste as
Positive and Negatives
an important political resource.
origin of confrontational identity politics based on caste --> 1) state
Identity Politics
support in the form of protective discrimination. 2) reinforced by the
Role of Caste
emergence of political consciousness around caste identities is
factor : FPTP, mandal comission
institutionalised by the caste-based political parties (BSP, SP)
role: cased based reservation/seat
caste-based identity politics has had a dual role in Indian society and
allocation/cabinet distribution
polity. It relatively democratised the caste-based Indian society but
caste census : favour, disadvantages,
siinultaneously undermined the evolution of class-based
way forward
OBC and Dalit politics
shifing caste-class alliances : net effect --> empowerment of newly
sec 123(3) of RPA 51
emerging groups but has increased the intensity of confrontational
Effects of Casteism
politics and possibly leading to a growing crisis of governability.
Political Dynamics: Role of Caste, Religion, Class, Ethnicity, Language and
Gender in Indian Politics

Role of class
Religion middle, corporate (Electoral bond), Poor
The generally accepted myths that process the agri class
identity divide on religious lines centre on the
'appeasement theory', 'forcible religious Role of Ethnicity
conversions', the 'hegemonic aspirations' of sons of soil -- Mh -- shiv sena
majority groups and 'denial of a socio-cultural Naga, Tamil (dravidian movement), Gorkhaland,
space' to minority groups. Bodoland
Role of Groups like - RSS, Bajrangdal, akali dal demand for smaller states
extemism by bhindrawale Manipur crisis
Babri demolition
love jihad, cow vigilantism , Sec 8 of RPA, 51 :
UCC Disqualification. --> causing enemity over religion,
language or region
Political Dynamics: Role of Caste, Religion, Class, Ethnicity, Language and
Gender in Indian Politics

Role of Language
Protest against hindi
Role of Gender
formation of linguistic states
debate --> 1) reservation 2) equality (Tripple
Disputes :benaglis vs Assemes
talaq & UCC), entrance movement (sabrimala
fictioius North - sotuth divide
case) 3) ban on alchohol
Qxn of recognition in 8th sch
Me too movement
3 language formula
3rd Gender status to LGBTq , sect 377
linguistic minority
Women Reservation NEP
Gill formula One nationa, one language
कुछ तो आएगा
art 351, art 344
Political Dynamics: Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour, Civil Society
and Political Movement

Political Parties
NP/SP status recognition, benefits Electoral / Voting Behavior
determinant : caste, religion, language, region,
Emergence of Regional parties
personality, anti incumbency, charisma ,
One dominant party system revived
ideology, social media, other factor
Personalty cult -- PM modi, Rahul gandhi, Kejriwal
Role of media
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Shiv Sena Dispute
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on
Election Commission’s Order on Shiv Sena Dispute
Inner-Party Democracy in India Personnel, Public Grievance, Law, and Justice has
Bringing Political Parties under the Purview of the proposed lowering the minimum age for
RTI Act contesting elections from 25 to 18 years.
Political Dynamics: Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour, Civil Society
and Political Movement
Political Movement
Civil Society Land reform movement
NGOs Bhudan
Pressure Groups Cooperative Movement in India: From Anand
Why ? -- PPL centric devp, Development deficit, Pattern to NDDB
Info age Total revolution - JP in 1974
Role : Dalit Panther Movement
Social Change -- PETA Agrarian Struggles : naxalbari , Farmer Protest 1.0,
Defending civil liberties - PUCL, ADR 2.0
Transparency and Acc. -- T.I. Protest against CAA
Technical support to govt : PRS, ORF ENv : Narmada Bachao Andolan, Save Silent Valley
Bridge bw Govt and Public Movements, Chipko
Existential threats other : women related -- SEWA, SHGs, Me too
Need for structural reforms RTI Movement, Lokpal movement
Political Dynamics: Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour, Civil Society and
Political Movement
Political Dynamics: Issues related to National Integrity and Security,
Potential areas of Socio-Political conflicts.

