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Jean Metelus

Grand Canyon University

Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

Dr. Chris Wood

During my time shadowing the principal and touring the school campus with the facility

manager, I gained valuable insights into the key roles of a principal in managing a school

facility. The principal plays a crucial role in explaining, clarifying, and demonstrating the duties

and functions required for effective facility management. This includes ensuring that safety

protocols are clearly communicated and adhered to, overseeing repairs and maintenance, and

upholding standards of cleanliness and organization.

During the tour, I observed the facility manager's responsibilities, which included

overseeing campus operations such as safety inspections, repairs, maintenance, and cleanliness. I

identified areas where improvements were needed, such as repairing damaged playground

equipment, addressing leaks in the roof, and improving custodial services to maintain


Issues that could be considered liabilities by the district insurance company include safety

hazards such as broken equipment, inadequate lighting, and slippery floors. To address these

issues, possible solutions include implementing regular safety inspections, prioritizing repairs

based on urgency, and providing ongoing training for staff on safety protocols.

My principal mentor employs procedures to monitor and manage operations, including

conducting regular walkthroughs of the campus, communicating with the facility manager and

staff, and soliciting feedback from students and parents. By applying what I have learned, I will

prioritize the safety and welfare of students and staff, allocate resources effectively, and
implement procedures for monitoring and managing school operations in my future professional

practice. This aligns with Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) Standard 7

(Ethics and Professional Norms) and Standard 10 (Operations and Management).

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