National Integrity and Security

Unrest in Manipur: Implications for Regional Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues,
Security Commualism -- Delhi riots, Nuh violence
peace in kashmir -- art 370 Impact organised crime -- Lawarence
Terrorism India has started the process of bringing in a
naxalism National Security Strategy(NSS). The National
Mob Lynching Security Council Secretariat (NSCS)
Radicalisation -- kanhaiya murder
Maritime security : Piracy, Indo pacific Potential areas of Socio-Political Conflicts
Fake news 1. Inter state dispute -- land boundary, Water
Cyber security 2. Communalism
Drug trafficking 3. Migration and encroachment.
Border Mgt : Pak and CHin
Political Dynamics: Issues related to National Integrity and Security,
Potential areas of Socio-Political conflicts.
State Politics of Rajasthan: Party System, Political Demography, Different
phases of Political competition in Rajasthan

Party System
1. stage : कां ेस भु व (एक दलीय ) 1952-57
2. कां ेस णाली का अंत (1977-1980)
3. कां ेस क पुनः ापना (1980-1990)
4. सं मण काल, गठबंधन सरकार का दौर (1990-98) Political Demography
5. दलीय णाली क ापना (1998 - present) 1st election : result जाते जाते थोड़ा नेक
-- reason, Impact (+, -) of two party system last election : vote %, seats won काम कर दे ता ँ

--why regional parties not much successful by political parties

---voters,Gender Dynamics :
Different phases of Political competition: male-female, Urban-rural, Age
1. राजनी तक अ रता का चरण (1949-54) group -young , Old etc ; Ethnic
2. एक दलीय भु व का चरण (1954-1977) and Religious Composition
3. वप का युग (1977-1980)
4. गुटबंद से सत पुनः कां ेसवाद का काल (1980-90)
5. शंकु ब मत का भाजपावाद (1990-98)
6. दलीय व ा का युग (98- present)
State Politics of Rajasthan: Panchayati Raj and Urban Self Government
समझ नह आता एक बार
ह द भी इ तेमाल करना होता है

Sir छोटे ब े हो या ?
Polity Current Affairs

Old but important

Passage of Women’s Reservation Bil
role of welfare schemes Vs Freebies

Utility of Article 142 for providing the "complete justice

In Bhopal gas tragedy case 1991, SC ordered UCC to pay $470 million in compensation for the
In Siddiq v. Mahant Suresh Das– (Ayodhya dispute)
In recent five-judge constitution bench 2023,Supreme Court held that a court can directly grant
divorce under Article 142
Concern -- Overreach -- a ban liquor stores along National Highways on a distance of 500 metres
As held by apex court in ‘State of Karnataka vs Umadevi’, “complete justice” under Article 142
should be based on law and not sympathy
Polity Current Affairs

Jan 23
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Freedom of
Speech of Ministers
Vice President’s Remarks Regarding Basic
Structure Doctrine
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Demonetisation
Age of Retirement of Judges
ACT, 2023 : An Act to amend certain enactments
for decriminalising and rationalising offences to
further enhance trust-based governance for ease
of living and doing business.
Caste-based Census in Bihar
Polity Current Affairs

Feb 23
The Supreme Court has explained that ‘suitability’ of a candidate cleared by the Collegium for appointment
as a judge in a Constitutional Court cannot be a subject of judicial review. Therefore, it cannot issue a writ of
certiorari quashing the recommendation, or mandamus calling upon the Collegium of the Supreme Court to
reconsider its decision.
Contesting Elections from Two Constituencies : Section 33(7) was added to the Act through an amendment in
Supreme Court’s Guidelines on Living Will : In 2018, the Supreme Court recognised and gave sanction for
passive euthanasia and Living Will or Advance Medical Directives. The SC had ruled that the Right to Life
under Article 21 includes the Right to Live with Dignity. The Right to Live with Dignity includes the
smoothening of the process of dying in case of a terminally ill patient or a person in a persistent vegetative
state with no hope of recovery.
Modified Guidelines by the Supreme Court on Living Will/Advance Medical Directive : do away with the
necessity of a judicial magistrate to attest or countersign a living will.
(MeitY) has issued orders to block 138 online betting platforms and 94 money lending apps under Section
69(A) of the Information Technology Act, 2000. The Ministry of Home Affairs had recommended closure
citing links of Apps to China.
Polity Current Affairs

March 2023
The Union Government will start the process of seeking comments of States on the Punchhi Commission Report on
Centre-State Relationship.
Post-Retirement Employment of Judges --> A study by Vidhi Centre of Legal Policy (2016) noted that 70 out of the last
100 (then) retired SC judges took post-retirement jobs. A Supreme Court Judge has been appointed as the Governor of
a State within one month of his retirement. Such appointments raise concern about impartiality of the Judges.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Election Commissioners will be appointed by the President based on the
recommendations of a Committee comprising the PM, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and the Chief Justice of
Election Commission’s Order on Shiv Sena Dispute :: Name and Symbols for political parties are reserved under the
Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 . The ECI relied on the ‘Test of Majority’ to arrive at its decision. The
Commission also considered two other tests, ‘Test of Party Constitution’ and ‘Test of Aims and Objects’ (ideology), but
decided that neither of them can be used to settle the dispute. (+ Sadiq Ali v. Election Commission of India (1971). )
The Courts have recently granted bail to two journalists booked under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
Critics point out misuse of the law to curb dissent. (NIA vs Zahoor Ahmad Watali (2020): The SC held that ‘prima facie
true’ would mean that the materials/evidence collated by the investigating agency must prevail until contradicted and
overcome or disproved by other evidence. ; Test of Proportionality)
Polity Current Affairs

March 2023
Governor’s Power to Seek Information from the CM, Call the Assembly: SC Observations (Pj case) -->
1)Not furnishing the information would be a dereliction of Constitutional duty imposed on the CM. 2)
The Governor can’t employ his discretion against the advice of the Cabinet to convene the Assembly.
Disqualification of Legislators (Kerlaa case, Art 102 , Lily thomas case)
Legislator facing Disqualification Can’t Attend Floor Test: Supreme Court --> would amount to
“legitimising” a “Constitutional sin. will defeat the very purpose of the Tenth Schedule
Internet Shutdowns in India
Transitions of Women’s Movement in India : According to a US-based Academic, the thrust of Women’s
Movement in India has transitioned from serving as a beacon of nationalist movement to a rights-based
civil society movement to a State-led movement for economic empowerment.
Polity Current Affairs

Recusal of Judges from Cases
Criminal Defamation in India (Rahul Gandhi)
Issues Related to Preventive Detention --> The Supreme Court’s observation that preventive
detention laws are a colonial legacy and confer arbitrary powers on the state , must be used only in
rarest of rare cases
IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Amendment Rules, 2023
Supreme Court’s Judgment in Media One Case
National Party’ Status for Political Parties
Parliamentary Standing Committee Recommendations on the CBI
Status of India’s Police Forces: India Justice Report, 2022
SC : have observed that bills sent to the governor for assent must be returned "as soon as possible
(Telangana case) -- article 200 and 201 ; Governor power over the bill ; Tamil Nadu Assembly
passed a resolution urging the President to fix a timeline for the Governors to act on the Bills
passed by the Assembly.
Polity Current Affairs

50 Years of Kesavanand Bharti Judgment and the Basic Structure Doctrine
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Shiv Sena Dispute
Unrest in Manipur: Implications for Regional Security
The Supreme Court has referred the Nabam Rebia Judgment to a larger Bench, noting that it is in conflict with the ‘Kihoto
Hollohan’ Judgment. --> The Nabam Rebia verdict doubted the ability of the speaker to remain neutral while deciding
disqualification petitions after a resolution to remove them is moved, the Kihoto Hollohan order of the SC had stated there
was no reason to doubt the independence and impartiality of the Speaker when adjudicating such proceedings under the
Tenth Schedule.
Supreme Court on Right to Statutory Bail : The Supreme Court has clarified that Courts could grant default bail without
relying on the Ritu Chhabaria Judgment. It held that incomplete charge sheets filed by the police would not bar an accused
from applying for default bail. The SC said the right of default bail under Section 167(2) of the CrPC is not merely a
statutory right, but a fundamental right that flows from Article 21 of the Constitution.
The Andhra Pradesh High Court has struck down an order of Government of Andhra Pradesh that sought to regulate public
meetings, processions, and assemblies on roads etc. The HC said that the “right to assemble, to protest peacefully, and to
express one’s opinion freely” is an important freedom which cannot be taken away. SC Guidelines in Mazdoor Kisan Shakti
Sangathan vs Union of India (2018) -- for peaceful assembly and regulating protests and demonstrations.
Polity Current Affairs

Dilution of Parliamentary Control Over the Executive (when Majority) :: tools ?
Law Commission has recommended amending Section 124A, rather than repealing it. :
Alignment with Kedar Nath Judgment: there must be a ‘pernicious tendency to incite violence’ to
invoke the sedition law, .
Procedural Safeguards: revision to Section 154 of CrpC stipulating that an FIR under Section 124A can
only be registered following a preliminary inquiry by a police officer and subsequent approval by the
Union or State Government.
Punishment: increase the jail term to 7 years or life imprisonment. The present provision of
imprisonment of 3 years or life imprisonment lead to arbitrariness and subjectivity in the award of
UCC: 22nd Law Commission has sought fresh views on implementing Uniform Civil Code in India.
Polity Current Affairs

Criminalization of Politics: Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR)
has written to the Election Commission of India (ECI) to seek action
against political parties that have failed to publish details of criminal
records of their candidates.
Internet Shutdowns in India : Temporary Suspension of Telecom
Services rules, 2017 --> now only be ordered by the Home Secretary
of the Union or State Governments. --> where “necessary” or
“unavoidable”, during a “public emergency” or in the “interest of
public safety”.
Power of a Governor to Dismiss a Minister (TN minister) -- art 163(1),
art 164(1); Shamsher Singh and Anr vs State Of Punjab (1974), Nabam
Rebia vs Deputy Speaker (2016)
Karnataka High Court Judgment in Twitter Case : Twitter, as a foreign
entity, could not invoke the constitutional guarantee of free speech
and expression on behalf of its users. It imposed a fine of INR 50 lakh
on Twitter for indulging in ‘speculative litigation’ despite not
complying with the blocking orders for a long period.
Polity Current Affairs

Supreme Court’s Judgment Regarding Tenure of Enforcement Directorate Chief : The Parliament has the right to modify laws
to extend the tenure of positions like the ED and CBI chief. While, the Parliament has the authority to change the laws, it
should not be done randomly or without good reason.
Singing of National Anthem: SC Judgments
----> Bijoe Emmanuel case(1986) : The SC held that forcing them to sing the Anthem violated their fundamental right to
religion under Article 25 of the Constitution. “real test of a true democracy is the ability of even an insignificant minority to
find its identity under the country’s Constitution”.
----> Shyam Narayan Chouksey vs Union of India (2018) :Court modified its interim order. The SC held that the extent that
playing of the National Anthem prior to the screening of feature films in cinema halls is not mandatory, but optional or
Union Government will soon set up women-only courts called Nari Adalats. : at the village level as an alternate dispute
resolution forum for resolving issues like domestic violence, property rights and countering the patriarchal system.
Accreditation of the National Human Rights Commission has been deferred for a year. : Global Alliance for National Human
Rights Institutions (GANHRI) -> improve compliance with the Paris Principles ; NHRC will be unable to represent India at the
UN Human Rights Council.
Supreme Court’s handling of the Ritu Chhabria Judgment has raised concerns regarding the functioning of the Master of
Roster System.
Polity Current Affairs

August, 23
Supreme Court’s Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes and Gender Justice
The CEC and Other ECs (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Bill, 2023
Bringing Political Parties under the Purview of the RTI Act
Mediation Bill, 2021 has been passed by the Parliament.
Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023
EnforcementDirectorate(ED): Functioning and Challenges
Rule 176 and 267 of the Rules of Procedure in the Rajya Sabha : Government had agreed for a ‘short-term’
discussion under Rule 176. The Opposition pressed for suspending all business under Rule 267 and discuss the
issue of violence in Manipur
Government of NCT Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2023 : NCCSA , It violates the Triple Chain of Command
mentioned by the Supreme Court.
Parliamentary Panel’s Recommendations on Judiciary : 1) SC and High Court Judges should declare their
assets annually. 2) retirement age of the judges should be raised 3) Regional benches of the SC should be
established outside Delhi. 4) number of holidays (especially practice of long breaks, ‘a colonial legacy’) should
be reduced. 5) address the poor representation of women and marginalized communities in the higher
Polity Current Affairs

August, 23
Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023 : The Jan Vishwas Act aims to decriminalize around
180 offences by amending 42 laws across sectors including environment, agriculture, media, industry
and publication. The Act will help in rationalizing criminal provisions to ensure that citizens,
businesses and the Government departments operate without fear of imprisonment for minor or
technical defaults.
Rohini Commission set up to examine the sub-categorisation of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) has
submitted its Report to the President.
Teaching in Mother Tongue : CBSE has allowed affiliated schools to use Indian languages as an
optional medium of instruction from pre-Primary Stages to Class 12.
Special Development Councils (SDCs), established by the Government of Odisha, are helping in the
preservation of the tribal culture.
Polity Current Affairs

Sep, 23
One Nation, One Election: Simultaneous Elections for Lok Sabha and State Assemblies
Reservation for Women in Legislatures
A petition has been filed by Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) in the Supreme Court seeking 100%
counting of Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT )
--->in Subramanian Swamy vs. Election Commission of India (2013), where it held the VVPAT is an indispensable
requirement of free and fair elections.
---> In 2018, the Election Commission mandated the counting of VVPAT slips of one randomly selected polling
station per Assembly constituency. After a Supreme Court Judgment in 2019, it was increased to 5 polling
stations per Assembly seat.
National Judicial Data Grid : an online platform under the e-Courts Project. NJDG works as a monitoring tool to
identify, manage and reduce pendency of cases.
Pro Bono Legal Services and Nyaya Bandhu App
A 5-Judge Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court has refused to grant legal status to same-sex marriages
in India. : 1) rejected the question of declaring marriage as a fundamental right. 2) Re-Interpretation of the
Special Marriage Act (SMA) 1954 3) CARA provisions are discriminatory. But these provisions cannot be stuck
down by the Judiciary 4) Judiciary should not prescribe civil unions as a choice
Polity Current Affairs

Oct, 23
same sex marriage : favor and against
A 5-Judge Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court has refused to grant legal status to same-sex marriages
in India. : 1) rejected the question of declaring marriage as a fundamental right. 2) Re-Interpretation of the
Special Marriage Act (SMA) 1954 3) CARA provisions are discriminatory. But these provisions cannot be stuck
down by the Judiciary 4) Judiciary should not prescribe civil unions as a choice
Inter-State River Disputes in India
The Law Commission has recommended to retain the existing age of consent under the POCSO Act.
ED Must Inform the Accused of Grounds of Arrest: Supreme Court --> Article 22(1) of the Constitution says,
“No person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed, as soon as may be, of the
grounds for such arrest nor shall he be denied the right to consult, and to be defended by, a legal practitioner
of his choice”.
Polity Current Affairs

Nov, 23
Issues Associated with Electoral Bonds : Significance, Drawbacks, approach going ahead? , Law
commission 255th report, Right to Privacy and Right to Know.
State Funding of Election
Ethics Committee of the Lok Sabha investigated the allegations of ‘cash for query’ (accepting bribe to
ask questions in the Parliament) against a Lok Sabha MP. : Significance, issues , scope
The Issue of Governors Assent to Bills : SC earlier judgment
concerns : Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra may politicize the bureaucracy.
Supreme Court criticized governments for not filling vacancies in Information Commissions.
The Supreme Court has expressed concerns about the use of Preventive Detention Law by the
Government of Telangana. ( dealt with in the Article 22 of the Constitution)
The Government of India is all set to implement the DNA and Face-matching Systems at 1,300 police
stations across India.
APAAR ID: ‘One Nation, One ID’ for Students
Polity Current Affairs

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs has suggested to make adultery a criminal offense again. The
Supreme Court had decriminalized adultery in 2018. (favour and against)
Supreme Court’s Judgment on Abrogation of Article 370 (Verdict, benefit, criticism); declaration of State
Emergency under Article 356 and the subsequent actions of the President must demonstrate a “reasonable nexus”.
All-India Judicial Services (AIJS)
Model Code of Conduct (MCC): Provisions and Concerns
Punjab and Haryana High Court has quashed the Haryana Assembly’s legislation providing 75% reservation to State
domiciles in the private sector jobs (with certain conditions).
(Kailash Chand Sharma vs State of Rajasthan case (2002): The Supreme Court ruled that residence, be it within a
state, district or any other area, cannot be a basis for preferential reservation or treatment.)
Subordinate Legislation Committee of Rajya Sabha has expressed concerns over the delay in framing of
rules/regulations for the Acts passed by the Parliament.
Suspension of MPs : 141 MPs (95 from Lok Sabha, 46 from Rajya Sabha) were suspended from the Parliament during
the Winter Session. (Lok Sabha -Rules 373, 374, and 374A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business. In the
Rajya Sabha --Rules 255 and 256 of the Rules.)
Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has acted against coaching institutes for misleading advertisements.
These institutes falsely claim top students as their own to attract more business.
Polity Current Affairs
Polity Current Affairs
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